ENTRY 41238 20191109 41844123800000001 SUBENT 41238001 20191109 41844123800100001 BIB 13 52 4123800100002 AUTHOR (G.N.Lovchikova,A.M.Trufanov) 4123800100003 TITLE Survey of neutron spectra generated by the fission of 4123800100004 heavy nuclei induced by fast neutrons . 4123800100005 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4123800100006 REFERENCE (J,YK,,(1),102,1996) Review of the previous 4123800100007 measurements of the authors. Data table and 4123800100008 graphs are given 4123800100009 (R,INDC(CCP)-409,115,1997) 4123800100010 Engl.transl. of J,YK,,(1),102,1996 . 4123800100011 REL-REF (O,41461001,G.N.Smirenkin+,J,YF,59,1934,1996) Issue 11.4123800100012 Neutron spectrum graph and 4123800100013 average kin.energy are given for U-238. 4123800100014 (O,41461001,G.N.Smirenkin+,J,PAN,59,1865,1996) 4123800100015 English translation of J,YF,59,(11),1934,1996 4123800100016 (O,41132003,G.N.Lovchikova+,J,YK,,(1),102,1996) 4123800100017 Np-237 spectrum at 4.9 MeV 4123800100018 (O,41132004,G.N.Lovchikova+,J,YK,,(1),102,1996) 4123800100019 Np-237 spectrum at 7.8 MeV - Fig.4 middle . 4123800100020 (O,41461004,G.N.Lovchikova+,J,YK,,(1),102,1996) 4123800100021 U-238/Cf-252 spectra for 16.0,17.7 MeV - 4123800100022 Figs.6 top, middle . 4123800100023 FACILITY (VDG) KG-2.5 and EGP-10M accelerators 4123800100024 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 4123800100025 (D-T) 4123800100026 (P-T) 4123800100027 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight, base 2m. Time resolution 2.5nsec.4123800100028 DETECTOR (FISCH) Ionization chambers for FF detection 4123800100029 (SOLST) Stilbene monocrystal for neutron detection . 4123800100030 Diameter 63 mm, height 39 mm. Equipped by FEU-30 4123800100031 photomultiplier. 4123800100032 MONITOR (98-CF-252(0,F)0-NN-1,PR,NU/DE) 4123800100033 Cf-252 spontaneous fission neutron spectrum was used 4123800100034 to define detection efficiency. 4123800100035 MONIT-REF (,W.Mannhart,R,IAEA-TECDOC-410,158,1987) 4123800100036 CORRECTION For angular correlation "secondary neutron - 4123800100037 primary neutron" . 4123800100038 HISTORY (19970421C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 4123800100039 (19990316U) New dates introduced. DATA sections 4123800100040 modified 4123800100041 (19990902U) Corrected at CJD 4123800100042 (20150227A) M.M. Ref. J,YF,59,(11),1934,1996 was moved 4123800100043 in REL-REF. Articles were checked, BIB information was 4123800100044 updated. ERR-T -> DATA-ERR . 4123800100045 Code of neutron N was moved from SF7 to SF4 as 0-NN-1. 4123800100046 AKE -> KE. 4123800100047 Subents 007-010 were added. 4123800100048 Subent 004 ( data of U-238(N,F),PR,KE,N ) was deleted -4123800100049 the same data in 41461002 (newer publication). 4123800100050 (20191109A) Minor correction in ref. YK. 4123800100051 Subent 005 was deleted ( the same data in 41132.002 - 4123800100052 publication of 1992) according to a comment of 4123800100053 N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4123800100054 ENDBIB 52 0 4123800100055 NOCOMMON 0 0 4123800100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 4123800199999 SUBENT 41238002 20191109 41844123800200001 BIB 4 6 4123800200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F)0-NN-1,PR,KE) 4123800200003 MISC-COL (MISC1) Minimum neutron energy taken at the analysis 4123800200004 (MISC2) Maximum neutron energy taken at the analysis 4123800200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total errors are given. 