ENTRY 41242 20230208 42124124200000001 SUBENT 41242001 20230208 42124124200100001 BIB 14 31 4124200100002 AUTHOR (V.I.Strizhak,V.V.Bobyr',L.Ya.Grona) 4124200100003 TITLE Angular distribution of elastically scattered 14.5 MeV 4124200100004 neutrons 4124200100005 REFERENCE (J,ZET,40,725,1961) Issue 3. 4124200100006 Data curves for Ag, Hg, Bi are given 4124200100007 (J,JET,13,506,1961) English translation ZET 40 725 4124200100008 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) At the time of the experiment institute has 4124200100009 the code 4CCPIFU 4124200100010 EXP-YEAR (1960) 4124200100011 METHOD (ASSOP,COINC) Associated alpha-particles and 4124200100012 neutron coincidence methods 4124200100013 FACILITY (NGEN,4UKRIJD) 4124200100014 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 4124200100015 DETECTOR (SCIN) Stilbene biased scintillator of 3.5 cm diameter,4124200100016 2.4 cm length, with FEU-33 photomultiplier. 4124200100017 For neutrons registration. 4124200100018 SAMPLE Spheres of 4 cm diameter. 4124200100019 Hg - in thin-walled container. 4124200100020 ANALYSIS See formula (2) in the article. 4124200100021 CORRECTION For depletion of the beam in the sample, 4124200100022 for finite geometry. 4124200100023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Data error given is statistical error only. 4124200100024 HISTORY (19970428C) + + Compiled at the centre CJD - S.Maev 4124200100025 (20030710A) Date and error in SAN 005 are corrected. 4124200100026 (20191101A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4124200100027 Data of Subent .006 was added . 4124200100028 BIB information was added. 4124200100029 Subent 007 was added. 4124200100030 (20200515U) Minor correction in Subents 002,006. 4124200100031 (20230208A) Subent 003 was deleted accoreding to a 4124200100032 comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4124200100033 ENDBIB 31 0 4124200100034 COMMON 2 3 4124200100035 EN ANG-RSL 4124200100036 MEV ADEG 4124200100037 14.5 9. 4124200100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4124200100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4124200199999 SUBENT 41242002 20200515 41874124200200001 BIB 5 11 4124200200002 REACTION (47-AG-0(N,EL)47-AG-0,,DA) 4124200200003 CORRECTION Corrected for multiple scattering and angular 4124200200004 resolution. 4124200200005 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4124200200006 Source of data in center-of-mass system is not clear. 4124200200007 There are no such figure ( data in C.M.S) in 4124200200008 JET,13,506,1961, figures are in lab.system only. 4124200200009 STATUS (SCSRS) 4124200200010 (SPSDD,41242006) Data in lab.system in Subent .006 4124200200011 supersede .002 Subent data 4124200200012 HISTORY (19970428T) * * Converted from SUBENT 80365002 * * 4124200200013 ENDBIB 11 0 4124200200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 4124200200015 DATA 3 17 4124200200016 COS-CM DATA-CM ERR-S 4124200200017 NO-DIM MB/SR MB/SR 4124200200018 9.4000E-01 1.2750E+03 4124200200019 9.1000E-01 5.5000E+02 4124200200020 8.7000E-01 3.0000E+02 4124200200021 8.2000E-01 8.8000E+01 4.0000E+00 4124200200022 7.6000E-01 2.4000E+01 4.0000E+00 4124200200023 7.0000E-01 4.1000E+01 3.0000E+00 4124200200024 6.3900E-01 5.1000E+01 5.0000E+00 4124200200025 5.5900E-01 5.3000E+01 4.0000E+00 4124200200026 4.9000E-01 5.4000E+01 4.0000E+00 4124200200027 4.1500E-01 3.7000E+01 3.0000E+00 4124200200028 3.3000E-01 2.4000E+01 2.0000E+00 4124200200029 2.5000E-01 1.6000E+01 4124200200030 1.6500E-01 1.3000E+01 4124200200031 7.7000E-02 9.0000E+00 4124200200032 -4.0000E-02 1.2000E+01 4124200200033 -1.5000E-01 1.4000E+01 4124200200034 -3.5000E-01 1.5000E+01 2.0000E+00 4124200200035 ENDDATA 19 0 4124200200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4124200299999 NOSUBENT 41242003 20230208 42124124200300001 SUBENT 41242004 20191101 41844124200400001 BIB 4 12 4124200400002 REACTION (80-HG-0(N,EL)80-HG-0,,DA) 4124200400003 COMMENT Of compiler. 