ENTRY 41162 20230131 42114116200000001 SUBENT 41162001 20230131 42114116200100001 BIB 12 40 4116200100002 TITLE Measurements and estimates of the average energy 4116200100003 of neutrons from the U-235(N,F) reaction 4116200100004 AUTHOR (A.M.Trufanov,G.N.Lovchikova,G.N.Smirenkin, 4116200100005 A.V.Polyakov,V.A.Vinogradov) 4116200100006 COMMENT Of compiler. In AE/T authors list there is a misprint: 4116200100007 G.N.Smirenko -> G.N.Smirenkin . 4116200100008 REFERENCE (J,PAN,57,572,1994) Engl.translation of J,YF . 4116200100009 (J,YF,57,606,1994) Issue 4. Average energy is given 4116200100010 (J,AE,76,(3),197,1994) Issue 3. Preliminary results 4116200100011 (J,AE/T,76,195,1994) Engl.translation of J,AE . 4116200100012 #doi:10.1007/BF02408191 4116200100013 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4116200100014 METHOD (TOF) 4116200100015 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) Neutron cascade generator KG-2.5 and 4116200100016 electrostatic generator EGP-10M 4116200100017 INC-SOURCE (P-T) Solid and gas targets. 4116200100018 PART-DET (N,FF) 4116200100019 DETECTOR (SOLST) Stilbene crystal detector for neutrons 4116200100020 63 mm diameter, 39 mm high, with FEU-30. 4116200100021 Efficiency was defined relative to Cf-252 prompt 4116200100022 neutron spectrum. 4116200100023 (FISCH) Fission chamber for FF . 4116200100024 Registration efficiency 80 %. 4116200100025 Filled with Ar+CO2(10%) at 0.8atm pressure. 4116200100026 SAMPLE Metallic U-235 layers, total weight 0.9 gram, 4116200100027 thickness 1 milligram/cm**2, U-235 content 99 %. 4116200100028 HISTORY (19941013C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 4116200100029 (20110729A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4116200100030 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 4116200100031 BIB information was added. 4116200100032 Refs. J,AE/T, J,PAN were added. 4116200100033 Subents 003-005 were added. 4116200100034 (20131126R) Authors' data of spectra for En=0.5, 5. MeV4116200100035 were received from N.Kornilov. 4116200100036 (20131126A) Data were added in Subent 003. 4116200100037 (20150628A) Subents 003-04 were corrected. 4116200100038 Subent 005 (UNOBT) was deleted ( ratio of U-235 4116200100039 spectrum to Maxwellian spectrum of kT=1.407 MeV, could 4116200100040 be derived from Subent 003 author's data). 4116200100041 (20230131A) Subent 004 was corrected. 4116200100042 ENDBIB 40 0 4116200100043 NOCOMMON 0 0 4116200100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 4116200199999 SUBENT 41162002 20150628 41694116200200001 BIB 7 12 4116200200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)0-NN-1,PR,KE) 4116200200003 ANALYSIS Contribution of neutrons of energy < Emin=0.5 MeV was 4116200200004 taken into account by extrapolation. 4116200200005 CORRECTION For effect of energy and angular correlation "neutron 4116200200006 second-neutron first" -0.5 % - in AKE . 4116200200007 MISC-COL (MISC)Corresponding temperature T . 4116200200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 4116200200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J,YF,57,(4),606,1994 4116200200010 Table 2 of J,AE,76,(3),197 -for EN=5 MeV. 4116200200011 (SPSDD,41238003) Superseded by newer publication. 