ENTRY 41230 20241212 422141230000 1 SUBENT 41230001 20241212 422141230001 1 BIB 11 23 41230001 2 TITLE Fast neutron total scattering cross sections 41230001 3 for argon and krypton 41230001 4 AUTHOR (V.P.Vlasenko,Yu.A.Grits,D.E.Khulelidze,V.F.Chulius) 41230001 5 REFERENCE (B,SPN,,209,1961) English translation. 41230001 6 (B,NEJTRONFIZ,,283,1961) 41230001 7 INSTITUTE (4UKRIFU) 41230001 8 FACILITY (NGEN,4UKRIFU) Ions accelerating tube on 150 keV 41230001 9 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 41230001 10 DETECTOR (BF3) For neutron flux monitoring 41230001 11 (PROPC) For scattered neutrons detection 41230001 12 METHOD (TRN) Measurements with and without sample gas. 41230001 13 For testing of facility and method the measurements 41230001 14 of total neutron scattering C-S were performed for 41230001 15 oxygen and nitrogen. 41230001 16 SAMPLE Liquefied gas, Ar - 1.4 g/cm3, Kr - 2.6 g/cm3. 41230001 17 Thickness 4 cm. 41230001 18 MONITOR No information in the article. 41230001 19 HISTORY (19961006C) * * Compiled and converted from 80353 41230001 20 in the CJD-centre * * 41230001 21 (20241212A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41230001 22 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41230001 23 STATUS information was updated. 41230001 24 Ref.B,NEJTRONFIZ,,283,1961 was inserted. 41230001 25 ENDBIB 23 0 41230001 26 NOCOMMON 0 0 41230001 27 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4123000199999 SUBENT 41230002 20241212 422141230002 1 BIB 4 7 41230002 2 REACTION (36-KR-0(N,SCT)36-KR-0,,SIG) 41230002 3 ADD-RES Average C-S in region 2.13 - 2.94 MeV - 3.4+-0.5 b. 41230002 4 STATUS (CURVE,,V.P.Vlasenko+,B,SPN,,209,1961) 41230002 5 Data read from the curve (Fig.2) given in article. 41230002 6 Error bars are absent on Fig.2. 41230002 7 HISTORY (19961006T) * * Converted from SUBENT 80353002 * *41230002 8 REACTION code SF4 corrected 41230002 9 ENDBIB 7 0 41230002 10 NOCOMMON 0 0 41230002 11 DATA 2 5 41230002 12 EN DATA 41230002 13 MEV B 41230002 14 2.15 3.40 41230002 15 2.21 3.45 41230002 16 2.36 3.40 41230002 17 2.70 3.43 41230002 18 2.85 3.25 41230002 19 ENDDATA 7 0 41230002 20 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4123000299999 SUBENT 41230003 20241212 422141230003 1 BIB 5 7 41230003 2 REACTION (18-AR-0(N,SCT)18-AR-0,,SIG) 41230003 3 ADD-RES Average C-S in region 2.13 - 2.94 MeV - 3.0+-0.5 b. 41230003 4 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error is not specified 41230003 5 STATUS (CURVE,,V.P.Vlasenko+,B,SPN,,209,1961) 41230003 6 Data read from the curve (Fig.2) given in article 41230003 7 HISTORY (19961006T) * * Converted from SUBENT 80353003 * *41230003 8 REACTION code SF4 corrected 41230003 9 ENDBIB 7 0 41230003 10 NOCOMMON 0 0 41230003 11 DATA 3 5 41230003 12 EN DATA DATA-ERR 41230003 13 MEV B B 41230003 14 2.22 3.08 0.15 41230003 15 2.43 3.02 0.15 41230003 16 2.60 2.92 0.20 41230003 17 2.78 2.90 0.18 41230003 18 2.94 2.94 0.24 41230003 19 ENDDATA 7 0 41230003 20 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4123000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4123099999999