ENTRY 41248 20241212 422141248000 1 SUBENT 41248001 20241212 422141248001 1 BIB 12 22 41248001 2 TITLE Total cross section and average resonance parameters 41248001 3 for Gd-155 nucleus in the energy range 1.9 - 275 keV 41248001 4 AUTHOR (L.L.Litvinskiy,P.N.Vorona,N.L.Gnidak,A.V.Grebnev, 41248001 5 V.G.Krivenin,A.V.Murzin,O.A.Purtov) 41248001 6 REFERENCE (J,UFZ,40,(3-4),156,1995) In Ukraine. Data are given. 41248001 7 (R,KIYAI-85-35,1985) Experimental details 41248001 8 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 41248001 9 MONITOR .Absolute measurements 41248001 10 FACILITY (REAC) Reactor WWR-M 41248001 11 DETECTOR (PROPC) Proportional counters filled with He-3 and 41248001 12 hydrogen gases 41248001 13 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 41248001 14 INC-SPECT .Interferential neutron filters included scandium, 41248001 15 iron, silicon, manganese 41248001 16 SAMPLE .Gadolinium oxide Gd2-O3, samples having thicknesses 41248001 17 from 0.01 to 0.1 atoms/barn, Gd-155 content is 91.7 %41248001 18 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 41248001 19 HISTORY (19970524C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 41248001 20 (19990315U) Corrected at CJD. New dates introduced 41248001 21 (20241212A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41248001 22 STATUS information was updated. 41248001 23 Subent 002 was corrected. 41248001 24 ENDBIB 22 0 41248001 25 NOCOMMON 0 0 41248001 26 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4124800199999 SUBENT 41248002 20241212 422141248002 1 BIB 4 8 41248002 2 REACTION (64-GD-155(N,TOT),,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over neutron 41248002 3 spectrum width 41248002 4 METHOD (TRN) 41248002 5 STATUS (TABLE,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,J,UFZ,40,(3-4),156,1995) 41248002 6 Table 1 41248002 7 HISTORY (19990315U) EN changed to EN-MEAN 41248002 8 (20241212A) Misprints were corrected in data block 41248002 9 (as given in the table of the article). 41248002 10 ENDBIB 8 0 41248002 11 NOCOMMON 0 0 41248002 12 DATA 4 10 41248002 13 EN-MEAN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 41248002 14 KEV KEV B B 41248002 15 1.9 1.4 27.44 0.42 41248002 16 3.5 1.5 24.28 0.31 41248002 17 12. 0.7 14.48 0.10 41248002 18 24.3 2.1 13.05 0.15 41248002 19 45. 3.5 10.80 0.12 41248002 20 59. 3. 10.47 0.13 41248002 21 75. 15. 10.05 0.22 41248002 22 134. 3. 8.53 0.12 41248002 23 144. 25. 8.17 0.14 41248002 24 275. 6. 7.64 0.30 41248002 25 ENDDATA 12 0 41248002 26 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4124800299999 SUBENT 41248003 20241212 422141248003 1 BIB 2 4 41248003 2 REACTION (64-GD-155(N,EL),,STF) 41248003 3 STATUS (TABLE,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,J,UFZ,40,(3-4),156,1995) 41248003 4 Table 2 and text of Summary. 41248003 5 (DEP,41248002) 41248003 6 ENDBIB 4 0 41248003 7 COMMON 2 3 41248003 8 EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX 41248003 9 KEV KEV 41248003 10 1.9 275. 41248003 11 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41248003 12 DATA 3 2 41248003 13 MOMENTUM L DATA DATA-ERR 41248003 14 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 41248003 15 0. 2.34E-04 1.9E-05 41248003 16 1. 1.29E-04 5.9E-05 41248003 17 ENDDATA 4 0 41248003 18 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4124800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4124899999999