4116200200012 HISTORY (20110729A) N was deleted from SF7, 0-NN-1 was added in4116200200013 SF4 according to the comment of N.Otsuka (NDS IAEA) . 4116200200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4116200200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4116200200016 DATA 5 2 4116200200017 EN DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR 4116200200018 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 4116200200019 0.5 1.98 0.03 1.32 0.02 4116200200020 5.0 2.12 0.03 1.41 0.02 4116200200021 ENDDATA 4 0 4116200200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4116200299999 SUBENT 41162003 20150628 41694116200300001 BIB 5 14 4116200300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,NPD) 4116200300003 Spectrum normalized to 1. . 4116200300004 SAMPLE Metallic U-235 layers, total weight 0.9 gram, 4116200300005 thickness 1 milligram/cm**2, U-235 content 99 %. 4116200300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error. 4116200300007 STATUS (TABLE) Data were received from N.Kornilov. 4116200300008 Request of data was sent 03-08-2011 to 4116200300009 Anatoly Trufanov - trufanov@ippe.ru. 4116200300010 Fig.2 of J,YF,57,(4),606,1994 - for EN=0.5, 5.0 MeV. 4116200300011 Fig.1a of J,AE,76,(3),197,1994 -for EN=5 MeV. 4116200300012 HISTORY (20150628A) 1/FIS/MEV => 1/MEV 4116200300013 Auhtor's data error ( given as relative error dN/N) was4116200300014 re-calculated to obtain error value in per-cent units -4116200300015 ERR-S . 4116200300016 ENDBIB 14 0 4116200300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 4116200300018 DATA 4 96 4116200300019 EN E DATA ERR-S 4116200300020 MEV MEV 1/MEV PER-CENT 4116200300021 0.5 0.38 3.561E-01 7.45 4116200300022 0.5 0.43 3.876E-01 5.96 4116200300023 0.5 0.47 3.455E-01 6.18 4116200300024 0.5 0.52 3.382E-01 5.59 4116200300025 0.5 0.58 3.466E-01 5.27 4116200300026 0.5 0.63 3.734E-01 4.55 4116200300027 0.5 0.67 3.525E-01 4.95 4116200300028 0.5 0.72 3.796E-01 4.73 4116200300029 0.5 0.77 3.360E-01 4.77 4116200300030 0.5 0.82 3.460E-01 5.16 4116200300031 0.5 0.87 3.753E-01 4.66 4116200300032 0.5 0.92 3.533E-01 4.99 4116200300033 0.5 0.97 3.458E-01 4.86 4116200300034 0.5 1.02 3.529E-01 5.5 4116200300035 0.5 1.08 3.389E-01 4.06 4116200300036 0.5 1.13 3.503E-01 4.93 4116200300037 0.5 1.18 3.372E-01 4.87 4116200300038 0.5 1.22 3.268E-01 4.53 4116200300039 0.5 1.27 3.241E-01 4.43 4116200300040 0.5 1.32 3.095E-01 5.35 4116200300041 0.5 1.37 3.026E-01 5.29 4116200300042 0.5 1.42 3.103E-01 5.48 4116200300043 0.5 1.47 2.978E-01 5.48 4116200300044 0.5 1.53 3.006E-01 7.62 4116200300045 0.5 1.59 2.976E-01 7.58 4116200300046 0.5 1.63 2.839E-01 4.69 4116200300047 0.5 1.67 2.872E-01 4.62 4116200300048 0.5 1.71 2.728E-01 4.64 4116200300049 0.5 1.76 2.683E-01 4.6 4116200300050 0.5 1.81 2.562E-01 4.53 4116200300051 0.5 1.86 2.454E-01 4.55 4116200300052 0.5 1.91 2.414E-01 4.55 4116200300053 0.5 1.96 2.366E-01 4.56 4116200300054 0.5 2.02 2.360E-01 4.62 4116200300055 0.5 2.14 2.165E-01 3.61 4116200300056 0.5 2.34 1.879E-01 3.57 4116200300057 0.5 2.53 1.722E-01 4.61 4116200300058 0.5 2.74 1.522E-01 3.78 4116200300059 0.5 2.98 1.307E-01 4.95 4116200300060 0.5 3.14 1.200E-01 5.02 4116200300061 0.5 3.32 1.085E-01 5.16 4116200300062 0.5 3.57 8.743E-02 5.51 4116200300063 0.5 3.78 8.243E-02 5.57 4116200300064 0.5 3.93 7.080E-02 5.79 4116200300065 0.5 4.27 5.940E-02 4.56 4116200300066 0.5 4.75 4.280E-02 6.74 4116200300067 0.5 5.19 3.437E-02 7.35 4116200300068 0.5 5.70 2.470E-02 8.19 4116200300069 0.5 6.29 1.643E-02 9.73 4116200300070 0.5 6.78 1.208E-02 11. 