ENTRY 41150 20240916 422041150000 1 SUBENT 41150001 20240916 422041150001 1 BIB 9 14 41150001 2 TITLE Investigation of W-183 in the reacton (n,n'gamma) 41150001 3 AUTHOR (M.R.Beytin'sh,P.K.Prokof'ev) 41150001 4 REFERENCE (C,88BAKU,,125,1988) 41150001 5 INSTITUTE (4LATIFL) 41150001 6 FACILITY (REAC,4LATIFL) IRT-M reactor 41150001 7 DETECTOR (HPGE) Germanium detector of 78 cm3 volume, energy 41150001 8 resolution 1.8 keV for 1.33 MeV energy 41150001 9 MONITOR No information 41150001 10 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 41150001 11 HISTORY (19940607C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 41150001 12 (20240916A) Subent 002 was corrected. 41150001 13 Upper -> lower case correction. 41150001 14 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41150001 15 STATUS information was updated. ERR-S -> DATA-ERR. 41150001 16 ENDBIB 14 0 41150001 17 NOCOMMON 0 0 41150001 18 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4115000199999 SUBENT 41150002 20240916 422041150002 1 BIB 6 8 41150002 2 REACTION (74-W-183(N,INL)74-W-183,,SPC,,REL) Reference 41150002 3 quantity is not given 41150002 4 SAMPLE Metallic tungsten powder, weight 8 gram, 41150002 5 (74-W-183,ENR=0.98) W-183 content is 98.%. 41150002 6 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the thermal reactor 41150002 7 FLAG (1.) Gamma-line from several levels 41150002 8 STATUS (TABLE,,M.R.Beytin'sh+,C,88BAKU,,125,1988) 41150002 9 HISTORY (20240916A) LVL-INI, LVL-INI-ER were added. 41150002 10 ENDBIB 8 0 41150002 11 COMMON 1 3 41150002 12 EN-DUMMY 41150002 13 EV 41150002 14 1.0E+6 41150002 15 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41150002 16 DATA 7 31 41150002 17 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG LVL-INI 41150002 18 LVL-INI-ER 41150002 19 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM KEV 41150002 20 KEV 41150002 21 144.14 0.09 59. 06. 556.4 41150002 22 0.4 41150002 23 159.32 0.08 140. 20. 634.61 41150002 24 0.16 41150002 25 166.32 0.08 190. 20. 475.67 41150002 26 0.11 41150002 27 175.84 0.05 360. 40. 485.33 41150002 28 0.10 41150002 29 186.16 0.06 180. 20. 810.5 41150002 30 0.3 41150002 31 202.56 0.08 90. 10. 687.89 41150002 32 0.12 41150002 33 215.26 0.22 044. 05. 810.5 41150002 34 0.3 41150002 35 264.88 0.01 38. 6. 556.4 41150002 36 0.4 41150002 37 268.27 0.04 280. 30. 475.67 41150002 38 0.11 41150002 39 325.68 0.09 120. 20. 634.61 41150002 40 0.16 41150002 41 935.1 0.5 036. 4. 981.9 41150002 42 0.6 41150002 43 944.0 0.4 540. 50. 1043.1 41150002 44 0.5 41150002 45 953.1 0.6 120. 10. 1000.1 41150002 46 0.7 41150002 47 981.8 0.5 170. 20. 981.9 41150002 48 0.6 41150002 49 996.9 0.4 330. 30. 1043.1 41150002 50 0.5 41150002 51 1000.05 0.15 470. 50. 1000.1 41150002 52 0.7 41150002 53 1043.1 0.3 300. 30. 1. 1043.1 41150002 54 0.5 41150002 55 1043.1 0.3 300. 30. 1. 1089.3 41150002 56 0.4 41150002 57 1089.3 0.4 600. 60. 1089.3 41150002 58 0.4 41150002 59 1204.5 0.6 3200. 300. 1250.9 41150002 60 0.7 41150002 61 1250.7 0.6 760. 30. 1250.9 41150002 62 0.7 41150002 63 1379.05 0.11 1300. 200. 1. 1478.7 41150002 64 0.7 41150002 65 1431.8 0.4 520. 50. 1478.7 41150002 66 0.7 41150002 67 1458.3 0.7 100. 10. 1556.8 41150002 68 0.8 41150002 69 1478.8 0.6 800. 80. 1478.7 41150002 70 0.7 41150002 71 1490.2 0.4 290. 30. 1536.4 41150002 72 0.6 41150002 73 1510.3 0.6 50. 6. 1556.8 41150002 74 0.8 41150002 75 1536.3 0.6 200. 20. 1536.4 41150002 76 0.6 41150002 77 1556.8 0.7 500. 50. 1556.8 41150002 78 0.8 41150002 79 1697.3 1.1 055. 6. 1743.9 41150002 80 1.1 41150002 81 1743.6 1.7 180. 20. 1743.9 41150002 82 1.1 41150002 83 ENDDATA 66 0 41150002 84 ENDSUBENT 83 0 4115000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4115099999999