ENTRY 41245 20241224 422141245000 1 SUBENT 41245001 20241224 422141245001 1 BIB 13 39 41245001 2 TITLE Gamma-quanta production cross sections at neutron 41245001 3 inelastic scattering at the energy 3 MeV 41245001 4 AUTHOR (A.I.Lashuk, I.P.Sadokhin) 41245001 5 REFERENCE (J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Data table is given 41245001 6 (J,AE,9,403,1960) Iss.5. First author A.L.Androsenko 41245001 7 (J,SJA,9,945,1961) Engl.translation of AE,9, 41245001 8 (J,AE,7,268,1959) Iss.3. First author A.L.Androsenko 41245001 9 (J,SJA,7,763,1961) Engl.translation of AE,7, 41245001 10 Two initial publications in AE. 41245001 11 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 41245001 12 REL-REF (M,41186001,A.I.Lashuk+,J,YK,,(1),26,1994) 41245001 13 Details of method and analysis 41245001 14 EXP-YEAR (1958) 41245001 15 Data were measured at 1958, new analysis was done in 41245001 16 this article YK,,(2),59,1996 at 1996 year. 41245001 17 FACILITY (VDG) Cascade neutron generator KG-1.2 41245001 18 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 41245001 19 SAMPLE Natural. 41245001 20 DETECTOR (NAICR) Scintillation detector on the base of 41245001 21 sodium iodide 41245001 22 CORRECTION Corrections were made on gamma-quanta registration 41245001 23 efficiency, on gamma-quanta self-absorption, neutron 41245001 24 flux attenuation and multiple scattering in samples, 41245001 25 on registration system's fallouts, on internal 41245001 26 conversion of gamma-quanta, on gamma-quanta angular 41245001 27 distribution 41245001 28 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 41245001 29 HISTORY (19970531C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 41245001 30 (20191109U) Refs. of YK were corrected. 41245001 31 Upper -> lower case correction. 41245001 32 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41245001 33 ERR-T -> DATA-ERR ( no partial errors) . 41245001 34 (20241224A) Nuclide codes in SF1 and SF4 were replaced 41245001 35 with natural ones except for (nearly) monoisotopic 41245001 36 elements. 41245001 37 STATUS was updated for new rules. 41245001 38 Subents were merged: 005-008 in 005, 009-011 in 009, 41245001 39 013-017 in 013, 018-021 in 018, 022-024 in 022, 41245001 40 025-028 -> 025. 41245001 41 ENDBIB 39 0 41245001 42 COMMON 1 3 41245001 43 EN 41245001 44 MEV 41245001 45 3.0 41245001 46 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41245001 47 ENDSUBENT 46 0 4124500199999 SUBENT 41245002 20241224 422141245002 1 BIB 5 11 41245002 2 REACTION (11-NA-23(N,INL)11-NA-23,PAR,SIG,G) 41245002 3 FLAG (1.) Egamma is average for 2.080(?, see comment), 41245002 4 2.266, 2.3191 MeV gamma energies ( from decay scheme ).41245002 5 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 41245002 6 It's not clear from the table of the article - 41245002 7 2.080 MeV gamma lines is for average gamma energy 41245002 8 2.35 MeV or 1.96 MeV or for both; 41245002 9 figure brackets mentioned in the article text are 41245002 10 absent in the table of the article. 41245002 11 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245002 12 HISTORY (20241224A) FLAG and COMMENT were added. 41245002 13 ENDBIB 11 0 41245002 14 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245002 15 DATA 5 4 41245002 16 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245002 17 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245002 18 0.44 0.04 440. 40. 41245002 19 1.70 0.03 58. 9. 41245002 20 1.96 0.04 17. 4. 41245002 21 2.35 0.04 43. 8. 1. 41245002 22 ENDDATA 6 0 41245002 23 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4124500299999 SUBENT 41245003 20241224 422141245003 1 BIB 3 3 41245003 2 REACTION (14-SI-0(N,INL)14-SI-0,PAR,SIG,G) 41245003 3 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245003 4 HISTORY (20241224A) SI-28 -> SI-0 in REACTION. 