ENTRY            41158   20220928                             42084115800000001 
SUBENT        41158001   20220928                             42084115800100001 
BIB                 11         44                                 4115800100002 
TITLE       Low-energy neutron spectrometer and its application   4115800100003 
            for Cf-252 neutron spectrum measurements.             4115800100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Lajtai,P.P.Dyachenko,V.N.Kononov,E.A.Seregina)      4115800100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/A,293,555,1990)   Data table is given           4115800100006 
           #doi:10.1016/0168-9002(90)90323-X                      4115800100007 
           (C,88MITO,,737,1988) First author A.Lajtai.            4115800100008 
            Preliminary publication.                              4115800100009 
           (R,INDC(NDS)-220,175,1989)                             4115800100010 
            The same data Table as in 88MITO.                     4115800100011 
            Preliminary publication.                              4115800100012 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB)  Lajtai                                      4115800100013 
           (4RUSFEI) Dyachenko (=D'yachenko), Kononov, Seregina   4115800100014 
DETECTOR   (GLASD)  Li-6 thin glass detector for neutrons         4115800100015 
           Efficiency of 0.95 cm thick NE 912 glass neutron       4115800100016 
           detector was determined independently by using 0.0835cm4115800100017 
           thin glass detector as a reference, whose efficiency   4115800100018 
           was determined by Monte Carlo calculations.            4115800100019 
           (FISCH)  For fission fragments .                       4115800100020 
            Filled with 90% Ar + 10% CO2 at 3 Torr.               4115800100021 
SAMPLE      Cf-252 source of 10**4 fis/sec, 6mm diameter.         4115800100022 
METHOD     (TOF) 30 cm flight path.                               4115800100023 
            Four series of measurements: with NE 912 and NE 913   4115800100024 
           glass scintillators, both with and without shadow cone.4115800100025 
            Total number of fission events 1.5*10**10 for each of 4115800100026 
            four runs.                                            4115800100027 
MONITOR    (3-LI-6(N,T)2-HE-4,,SIG) To determine thin detector    4115800100028 
            efficiency. See MISC-COL in Subent 002.               4115800100029 
PART-DET   (FF,N)                                                 4115800100030 
CORRECTION  For deviation of actual efficiencies from the         4115800100031 
           efficiencies for pure Li-6(N,A) reaction.              4115800100032 
           For time dependence of response function.              4115800100033 
           For gamma-ray sensitivity of thick glass detector.     4115800100034 
           For systematic accident coincidences at high counting  4115800100035 
           rates.                                                 4115800100036 
           For backgrounds.                                       4115800100037 
           For time resolution of TOF spectrometer.               4115800100038 
HISTORY    (19940928C)  + + compiled at the centre - CJD + +      4115800100039 
           (20111219A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction.       4115800100040 
            Dates were corrected for 4-digits year.               4115800100041 
            BIB information was added.                            4115800100042 
           (20120512A) DOI code was corrected in Subent 001       4115800100043 
            according to WP2012-26 .                              4115800100044 
           (20220928A) Refs. C,88MITO,,737,1988 and               4115800100045 
            R,INDC(NDS)-220,175,1989 were added.                  4115800100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 4115800100047 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4115800100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 4115800199999 
SUBENT        41158002   20220928                             42084115800200001 
BIB                  6         34                                 4115800200002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,REL)                         4115800200003 
            Spectrum in arbitrary units. Units are not given in   4115800200004 
            Tables of articles.                                   4115800200005 
ANALYSIS    Neutron spectrum was defined as:                      4115800200006 
            N(E)=P(E)/Nf*(solid angle)*(n detection efficiency),  4115800200007 
            where Nf - number of detected fission events,         4115800200008 
            P(E) - corrected neutron TOF spectrum transformed     4115800200009 
            ( t -> E ) in energy spectrum.                        4115800200010 
MISC-COL   (MISC1) Detection efficiencies for thin NE 908         4115800200011 
                      (Monte Carlo calculation).                  4115800200012 
           (MISC2) Detection efficiencies for thick NE 912        4115800200013 
           detector suspended in thin-wall Al chamber.            4115800200014 
           (MISC3) Detection efficiencies for thick NE 912        4115800200015 
           detector mounted on 56AVP multiplier.                  4115800200016 
ERR-ANALYS (MISC2-ERR) Errors                                     4115800200017 
           (MISC3-ERR)        include:                            4115800200018 
           the statistical errors of the measurements,            4115800200019 
           the accuracy of the Monte Carlo calculation of thin    4115800200020 
           glass efficiency (less than 2%),                       4115800200021 
           the accuracy of the 6Li(n,a)T cross section.           4115800200022 
           (ERR-T) Total error includes:                          4115800200023 
           (ERR-1) Error of the correction factor                 4115800200024 
           (ERR-2) Error of efficiency of ionization chamber      4115800200025 
           (ERR-3) Error of determination of flight length and    4115800200026 
                   neutron solid angle                            4115800200027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of J,NIM/A,293,555,1990 .              4115800200028 
            Tables of C,88MITO,,737,1988 and                      4115800200029 
            R,INDC(NDS)-220,175,1989 - preliminary publications.  4115800200030 
           .This Subent superseds Subent 40875.002                4115800200031 
