ENTRY 41205 20241212 422141205000 1 SUBENT 41205001 20241212 422141205001 1 BIB 11 24 41205001 2 TITLE Elastic scattering of 580-MeV neutrons by protons at 41205001 3 small angles 41205001 4 AUTHOR (N.S.Amaglobeli,Iu.M.Kazarinov) 41205001 5 Iu.M.Kazarinov = Yu.M.Kazarinov 41205001 6 REFERENCE (J,JET,7,37,1958) English of ZET 34 53 41205001 7 (J,ZET,34,53,1958) Data and curve are given 41205001 8 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 41205001 9 FACILITY (SYNCY,4ZZZDUB) 41205001 10 INC-SOURCE (P-BE) 660 MeV protons scattered on Be target. 41205001 11 INC-SPECT 2.E+4 n/(sec*cm2) at sample position. 41205001 12 SAMPLE Liquid hydrogen 41205001 13 DETECTOR (TELES) Five scintillation counters telescope with 41205001 14 converter 41205001 15 METHOD (COINC) Coincidence - anticoincidence. 41205001 16 ANG-RSL - angular resolution of detector. 41205001 17 Measurements with and without converter(5.6g/cm2 CH(2),41205001 18 with and without sample. 41205001 19 HISTORY (19960813T) Converted from ENTRY 80304 with adding of 41205001 20 BIB-information 41205001 21 (20241212A) M.M. Subent 002 was corrected. 41205001 22 Upper -> lower case correction. 41205001 23 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41205001 24 STATUS information was updated. 41205001 25 BIB information was updated. 41205001 26 ENDBIB 24 0 41205001 27 NOCOMMON 0 0 41205001 28 ENDSUBENT 27 0 4120500199999 SUBENT 41205002 20241212 422141205002 1 BIB 7 15 41205002 2 REACTION (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA) 41205002 3 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA) At 15 deg, value is not given 41205002 4 in the article. 41205002 5 MONIT-REF (41224001,Iu.M.Kazarinov+,J,ZET,31,169,1956) 41205002 6 REL-REF (N,11083002,R.H.Stahl+,J,PR,96,1310,1954) At 91 MeV 41205002 7 (N,11072002,O.Chamberlain+,J,PR,94,208,1954) At 90 MeV 41205002 8 (N,11078002,Hartzler+,J,PR,95,591,1954) At 400 MeV 41205002 9 (N,41224002,Yu.M.Kazarinov+,J,ZET,31,169,1956) 41205002 10 At 580 MeV . 41205002 11 . 4 data sets used for comparison on Fig.2 41205002 12 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error 41205002 13 STATUS (TABLE,,N.S.Amaglobeli+,J,JET,7,37,1958) 41205002 14 Text page 38. 41205002 15 HISTORY (20241212A) COS-CM -> ANG-CM. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW. 41205002 16 1-H-0 -> 1-H-1 in REACTION and MONITOR. 41205002 17 ENDBIB 15 0 41205002 18 COMMON 3 3 41205002 19 EN EN-RSL-HW ANG-NRM 41205002 20 MEV MEV ADEG 41205002 21 580. 130. 15. 41205002 22 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41205002 23 DATA 4 2 41205002 24 ANG-CM ANG-RSL DATA ERR-S 41205002 25 ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 41205002 26 11. 2. 7.5 1. 41205002 27 23. 2. 5. 0.8 41205002 28 ENDDATA 4 0 41205002 29 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4120500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4120599999999