4123800200006 Includes statistical and systematical errors. 4123800200007 STATUS (TABLE) Table of J,YK,,(1),102,1996. 4123800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 4123800200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4123800200010 DATA 5 4 4123800200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 4123800200012 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 4123800200013 1.5 1.87 0.04 2.6 8.0 4123800200014 7.3 1.96 0.08 2.0 10.0 4123800200015 14.6 1.90 0.04 0.35 12.0 4123800200016 17.7 1.98 0.04 0.35 14.0 4123800200017 ENDDATA 6 0 4123800200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4123800299999 SUBENT 41238003 20191109 41844123800300001 BIB 4 9 4123800300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)0-NN-1,PR,KE) 4123800300003 MISC-COL (MISC1) Minimum neutron energy taken at the analysis 4123800300004 (MISC2) Maximum neutron energy taken at the analysis 4123800300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total errors are given. 4123800300006 Includes statistical and systematical errors. 4123800300007 STATUS (TABLE) Table of J,,1996,(1),102,1996. 4123800300008 41162002 -previous publication, same data for 4123800300009 0.5, 5.0 MeV. 4123800300010 Subent 41238.003 supersedes 41162.002. 4123800300011 ENDBIB 9 0 4123800300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 4123800300013 DATA 5 3 4123800300014 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 4123800300015 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 4123800300016 0.5 1.98 0.03 0.3 12.0 4123800300017 1.5 1.95 0.03 2.0 10.0 4123800300018 5.0 2.12 0.03 0.3 13.0 4123800300019 ENDDATA 5 0 4123800300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 4123800399999 NOSUBENT 41238004 20150227 41684123800400001 NOSUBENT 41238005 20191109 41844123800500001 SUBENT 41238006 20191109 41844123800600001 BIB 4 6 4123800600002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)0-NN-1,PR,KE) 4123800600003 MISC-COL (MISC1) Minimum neutron energy taken at the analysis 4123800600004 (MISC2) Maximum neutron energy taken at the analysis 4123800600005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total errors are given. 4123800600006 Includes statistical and systematical errors. 4123800600007 STATUS (TABLE) Table of J,YK,,(1),102,1996. 4123800600008 ENDBIB 6 0 4123800600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4123800600010 DATA 5 4 4123800600011 EN DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 4123800600012 MEV MEV MEV MEV MEV 4123800600013 1.5 2.06 0.04 2.0 10.0 4123800600014 7.5 2.24 0.10 0.6 6.3 4123800600015 10.0 2.11 0.10 0.6 6.3 4123800600016 10.0 0.6 6.3 2.11 0.10 4123800600017 ENDDATA 6 0 4123800600018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4123800699999 SUBENT 41238007 20191109 41844123800700001 BIB 3 7 4123800700002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,NPD) 4123800700003 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( one pixel) : 4123800700004 scale X - 0.0100 MeV, 4123800700005 scale Y - 0.4678 % 4123800700006 (DATA-ERR) Not specified. Error bars digitized where 4123800700007 presented. 