ENTRY 41111 20221011 42094111100000001 SUBENT 41111001 20221011 42094111100100001 BIB 8 27 4111100100002 TITLE Measurements of the fission cross section ratios 4111100100003 232Th/235U and 234U/235U for 0.13-7.4 MeV neutrons 4111100100004 AUTHOR (B.I.Fursov, E.Yu.Baranov, M.P.Klemyshev, B.F.Samylin, 4111100100005 G.N.Smirenkin, Yu.M.Turchin) 4111100100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4111100100007 REFERENCE (J,SJA,71,827,1991) Engl.translation of AE,71,320,1991 4111100100008 (J,AE,71,320,1991) Issue 4. 4111100100009 (C,88MITO,,141,1988) Prelim.values in table and figs. 4111100100010 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) Electrostatic accelerators 4111100100011 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7,D-D,P-T) 4111100100012 CORRECTION Corrected for 4111100100013 - energy dependence of fission chamber efficiency 4111100100014 < or = 1.6% 4111100100015 - difference of neutron fluxes through fissile layers 4111100100016 < or = 1.1% 4111100100017 - fissile impurities and neutron inelastic scattering 4111100100018 < or = 0.5 %4111100100019 - neutron background of exp. hall - 0.3-0.7 % 4111100100020 - neutron background from accompanying reactions - 4111100100021 see details in the article. 4111100100022 HISTORY (19921207C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 4111100100023 (20010311U) Date is corrected. 4CCPFEI -> 4RUSFEI. 4111100100024 (20151002A) M.M. Ref. of Engl.translation was added. 4111100100025 Upper -> lower case correction. 4111100100026 EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW. ERR-ANALYS was corrected. 4111100100027 (20221011A) ON+VT. Major rev.in 002+003. 004-005 added.4111100100028 (20221013U) M.M. Correction of free text. 4111100100029 ENDBIB 27 0 4111100100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 4111100100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4111100199999 SUBENT 41111002 20221011 42094111100200001 BIB 9 29 4111100200002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4111100200003 SAMPLE - 232Th (678 ug, 232Th content 100%) 4111100200004 - 235U (266 ug and 416 ug, 235U content 99.9955%) 4111100200005 (90-TH-232,NAT=1.00) 4111100200006 (92-U-235,ENR=0.999955) 4111100200007 MONITOR ((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4111100200008 MONIT-REF (41111004,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,71,827,1991) 4111100200009 DETECTOR (FISCH) Two double ionization chambers above 0.85 MeV. 4111100200010 FF registration efficiency 98-00 %. 4111100200011 (TRD) Mica detectors below 0.85 MeV 4111100200012 ANALYSIS Ratio measured by Mica detectors was normalized to 4111100200013 the ratio measured by ionization chambers at 0.85 MeV 4111100200014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Root mean square sum of 4111100200015 (ERR-S,0.5,15.) 4111100200016 Statistical uncertainty 4111100200017 - in a large part of the energy range (0.5-1%) 4111100200018 - in subthreshold region (10-15%) 4111100200019 (MONIT-ERR) Reference values of 232Th/235U ratios(1.8%)4111100200020 (ERR-1,0.3,0.4) Normalization procedure (0.3-0.4%)4111100200021 does not include MONIT-ERR. 4111100200022 (ERR-2,1.2,3.) Uncertainty due to corrections. 