ENTRY 41157 20240916 422041157000 1 SUBENT 41157001 20240916 422041157001 1 BIB 10 31 41157001 2 TITLE Yields of delayed neutron precursors in the fission 41157001 3 of actinides 41157001 4 AUTHOR (A.N.Gudkov, S.V.Krivasheyev, A.B.Koldobski, 41157001 5 V.V.Kovalenko, E.Yu.Bobkov, V.M.Givun) 41157001 6 S.V.Krivasheyev=S.V.Krivasheev; V.M.Givun=V.M.Zhivun 41157001 7 REFERENCE (J,RCA,57,69,1992) Data tables are given 41157001 8 (R,MIF-058-88,1988) Preliminary publication 41157001 9 INSTITUTE (4RUSMIF,4RUSFEI,4RUSLIN) 41157001 10 DETECTOR (BF3) Battery of 24 BF3 counters in a water tank. 41157001 11 ANALYSIS Method of incremental deconvolution, see REL-REF of 41157001 12 T.J.Kennett+. 41157001 13 REL-REF (M,,T.J.Kennett+,J,NIM,203,317,1982) 41157001 14 (R,,V.M.Sluchevska+,J,YK,,(3/38),29,1980) 41157001 15 Decay constants and yields 41157001 16 (R,,R.W.Waldo+,J,PR/C,23,1113,1981) 41157001 17 (R,,L.Tomlinson,R,AERE-R-6993,1972) 41157001 18 (R,,G.Benedetti+,J,NSE,80,379,1982) 41157001 19 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-87,55.7SEC) 41157001 20 (35-BR-88,16.0SEC) 41157001 21 (35-BR-89,4.38SEC) 41157001 22 (37-RB-93,5.86SEC) 41157001 23 (37-RB-94,2.76SEC) 41157001 24 (53-I-137,24.5SEC) 41157001 25 (53-I-138,6.53SEC) 41157001 26 (53-I-139,2.38SEC) 41157001 27 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error 41157001 28 HISTORY (19940914C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 41157001 29 (20240916A) Upper -> lower case correction. 41157001 30 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41157001 31 STATUS information was updated. 41157001 32 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR in all data Subents. 41157001 33 ENDBIB 31 0 41157001 34 NOCOMMON 0 0 41157001 35 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4115700199999 SUBENT 41157002 20240916 422041157002 1 BIB 7 22 41157002 2 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157002 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSMIF) 41157002 4 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157002 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157002 6 neutron group (Y1=0.06+-0.005) taking acount of the 41157002 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157002 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0126 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157002 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157002 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157002 11 REL-REF (R,,V.M.Sluchevska+,J,YK,,(3/38),29,1980) 41157002 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157002 13 (N,,W.Grimm,T,GRIMM,1978) 41157002 14 Exp.data used for comparison (%/fis): 41157002 15 Br-87 - 2.25+-0.16, I-137 - 1.91+-0.20, 41157002 16 Br-88 - 2.56+-0.33, I-138 - 0.62+-0.54, 41157002 17 Br-89 - 1.18+-0.56. 41157002 18 (N,21550007,R.Brissot+,J,NP/A,255,461,1975) 41157002 19 Exp.data used for comparison 41157002 20 (N,12926018,R.W.Waldo+,J,PR/C,23,1113,1981) 41157002 21 Exp.data used for comparison. 41157002 22 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 2. 41157002 23 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157002 24 ENDBIB 22 0 41157002 25 COMMON 1 3 41157002 26 EN-DUMMY 41157002 27 EV 41157002 28 2.53E-02 41157002 29 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157002 30 DATA 4 8 41157002 31 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157002 32 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157002 33 35. 87. 2.27 0.28 41157002 34 35. 88. 1.26 0.24 41157002 35 35. 89. 0.55 0.10 41157002 36 37. 93. 2.32 0.51 41157002 37 37. 94. 0.38 0.13 41157002 38 53. 137. 1.67 0.22 41157002 39 53. 138. 0.70 0.21 41157002 40 53. 139. 0.15 0.05 41157002 41 ENDDATA 10 0 41157002 42 ENDSUBENT 41 0 4115700299999 SUBENT 41157003 20240916 422041157003 1 BIB 7 42 41157003 2 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157003 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSMIF) 41157003 4 INC-SPECT thermal neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157003 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157003 6 neutron group (Y1=0.054+-0.007) taking acount of the 41157003 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157003 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0124 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157003 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157003 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157003 11 REL-REF (R,,V.M.Sluchevska+,J,YK,,(3/38),29,1980) 41157003 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157003 13 (N,,E.Lund+,R,BNL-51778,137,1983) 41157003 14 Exp.data used for comparison: 41157003 15 Br-87 - 2.13+-0.20, Br-88 - 1.71+-0.21, 41157003 16 Rb-93 - 3.50+-0.55, Br-98 - 0.92+-0.15 41157003 17 Rb-94 - 2.11+-0.44 41157003 18 (N,21550006,R.Brissot+,J,NP/A,255,461,1975) 41157003 19 Exp.data used for comparison 41157003 20 (N,13475001,J.E.Sattizahn+,J,JIN,12,206,1960) 41157003 21 Exp.data used for comparison: Br-87 - 2.70+-0.81 41157003 22 (N,21689001,W.Lang+,J,NP/A,345,34,1980) 41157003 23 Exp.data used for comparison: 41157003 24 Br-87 - 1.79+-0.05, Rb-93 - 3.44+-0.09, 41157003 25 Br-89 - 1.00+-0.06 41157003 26 (N,21273002,J.V.Kratz+,C,73ROCH,2,95,1973) 41157003 27 Exp.data used for comparison. 