HISTORY    (20111219A) PR,DE,N,REL -> PR,NU/DE,,REL .             4115800200032 
           MISC data (ratio of measured spectrum to Maxwellian    4115800200033 
           one) were moved in Subent 003.                         4115800200034 
           Data of efficiencies were inserted as MISC1, MISC2,    4115800200035 
            MISC3 (Table 1 of J,NIM/A,293,555,1990).              4115800200036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 4115800200037 
COMMON               3          3                                 4115800200038 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       4115800200039 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    4115800200040 
 2.          3.         2.                                        4115800200041 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4115800200042 
DATA                 8         70                                 4115800200043 
E          DATA       ERR-T      MISC1      MISC2      MISC2-ERR  4115800200044 
MISC3      MISC3-ERR                                              4115800200045 
KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   4115800200046 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               4115800200047 
  25.        3.530       0.478     0.145     1.748      0.043     4115800200048 
 1.905      0.046                                                 4115800200049 
  35.        2.870       0.463     0.125     1.609      0.041     4115800200050 
 1.744      0.045                                                 4115800200051 
  45.        4.406       0.477     0.113     1.505      0.036     4115800200052 
 1.663      0.042                                                 4115800200053 
  55.        4.200       0.455     0.106     1.444      0.035     4115800200054 
 1.550      0.041                                                 4115800200055 
  65.        4.435       0.443     0.101     1.389      0.032     4115800200056 
 1.497      0.040                                                 4115800200057 
  75.        4.962       0.454     0.098     1.318      0.033     4115800200058 
 1.414      0.039                                                 4115800200059 
  85.        4.834       0.427     0.097     1.305      0.032     4115800200060 
 1.395      0.038                                                 4115800200061 
  95.        5.640       0.414     0.096     1.331      0.025     4115800200062 
 1.397      0.039                                                 4115800200063 
 105.        5.688       0.391     0.098     1.341      0.031     4115800200064 
 1.415      0.040                                                 4115800200065 
 115.        6.402       0.471     0.101     1.388      0.038     4115800200066 
 1.477      0.048                                                 4115800200067 
 125.        7.032       0.470     0.106     1.459      0.045     4115800200068 
 1.556      0.052                                                 4115800200069 
 135.        6.786       0.453     0.113     1.558      0.068     4115800200070 
 1.658      0.078                                                 4115800200071 
 145.        6.495       0.424     0.123     1.672      0.081     4115800200072 
 1.806      0.086                                                 4115800200073 
 155.        7.308       0.457     0.136     1.860      0.093     4115800200074 
 2.025      0.101                                                 4115800200075 
 165.        7.140       0.438     0.155     2.103      0.098     4115800200076 
 2.292      0.114                                                 4115800200077 
 175.        7.546       0.453     0.182     2.473      0.105     4115800200078 
 2.475      0.147                                                 4115800200079 
 185.        7.545       0.445     0.217     2.919      0.138     4115800200080 
 3.222      0.153                                                 4115800200081 
 195.        7.914       0.464     0.264     3.523      0.148     4115800200082 
 3.832      0.211                                                 4115800200083 
 205.        7.674       0.448     0.319     4.264      0.213     4115800200084 
 4.529      0.254                                                 4115800200085 
 215.        8.587       0.494     0.384     5.256      0.255     4115800200086 
 5.690      0.350                                                 4115800200087 
 225.        7.354       0.423     0.448     5.887      0.278     4115800200088 
 6.381      0.347                                                 4115800200089 
 235.        7.695       0.443     0.489     6.580      0.283     4115800200090 
 6.628      0.346                                                 4115800200091 
 245.        7.749       0.445     0.495     6.641      0.345     4115800200092 
 6.648      0.360                                                 4115800200093 
 255.        7.391       0.431     0.460     6.211      0.310     4115800200094 
 6.330      0.322                                                 4115800200095 
 265.        8.167       0.466     0.403     5.497      0.264     4115800200096 
 5.792      0.276                                                 4115800200097 
 275.        8.918       0.521     0.343     4.900      0.253     4115800200098 
 4.924      0.263                                                 4115800200099 
 285.        8.907       0.534     0.289     4.257      0.226     4115800200100 
 4.333      0.250                                                 4115800200101 
 295.        8.798       0.511     0.246     3.635      0.174     4115800200102 
 3.712      0.203                                                 4115800200103 
 305.        8.538       0.499     0.211     3.208      0.149     4115800200104 
 3.246      0.177                                                 4115800200105 
 315.        8.551       0.503     0.184     2.904      0.145     4115800200106 
 3.116      0.151                                                 4115800200107 
 325.        8.984       0.528     0.163     2.585      0.140     4115800200108 
 2.721      0.150                                                 4115800200109 
 335.        8.771       0.518     0.146     2.343      0.110     4115800200110 
 2.470      0.142                                                 4115800200111 
 345.        8.454       0.505     0.131     2.147      0.109     4115800200112 
 2.300      0.121                                                 4115800200113 
 355.        8.831       0.529     0.119     1.981      0.105     4115800200114 
 2.120      0.118                                                 4115800200115 