4116200300071 0.5 7.15 8.361E-03 13.4 4116200300072 0.5 7.77 6.374E-03 15. 4116200300073 0.5 8.72 2.702E-03 24.9 4116200300074 0.5 9.55 2.153E-03 26.6 4116200300075 0.5 10.51 1.179E-03 37.6 4116200300076 5. 0.5395 0.32271 2.44801 4116200300077 5. 0.7444 0.344 2.09302 4116200300078 5. 0.9516 0.34005 2.11733 4116200300079 5. 1.1549 0.32973 2.24426 4116200300080 5. 1.3499 0.31674 2.43101 4116200300081 5. 1.5404 0.28997 2.62096 4116200300082 5. 1.7517 0.26009 2.57603 4116200300083 5. 1.9522 0.23478 3.62041 4116200300084 5. 2.1273 0.21997 3.54593 4116200300085 5. 2.3272 0.19457 3.59767 4116200300086 5. 2.5566 0.17494 3.60123 4116200300087 5. 2.7738 0.15588 5.13215 4116200300088 5. 2.969 0.14681 5.10864 4116200300089 5. 3.1856 0.13045 5.28938 4116200300090 5. 3.3632 0.10927 5.5825 4116200300091 5. 3.5579 0.10329 5.61525 4116200300092 5. 3.768 0.09326 5.68303 4116200300093 5. 3.9193 0.08412 5.82501 4116200300094 5. 4.08 0.07598 6.05422 4116200300095 5. 4.3415 0.06919 6.07024 4116200300096 5. 4.6261 0.05152 6.79347 4116200300097 5. 4.8327 0.04879 7.1736 4116200300098 5. 5.0536 0.0391 7.16112 4116200300099 5. 5.29 0.03355 7.74962 4116200300100 5. 5.5435 0.03054 7.85854 4116200300101 5. 5.8156 0.02662 7.8888 4116200300102 5. 6.1084 0.02053 8.76765 4116200300103 5. 6.424 0.01636 9.1687 4116200300104 5. 6.7647 0.01209 10.75268 4116200300105 5. 7.1334 0.01205 9.9585 4116200300106 5. 7.5332 0.00903 11.07419 4116200300107 5. 7.9678 0.00635 12.59842 4116200300108 5. 8.4412 0.00401 17.45635 4116200300109 5. 8.9583 0.00307 16.28664 4116200300110 5. 9.5247 0.0022 22.72727 4116200300111 5. 10.147 0.00183 21.85792 4116200300112 5. 10.832 0.00102 29.41176 4116200300113 5. 11.59 0.00043 46.51162 4116200300114 5. 12.431 0.00023 43.47826 4116200300115 5. 13.386 0.00007 142.85714 4116200300116 5. 14.415 0.00005 200. 4116200300117 ENDDATA 98 0 4116200300118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 4116200399999 SUBENT 41162004 20230131 42114116200400001 BIB 6 20 4116200400002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,NPD)// 4116200400003 (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,NPD)) 4116200400004 Ratio to standard Cf-252 SF spectrum 4116200400005 SAMPLE Metallic U-235 layers, total weight 0.9 gram, 4116200400006 thickness 1 milligram/cm**2, U-235 content 99 %. 4116200400007 STATUS Request of data was sent 03-08-2011 to 4116200400008 Anatoly Trufanov - no reply, he's retired. 4116200400009 (CURVE) Fig.3 of YF was digitized. 4116200400010 Fig.3 of J,YF,57,(4),606,1994 - for EN=0.5, 5.0 MeV. 4116200400011 Fig.1b of J,AE,76,(3),197 -for EN=5 MeV. 4116200400012 COMMENT Of compiler. These data could be also derived from 4116200400013 Subent 003 - U-235 spectrum and 4116200400014 Subent V0101.002 - Cf-252 spectrum. 4116200400015 ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of neutron energy E . 4116200400016 (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA and DATA-ERR . 4116200400017 (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 4116200400018 Quantization errors: 4116200400019 scale X - 0.016 MeV, scale Y - 0.0031 no-dim. 4116200400020 HISTORY (20150629A) Digitized data were added. 