41157003 28 (N,12926019,R.W.Waldo+,J,PR/C,23,1113,1981) 41157003 29 Exp.data used for comparison. 41157003 30 (N,10722001,R.B.Strittmatter,T,STRITTMATTER,1978) 41157003 31 Exp.data used for comparison: 41157003 32 Br-87 - 1.91+-0.04, Rb-93 - 3.44+-0.09 41157003 33 Br-89 - 1.11+-0.05 41157003 34 (N,23356001,P.Del Marmol+,J,RCA,16,4,1971) 41157003 35 Exp.data used for comparison: 41157003 36 I-137 - 3.30+-0.50 41157003 37 (N,21605001,G.Siegert+,J,PR/C,14,1864,1976) 41157003 38 Exp.data used for comparison: 41157003 39 Br-88 - 1.90+-0.08, Br-89 - 1.32+-0.08 41157003 40 (N,,L.G.Manevich+,R,IAE-4308/4,1985) 41157003 41 Exp.data used for comparison: Rb-94 - 1.73+-0.08 41157003 42 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 3. 41157003 43 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157003 44 ENDBIB 42 0 41157003 45 COMMON 1 3 41157003 46 EN-DUMMY 41157003 47 EV 41157003 48 2.53E-02 41157003 49 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157003 50 DATA 4 8 41157003 51 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157003 52 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157003 53 35. 87. 2.11 0.32 41157003 54 35. 88. 2.19 0.35 41157003 55 35. 89. 1.11 0.17 41157003 56 37. 93. 3.87 0.74 41157003 57 37. 94. 1.79 0.27 41157003 58 53. 137. 3.10 0.47 41157003 59 53. 138. 1.24 0.28 41157003 60 53. 139. 0.89 0.19 41157003 61 ENDDATA 10 0 41157003 62 ENDSUBENT 61 0 4115700399999 SUBENT 41157004 20240916 422041157004 1 BIB 6 10 41157004 2 REACTION (90-TH-229(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157004 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSMIF) 41157004 4 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157004 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157004 6 neutron group (Y1=0.198+-0.016) taking acount of the 41157004 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157004 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0132 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157004 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157004 10 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 4. 41157004 11 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157004 12 ENDBIB 10 0 41157004 13 COMMON 1 3 41157004 14 EN-DUMMY 41157004 15 EV 41157004 16 2.53E-02 41157004 17 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157004 18 DATA 4 8 41157004 19 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157004 20 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157004 21 35. 87. 6.77 0.78 41157004 22 35. 88. 3.83 0.46 41157004 23 35. 89. 1.17 0.15 41157004 24 37. 93. 1.42 0.23 41157004 25 37. 94. 0.68 0.09 41157004 26 53. 137. 3.10 0.35 41157004 27 53. 138. 0.61 0.10 41157004 28 53. 139. 0.30 0.12 41157004 29 ENDDATA 10 0 41157004 30 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4115700499999 SUBENT 41157005 20240916 422041157005 1 BIB 7 15 41157005 2 REACTION (98-CF-249(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157005 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSMIF) 41157005 4 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157005 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157005 6 neutron group (Y1=0.0077+-0.0006) taking acount of the 41157005 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157005 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0129 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157005 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157005 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157005 11 REL-REF (R,12926001,R.W.Waldo+,J,PR/C,23,1113,1981) 41157005 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157005 13 (N,12926030,R.W.Waldo+,J,PR/C,23,1113,1981) 41157005 14 Exp.data used for comparison: 0.30+-0.03 41157005 15 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 4. 41157005 16 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157005 17 ENDBIB 15 0 41157005 18 COMMON 1 3 41157005 19 EN-DUMMY 41157005 20 EV 41157005 21 2.53E-02 41157005 22 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157005 23 DATA 4 8 41157005 24 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157005 25 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157005 26 35. 