ENTRY 41249 20240807 42184124900000001 SUBENT 41249001 20240807 42184124900100001 BIB 9 23 4124900100002 TITLE Nonelastic neutron scattering on the Rhodium-103 4124900100003 nucleus at the energy 134 keV 4124900100004 AUTHOR (L.L.Litvinskiy,V.G.Krivenko,Said Sabbagkh, 4124900100005 Ya.V.Pugach) 4124900100006 REFERENCE (J,UFZ,39,(3),276,1994) Data are given 4124900100007 In Ukrainian languege. 4124900100008 REL-REF (M,,L.L.Litvinskiy+,R,KIYAI-85-35,1985) 4124900100009 INSTITUTE (4UKRIJD) 4124900100010 FACILITY (REAC,4UKRIJD) Reactor WWR-M 4124900100011 METHOD Direct registration of elastically and inelastically 4124900100012 scattered neutrons 4124900100013 INC-SPECT .Neutron beam was obtained with the help of Ni-58, Cr, 4124900100014 Si and B-10 interferential filters 4124900100015 HISTORY (19970526C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 4124900100016 (19990901U) . . Dates corrected 4124900100017 (20010312A) . . Quantity in SAN 003 corrected 4124900100018 (20010312U) Last checking has been done. 4124900100019 (20240807A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4124900100020 STATUS was updated for new rules. 4124900100021 Subent 007 was deleted - no such data in the article. 4124900100022 EN-RSL-FW -> EN-RSL-HW . 4124900100023 (20240911T) Entry was transmitted to Ukraine center, 4124900100024 new EXFOR number 32252. 4124900100025 ENDBIB 23 0 4124900100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 4124900100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4124900199999 NOSUBENT 41249002 20240807 42184124900200001 NOSUBENT 41249003 20240807 42184124900300001 NOSUBENT 41249004 20240807 42184124900400001 NOSUBENT 41249005 20240807 42184124900500001 NOSUBENT 41249006 20240807 42184124900600001 NOSUBENT 41249007 20240903 42184124900700001 ENDENTRY 7 0 4124999999999