4116200400021 (20230131A) Code UNOBT was deleted. 4116200400022 ENDBIB 20 0 4116200400023 COMMON 2 3 4116200400024 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4116200400025 MEV NO-DIM 4116200400026 0.011 0.0021 4116200400027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4116200400028 DATA 4 69 4116200400029 EN E DATA DATA-ERR 4116200400030 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 4116200400031 0.5 0.325 1.1332 0.0862 4116200400032 0.5 0.528 1.0276 0.0350 4116200400033 0.5 0.757 0.9919 0.0420 4116200400034 0.5 0.952 1.0472 0.0443 4116200400035 0.5 1.143 1.0746 0.0419 4116200400036 0.5 1.323 1.0204 0.0513 4116200400037 0.5 1.535 1.0849 0.0816 4116200400038 0.5 1.717 1.0517 0.0443 4116200400039 0.5 1.930 1.0114 0.0396 4116200400040 0.5 2.085 1.0086 0.0350 4116200400041 0.5 2.311 0.9542 0.0373 4116200400042 0.5 2.485 0.9700 0.0326 4116200400043 0.5 2.717 0.9529 0.0327 4116200400044 0.5 2.947 0.9289 0.0467 4116200400045 0.5 3.181 0.9304 0.0490 4116200400046 0.5 3.321 0.9276 0.0466 4116200400047 0.5 3.593 0.8615 0.0443 4116200400048 0.5 3.772 0.9145 0.0583 4116200400049 0.5 3.920 0.8604 0.0513 4116200400050 0.5 4.281 0.8756 0.0467 4116200400051 0.5 4.744 0.8415 0.0536 4116200400052 0.5 5.188 0.8866 0.0629 4116200400053 0.5 5.729 0.8546 0.0793 4116200400054 0.5 6.319 0.8363 0.0746 4116200400055 0.5 6.772 0.8395 0.0815 4116200400056 0.5 7.146 0.7311 0.1096 4116200400057 0.5 7.738 0.8317 0.1142 4116200400058 0.5 8.725 0.6467 0.1493 4116200400059 0.5 9.477 0.8797 0.2284 4116200400060 0.5 10.464 0.9115 0.3288 4116200400061 5.0 0.554 0.9824 0.0190 4116200400062 5.0 0.730 1.0256 0.0157 4116200400063 5.0 0.933 1.0309 0.0220 4116200400064 5.0 1.136 1.0363 0.0220 4116200400065 5.0 1.326 1.0574 0.0189 4116200400066 5.0 1.541 1.0281 0.0189 4116200400067 5.0 1.740 0.9958 0.0219 4116200400068 5.0 1.955 0.9727 0.0252 4116200400069 5.0 2.098 0.9941 0.0189 4116200400070 5.0 2.313 0.9648 0.0315 4116200400071 5.0 2.562 0.9699 0.0252 4116200400072 5.0 2.780 0.9658 0.0597 4116200400073 5.0 2.987 1.0057 0.0598 4116200400074 5.0 3.206 1.0141 0.0504 4116200400075 5.0 3.400 0.9315 0.0503 4116200400076 5.0 3.578 0.9904 0.0471 4116200400077 5.0 3.798 1.0082 0.0566 4116200400078 5.0 3.936 0.9887 0.0566 4116200400079 5.0 4.123 0.9910 0.0567 4116200400080 5.0 4.349 1.0560 0.0724 4116200400081 5.0 4.678 0.9381 0.0597 4116200400082 5.0 4.857 1.0096 0.0692 4116200400083 5.0 5.098 0.9299 0.0628 4116200400084 5.0 5.315 0.9226 0.0660 4116200400085 5.0 5.573 0.9968 0.0723 4116200400086 5.0 5.842 1.0396 0.0786 4116200400087 5.0 6.146 0.9659 0.0786 4116200400088 5.0 6.438 0.9362 0.1006 4116200400089 5.0 6.774 0.8718 0.0945 4116200400090 5.0 7.144 1.1090 0.1164 4116200400091 5.0 7.515 1.0885 0.1258 4116200400092 5.0 7.975 1.0172 0.1384 4116200400093 5.0 8.458 0.8860 0.1509 4116200400094 5.0 8.950 0.9592 0.1731 4116200400095 5.0 9.500 1.0007 0.2106 4116200400096 5.0 10.107 1.2682 0.2422 4116200400097 5.0 10.791 1.1236 0.2923 4116200400098 5.0 11.564 0.7930 0.3364 4116200400099 5.0 12.447 0.7480 0.4466 4116200400100 ENDDATA 71 0 4116200400101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 4116200499999 NOSUBENT 41162005 20150628 41694116200500001 ENDENTRY 5 0 4116299999999