4124200400004 Angle values were rounded according to comment in 4124200400005 the article:" scattering angles from 20 to 110 deg". 4124200400006 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 in JET,13,506,1961 4124200400007 (COREL,40788002) Data (with statistical uncertainty for4124200400008 each point) in center-of-mass system in 40788.002 4124200400009 HISTORY (20191101A) 4124200400010 Data were re-digitized by newer code for digitization -4124200400011 as they are given on Fig.4 in the article: 4124200400012 units b/sr, dependence from angle in lab.system, 4124200400013 all points with uncertainties. 4124200400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4124200400015 COMMON 1 3 4124200400016 ERR-DIG 4124200400017 PER-CENT 4124200400018 0.31 4124200400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4124200400020 DATA 3 16 4124200400021 ANG DATA ERR-S 4124200400022 ADEG B/SR B/SR 4124200400023 20. 9.886E-01 7.688E-02 4124200400024 25. 2.944E-01 1.598E-02 4124200400025 30. 2.781E-01 1.125E-02 4124200400026 35. 3.656E-01 1.647E-02 4124200400027 40. 4.519E-01 3.730E-02 4124200400028 45. 2.700E-01 2.100E-02 4124200400029 50. 1.649E-01 1.360E-02 4124200400030 55. 9.259E-02 7.204E-03 4124200400031 60. 5.987E-02 6.385E-03 4124200400032 65. 6.747E-02 4.928E-03 4124200400033 70. 7.876E-02 7.637E-03 4124200400034 75. 6.432E-02 4.394E-03 4124200400035 80. 3.581E-02 2.616E-03 4124200400036 85. 2.621E-02 2.414E-03 4124200400037 90. 2.217E-02 2.691E-03 4124200400038 100. 2.511E-02 2.555E-03 4124200400039 ENDDATA 18 0 4124200400040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4124200499999 SUBENT 41242005 20191101 41844124200500001 BIB 3 7 4124200500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,DA) 4124200500003 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 in JET,13,506,1961 4124200500004 HISTORY (20191101A) 4124200500005 Data were re-digitized by newer code for digitization -4124200500006 as they are given on Fig.4 in the article: 4124200500007 units b/sr, dependence from angle in lab.system, 4124200500008 all points with uncertainties. 4124200500009 ENDBIB 7 0 4124200500010 COMMON 2 3 4124200500011 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4124200500012 ADEG PER-CENT 4124200500013 0.25 0.46 4124200500014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4124200500015 DATA 3 13 4124200500016 ANG DATA ERR-S 4124200500017 ADEG B/SR B/SR 4124200500018 20.05 1.185E-00 0.6465E-01 4124200500019 22.86 1.366E-01 0.9374E-02 4124200500020 30.30 2.563E-01 0.1518E-01 4124200500021 35.31 4.419E-01 0.2825E-01 4124200500022 39.39 4.382E-01 0.3010E-01 4124200500023 45.87 1.626E-01 0.8118E-02 4124200500024 52.54 7.109E-02 0.4883E-02 4124200500025 57.67 5.725E-02 0.2854E-02 4124200500026 70.03 9.122E-02 0.4549E-02 4124200500027 81.00 3.493E-02 0.2898E-02 4124200500028 90.70 1.737E-02 0.1524E-02 4124200500029 101.64 2.682E-02 0.2743E-02 4124200500030 116.01 1.530E-02 0.1792E-02 4124200500031 ENDDATA 15 0 4124200500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4124200599999 SUBENT 41242006 20200515 41874124200600001 BIB 5 17 4124200600002 REACTION (47-AG-0(N,EL)47-AG-0,,DA) 4124200600003 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4124200600004 As in ZET as in JET articles there is an misprint 4124200600005 on scale Y for Ag - upper value has to be 1.0 but 4124200600006 not 10 . 