 365.        9.357       0.560     0.110     1.848      0.105     4115800200116 
 2.061      0.115                                                 4115800200117 
 375.        9.404       0.563     0.101     1.745      0.091     4115800200118 
 1.930      0.111                                                 4115800200119 
 385.        9.075       0.549     0.095     1.679      0.083     4115800200120 
 1.947      0.101                                                 4115800200121 
 395.        9.192       0.554     0.090     1.565      0.081     4115800200122 
 1.886      0.098                                                 4115800200123 
 410.        9.577       0.560     0.084     1.495      0.079     4115800200124 
 1.782      0.096                                                 4115800200125 
 430.        9.888       0.587     0.079     1.375      0.075     4115800200126 
 1.698      0.081                                                 4115800200127 
 450.        9.393       0.550     0.075     1.313      0.071     4115800200128 
 1.563      0.080                                                 4115800200129 
 470.        9.712       0.624     0.066     1.114      0.060     4115800200130 
 1.337      0.072                                                 4115800200131 
 490.        9.362       0.564     0.059     1.001      0.055     4115800200132 
 1.154      0.066                                                 4115800200133 
 510.        9.697       0.566     0.055     0.902      0.052     4115800200134 
 1.056      0.065                                                 4115800200135 
 530.        9.889       0.598     0.053     0.844      0.049     4115800200136 
 0.943      0.054                                                 4115800200137 
 550.        9.770       0.578     0.051     0.762      0.046     4115800200138 
 0.859      0.053                                                 4115800200139 
 570.        9.711       0.580     0.049     0.736      0.044     4115800200140 
 0.827      0.053                                                 4115800200141 
 590.        9.667       0.591     0.047     0.726      0.043     4115800200142 
 0.776      0.052                                                 4115800200143 
 610.        9.982       0.614     0.046     0.684      0.041     4115800200144 
 0.728      0.050                                                 4115800200145 
 630.        9.938       0.613     0.044     0.657      0.036     4115800200146 
 0.686      0.048                                                 4115800200147 
 650.       10.020       0.626     0.043     0.633      0.035     4115800200148 
 0.654      0.043                                                 4115800200149 
 670.        9.983       0.625     0.042     0.623      0.035     4115800200150 
 0.643      0.042                                                 4115800200151 
 690.        9.924       0.653     0.041     0.605      0.033     4115800200152 
 0.613      0.042                                                 4115800200153 
 710.       10.296       0.642     0.040     0.562      0.034     4115800200154 
 0.584      0.042                                                 4115800200155 
 735.       10.467       0.646     0.038     0.540      0.033     4115800200156 
 0.547      0.042                                                 4115800200157 
 765.       10.509       0.629     0.037     0.526      0.032     4115800200158 
 0.533      0.042                                                 4115800200159 
 795.       10.032       0.625     0.038     0.543      0.032     4115800200160 
 0.550      0.042                                                 4115800200161 
 825.        9.881       0.617     0.037     0.544      0.032     4115800200162 
 0.557      0.041                                                 4115800200163 
 855.        9.970       0.626     0.036     0.538      0.031     4115800200164 
 0.550      0.041                                                 4115800200165 
 885.       10.013       0.623     0.036     0.531      0.030     4115800200166 
 0.543      0.040                                                 4115800200167 
 915.        9.768       0.616     0.035     0.531      0.030     4115800200168 
 0.547      0.040                                                 4115800200169 
 945.        9.755       0.621     0.035     0.530      0.030     4115800200170 
 0.537      0.041                                                 4115800200171 
 975.        9.597       0.592     0.035     0.533      0.029     4115800200172 
 0.542      0.041                                                 4115800200173 
1005.        9.516       0.590     0.035     0.535      0.029     4115800200174 
 0.549      0.041                                                 4115800200175 
1020.        9.401       0.587     0.035     0.529      0.030     4115800200176 
 0.539      0.040                                                 4115800200177 
1060.        9.864       0.608     0.034     0.528      0.028     4115800200178 
 0.538      0.038                                                 4115800200179 
1100.        9.822       0.621     0.033     0.510      0.027     4115800200180 
 0.514      0.039                                                 4115800200181 
1140.        9.985       0.618     0.033     0.515      0.028     4115800200182 
 0.516      0.039                                                 4115800200183 
1180.        9.486       0.590     0.033     0.512      0.027     4115800200184 
 0.515      0.039                                                 4115800200185 
1220.        9.820       0.603     0.033     0.511      0.027     4115800200186 
 0.518      0.038                                                 4115800200187 
ENDDATA            144          0                                 4115800200188 
ENDSUBENT          187          0                                 4115800299999 
SUBENT        41158003   20220928                             42084115800300001 
BIB                  3          7                                 4115800300002 
REACTION   (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MXD)                         4115800300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of J,NIM/A,293,555,1990 .              4115800300004 
           (DEP,41158002) In Subent 002 - measured spectrum.      4115800300005 
            Tables of C,88MITO,,737,1988 and                      4115800300006 
            R,INDC(NDS)-220,175,1989 - preliminary publications.  4115800300007 
           .This Subent superseded Subent 40875.003               4115800300008 