4111100200023 Main contributions: 4111100200024 - uncertainty of measurement of background due to 4111100200025 accompanying reactions, (2-3% at 7.4 MeV) 4111100200026 - neutron scattering in subthreshold region (1.2-2%) 4111100200027 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 2 and 3 of J,SJA,71,827,1991 4111100200028 (DEP,41111004) 232Th/235U from absolute measurement 4111100200029 HISTORY (20221011A) ON+VT. DATA: 0.0468 -> 0.0469 at 1.40 MeV; 4111100200030 ERR-ANALYS updated. MONIT-ERR moved to COMMON. 4111100200031 ENDBIB 29 0 4111100200032 COMMON 1 3 4111100200033 MONIT-ERR 4111100200034 PER-CENT 4111100200035 1.8 4111100200036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4111100200037 DATA 5 67 4111100200038 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T MONIT 4111100200039 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 4111100200040 0.13 32. 1.3 E-06 12. 4111100200041 0.35 40. 3.7 E-06 15. 4111100200042 0.40 38. 2.4 E-06 13. 4111100200043 0.45 36. 4.3 E-06 14. 4111100200044 0.50 35. 4.6 E-06 13. 4111100200045 0.55 34. 3.6 E-06 15. 4111100200046 0.60 33. 7.7 E-06 11. 4111100200047 0.65 32. 9.5 E-06 12. 4111100200048 0.70 32. 2.3 E-05 9.2 4111100200049 0.75 31. 3.5 E-05 8.4 4111100200050 0.80 31. 1.03E-04 7.1 4111100200051 0.85 31. 1.70E-04 6.8 4111100200052 0.90 30. 4.11E-04 6.4 4111100200053 0.95 30. 7.67E-04 5.8 4111100200054 1.00 31. 1.15E-03 5.5 4111100200055 1.05 32. 1.38E-03 3.8 4111100200056 1.10 33. 1.79E-03 4.4 4111100200057 1.15 33. 2.98E-03 5.0 4111100200058 1.20 33. 4.91E-03 4.2 4111100200059 1.25 34. 9.28E-03 3.7 4111100200060 1.30 34. 0.0214 4.0 4111100200061 1.35 34. 0.0365 3.3 4111100200062 1.40 34. 0.0469 2.9 4111100200063 1.45 35. 0.0539 2.6 4111100200064 1.50 35. 0.0674 2.9 0.0679 4111100200065 1.55 35. 0.0871 2.8 4111100200066 1.60 36. 0.0926 2.4 4111100200067 1.65 36. 0.0823 2.2 4111100200068 1.70 36. 0.0742 2.3 4111100200069 1.80 72. 0.0763 2.4 4111100200070 1.90 71. 0.0926 2.2 4111100200071 2.0 71. 0.0994 2.2 0.0992 4111100200072 2.1 70. 0.106 2.2 4111100200073 2.2 70. 0.113 2.2 4111100200074 2.3 69. 0.102 2.2 4111100200075 2.4 69. 0.0962 2.3 4111100200076 2.5 68. 0.100 2.4 0.0989 4111100200077 2.6 68. 0.102 2.4 4111100200078 2.7 67. 0.107 2.3 4111100200079 2.8 66. 0.112 2.4 4111100200080 2.9 66. 0.117 2.4 4111100200081 3.0 65. 0.118 2.5 0.1199 4111100200082 3.1 66. 0.121 2.6 4111100200083 3.2 66. 0.124 2.6 4111100200084 3.3 66. 0.124 2.7 4111100200085 3.4 66. 0.127 2.8 4111100200086 3.5 66. 0.127 2.9 4111100200087 3.6 67. 0.132 2.9 4111100200088 3.8 228. 0.134 2.8 4111100200089 4.0 167. 0.136 2.6 4111100200090 4.2 156. 0.142 2.7 4111100200091 4.4 138. 0.142 2.6 4111100200092 4.6 130. 0.144 2.7 4111100200093 4.8 116. 0.144 2.8 4111100200094 5.0 110. 0.144 2.8 4111100200095 5.2 105. 0.147 2.8 4111100200096 5.4 103. 0.148 2.9 4111100200097 5.6 102. 0.145 3.0 4111100200098 5.8 130. 0.144 3.2 4111100200099 6.0 126. 0.151 3.3 4111100200100 6.2 122. 0.171 3.5 4111100200101 6.4 118. 0.199 3.7 4111100200102 6.6 117. 0.236 3.7 4111100200103 6.8 117. 0.263 4.0 4111100200104 7.0 118. 0.266 4.1 4111100200105 7.2 120. 0.264 4.4 4111100200106 7.4 122. 