ENTRY 41233 20241212 422141233000 1 SUBENT 41233001 20241212 422141233001 1 BIB 10 20 41233001 2 TITLE Neutron capture cross section measurements for 41233001 3 several molybdenum isotopes 41233001 4 AUTHOR (S.P.Kapchigashev,Yu.P.Popov) 41233001 5 REFERENCE (S,JINR-1845,104,1964) In Russian. 41233001 6 =C,64DUBNA,104,1964 41233001 7 INSTITUTE (4RUSLEB) 41233001 8 MONITOR No information in the article. 41233001 9 METHOD (SLODT) Slowing-down time in lead. 41233001 10 REL-REF (M,40754001,N.T.Kashukeev+,B,NEJTRONFIZ,,354,1961) 41233001 11 (O,40034013,S.P.Kapchigashev+,J,SJA,19,1212,1965) 41233001 12 V-50 (n,g) WID published at 1965 year. 41233001 13 ERR-ANALYS Errors are not given 41233001 14 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 41233001 15 HISTORY (19970410C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD(S.M.) +41233001 16 (19970505U) * * New reference added 41233001 17 (20241212A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41233001 18 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41233001 19 STATUS information was updated. 41233001 20 REL-REFs were added. 41233001 21 Subents 005-008 were added. 41233001 22 ENDBIB 20 0 41233001 23 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233001 24 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4123300199999 SUBENT 41233002 20241212 422141233002 1 BIB 4 6 41233002 2 REACTION (42-MO-95(N,G)42-MO-96,,SIG,,SDT) 41233002 3 ERR-ANALYS Errors are not given 41233002 4 STATUS (SCSRS) Source of data ia not clear - from authors or 41233002 5 digitized Fig.1 of the article. 41233002 6 HISTORY (19970408T) Converted from SUBENT 80360002 41233002 7 (20241212A) SDT code was added in REACTION. 41233002 8 ENDBIB 6 0 41233002 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233002 10 DATA 2 47 41233002 11 EN DATA 41233002 12 MEV B 41233002 13 3.2500E-05 2.8000E-01 41233002 14 3.5000E-05 1.5700E+00 41233002 15 3.8000E-05 3.0000E+00 41233002 16 4.2000E-05 5.4000E+00 41233002 17 4.5000E-05 6.5000E+00 41233002 18 4.9000E-05 4.8000E+00 41233002 19 5.4000E-05 2.9800E+00 41233002 20 6.2000E-05 1.8500E+00 41233002 21 6.8000E-05 1.7500E+00 41233002 22 7.7000E-05 1.5000E+00 41233002 23 8.6000E-05 1.1200E+00 41233002 24 1.0200E-04 2.2000E+00 41233002 25 1.1000E-04 3.3000E+00 41233002 26 1.1300E-04 4.7000E+00 41233002 27 1.2500E-04 5.5000E+00 41233002 28 1.3500E-04 6.4000E+00 41233002 29 1.4000E-04 5.9000E+00 41233002 30 1.6000E-04 4.8000E+00 41233002 31 1.7500E-04 3.7500E+00 41233002 32 1.8500E-04 2.9000E+00 41233002 33 1.9500E-04 2.0000E+00 41233002 34 2.3000E-04 1.0500E+00 41233002 35 2.9000E-04 1.5500E+00 41233002 36 3.2000E-04 2.4000E+00 41233002 37 3.5000E-04 3.2000E+00 41233002 38 3.8500E-04 3.0000E+00 41233002 39 4.4000E-04 2.0000E+00 41233002 40 4.6000E-04 1.6500E+00 41233002 41 5.3000E-04 2.0000E+00 41233002 42 6.5000E-04 2.3500E+00 41233002 43 7.5000E-04 2.2000E+00 41233002 44 8.5000E-04 1.9000E+00 41233002 45 9.5000E-04 1.8000E+00 41233002 46 1.1200E-03 1.9000E+00 41233002 47 1.3500E-03 1.9500E+00 41233002 48 1.6300E-03 1.6500E+00 41233002 49 1.9000E-03 1.6300E+00 41233002 50 2.4000E-03 