41245003 5 ENDBIB 3 0 41245003 6 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245003 7 DATA 4 1 41245003 8 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 41245003 9 MEV MEV MB MB 41245003 10 1.72 0.03 270. 30. 41245003 11 ENDDATA 3 0 41245003 12 ENDSUBENT 11 0 4124500399999 SUBENT 41245004 20241224 422141245004 1 BIB 2 3 41245004 2 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,INL)13-AL-27,PAR,SIG,G) 41245004 3 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245004 4 (COREL,41186005) Data from previous analysis 41245004 5 ENDBIB 3 0 41245004 6 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245004 7 DATA 4 3 41245004 8 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 41245004 9 MEV MEV MB MB 41245004 10 0.84 0.03 79. 10. 41245004 11 1.00 0.03 246. 35. 41245004 12 2.12 0.04 243. 30. 41245004 13 ENDDATA 5 0 41245004 14 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4124500499999 SUBENT 41245005 20241224 422141245005 1 BIB 4 12 41245005 2 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,INL)24-CR-0,PAR,SIG,G) 41245005 3 FLAG (1.) Contributing isotopes (gamma energies): 41245005 4 Cr-50(0.782 MeV), Cr-54(0.835 MeV) 41245005 5 (2.) Cr-52(0.935 MeV), Cr-54(1.000 MeV), 41245005 6 Cr-53(1.003 MeV) 41245005 7 (3.) Cr-52(1.334 MeV, 1.435MeV) 41245005 8 (4.) Cr-50(1.900 MeV), Cr-53(1.986 MeV), 41245005 9 Cr-54(2.000 MeV) 41245005 10 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245005 11 HISTORY (20241224A) CR-50 -> CR-0. 41245005 12 Subents .006-.008 data were added. 41245005 13 FLAG was introduced. 41245005 14 ENDBIB 12 0 41245005 15 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245005 16 DATA 5 4 41245005 17 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245005 18 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245005 19 0.80 0.03 68. 10. 1. 41245005 20 0.99 0.03 282. 30. 2. 41245005 21 1.42 0.04 790. 80. 3. 41245005 22 1.93 0.04 44. 6. 4. 41245005 23 ENDDATA 6 0 41245005 24 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4124500599999 NOSUBENT 41245006 20241224 422141245006 1 NOSUBENT 41245007 20241224 422141245007 1 NOSUBENT 41245008 20241224 422141245008 1 SUBENT 41245009 20241224 422141245009 1 BIB 4 13 41245009 2 REACTION (40-ZR-0(N,INL)40-ZR-0,PAR,SIG,G) 41245009 3 FLAG (1.) Contributing isotopes (gamma energies): 41245009 4 Zr-92(0.904 MeV, 0.932 MeV), Zr-94(0.920 MeV) 41245009 5 (2.) Zr-92(1.118 MeV), Zr-94(1.140 MeV), 41245009 6 Zr-91(1.210 MeV) 41245009 7 (3.) Zr-94(1.680 MeV), Zr-92(1.836 MeV), 41245009 8 Zr-96(1.870 MeV), Zr-91(1.890 MeV) 41245009 9 (4.) Zr-92(2.050 MeV), Zr-90(2.182 MeV), 41245009 10 Zr-91(2.210 MeV) 41245009 11 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245009 12 HISTORY (20241224A) ZR-50 -> ZR-0. 41245009 13 Subents .010-.011 data were added. 41245009 14 FLAG was introduced. 41245009 15 ENDBIB 13 0 41245009 16 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245009 17 DATA 5 4 41245009 18 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245009 19 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245009 20 0.94 0.03 490. 53. 1. 41245009 21 1.18 0.04 66. 11. 2. 41245009 22 1.80 0.04 144. 20. 3. 41245009 23 2.18 0.04 310. 35. 4. 