ENTRY 41209 20241212 422141209000 1 SUBENT 41209001 20241212 422141209001 1 BIB 10 22 41209001 2 TITLE Scattering of 200 MeV neutrons by protons 41209001 3 AUTHOR (Yu.M.Kazarinov,Yu.N.Simonov) 41209001 4 REFERENCE (J,JET,16,24,1963) English translation of ZET 43 35 41209001 5 (J,ZET,43,35,1962) Graph is given 41209001 6 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 41209001 7 FACILITY (SYNCY,4ZZZDUB) Synchro-cyclotron 41209001 8 METHOD (REC) Proton recoil method 41209001 9 SAMPLE Polyethylene C-H2, thickness 59 gram/cm2 41209001 10 and graphite, thickness 54 gram/cm2 41209001 11 DETECTOR (TELES) Three scintillation counters telescope 41209001 12 .For proton detection, 5 scintillation counters 41209001 13 .Telescope with convertor for neutron detection 41209001 14 ANALYSIS Cross-section was determined by the difference between41209001 15 scattering in polyethylene and graphite 41209001 16 HISTORY (19960815T) Converted from ENTRY 80308 in CJD 41209001 17 with addition of some BIB-information in SAN 001 41209001 18 (19970219U) Energy moved to SAN 001; 41209001 19 PART-DET keyword deleted in SAN 001 41209001 20 (20241212U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41209001 21 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41209001 22 STATUS information was updated. 41209001 23 BIB information was added. 41209001 24 ENDBIB 22 0 41209001 25 COMMON 2 3 41209001 26 EN EN-RSL 41209001 27 MEV MEV 41209001 28 200. 40. 41209001 29 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41209001 30 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4120900199999 SUBENT 41209002 20241212 422141209002 1 BIB 9 16 41209002 2 REACTION (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA) 41209002 3 PART-DET (N,P) neutrons detected at 67.5deg and less, recoil 41209002 4 protons at 67.5 deg and greater (c.m.s) 41209002 5 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG) 41209002 6 MONIT-REF (41209003,Yu.M.Kazarinov+,J,JET,16,24,1963) 41209002 7 REL-REF (N,11055001,G.Guernsey+,J,PR,88,15,1952) 41209002 8 Data used for comparison on Fig.2 41209002 9 CORRECTION For detection efficiency. 41209002 10 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes statistical and errors in 41209002 11 determination of the relative efficiency ( 2% and 6% 41209002 12 for recoil and scattered protons, respectively). 41209002 13 STATUS (SCSRS) 41209002 14 Source of data is not clear - from authors or Fig.2 41209002 15 digitized. 41209002 16 HISTORY (19970219U) Energy moved to SAN 001 41209002 17 (20241212A) DATA -> DATA-CM 41209002 18 ENDBIB 16 0 41209002 19 COMMON 2 3 41209002 20 MONIT MONIT-ERR 41209002 21 MB MB 41209002 22 42.7 0.9 41209002 23 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41209002 24 DATA 4 21 41209002 25 COS-CM ANG-RSL DATA-CM DATA-ERR 41209002 26 NO-DIM ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 41209002 27 9.9450E-01 2. 9.5000E+00 2.5000E+00 41209002 28 9.8480E-01 2. 8.3000E+00 8.0000E-01 41209002 29 9.3360E-01 3. 4.7000E+00 7.0000E-01 41209002 30 8.5720E-01 3. 4.1000E+00 5.0000E-01 41209002 31 7.4310E-01 3. 3.0000E+00 4.0000E-01 41209002 32 4.6950E-01 3. 2.4000E+00 4.0000E-01 41209002 33 3.8270E-01 2. 2.2000E+00 2.0000E-01 41209002 34 2.2500E-01 2. 1.9000E+00 1.0000E-01 41209002 35 5.2300E-02 2. 1.9000E+00 1.0000E-01 41209002 36 -1.2190E-01 2. 2.2000E+00 1.0000E-01 41209002 37 -3.2560E-01 2. 2.8000E+00 1.5000E-01 41209002 38 -4.6950E-01 2. 3.2000E+00 2.5000E-01 41209002 39 -6.4280E-01 2. 3.8000E+00 2.0000E-01 41209002 40 -7.7710E-01 2. 4.7000E+00 1.5000E-01 41209002 41 -8.6600E-01 2. 5.5000E+00 1.5000E-01 41209002 42 -9.3970E-01 2. 7.0000E+00 1.5000E-01 41209002 43 -9.6130E-01 1. 8.1000E+00 2.5000E-01 41209002 44 -9.7030E-01 1. 9.3000E+00 2.5000E-01 41209002 45 -9.8480E-01 1. 1.0300E+01 2.5000E-01 41209002 46 -9.9450E-01 1. 1.1300E+01 3.0000E-01 41209002 47 -1.0000E+00 1. 1.1400E+01 4.0000E-01 41209002 48 ENDDATA 23 0 41209002 49 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4120900299999 SUBENT 41209003 20241212 422141209003 1 BIB 6 18 41209003 2 REACTION (1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG) 41209003 3 METHOD Measurement in a "good geometry" neutron beam 41209003 4 absorption experiment. Angular resolution of detector 41209003 5 was 0.15 deg., incident neutrons energy threshold was 41209003 6 170 MeV. 41209003 7 CORRECTION For detection efficiency of recoil protons, 41209003 8 for protons absorption and scattering - 41209003 9 1.19+-0.02 (at 0 deg) to 1.04+-0.02 ( 55deg). 41209003 10 For neutron absorption - 1.26+-0.03 (0 deg) to 41209003 11 1.1+-0.04 (32deg30min). 41209003 12 For variation of detection probability of the charge 41209003 13 exchange events K(E) - from 1.0+-0.05 to 1.2+-0.05 41209003 14 in the range 32.5 deg - 3 deg. 41209003 15 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty was not explained in the41209003 16 article. 41209003 17 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.M.Kazarinov+,J,JET,16,24,1963) 41209003 18 Text of abstract. 41209003 19 HISTORY (19970219U) Energy moved to SAN 001 41209003 20 ENDBIB 18 0 41209003 21 NOCOMMON 0 0 41209003 22 DATA 2 1 41209003 23 DATA DATA-ERR 41209003 24 MB MB 41209003 25 42.7 0.9 41209003 26 ENDDATA 3 0 41209003 27 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4120900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4120999999999