87. 0.28 0.10 41157005 27 35. 88. 0.13 0.05 41157005 28 35. 89. 0.037 0.017 41157005 29 37. 93. 0.27 0.13 41157005 30 37. 94. 0.20 0.09 41157005 31 53. 137. 0.42 0.19 41157005 32 53. 138. 0.121 0.047 41157005 33 53. 139. 0.038 0.018 41157005 34 ENDDATA 10 0 41157005 35 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4115700599999 SUBENT 41157006 20240916 422041157006 1 BIB 7 13 41157006 2 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157006 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) 41157006 4 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157006 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157006 6 neutron group (Y1=0.071+-0.005) taking acount of the 41157006 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157006 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0128/sec) and the decay constant for 41157006 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157006 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157006 11 REL-REF (R,,G.Benedetti+,J,NSE,80,379,1982) 41157006 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157006 13 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 5. 41157006 14 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157006 15 ENDBIB 13 0 41157006 16 COMMON 1 3 41157006 17 EN-DUMMY 41157006 18 EV 41157006 19 1.00E+06 41157006 20 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157006 21 DATA 4 8 41157006 22 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157006 23 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157006 24 35. 87. 2.60 0.32 41157006 25 35. 88. 1.85 0.25 41157006 26 35. 89. 0.77 0.12 41157006 27 37. 93. 3.18 0.51 41157006 28 37. 94. 0.79 0.18 41157006 29 53. 137. 1.49 0.30 41157006 30 53. 138. 0.77 0.17 41157006 31 53. 139. 0.49 0.16 41157006 32 ENDDATA 10 0 41157006 33 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4115700699999 SUBENT 41157007 20240916 422041157007 1 BIB 7 13 41157007 2 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157007 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) 41157007 4 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157007 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157007 6 neutron group (Y1=0.063+-0.007) taking acount of the 41157007 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157007 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0127 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157007 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157007 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157007 11 REL-REF (R,,V.M.Sluchevska+,J,YK,,(3/38),29,1980) 41157007 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157007 13 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 5. 41157007 14 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157007 15 ENDBIB 13 0 41157007 16 COMMON 1 3 41157007 17 EN-DUMMY 41157007 18 EV 41157007 19 1.00E+06 41157007 20 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157007 21 DATA 4 8 41157007 22 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157007 23 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157007 24 35. 87. 2.34 0.44 41157007 25 35. 88. 2.09 0.48 41157007 26 35. 89. 1.41 0.37 41157007 27 37. 93. 2.99 1.01 41157007 28 37. 94. 1.57 0.63 41157007 29 53. 137. 2.70 0.85 41157007 30 53. 138. 1.70 0.62 41157007 31 53. 139. 0.74 0.32 41157007 32 ENDDATA 10 0 41157007 33 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4115700799999 SUBENT 41157008 20240916 422041157008 1 BIB 6 10 41157008 2 REACTION (92-U-236(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157008 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) 41157008 4 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157008 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157008 6 neutron group (Y1=0.060+-0.010) taking acount of the 41157008 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157008 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0124 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157008 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) 41157008 10 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 5. 41157008 11 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157008 12 ENDBIB 10 0 41157008 13 COMMON 1 3 41157008 14 EN-DUMMY 41157008 15 EV 41157008 16 1.00E+06 41157008 17 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157008 18 DATA 4 8 41157008 19 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157008 20 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157008 21 35. 