41245009 24 ENDDATA 6 0 41245009 25 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4124500999999 NOSUBENT 41245010 20241224 422141245010 1 NOSUBENT 41245011 20241224 422141245011 1 SUBENT 41245012 20241224 422141245012 1 BIB 3 8 41245012 2 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,INL)41-NB-93,PAR,SIG,G) 41245012 3 FLAG (1.) Gamma-line 0.96 MeV was split on two - 41245012 4 0.96 and 1.08 MeV 41245012 5 (2.) Gamma-line 1.35 MeV was split on two - 41245012 6 1.28 and 1.34 MeV 41245012 7 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245012 8 (COREL,41186005) Data from previous analysis for 41245012 9 different En. 41245012 10 ENDBIB 8 0 41245012 11 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245012 12 DATA 5 7 41245012 13 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245012 14 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245012 15 0.75 0.03 870. 75. 41245012 16 0.96 0.03 1040. 90. 1. 41245012 17 1.08 0.03 117. 13. 1. 41245012 18 1.28 0.04 168. 17. 2. 41245012 19 1.34 0.04 143. 16. 2. 41245012 20 1.70 0.04 92. 11. 41245012 21 1.92 0.04 55. 7. 41245012 22 ENDDATA 9 0 41245012 23 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4124501299999 SUBENT 41245013 20241224 422141245013 1 BIB 4 17 41245013 2 REACTION (42-MO-0(N,INL)42-MO-0,PAR,SIG,G) 41245013 3 FLAG (1.) Contributing isotopes (gamma energies): 41245013 4 Mo-94(0.434 MeV), Mo-100(0.450 MeV), Mo-98(0.455 MeV), 41245013 5 Mo-96(0.480 MeV), Mo97(0.481 MeV) 41245013 6 (2.) Mo-100(0.530 MeV), Mo-95(0.580 MeV) 41245013 7 (3.) Mo-95(0.765, 0.784, 0.788, 0.822, 0.840, 0.850 41245013 8 MeV), Mo-96(0.779 MeV), Mo-98(0.787 MeV), 41245013 9 Mo-92(0.790 MeV), Mo-94(0.871 MeV) 41245013 10 (4.) Mo-100(1.150 MeV), Mo-96(1.200 MeV), 41245013 11 Mo-97(1.269 MeV) 41245013 12 (5.) Mo-100(1.470 MeV), Mo-95(1.478 MeV) 41245013 13 (6.) Mo-97(1.516 MeV), Mo-94(1.530 MeV), 41245013 14 Mo-92(1.540 MeV) 41245013 15 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245013 16 HISTORY (20241224A) MO-94 -> MO-0. 41245013 17 Subents .014-.017 data were added. 41245013 18 FLAG was introduced. 41245013 19 ENDBIB 17 0 41245013 20 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245013 21 DATA 5 6 41245013 22 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245013 23 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245013 24 0.48 0.03 100. 20. 1. 41245013 25 0.54 0.03 375. 41. 2. 41245013 26 0.82 0.03 1224. 110. 3. 41245013 27 1.20 0.04 68. 8. 4. 41245013 28 1.48 0.04 63. 7. 5. 41245013 29 1.54 0.04 69. 9. 6. 41245013 30 ENDDATA 8 0 41245013 31 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4124501399999 NOSUBENT 41245014 20241224 422141245014 1 NOSUBENT 41245015 20241224 422141245015 1 NOSUBENT 41245016 20241224 422141245016 1 NOSUBENT 41245017 20241224 422141245017 1 SUBENT 41245018 20241224 422141245018 1 BIB 4 17 41245018 2 REACTION (48-CD-0(N,INL)48-CD-0,PAR,SIG,G) 41245018 3 FLAG (1.) Contributing isotopes (gamma energies): 41245018 4 Cd-116(0.515 MeV), Cd-114(0.558 MeV), Cd-113(0.580 MeV)41245018 5 (2.) Cd-112(0.617 MeV), Cd-111(0.619 MeV), 41245018 6 Cd-106(0.630 MeV), Cd-108(0.632 MeV) 41245018 7 (3.) Cd-111(0.640 MeV), Cd-110(0.658 MeV), 41245018 8 Cd-113(0.670 MeV), Cd-116(0.700 MeV), Cd-114(0.724 MeV)41245018 9 (4.) Cd-110(0.938 MeV), Cd-113(0.980 MeV), 41245018 10 Cd-108(1.050 MeV), Cd-111(1.055 MeV) 41245018 11 (5.) Cd-113(1.400 MeV), Cd-112(1.468 MeV), 41245018 12 Cd-110(1.476 MeV) 41245018 13 (6.) Cd-110(2.005 MeV), Cd-114(2.048 MeV), 41245018 14 Cd-114(2.200 MeV) 41245018 15 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245018 16 HISTORY (20241224A) CD-111 -> CD-0. 41245018 17 Subents .019-.021 data were added. 41245018 18 FLAG was introduced. 41245018 19 ENDBIB 17 0 41245018 20 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245018 21 DATA 5 6 41245018 22 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245018 23 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245018 24 0.56 0.03 357. 40. 1. 41245018 25 0.62 0.03 465. 55. 2. 41245018 26 0.69 0.03 235. 32. 3. 41245018 27 1.02 0.04 290. 