ENTRY 41147 20240916 422041147000 1 SUBENT 41147001 20240916 422041147001 1 BIB 9 25 41147001 2 TITLE Measurement and comparison with calculation of 41147001 3 (n,gamma), (n,2n), (n,f) reaction velocities in 41147001 4 spherical assemblies consisting of metallic uranium 41147001 5 and thorium at placing a 14-MeV neutron source in the 41147001 6 assemblies center 41147001 7 AUTHOR (V.A.Zagryadskiy,M.I.Kraynev,D.V.Markovskiy, 41147001 8 V.M.Novikov,Yu.P.Sel'dyakov,D.Yu.Chuvilin, 41147001 9 G.E.Shatalov) 41147001 10 REFERENCE (R,IAE-4480/8,1987) Main ref. Data tables are given 41147001 11 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 41147001 12 REL-REF (I,,V.M.Novikov+,R,IAE-4197/8,1985) Exp. details 41147001 13 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSKUR) 41147001 14 MONITOR (29-CU-65(N,2N)29-CU-64,,SIG) 41147001 15 METHOD (ACTIV) 41147001 16 HISTORY (19940519C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 41147001 17 (20050127A) M.M. Reaction codes of Sub.2-11 were 41147001 18 corrected.Units of data were corrected according to a 41147001 19 comment of author D.V.Markovskiy. 41147001 20 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41147001 21 (20240916A) ERR-ANALYS was updated (Table 2). 41147001 22 Upper -> lower case correction. 41147001 23 STATUS information was updated. 41147001 24 (20241202D) Data Subents were deleted according to a 41147001 25 comment from NDS,IAEA - data are not for EXFOR. 41147001 26 (If it needs, data can be found in archive.) 41147001 27 ENDBIB 25 0 41147001 28 NOCOMMON 0 0 41147001 29 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4114700199999 NOSUBENT 41147002 20240916 422041147002 1 NOSUBENT 41147003 20240916 422041147003 1 NOSUBENT 41147004 20240916 422041147004 1 NOSUBENT 41147005 20240916 422041147005 1 NOSUBENT 41147006 20240916 422041147006 1 NOSUBENT 41147007 20240916 422041147007 1 NOSUBENT 41147008 20240916 422041147008 1 NOSUBENT 41147009 20240916 422041147009 1 NOSUBENT 41147010 20240916 422041147010 1 NOSUBENT 41147011 20240916 422041147011 1 ENDENTRY 11 0 4114799999999