87. 2.34 0.67 41157008 22 35. 88. 2.10 0.50 41157008 23 35. 89. 0.84 0.32 41157008 24 37. 93. 2.55 1.24 41157008 25 37. 94. 2.46 1.18 41157008 26 53. 137. 3.59 1.42 41157008 27 53. 138. 1.44 0.53 41157008 28 53. 139. 0.22 0.13 41157008 29 ENDDATA 10 0 41157008 30 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4115700899999 SUBENT 41157009 20240916 422041157009 1 BIB 7 13 41157009 2 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157009 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) 41157009 4 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157009 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157009 6 neutron group (Y1=0.0490+-0.0031) taking acount of the 41157009 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157009 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0127 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157009 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157009 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157009 11 REL-REF (R,,G.Benedetti+,J,NSE,80,379,1982) 41157009 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157009 13 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 6. 41157009 14 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157009 15 ENDBIB 13 0 41157009 16 COMMON 1 3 41157009 17 EN-DUMMY 41157009 18 EV 41157009 19 1.00E+06 41157009 20 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157009 21 DATA 4 8 41157009 22 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157009 23 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157009 24 35. 87. 1.82 0.26 41157009 25 35. 88. 1.74 0.33 41157009 26 35. 89. 0.64 0.13 41157009 27 37. 93. 2.21 0.55 41157009 28 37. 94. 1.50 0.29 41157009 29 53. 137. 2.70 0.50 41157009 30 53. 138. 0.99 0.24 41157009 31 53. 139. 0.53 0.18 41157009 32 ENDDATA 10 0 41157009 33 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4115700999999 SUBENT 41157010 20240916 422041157010 1 BIB 7 15 41157010 2 REACTION (94-PU-240(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157010 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) 41157010 4 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157010 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157010 6 neutron group (Y1=0.0265+-0.0025) taking acount of the 41157010 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157010 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0128 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157010 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157010 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157010 11 REL-REF (R,,G.Benedetti+,J,NSE,80,379,1982) 41157010 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157010 13 (N,12926024,R.W.Waldo+,J,PR/C,23,1113,1981) 41157010 14 Exp.data used for comparison: 0.92+-0.13 41157010 15 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 6. 41157010 16 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157010 17 ENDBIB 15 0 41157010 18 COMMON 1 3 41157010 19 EN-DUMMY 41157010 20 EV 41157010 21 1.00E+06 41157010 22 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157010 23 DATA 4 8 41157010 24 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157010 25 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157010 26 35. 87. 0.97 0.19 41157010 27 35. 88. 0.93 0.22 41157010 28 35. 89. 0.35 0.10 41157010 29 37. 93. 1.20 0.42 41157010 30 37. 94. 1.01 0.25 41157010 31 53. 137. 2.21 0.52 41157010 32 53. 138. 0.56 0.19 41157010 33 53. 139. 0.33 0.12 41157010 34 ENDDATA 10 0 41157010 35 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4115701099999 SUBENT 41157011 20240916 422041157011 1 BIB 7 13 41157011 2 REACTION (94-PU-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157011 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) 41157011 4 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157011 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157011 6 neutron group (Y1=0.0276+-0.0012) taking acount of the 41157011 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157011 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0128 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157011 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157011 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157011 11 REL-REF (R,,G.Benedetti+,J,NSE,80,379,1982) 41157011 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157011 13 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 6. 