HISTORY    (20111219C) Data were moved from Subent 002.           4115800300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4115800300010 
COMMON               1          3                                 4115800300011 
KT-NRM                                                            4115800300012 
MEV                                                               4115800300013 
 1.42                                                             4115800300014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4115800300015 
DATA                 2         70                                 4115800300016 
E          DATA                                                   4115800300017 
KEV        NO-DIM                                                 4115800300018 
  25.        1.140                                                4115800300019 
  35.        0.790                                                4115800300020 
  45.        1.075                                                4115800300021 
  55.        0.934                                                4115800300022 
  65.        0.913                                                4115800300023 
  75.        0.958                                                4115800300024 
  85.        0.883                                                4115800300025 
  95.        0.981                                                4115800300026 
 105.        0.948                                                4115800300027 
 115.        1.028                                                4115800300028 
 125.        1.089                                                4115800300029 
 135.        1.018                                                4115800300030 
 145.        0.947                                                4115800300031 
 155.        1.038                                                4115800300032 
 165.        0.990                                                4115800300033 
 175.        1.023                                                4115800300034 
 185.        1.002                                                4115800300035 
 195.        1.031                                                4115800300036 
 205.        0.979                                                4115800300037 
 215.        1.080                                                4115800300038 
 225.        0.911                                                4115800300039 
 235.        0.939                                                4115800300040 
 245.        0.933                                                4115800300041 
 255.        0.879                                                4115800300042 
 265.        0.959                                                4115800300043 
 275.        1.035                                                4115800300044 
 285.        1.022                                                4115800300045 
 295.        1.000                                                4115800300046 
 305.        0.961                                                4115800300047 
 315.        0.954                                                4115800300048 
 325.        0.994                                                4115800300049 
 335.        0.962                                                4115800300050 
 345.        0.920                                                4115800300051 
 355.        0.954                                                4115800300052 
 365.        1.004                                                4115800300053 
 375.        1.003                                                4115800300054 
 385.        0.962                                                4115800300055 
 395.        0.970                                                4115800300056 
 410.        1.001                                                4115800300057 
 430.        1.024                                                4115800300058 
 450.        0.964                                                4115800300059 
 470.        0.989                                                4115800300060 
 490.        0.947                                                4115800300061 
 510.        0.975                                                4115800300062 
 530.        0.989                                                4115800300063 
 550.        0.976                                                4115800300064 
 570.        0.963                                                4115800300065 
 590.        0.955                                                4115800300066 
 610.        0.985                                                4115800300067 
 630.        0.978                                                4115800300068 
 650.        0.985                                                4115800300069 
 670.        0.980                                                4115800300070 
 690.        0.974                                                4115800300071 
 710.        1.011                                                4115800300072 
 735.        1.028                                                4115800300073 
 765.        1.033                                                4115800300074 
 795.        0.988                                                4115800300075 
 825.        0.976                                                4115800300076 
 855.        0.988                                                4115800300077 
 885.        0.996                                                4115800300078 
 915.        0.974                                                4115800300079 
 945.        0.978                                                4115800300080 
 975.        0.969                                                4115800300081 
1005.        0.966                                                4115800300082 
1020.        0.958                                                4115800300083 
1060.        1.014                                                4115800300084 
1100.        1.019                                                4115800300085 
1140.        1.046                                                4115800300086 
1180.        1.005                                                4115800300087 
1220.        1.053                                                4115800300088 
ENDDATA             72          0                                 4115800300089 
ENDSUBENT           88          0                                 4115800399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 4115899999999