1.3000E+00 41233002 51 3.1000E-03 1.3000E+00 41233002 52 4.2000E-03 1.1500E+00 41233002 53 5.7000E-03 9.5000E-01 41233002 54 8.5000E-03 8.3000E-01 41233002 55 1.2500E-02 6.5000E-01 41233002 56 1.7500E-02 5.9000E-01 41233002 57 2.5000E-02 4.8000E-01 41233002 58 3.0000E-02 4.4000E-01 41233002 59 4.6000E-02 2.5500E-01 41233002 60 ENDDATA 49 0 41233002 61 ENDSUBENT 60 0 4123300299999 SUBENT 41233003 20241212 422141233003 1 BIB 5 9 41233003 2 REACTION (42-MO-96(N,G)42-MO-97,,SIG,,SDT) 41233003 3 ERR-ANALYS Errors are not given 41233003 4 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 41233003 5 In the article only Mo-95 and Mo-97 are mentioned 41233003 6 in text ( as firstly measured) and in title of Fig.1. 41233003 7 STATUS (SCSRS) Source of data ia not clear - from authors or 41233003 8 digitized Fig.1 of the article. 41233003 9 HISTORY (19970408T) Converted from SUBENT 80360003 41233003 10 (20241212A) SDT code was added in REACTION. 41233003 11 ENDBIB 9 0 41233003 12 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233003 13 DATA 2 43 41233003 14 EN DATA 41233003 15 MEV B 41233003 16 8.3000E-05 9.0000E-01 41233003 17 9.3000E-05 9.5000E-01 41233003 18 9.7000E-05 1.1200E+00 41233003 19 1.0000E-04 1.5500E+00 41233003 20 1.1000E-04 2.2000E+00 41233003 21 1.1500E-04 3.2000E+00 41233003 22 1.2000E-04 4.0000E+00 41233003 23 1.3000E-04 4.5000E+00 41233003 24 1.4200E-04 5.0000E+00 41233003 25 1.5000E-04 4.3000E+00 41233003 26 1.6000E-04 3.2000E+00 41233003 27 1.7000E-04 2.0500E+00 41233003 28 1.8000E-04 1.4800E+00 41233003 29 1.8500E-04 1.0300E+00 41233003 30 2.0000E-04 7.0000E-01 41233003 31 2.2000E-04 6.3000E-01 41233003 32 2.8000E-04 6.2500E-01 41233003 33 3.1000E-04 7.5000E-01 41233003 34 3.4500E-04 9.0000E-01 41233003 35 3.8000E-04 9.7000E-01 41233003 36 4.2000E-04 8.6000E-01 41233003 37 4.7000E-04 7.8000E-01 41233003 38 5.1000E-04 5.5000E-01 41233003 39 6.5000E-04 3.3000E-01 41233003 40 7.4000E-04 3.3000E-01 41233003 41 8.5000E-04 1.9000E-01 41233003 42 9.5000E-04 2.1000E-01 41233003 43 1.1000E-03 1.8000E-01 41233003 44 1.3000E-03 1.8000E-01 41233003 45 1.6000E-03 2.0000E-01 41233003 46 1.9000E-03 1.9000E-01 41233003 47 2.3000E-03 2.3500E-01 41233003 48 3.1000E-03 2.9000E-01 41233003 49 4.1000E-03 3.0000E-01 41233003 50 5.5000E-03 2.8000E-01 41233003 51 7.5000E-03 2.6000E-01 41233003 52 9.0000E-03 2.3000E-01 41233003 53 1.2500E-02 1.9000E-01 41233003 54 1.5000E-02 1.7000E-01 41233003 55 2.0000E-02 1.2000E-01 41233003 56 2.2500E-02 9.9000E-02 41233003 57 3.0000E-02 1.0000E-01 41233003 58 5.0000E-02 6.0000E-02 41233003 59 ENDDATA 45 0 41233003 60 ENDSUBENT 59 0 4123300399999 SUBENT 41233004 20241212 422141233004 1 BIB 4 6 41233004 2 REACTION (42-MO-97(N,G)42-MO-98,,SIG,,SDT) 41233004 3 ERR-ANALYS Errors are not given 41233004 4 STATUS (SCSRS) Source of data ia not clear - from authors or 41233004 5 digitized Fig.1 of the article. 41233004 6 HISTORY (19970408T) Converted from SUBENT 80360004 41233004 7 (20241212A) SDT code was added in REACTION. 