ENTRY 41220 20241212 422141220000 1 SUBENT 41220001 20241212 422141220001 1 BIB 8 20 41220001 2 TITLE Determination of the absorption cross section and of 41220001 3 the radiative capture cross section of uranium-233 41220001 4 for pile neutrons 41220001 5 AUTHOR (G.M.Kukavadse,L.L.Goldin,M.P.Anikina,B.W.Ershler) 41220001 6 REFERENCE (C,55GENEVA,4,230,1955) Original paper in Russian 41220001 7 was printed by USSR Academy of Sciences, 'Doklady 41220001 8 sovetckoy delegatsii na mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii 41220001 9 po mirnomu ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii', Geneve, 41220001 10 1955, vol.2, 'Fizicheskie Issledovaniya', page 115 41220001 11 Moscow 1955 41220001 12 INSTITUTE (4RUSITE) 41220001 13 FACILITY (REAC) 41220001 14 (SPECM) 41220001 15 INC-SPECT Thermal reactor spectrum 41220001 16 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 41220001 17 HISTORY (19960926C) * * Compiled and converted in the 41220001 18 CJD-centre * * 41220001 19 (20241212U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41220001 20 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41220001 21 STATUS information was updated. 41220001 22 ENDBIB 20 0 41220001 23 NOCOMMON 0 0 41220001 24 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4122000199999 SUBENT 41220002 20241212 422141220002 1 BIB 4 7 41220002 2 REACTION ((92-U-233(N,G)92-U-234,,SIG,,SPA)/ 41220002 3 (92-U-233(N,ABS),,SIG,,SPA)) 41220002 4 MONITOR Absolute measurements 41220002 5 STATUS (TABLE,,G.M.Kukavadse,C,55GENEVA,4,230,1955) 41220002 6 Text page 232. 41220002 7 HISTORY (19960926T) * * Converted from SUBENT 80333002 41220002 8 in the CJD-centre * * 41220002 9 ENDBIB 7 0 41220002 10 NOCOMMON 0 0 41220002 11 DATA 3 1 41220002 12 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 41220002 13 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 41220002 14 0.0253 8.7E-02 3.E-03 41220002 15 ENDDATA 3 0 41220002 16 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4122000299999 SUBENT 41220003 20241212 422141220003 1 BIB 5 9 41220003 2 REACTION (92-U-233(N,ABS),,ALF,,MXW) 41220003 3 METHOD (ASEP) Mass spectrometric and isotopic dilution 41220003 4 analysis, as well as alpha-counting. Integrated 41220003 5 flux monitored by change in isotope ratio of Li 41220003 6 sample irradiated with U-233. 41220003 7 MONITOR (3-LI-6(N,ABS),,SIG) 41220003 8 STATUS (SCSRS) Source of data is not clear. 41220003 9 HISTORY (19960926T) * * Converted from SUBENT 80333005 41220003 10 in the CJD-centre * * 41220003 11 ENDBIB 9 0 41220003 12 NOCOMMON 0 0 41220003 13 DATA 4 1 41220003 14 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 41220003 15 EV NO-DIM NO-DIM B 41220003 16 0.0253 0.095 0.003 930. 41220003 17 ENDDATA 3 0 41220003 18 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4122000399999 SUBENT 41220004 20241212 422141220004 1 BIB 4 9 41220004 2 REACTION (92-U-233(N,G)92-U-234,,SIG,,SPA) 41220004 3 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 41220004 4 STATUS (SCSRS) Source of data is not clear. 41220004 5 (DEP,41220002) Calculated from measured ratio to 41220004 6 absorption. 41220004 7 HISTORY (19960926T) * * Converted from SUBENT 80333006 41220004 8 in the CJD-centre * * 41220004 9 (20241212A) "DEP,41216002" -> "DEP,41220002" (in 41216 41220004 10 Am-241 data) 41220004 11 ENDBIB 9 0 41220004 12 NOCOMMON 0 0 41220004 13 DATA 4 1 41220004 14 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 41220004 15 EV B B B 41220004 16 0.0253 50. 2. 98.8 41220004 17 ENDDATA 3 0 41220004 18 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4122000499999 SUBENT 41220005 20241212 422141220005 1 BIB 6 11 41220005 2 REACTION (92-U-233(N,ABS),,SIG,,SPA) 41220005 3 METHOD (BURN) 41220005 4 MONITOR (3-LI-6(N,ABS),,SIG) 41220005 5 ANALYSIS Cross section was determined by measured ratio of 41220005 6 U capture cross-section to Li6 absorption cross 41220005 7 section - 0.73 (without self-shielding), 41220005 8 0.66+-0.03 (with self-shielding correction).41220005 9 STATUS (TABLE,,G.M.Kukavadse,C,55GENEVA,4,230,1955) 41220005 10 Text page 232. 41220005 11 HISTORY (19960926T) * * Converted from SUBENT 80333007 41220005 12 in the CJD-centre * * 41220005 13 ENDBIB 11 0 41220005 14 NOCOMMON 0 0 41220005 15 DATA 4 1 41220005 16 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR MONIT 41220005 17 EV B B B 41220005 18 0.0253 615. 30. 930. 41220005 19 ENDDATA 3 0 41220005 20 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4122000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 4122099999999