4123800700008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 top of J,YK,,(1),102,1996. 4123800700009 ENDBIB 7 0 4123800700010 COMMON 3 3 4123800700011 EN E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4123800700012 MEV MEV PER-CENT 4123800700013 1.5 0.014 1.88 4123800700014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4123800700015 DATA 3 56 4123800700016 E DATA DATA-ERR 4123800700017 MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV 4123800700018 1.822 0.3107 4123800700019 2.024 0.2399 4123800700020 2.216 0.2225 4123800700021 2.428 0.2020 4123800700022 2.629 0.1834 4123800700023 2.851 0.1629 4123800700024 3.033 0.1463 4123800700025 3.235 0.1328 4123800700026 3.426 0.1180 4123800700027 3.628 0.1059 4123800700028 3.850 0.9111E-01 4123800700029 4.052 0.8094E-01 4123800700030 4.254 0.7037E-01 4123800700031 4.445 0.6185E-01 4123800700032 4.647 0.5435E-01 4123800700033 4.839 0.5151E-01 4123800700034 5.030 0.4431E-01 4123800700035 5.232 0.3811E-01 4123800700036 5.444 0.3278E-01 4123800700037 5.626 0.2850E-01 4123800700038 5.817 0.2643E-01 4123800700039 5.999 0.2249E-01 4123800700040 6.201 0.1955E-01 4123800700041 6.403 0.1737E-01 4123800700042 6.615 0.1478E-01 4123800700043 6.816 0.1244E-01 4123800700044 7.028 0.1154E-01 4123800700045 7.230 0.1025E-01 4123800700046 7.432 0.8912E-02 4123800700047 7.634 0.7832E-02 4123800700048 7.835 0.7264E-02 4123800700049 8.047 0.6248E-02 4123800700050 8.259 0.5611E-02 0.4079E-03 4123800700051 8.461 0.4475E-02 0.4139E-03 4123800700052 8.673 0.3767E-02 0.3852E-03 4123800700053 8.885 0.3346E-02 0.3422E-03 4123800700054 9.076 0.3384E-02 0.4107E-03 4123800700055 9.278 0.3105E-02 0.3536E-03 4123800700056 9.470 0.2849E-02 0.2235E-03 4123800700057 9.692 0.2084E-02 0.4579E-03 4123800700058 9.884 0.1852E-02 0.2766E-03 4123800700059 10.085 0.1699E-02 0.2693E-03 4123800700060 10.297 0.1737E-02 0.2614E-03 4123800700061 10.489 0.1400E-02 0.2594E-03 4123800700062 10.691 0.9916E-03 0.2387E-03 4123800700063 10.892 0.1285E-02 0.4159E-03 4123800700064 11.094 0.1179E-02 0.2373E-03 4123800700065 11.296 0.9203E-03 0.2591E-03 4123800700066 11.507 0.8912E-03 0.2266E-03 4123800700067 11.719 0.9012E-03 0.1931E-03 4123800700068 11.911 0.5430E-03 0.1914E-03 4123800700069 12.123 0.3490E-03 0.1759E-03 4123800700070 12.336 0.2666E-03 0.1128E-03 4123800700071 12.537 0.2220E-03 0.8536E-04 4123800700072 12.728 0.4429E-03 0.2302E-03 4123800700073 12.941 0.1994E-03 0.7668E-04 4123800700074 ENDDATA 58 0 4123800700075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 4123800799999 SUBENT 41238008 20191109 41844123800800001 BIB 3 7 4123800800002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,NPD) 4123800800003 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( one pixel) : 4123800800004 scale X - 0.0100 MeV, 4123800800005 scale Y - 0.4734 % 4123800800006 (DATA-ERR) Not specified. Error bars digitized where 4123800800007 presented. 4123800800008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 bottom of J,YK,,(1),102,1996. 