ENTRY 41251 20241212 422141251000 1 SUBENT 41251001 20241212 422141251001 1 BIB 8 26 41251001 2 TITLE Levels and thermal cross-sections of the isotopes 41251001 3 erbium-162,164,167,168 and 170 41251001 4 AUTHOR (V.P.Vertebny,M.F.Vlasov,A.L.Kirilyuk,V.V.Koloty, 41251001 5 M.V.Pasechnik,N.A.Trofimova) 41251001 6 REFERENCE (R,INDSWG-120E,21,1965) =INDC(CCP)*013. 41251001 7 English translation of R,YFI-1,21,1965 41251001 8 (R,YFI-1,25,1965) 41251001 9 (S,EANDC-50-S,2(#186),1965) Vol.2,Paper 186. Full text.41251001 10 INDSWG-0109 (this conf.abstracts) - no this article. 41251001 11 (C,65ANTWERP,,572,1965) 41251001 12 Abstracts of short contributions . 41251001 13 REL-REF (O,40766002,M.F.Vlasov+,J,UFZ,11,240,1966) Iss.3. 41251001 14 Next publication of 200+-25 b tot.C-S for Er-162, 41251001 15 measurement with better resolution. 41251001 16 In INDSWG-120E,21,1965 - 315 b. 41251001 17 (O,40061001,V.P.Vertebny+,R,INDC(CCP)-006,5,1968) 41251001 18 Subent 003 - Er-166 CS next publication 41251001 19 Subent 004 - ER-167 CS next publication. 41251001 20 INSTITUTE (4UKRIFU) 4CCPIFU at the time of publication 41251001 21 MONITOR .No information 41251001 22 METHOD (TOF) 41251001 23 HISTORY (19970616C) + + Compiled at the center - CJD + + 41251001 24 (20241212A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41251001 25 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41251001 26 Subents 002-003 were deleted, data were moved in Entry41251001 27 40061.028-.030. 41251001 28 ENDBIB 26 0 41251001 29 NOCOMMON 0 0 41251001 30 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4125100199999 NOSUBENT 41251002 20241212 422141251002 1 NOSUBENT 41251003 20241212 422141251003 1 NOSUBENT 41251004 20241212 422141251004 1 ENDENTRY 4 0 4125199999999