ENTRY 41125 20240916 422041125000 1 SUBENT 41125001 20240916 422041125001 1 BIB 5 14 41125001 2 TITLE Precision determination of 252Cf half-life and the 41125001 3 time dependence of the neutron flux of Ra-Be(alpha,n) 41125001 4 neutron source 41125001 5 AUTHOR (V.T.Shchebolev,N.N.Moiseev,Z.A.Ramendik) 41125001 6 REFERENCE (J,AE/T,73,1015,1992) 41125001 7 (J,AE,73,502,1992) Issue 6. 41125001 8 INSTITUTE (4RUSFRT) 41125001 9 HISTORY (19930716C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 41125001 10 (19950321D) - - Deleted because of the irrelevancy 41125001 11 of data to the centre's task - - 41125001 12 (20240916U) Upper -> lower case correction. 41125001 13 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41125001 14 Ref. J,AE/T,73,1015,1992 was added. 41125001 15 Subent 002 was deleted - see comment in HISTORY . 41125001 16 ENDBIB 14 0 41125001 17 NOCOMMON 0 0 41125001 18 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4112500199999 NOSUBENT 41125002 20240916 422041125002 1 ENDENTRY 2 0 4112599999999