ENTRY 41137 20240916 422041137000 1 SUBENT 41137001 20240916 422041137001 1 BIB 11 20 41137001 2 TITLE Neutrons' resonances spin determination on the form 41137001 3 of multiplicity spectrum of the capture gamma-quanta 41137001 4 AUTHOR (Yu.V.Grigor'ev,G.P.Georgiev,N.B.Yaneva) 41137001 5 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) Grigor'ev 41137001 6 (4ZZZDUB) Georgiev 41137001 7 (3BULBLA) Yaneva 41137001 8 REFERENCE (R,FEI-2277,1992) Data table is given 41137001 9 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) IBR-30 reactor 41137001 10 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 502 m 41137001 11 DETECTOR (NAICR) 41137001 12 SAMPLE Aluminium containers filled with samarium oxide, 41137001 13 Sm-147 content is 96.4 %, Sm-147 thicknesses are 41137001 14 3.58E-4 and 8.94E-5 atoms/barn 41137001 15 MONITOR Absolute measurements 41137001 16 ERR-ANALYS Errors are not given 41137001 17 HISTORY (19931230C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 41137001 18 (19990817U) . . Dates corrected 41137001 19 (20240916U) Upper -> lower case correction. 41137001 20 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41137001 21 STATUS information was updated. 41137001 22 ENDBIB 20 0 41137001 23 COMMON 1 3 41137001 24 EN-RSL 41137001 25 NSEC/M 41137001 26 8. 41137001 27 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41137001 28 ENDSUBENT 27 0 4113700199999 SUBENT 41137002 20240916 422041137002 1 BIB 2 4 41137002 2 REACTION 1(62-SM-147(N,0),,J) 41137002 3 2(62-SM-147(N,0),,PTY) 41137002 4 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.V.Grigor'ev+,R,FEI-2277,1992) 41137002 5 Table on pages 5-7. 41137002 6 ENDBIB 4 0 41137002 7 NOCOMMON 0 0 41137002 8 DATA 3 37 41137002 9 EN-RES DATA 1DATA 2 41137002 10 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 41137002 11 18.3 4. -1. 41137002 12 27.1 2. -1. 41137002 13 29.7 2. -1. 41137002 14 32.1 4. -1. 41137002 15 39.7 4. -1. 41137002 16 40.6 3. -1. 41137002 17 49.3 4. -1. 41137002 18 58.0 3. -1. 41137002 19 65.1 4. -1. 41137002 20 76.1 4. -1. 41137002 21 79.8 4. -1. 41137002 22 83.4 3. -1. 41137002 23 99.5 4. -1. 41137002 24 102.6 3. -1. 41137002 25 106.8 4. -1. 41137002 26 123.6 3. -1. 41137002 27 140.0 3. -1. 41137002 28 143.3 4. -1. 41137002 29 151.1 3. -1. 41137002 30 163.6 4. -1. 41137002 31 171.7 4. -1. 41137002 32 184.4 3. -1. 41137002 33 191.0 3. -1. 41137002 34 193.5 4. -1. 41137002 35 198.3 3. -1. 41137002 36 206.6 4. -1. 41137002 37 221.6 3. -1. 41137002 38 225.5 3. -1. 41137002 39 228.7 4. -1. 41137002 40 240.6 4. -1. 41137002 41 247.6 4. -1. 41137002 42 257.0 3. -1. 41137002 43 263.5 3. -1. 41137002 44 266.1 4. -1. 41137002 45 271.1 3. -1. 41137002 46 274.4 3. -1. 41137002 47 283.3 4. -1. 41137002 48 ENDDATA 39 0 41137002 49 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4113700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4113799999999