0.255 4.8 4111100200107 ENDDATA 69 0 4111100200108 ENDSUBENT 107 0 4111100299999 SUBENT 41111003 20221011 42094111100300001 BIB 8 26 4111100300002 REACTION ((92-U-234(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4111100300003 SAMPLE - 234U (393 ug, 234U content 98.04%) 4111100300004 - 235U (266 ug and 416 ug, 235U content 99.9955%) 4111100300005 (92-U-234,ENR=0.9804) 4111100300006 (92-U-235,ENR=0.999955) 4111100300007 MONITOR ((92-U-234(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4111100300008 MONIT-REF (41111005,B.I.Fursov+,J,SJA,71,827,1991) 4111100300009 DETECTOR (FISCH) Two double ionization chambers 4111100300010 FF registration efficiency 98-00 %. 4111100300011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Root mean square sum of 4111100300012 (ERR-S,0.3,3.) 4111100300013 Statistical uncertainty 4111100300014 - in a large part of the energy range (0.3-0.8%)4111100300015 - in subthreshold region (1.5-3.%)4111100300016 (MONIT-ERR) Reference values of 234U/235U ratios (1.6%)4111100300017 (ERR-1,0.3,0.4) Normalization procedure (0.3-0.4%)4111100300018 does not include MONIT-ERR. 4111100300019 (ERR-2,1.2,3.) Uncertainty due to corrections. 4111100300020 Main contributions: 4111100300021 - uncertainty of measurement of background due to 4111100300022 accompanying reactions, (2-3% at 7.4 MeV) 4111100300023 - neutron scattering in subthreshold region (1.2-2%) 4111100300024 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 2 and 3 of J,SJA,71,827,1991 4111100300025 (DEP,41111005) 234U/235U from absolute measurement 4111100300026 HISTORY (20221011A) ON+VT. ERR-ANALYS updated. 4111100300027 MONIT-ERR moved to COMMON. 4111100300028 ENDBIB 26 0 4111100300029 COMMON 1 3 4111100300030 MONIT-ERR 4111100300031 PER-CENT 4111100300032 1.6 4111100300033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4111100300034 DATA 5 71 4111100300035 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T MONIT 4111100300036 MEV KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 4111100300037 0.13 32. 0.0230 3.7 4111100300038 0.17 31. 0.0277 2.9 4111100300039 0.21 29. 0.0382 2.7 4111100300040 0.25 26. 0.0486 2.8 4111100300041 0.30 24. 0.0952 2.5 4111100300042 0.35 40. 0.137 2.3 4111100300043 0.40 38. 0.202 2.2 4111100300044 0.45 36. 0.309 2.1 4111100300045 0.50 35. 0.448 2.0 4111100300046 0.55 34. 0.573 1.9 4111100300047 0.60 33. 0.659 1.9 4111100300048 0.65 32. 0.755 1.9 4111100300049 0.70 32. 0.900 1.9 4111100300050 0.75 31. 1.088 1.8 4111100300051 0.80 31. 1.160 1.7 4111100300052 0.85 31. 1.050 1.7 4111100300053 0.90 30. 0.988 1.7 4111100300054 0.95 30. 0.932 1.7 4111100300055 1.00 31. 0.919 1.7 0.912 4111100300056 1.05 32. 0.933 1.7 4111100300057 1.10 33. 0.972 1.6 4111100300058 1.15 33. 0.976 1.7 4111100300059 1.20 33. 1.001 1.8 4111100300060 1.25 34. 1.002 1.7 4111100300061 1.30 34. 1.022 1.8 4111100300062 1.35 34. 1.059 1.8 4111100300063 1.40 34. 1.059 1.8 4111100300064 1.45 35. 1.067 1.7 4111100300065 1.50 35. 1.107 1.7 1.112 4111100300066 1.55 35. 1.138 1.7 4111100300067 1.60 36. 1.161 1.6 4111100300068 1.65 36. 1.170 1.6 4111100300069 1.70 36. 1.185 1.6 4111100300070 1.80 72. 1.201 1.6 4111100300071 1.90 71. 1.203 1.6 4111100300072 2.0 71. 1.199 1.7 1.192 4111100300073 2.1 70. 1.182 1.7 4111100300074 2.2 70. 1.175 1.6 4111100300075 2.3 69. 1.177 1.7 4111100300076 2.4 69. 1.187 1.7 4111100300077 2.5 68. 1.196 1.7 1.191 4111100300078 2.6 68. 1.204 1.6 4111100300079 2.7 67. 1.219 1.7 4111100300080 2.8 66. 1.233 1.8 4111100300081 2.9 66. 