35. 4. 41245018 28 1.42 0.04 634. 68. 5. 41245018 29 2.11 0.04 137. 15. 6. 41245018 30 ENDDATA 8 0 41245018 31 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4124501899999 NOSUBENT 41245019 20241224 422141245019 1 NOSUBENT 41245020 20241224 422141245020 1 NOSUBENT 41245021 20241224 422141245021 1 SUBENT 41245022 20241224 422141245022 1 BIB 4 16 41245022 2 REACTION (74-W-0(N,INL)74-W-0,PAR,SIG,G) 41245022 3 FLAG (1.) Contributing isotopes (gamma energies): 41245022 4 W-186(0.198, 0.215 MeV), W-183(0.207 MeV), 41245022 5 W-184(0.215 MeV) 41245022 6 (2.) W-182(0.351 MeV), W-184(0.384,0.414 MeV), 41245022 7 W-186(0.417 MeV) 41245022 8 (3.) W-186(0.511, 0.615 MeV), W-184(0.537 MeV) 41245022 9 (4.) W-186(0.738, 0.739 MeV), W-184(0.792 MeV) 41245022 10 (5.) W-184(0.895, 0.903, 0.921 MeV) W-180(1.006 MeV) 41245022 11 (6.) W-182(1.121, 1.173, 1.221, 1.231 MeV), 41245022 12 W-184(1.189MeV) 41245022 13 (7.) W-186(1.829 MeV), W-182(1.871 MeV) 41245022 14 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245022 15 HISTORY (20241224A) W-183 -> W-0. 41245022 16 Subents .023-.024 data were added. 41245022 17 FLAG was introduced. 41245022 18 ENDBIB 16 0 41245022 19 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245022 20 DATA 5 7 41245022 21 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245022 22 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245022 23 0.21 0.03 2523. 730. 1. 41245022 24 0.38 0.03 361. 53. 2. 41245022 25 0.57 0.03 469. 61. 3. 41245022 26 0.76 0.03 511. 65. 4. 41245022 27 0.92 0.03 763. 94. 5. 41245022 28 1.204 0.04 331. 50. 6. 41245022 29 1.87 0.05 396. 50. 7. 41245022 30 ENDDATA 9 0 41245022 31 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4124502299999 NOSUBENT 41245023 20241224 422141245023 1 NOSUBENT 41245024 20241224 422141245024 1 SUBENT 41245025 20241224 422141245025 1 BIB 4 13 41245025 2 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,INL)82-PB-0,PAR,SIG,G) 41245025 3 FLAG (1.) Contributing isotopes (gamma energies): 41245025 4 Pb-204(0.502 MeV), Pb-206(0.516, 0.538 MeV), 41245025 5 Pb-207(0.570 MeV) 41245025 6 (2.) Pb-204(0.791 MeV), Pb-206(0.803, 0.841, 0.881 MeV)41245025 7 ,Pb-207(0.894 MeV) 41245025 8 (3.) Pb-204(0.984 MeV), Pb-207(1.063 MeV) 41245025 9 (4.) Pb-206(1.341, 1.460 MeV), Pb-207(1.447 MeV) 41245025 10 (5.) Pb-208(2.641 MeV) 41245025 11 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245025 12 HISTORY (20241224A) PB-204 -> PB-0. 41245025 13 Subents .026-.028 data were added. 41245025 14 FLAG was introduced. 41245025 15 ENDBIB 13 0 41245025 16 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245025 17 DATA 5 5 41245025 18 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR FLAG 41245025 19 MEV MEV MB MB NO-DIM 41245025 20 0.52 0.03 445. 60. 1. 41245025 21 0.79 0.03 570. 65. 2. 41245025 22 1.05 0.03 57. 10. 3. 41245025 23 1.37 0.03 118. 25. 4. 41245025 24 2.64 0.04 107. 23. 5. 41245025 25 ENDDATA 7 0 41245025 26 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4124502599999 NOSUBENT 41245026 20241224 422141245026 1 NOSUBENT 41245027 20241224 422141245027 1 NOSUBENT 41245028 20241224 422141245028 1 SUBENT 41245029 20241224 422141245029 1 BIB 2 2 41245029 2 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,INL)83-BI-209,PAR,SIG,G) 41245029 3 STATUS (TABLE,,A.I.Lashuk,J,YK,,(2),59,1996) Table 1 41245029 4 ENDBIB 2 0 41245029 5 NOCOMMON 0 0 41245029 6 DATA 4 3 41245029 7 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR 41245029 8 MEV MEV MB MB 41245029 9 0.90 0.03 575. 60. 41245029 10 1.61 0.04 420. 45. 41245029 11 2.53 0.04 155. 17. 41245029 12 ENDDATA 5 0 41245029 13 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4124502999999 ENDENTRY 29 0 4124599999999