4123800800009 ENDBIB 7 0 4123800800010 COMMON 3 3 4123800800011 EN E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4123800800012 MEV MEV PER-CENT 4123800800013 1.5 0.020 2.96 4123800800014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4123800800015 DATA 3 56 4123800800016 E DATA DATA-ERR 4123800800017 MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV 4123800800018 2.052 0.2485 4123800800019 2.272 0.2305 4123800800020 2.442 0.2137 4123800800021 2.641 0.1982 4123800800022 2.841 0.1741 4123800800023 3.021 0.1597 4123800800024 3.231 0.1418 4123800800025 3.411 0.1286 4123800800026 3.600 0.1167 4123800800027 3.820 0.1025 4123800800028 4.020 0.9003E-01 4123800800029 4.210 0.8080E-01 4123800800030 4.400 0.7252E-01 4123800800031 4.610 0.6300E-01 4123800800032 4.800 0.5780E-01 4123800800033 5.010 0.4966E-01 4123800800034 5.200 0.4556E-01 4123800800035 5.400 0.4001E-01 4123800800036 5.600 0.3514E-01 4123800800037 5.800 0.2986E-01 4123800800038 6.010 0.2710E-01 4123800800039 6.220 0.2486E-01 4123800800040 6.390 0.2067E-01 4123800800041 6.590 0.1938E-01 4123800800042 6.790 0.1612E-01 4123800800043 6.990 0.1385E-01 4123800800044 7.170 0.1327E-01 4123800800045 7.380 0.1128E-01 4123800800046 7.580 0.1002E-01 4123800800047 7.780 0.9288E-02 4123800800048 7.970 0.7475E-02 4123800800049 8.170 0.6149E-02 0.5606E-03 4123800800050 8.360 0.5519E-02 0.5157E-03 4123800800051 8.560 0.5231E-02 0.3845E-03 4123800800052 8.770 0.5180E-02 0.4120E-03 4123800800053 8.950 0.3991E-02 0.4514E-03 4123800800054 9.151 0.3108E-02 0.2597E-03 4123800800055 9.360 0.3180E-02 0.2974E-03 4123800800056 9.570 0.2703E-02 0.3829E-03 4123800800057 9.780 0.2400E-02 0.3398E-03 4123800800058 9.990 0.2154E-02 0.3051E-03 4123800800059 10.210 0.1998E-02 0.3017E-03 4123800800060 10.420 0.1957E-02 0.2018E-03 4123800800061 10.610 0.1776E-02 0.2484E-03 4123800800062 10.791 0.1137E-02 0.2806E-03 4123800800063 10.980 0.1150E-02 0.2933E-03 4123800800064 11.180 0.1102E-02 0.4126E-03 4123800800065 11.390 0.1068E-02 0.3389E-03 4123800800066 11.579 0.1046E-02 0.2231E-03 4123800800067 11.789 0.8793E-03 0.2790E-03 4123800800068 12.010 0.6775E-03 0.2150E-03 4123800800069 12.210 0.5634E-03 0.2110E-03 4123800800070 12.430 0.4895E-03 0.3101E-03 4123800800071 12.629 0.5008E-03 0.2892E-03 4123800800072 12.838 0.5530E-03 0.2071E-03 4123800800073 13.050 0.3106E-03 0.1184E-03 4123800800074 ENDDATA 58 0 4123800800075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 4123800899999 SUBENT 41238009 20191109 41844123800900001 BIB 3 7 4123800900002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,NPD) 4123800900003 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( one pixel) : 4123800900004 scale X - 0.0079 MeV, 4123800900005 scale Y - 0.4756 % 4123800900006 (DATA-ERR) Not specified. Error bars digitized where 4123800900007 presented. 4123800900008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 top of J,YK,,(1),102,1996. 4123800900009 ENDBIB 7 0 4123800900010 COMMON 3 3 4123800900011 EN E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4123800900012 MEV MEV PER-CENT 4123800900013 7.3 0.011 4.021 4123800900014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4123800900015 DATA 5 38 4123800900016 E DATA DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR +DATA-ERR 4123800900017 MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV 4123800900018 1.753 0.3369 4123800900019 1.865 0.2798 0.5007E-01 4123800900020 1.953 0.2679 0.3299E-01 4123800900021 2.050 0.2200 0.2065E-01 4123800900022 2.153 0.2403 0.2727E-01 4123800900023 2.249 0.2251 0.2335E-01 4123800900024 2.353 0.2155 0.1717E-01 4123800900025 2.449 0.2109 0.1682E-01 4123800900026 2.545 0.1870 0.1491E-01 4123800900027 