4124200600007 Data were re-digitized by newer code for digitization -4124200600008 as they are given on Fig.4 in the article: 4124200600009 units b/sr, dependence from angle in lab.system, 4124200600010 all points with uncertainties. 4124200600011 Angle values were rounded according to comment in 4124200600012 the article:" scattering angles from 20 to 110 deg". 4124200600013 ERR-ANALYS Quantization errors ( one pixel on fig.): 4124200600014 scale X - 0.153 deg, scale Y - 0.15 % . 4124200600015 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 in Sov.Phys.JETP,v.13,p.506,1961 4124200600016 Data in center-of-mass system in 4124200600017 Subent .002 were superseded by .006 Subent data 4124200600018 HISTORY (20191101C) M.M. 4124200600019 ENDBIB 17 0 4124200600020 COMMON 1 3 4124200600021 ERR-DIG 4124200600022 PER-CENT 4124200600023 0.19 4124200600024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4124200600025 DATA 3 17 4124200600026 ANG DATA ERR-S 4124200600027 ADEG B/SR B/SR 4124200600028 20. 1.4470 0.9843E-01 4124200600029 25. 0.5613 0.3817E-01 4124200600030 30. 0.3384 0.1595E-01 4124200600031 35. 0.8844E-01 0.4779E-02 4124200600032 40. 0.3386E-01 0.2302E-02 4124200600033 45. 0.4292E-01 0.3222E-02 4124200600034 50. 0.5334E-01 0.3627E-02 4124200600035 55. 0.5478E-01 0.3341E-02 4124200600036 60. 0.5552E-01 0.4167E-02 4124200600037 65. 0.3743E-01 0.2283E-02 4124200600038 70. 0.2506E-01 0.1882E-02 4124200600039 75. 0.1635E-01 0.1343E-02 4124200600040 80. 0.1325E-01 0.9943E-03 4124200600041 85. 0.9792E-02 0.7347E-03 4124200600042 90. 0.1193E-01 0.8115E-03 4124200600043 100. 0.1464E-01 0.1306E-02 4124200600044 110. 0.1565E-01 0.1623E-02 4124200600045 ENDDATA 19 0 4124200600046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 4124200699999 SUBENT 41242007 20191101 41844124200700001 BIB 6 10 4124200700002 REACTION (80-HG-0(N,EL)80-HG-0,,DA) 4124200700003 MONITOR (1-H-3(D,N)2-HE-4,,SIG) 4124200700004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error 4124200700005 STATUS (SCSRS) 4124200700006 (COREL,41242004) Data in lab.system in 41242.004 4124200700007 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4124200700008 Source of data in center-of-mass system is not clear. 4124200700009 There are no such (in c.m.s.)figure in JET,13,506,1961,4124200700010 figures in lab.system only. 4124200700011 HISTORY (20191101T) M.M. Subent was moved from 40788.002 4124200700012 ENDBIB 10 0 4124200700013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4124200700014 DATA 3 16 4124200700015 COS-CM DATA-CM ERR-S 4124200700016 NO-DIM MB/SR MB/SR 4124200700017 9.3911E-01 9.9070E+02 6.9300E+01 4124200700018 9.0542E-01 2.9730E+02 1.9800E+01 4124200700019 8.6478E-01 2.7760E+02 9.9000E+00 4124200700020 8.1751E-01 3.5710E+02 1.9800E+01 4124200700021 7.6398E-01 4.4660E+02 2.9800E+01 4124200700022 7.0461E-01 2.6810E+02 1.9900E+01 4124200700023 6.3986E-01 1.5900E+02 9.9000E+00 4124200700024 5.7023E-01 9.0480E+01 7.9500E+00 4124200700025 4.9626E-01 5.8710E+01 5.9700E+00 4124200700026 4.1852E-01 6.6720E+01 1.9900E+00 4124200700027 3.3761E-01 7.7740E+01 6.9800E+00 4124200700028 2.5417E-01 6.2840E+01 4.9900E+00 4124200700029 1.6881E-01 3.4940E+01 2.9900E+00 4124200700030 -5.0000E-03 2.6000E+01 2.0000E+00 4124200700031 -9.2100E-02 2.2020E+01 3.0000E+00 4124200700032 -2.6350E-01 2.5060E+01 3.0100E+00 4124200700033 ENDDATA 18 0 4124200700034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 4124200799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 4124299999999