41233004 8 ENDBIB 6 0 41233004 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233004 10 DATA 2 60 41233004 11 EN DATA 41233004 12 MEV B 41233004 13 2.8000E-05 2.2000E+00 41233004 14 3.3000E-05 2.4000E+00 41233004 15 3.5000E-05 2.9000E+00 41233004 16 3.8000E-05 5.2000E+00 41233004 17 4.1000E-05 7.5000E+00 41233004 18 4.6000E-05 8.3000E+00 41233004 19 4.8000E-05 6.6000E+00 41233004 20 5.5000E-05 5.5000E+00 41233004 21 6.1000E-05 7.3000E+00 41233004 22 6.7000E-05 1.0500E+01 41233004 23 7.7000E-05 9.0000E+00 41233004 24 8.2000E-05 6.4000E+00 41233004 25 8.7000E-05 5.3000E+00 41233004 26 9.4000E-05 3.8000E+00 41233004 27 1.0000E-04 2.7000E+00 41233004 28 1.0900E-04 2.1000E+00 41233004 29 1.1500E-04 2.5000E+00 41233004 30 1.2500E-04 2.9000E+00 41233004 31 1.4500E-04 2.4500E+00 41233004 32 1.5200E-04 2.2000E+00 41233004 33 1.6000E-04 1.7500E+00 41233004 34 1.8000E-04 1.5500E+00 41233004 35 2.0500E-04 1.9000E+00 41233004 36 2.3000E-04 2.5000E+00 41233004 37 2.5000E-04 3.6000E+00 41233004 38 2.9000E-04 4.2000E+00 41233004 39 3.4000E-04 3.9000E+00 41233004 40 3.8000E-04 4.0000E+00 41233004 41 4.1000E-04 3.9000E+00 41233004 42 4.7000E-04 3.4000E+00 41233004 43 5.1000E-04 3.7000E+00 41233004 44 5.7000E-04 3.2000E+00 41233004 45 6.6000E-04 3.3000E+00 41233004 46 7.5000E-04 2.7000E+00 41233004 47 8.5000E-04 2.0000E+00 41233004 48 9.5000E-04 1.8500E+00 41233004 49 1.1200E-03 2.0500E+00 41233004 50 1.3200E-03 2.3000E+00 41233004 51 1.4500E-03 2.1000E+00 41233004 52 1.6500E-03 2.0000E+00 41233004 53 1.8000E-03 1.8000E+00 41233004 54 2.0500E-03 2.0000E+00 41233004 55 2.3000E-03 1.9500E+00 41233004 56 2.4500E-03 1.7000E+00 41233004 57 3.0000E-03 1.8500E+00 41233004 58 3.4500E-03 1.6500E+00 41233004 59 4.0500E-03 1.3700E+00 41233004 60 4.3500E-03 1.2500E+00 41233004 61 5.1000E-03 1.3000E+00 41233004 62 5.6000E-03 1.2800E+00 41233004 63 6.2000E-03 1.1500E+00 41233004 64 7.7000E-03 1.0500E+00 41233004 65 1.2300E-02 7.3000E-01 41233004 66 1.3500E-02 6.8000E-01 41233004 67 1.6000E-02 5.6000E-01 41233004 68 2.1000E-02 4.9000E-01 41233004 69 2.4000E-02 4.3000E-01 41233004 70 3.2000E-02 3.3000E-01 41233004 71 5.0000E-02 2.3000E-01 41233004 72 6.1000E-02 1.7000E-01 41233004 73 ENDDATA 62 0 41233004 74 ENDSUBENT 73 0 4123300499999 SUBENT 41233005 20241212 422141233005 1 BIB 6 12 41233005 2 REACTION 1(40-ZR-0(N,G),,RI,,RV) 41233005 3 2(40-ZR-0(N,G),,RI,,RNV) 41233005 4 REL-REF (O,40034008,S.P.Kapchigashev+,J,SJA,19,1212,1965) 41233005 5 Final data of capture total resonance integrals, 41233005 6 value 1.1+-0.2 b is the same. 41233005 7 COMMENT Of compiler. Energy EN-MIN is not mentioned in the 41233005 8 article, supposed by compiler as 1. eV. 41233005 9 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 41233005 10 article. 41233005 11 STATUS (TABLE,,S.P.Kapchigashev+,S,JINR-1845,104,1964) Table 141233005 12 integral published in J,SJA,19,1212,1965 41233005 13 HISTORY (20241212C) Subent was added. 41233005 14 ENDBIB 12 0 41233005 15 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233005 16 DATA 4 1 41233005 17 EN-MIN DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 41233005 18 EV B B B 41233005 19 1. 