2.657 0.1752 0.1396E-01 4123800900028 2.753 0.1659 4123800900029 2.858 0.1554 4123800900030 2.945 0.1538 0.8659E-02 4123800900031 3.041 0.1489 0.1187E-01 4123800900032 3.145 0.1350 0.9168E-02 4123800900033 3.330 0.1211 4123800900034 3.522 0.9625E-01 0.9036E-02 4123800900035 3.730 0.8539E-01 0.7167E-02 4123800900036 3.914 0.8002E-01 0.8302E-02 4123800900037 4.105 0.7834E-01 0.4411E-02 4123800900038 4.306 0.6298E-01 0.7151E-02 4123800900039 4.497 0.6513E-01 0.3669E-02 4123800900040 4.690 0.4744E-01 0.5387E-02 4123800900041 4.882 0.4118E-01 0.4674E-02 4123800900042 5.074 0.4166E-01 0.4318E-02 4123800900043 5.290 0.4124E-01 0.3777E-02 4123800900044 5.482 0.3173E-01 0.5392E-02 4123800900045 5.682 0.2665E-01 0.4771E-02 4123800900046 5.865 0.3143E-01 0.5615E-02 4123800900047 6.058 0.2640E-01 0.3386E-02 4123800900048 6.562 0.1634E-01 0.2475E-02 4123800900049 7.067 0.1080E-01 0.2764E-02 4123800900050 7.563 0.7453E-02 0.2028E-02 4123800900051 8.059 0.4562E-02 0.1618E-02 4123800900052 8.540 0.1988E-02 0.1699E-02 0.1890E-02 4123800900053 9.059 0.3190E-02 0.2169E-02 0.2033E-02 4123800900054 9.571 0.2568E-02 0.2444E-02 0.2387E-02 4123800900055 10.083 0.1679E-02 0.1555E-02 0.1525E-02 4123800900056 ENDDATA 40 0 4123800900057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 4123800999999 SUBENT 41238010 20191109 41844123801000001 BIB 3 7 4123801000002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,NPD) 4123801000003 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( one pixel) : 4123801000004 scale X - 0.0065 MeV, 4123801000005 scale Y - 0.3593 % 4123801000006 (DATA-ERR) Not specified. Error bars digitized where 4123801000007 presented. 4123801000008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 bottom of J,YK,,(1),102,1996. 4123801000009 ENDBIB 7 0 4123801000010 COMMON 3 3 4123801000011 EN E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4123801000012 MEV MEV PER-CENT 4123801000013 7.5 0.0072 3.174 4123801000014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4123801000015 DATA 3 27 4123801000016 E DATA DATA-ERR 4123801000017 MEV 1/MEV 1/MEV 4123801000018 0.7339 0.3354 0.1208 4123801000019 0.8847 0.3221 0.6658E-01 4123801000020 1.0419 0.3277 0.4533E-01 4123801000021 1.1864 0.3070 0.3131E-01 4123801000022 1.3304 0.3150 0.2433E-01 4123801000023 1.4748 0.3000 0.3935E-01 4123801000024 1.6126 0.2857 0.2268E-01 4123801000025 1.7765 0.2766 0.2385E-01 4123801000026 1.9408 0.2446 0.1942E-01 4123801000027 2.0656 0.2235 0.2278E-01 4123801000028 2.2231 0.2128 0.1528E-01 4123801000029 2.3806 0.1978 0.1719E-01 4123801000030 2.5313 0.2029 0.1388E-01 4123801000031 2.6958 0.1665 0.1322E-01 4123801000032 2.8201 0.1766 0.2004E-01 4123801000033 2.9582 0.1535 0.1679E-01 4123801000034 3.1092 0.1426 0.1871E-01 4123801000035 3.2204 0.1525 0.1453E-01 4123801000036 3.3977 0.1371 0.1182E-01 4123801000037 3.5878 0.1361 0.1545E-01 4123801000038 3.7193 0.1174 0.1540E-01 4123801000039 4.0151 0.9326E-01 0.8110E-02 4123801000040 4.4546 0.8259E-01 0.7121E-02 4123801000041 4.8488 0.6248E-01 0.7095E-02 4123801000042 5.2951 0.5052E-01 0.5735E-02 4123801000043 5.8530 0.3955E-01 0.6727E-02 4123801000044 6.2925 0.3590E-01 0.1075E-01 4123801000045 ENDDATA 29 0 4123801000046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 4123801099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 4123899999999