1.239 1.7 4111100300082 3.0 65. 1.240 1.8 1.246 4111100300083 3.1 66. 1.253 1.8 4111100300084 3.2 66. 1.250 1.8 4111100300085 3.3 66. 1.250 2.0 4111100300086 3.4 66. 1.255 2.1 4111100300087 3.5 66. 1.261 2.2 4111100300088 3.6 67. 1.270 2.4 4111100300089 3.8 228. 1.275 2.2 4111100300090 4.0 167. 1.276 2.2 4111100300091 4.2 156. 1.271 2.3 4111100300092 4.4 138. 1.272 2.2 4111100300093 4.6 130. 1.262 2.4 4111100300094 4.8 116. 1.246 2.4 4111100300095 5.0 110. 1.230 2.5 4111100300096 5.2 105. 1.242 2.1 4111100300097 5.4 103. 1.256 2.2 4111100300098 5.6 102. 1.259 2.2 4111100300099 5.8 130. 1.257 2.1 4111100300100 6.0 126. 1.230 2.3 4111100300101 6.2 122. 1.191 2.2 4111100300102 6.4 118. 1.169 2.3 4111100300103 6.6 117. 1.152 2.4 4111100300104 6.8 117. 1.159 2.6 4111100300105 7.0 118. 1.163 2.6 4111100300106 7.2 120. 1.180 2.7 4111100300107 7.4 122. 1.190 2.8 4111100300108 ENDDATA 73 0 4111100300109 ENDSUBENT 108 0 4111100399999 SUBENT 41111004 20221011 42094111100400001 BIB 7 10 4111100400002 REACTION ((90-TH-232(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4111100400003 SAMPLE 232Th (260 ug,232Th content 99.2%+235U content 0.724%),4111100400004 232Th (425 ug,232Th content 99.6%+235U content 0.359%).4111100400005 ANALYSIS Normalized at the thermal field (Cd ratio >20) 4111100400006 DETECTOR (FISCH) Ionization chamber 4111100400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4111100400008 article. 4111100400009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,SJA,71,827,1991 4111100400010 HISTORY (20221011C) ON+VT . MONIT values were transmitted from 4111100400011 Subent .002 4111100400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4111100400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4111100400014 DATA 3 4 4111100400015 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4111100400016 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4111100400017 1.5 0.0679 0.0014 4111100400018 2.0 0.0992 0.0015 4111100400019 2.5 0.0989 0.0019 4111100400020 3.0 0.1199 0.0020 4111100400021 ENDDATA 6 0 4111100400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4111100499999 SUBENT 41111005 20221011 42094111100500001 BIB 7 9 4111100500002 REACTION ((92-U-234(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 4111100500003 SAMPLE 234U (110 ug,234U content 93.3%+235U content 6.70%) 4111100500004 ANALYSIS Normalized at the thermal field (Cd ratio >20) 4111100500005 DETECTOR (FISCH) Ionization chamber 4111100500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4111100500007 article. 4111100500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,SJA,71,827,1991 4111100500009 HISTORY (20221011C) ON+VT . MONIT values were transmitted from 4111100500010 Subent .003 4111100500011 ENDBIB 9 0 4111100500012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4111100500013 DATA 3 5 4111100500014 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4111100500015 MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 4111100500016 1.0 0.912 0.015 4111100500017 1.5 1.112 0.018 4111100500018 2.0 1.192 0.018 4111100500019 2.5 1.191 0.018 4111100500020 3.0 1.246 0.020 4111100500021 ENDDATA 7 0 4111100500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4111100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 4111199999999