0.081 1.0 0.2 41233005 20 ENDDATA 3 0 41233005 21 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4123300599999 SUBENT 41233006 20241212 422141233006 1 BIB 5 11 41233006 2 REACTION 1(40-ZR-90(N,G)40-ZR-91,,RI,,RV) 41233006 3 2(40-ZR-90(N,G)40-ZR-91,,RI,,RNV) 41233006 4 3(40-ZR-90(N,G)40-ZR-91,,RI) 41233006 5 COMMENT Of compiler. Energy EN-MIN is not mentioned in the 41233006 6 article, supposed by compiler as 1. eV. 41233006 7 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 41233006 8 article. 41233006 9 STATUS (TABLE,,S.P.Kapchigashev+,S,JINR-1845,104,1964) Table 141233006 10 3(SPSDD,40034005) Final data of capture total resonance 41233006 11 integral published in J,SJA,19,1212,1965 41233006 12 HISTORY (20241212C) Subent was added. 41233006 13 ENDBIB 11 0 41233006 14 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233006 15 DATA 6 1 41233006 16 EN-MIN DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 341233006 17 EV B B B B B 41233006 18 1. 0.044 0.1 0.03 0.14 0.03 41233006 19 ENDDATA 3 0 41233006 20 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4123300699999 SUBENT 41233007 20241212 422141233007 1 BIB 5 11 41233007 2 REACTION 1(40-ZR-91(N,G)40-ZR-92,,RI,,RV) 41233007 3 2(40-ZR-91(N,G)40-ZR-92,,RI,,RNV) 41233007 4 3(40-ZR-91(N,G)40-ZR-92,,RI) 41233007 5 COMMENT Of compiler. Energy EN-MIN is not mentioned in the 41233007 6 article, supposed by compiler as 1. eV. 41233007 7 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 41233007 8 article. 41233007 9 STATUS (TABLE,,S.P.Kapchigashev+,S,JINR-1845,104,1964) Table 141233007 10 3(SPSDD,40034006) Final data of capture total resonance 41233007 11 integral published in J,SJA,19,1212,1965 41233007 12 HISTORY (20241212C) Subent was added. 41233007 13 ENDBIB 11 0 41233007 14 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233007 15 DATA 6 1 41233007 16 EN-MIN DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 341233007 17 EV B B B B B 41233007 18 1. 0.066 6.7 0.8 7.3 0.8 41233007 19 ENDDATA 3 0 41233007 20 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4123300799999 SUBENT 41233008 20241212 422141233008 1 BIB 5 11 41233008 2 REACTION 1(40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI,,RV) 41233008 3 2(40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI,,RNV) 41233008 4 3(40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI) 41233008 5 COMMENT Of compiler. Energy EN-MIN is not mentioned in the 41233008 6 article, supposed by compiler as 1. eV. 41233008 7 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 41233008 8 article. 41233008 9 STATUS (TABLE,,S.P.Kapchigashev+,S,JINR-1845,104,1964) Table 141233008 10 3(SPSDD,40034007) Final data of capture total resonance 41233008 11 integral published in J,SJA,19,1212,1965 41233008 12 HISTORY (20241212C) Subent was added. 41233008 13 ENDBIB 11 0 41233008 14 NOCOMMON 0 0 41233008 15 DATA 6 1 41233008 16 EN-MIN DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 341233008 17 EV B B B B B 41233008 18 1. 0.035 0.2 0.02 0.23 0.02 41233008 19 ENDDATA 3 0 41233008 20 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4123300899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 4123399999999