41157011 14 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157011 15 ENDBIB 13 0 41157011 16 COMMON 1 3 41157011 17 EN-DUMMY 41157011 18 EV 41157011 19 1.00E+06 41157011 20 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157011 21 DATA 4 8 41157011 22 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157011 23 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157011 24 35. 87. 1.01 0.20 41157011 25 35. 88. 1.13 0.20 41157011 26 35. 89. 0.57 0.10 41157011 27 37. 93. 1.41 0.36 41157011 28 37. 94. 1.35 0.26 41157011 29 53. 137. 2.88 0.58 41157011 30 53. 138. 1.58 0.46 41157011 31 53. 139. 0.72 0.24 41157011 32 ENDDATA 10 0 41157011 33 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4115701199999 SUBENT 41157012 20240916 422041157012 1 BIB 7 13 41157012 2 REACTION (95-AM-241(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157012 3 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSFEI) 41157012 4 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the reactor 41157012 5 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157012 6 neutron group (Y1=0.0192+-0.0021) taking acount of the 41157012 7 difference between decay constant of first group 41157012 8 (LAMBDA1=0.0122 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157012 9 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157012 10 R.W.Waldo+. 41157012 11 REL-REF (R,,,J,NSE,80,379,1982) 41157012 12 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157012 13 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 6. 41157012 14 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157012 15 ENDBIB 13 0 41157012 16 COMMON 1 3 41157012 17 EN-DUMMY 41157012 18 EV 41157012 19 1.00E+06 41157012 20 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157012 21 DATA 4 8 41157012 22 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157012 23 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157012 24 35. 87. 0.77 0.13 41157012 25 35. 88. 0.78 0.17 41157012 26 35. 89. 0.18 0.05 41157012 27 37. 93. 1.34 0.39 41157012 28 37. 94. 0.36 0.13 41157012 29 53. 137. 1.37 0.32 41157012 30 53. 138. 0.74 0.29 41157012 31 53. 139. 0.20 0.07 41157012 32 ENDDATA 10 0 41157012 33 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4115701299999 SUBENT 41157013 20240916 422041157013 1 BIB 6 12 41157013 2 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157013 3 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSLIN) 41157013 4 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157013 5 neutron group (Y1=0.049+-0.004) taking acount of the 41157013 6 difference between decay constant of first group 41157013 7 (LAMBDA1=0.0127 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157013 8 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157013 9 R.W.Waldo+. 41157013 10 REL-REF (R,,L.Tomlinson,R,AERE-R-6993,1972) 41157013 11 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157013 12 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 7. 41157013 13 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157013 14 ENDBIB 12 0 41157013 15 COMMON 1 3 41157013 16 EN 41157013 17 EV 41157013 18 1.47E+07 41157013 19 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157013 20 DATA 4 8 41157013 21 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157013 22 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157013 23 35. 87. 1.82 0.22 41157013 24 35. 88. 1.41 0.28 41157013 25 35. 89. 0.88 0.37 41157013 26 37. 93. 2.21 0.48 41157013 27 37. 94. 1.32 0.59 41157013 28 53. 137. 1.37 0.21 41157013 29 53. 138. 1.18 0.33 41157013 30 53. 139. 0.22 0.12 41157013 31 ENDDATA 10 0 41157013 32 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4115701399999 SUBENT 41157014 20240916 422041157014 1 BIB 5 10 41157014 2 REACTION (92-U-236(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157014 3 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSLIN) 41157014 4 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157014 5 neutron group (Y1=0.033+-0.006) taking acount of the 41157014 6 difference between decay constant of first group 41157014 7 (LAMBDA1=0.0124 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157014 8 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157014 9 R.W.Waldo+. 41157014 10 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 7. 41157014 11 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157014 12 ENDBIB 10 0 41157014 13 COMMON 1 3 41157014 14 EN 41157014 15 EV 41157014 16 1.47E+07 41157014 17 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157014 18 DATA 4 8 41157014 19 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157014 20 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157014 21 35. 87. 1.29 0.29 41157014 22 35. 88. 1.57 0.40 41157014 23 35. 89. 0.70 0.23 41157014 24 37. 93. 1.58 0.87 41157014 25 37. 94. 1.50 0.59 41157014 26 53. 137. 1.85 0.45 41157014 27 53. 138. 1.10 0.35 41157014 28 53. 139. 0.47 0.17 41157014 29 ENDDATA 10 0 41157014 30 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4115701499999 SUBENT 41157015 20240916 422041157015 1 BIB 6 17 41157015 2 REACTION (92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157015 3 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSLIN) 41157015 4 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157015 5 neutron group (Y1=0.049+-0.005) taking acount of the 41157015 6 difference between decay constant of first group 41157015 7 (LAMBDA1=0.0123 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157015 8 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157015 9 R.W.Waldo+. 41157015 10 REL-REF (N,,W.Grimm,T,GRIM,1973) University of Mainz. 41157015 11 Exp. data used for comparison: 41157015 12 Br-87 - 1.38+-0.16 41157015 13 I-137 - 3.15+-0.41 41157015 14 Br-88 - 1.33+-0.27 41157015 15 I-138 - 0.55+-0.06 41157015 16 Br-89 - 1.38+-0.16 41157015 17 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 7. 41157015 18 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157015 19 ENDBIB 17 0 41157015 20 COMMON 1 3 41157015 21 EN 41157015 22 EV 41157015 23 1.47E+07 41157015 24 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157015 25 DATA 4 8 41157015 26 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157015 27 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157015 28 35. 87. 1.94 0.31 41157015 29 35. 88. 1.90 0.37 41157015 30 35. 89. 1.19 0.20 41157015 31 37. 93. 4.77 1.22 41157015 32 37. 94. 2.67 0.78 41157015 33 53. 137. 3.28 0.66 41157015 34 53. 138. 1.94 0.33 41157015 35 53. 139. 0.37 0.19 41157015 36 ENDDATA 10 0 41157015 37 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4115701599999 SUBENT 41157016 20240916 422041157016 1 BIB 5 10 41157016 2 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157016 3 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSLIN) 41157016 4 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157016 5 neutron group (Y1=0.030+-0.004) taking acount of the 41157016 6 difference between decay constant of first group 41157016 7 (LAMBDA1=0.0127 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157016 8 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157016 9 R.W.Waldo+. 41157016 10 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 7. 41157016 11 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157016 12 ENDBIB 10 0 41157016 13 COMMON 1 3 41157016 14 EN 41157016 15 EV 41157016 16 1.47E+07 41157016 17 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157016 18 DATA 4 8 41157016 19 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157016 20 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157016 21 35. 87. 1.11 0.18 41157016 22 35. 88. 0.80 0.15 41157016 23 35. 89. 0.34 0.07 41157016 24 37. 93. 3.55 1.03 41157016 25 37. 94. 0.42 0.17 41157016 26 53. 137. 0.77 0.14 41157016 27 53. 138. 0.44 0.10 41157016 28 53. 139. 0.16 0.06 41157016 29 ENDDATA 10 0 41157016 30 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4115701699999 SUBENT 41157017 20240916 422041157017 1 BIB 6 12 41157017 2 REACTION (94-PU-242(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 41157017 3 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSLIN) 41157017 4 ANALYSIS Data were normalized to the yield of the first delayed41157017 5 neutron group (Y1=0.027+-0.004) taking acount of the 41157017 6 difference between decay constant of first group 41157017 7 (LAMBDA1=0.0126 1/sec) and the decay constant for 41157017 8 87Br(0.01247 1/sec) as described in REL-REF of 41157017 9 R.W.Waldo+. 41157017 10 REL-REF (R,,L.Tomlinson,R,AERE-R-6993,1972) 41157017 11 Decay constant and yield used for normalization. 41157017 12 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Gudkov+,J,RCA,57,69,1992) Table 7. 41157017 13 HISTORY (20240916A) ERR-T -> DATA-ERR 41157017 14 ENDBIB 12 0 41157017 15 COMMON 1 3 41157017 16 EN 41157017 17 EV 41157017 18 1.47E+07 41157017 19 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41157017 20 DATA 4 8 41157017 21 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 41157017 22 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 41157017 23 35. 87. 1.04 0.20 41157017 24 35. 88. 1.00 0.23 41157017 25 35. 89. 0.39 0.12 41157017 26 37. 93. 3.52 0.94 41157017 27 37. 94. 0.74 0.27 41157017 28 53. 137. 1.65 0.34 41157017 29 53. 138. 0.82 0.27 41157017 30 53. 139. 0.25 0.12 41157017 31 ENDDATA 10 0 41157017 32 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4115701799999 ENDENTRY 17 0 4115799999999