ENTRY            41254   20241212                             422141254000    1 
SUBENT        41254001   20241212                             422141254001    1 
BIB                 12         31                                 41254001    2 
TITLE       Nu-bar, mean number of neutrons produced in fission of41254001    3 
            U238 by of 14-MeV neutrons                            41254001    4 
AUTHOR     (N.N.Flerov,E.A.Tamanov)                               41254001    5 
REFERENCE  (J,SJA,5,1596,1959)   English translation              41254001    6 
           (J,AE,5,654,1958) Issue 6. Main reference              41254001    7 
           (J,JNE/A,11,171,1960)   English translation            41254001    8 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              41254001    9 
EXP-YEAR   (1955)                                                 41254001   10 
FACILITY   (VDG)  Ion accelerating tube                           41254001   11 
DETECTOR   (BF3)  Battery of six B-F3 counters, B-10 enrichment   41254001   12 
                  is 71.6 %                                       41254001   13 
METHOD     (COINC) Two-fold coincidence between neutrons          41254001   14 
                  emitted during a single fission event.          41254001   15 
SAMPLE     .Spherical samples of natural uranium (6.4 cm diameter)41254001   16 
            or lead (8.5 cm diameter) placed in the center        41254001   17 
            of water cube                                         41254001   18 
CORRECTION  .Corrections were introduced on coincidence background41254001   19 
            on the whole assembly background, on the spontaneous  41254001   20 
            fission of U-238, on U-238 fission due to scattered   41254001   21 
            neutrons                                              41254001   22 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 41254001   23 
            article.                                              41254001   24 
HISTORY    (19830816C)  ! !  Compiled at NNDC                     41254001   25 
           (19970620T)  + +  Converted at the center - CJD        41254001   26 
           (19970724U)  * *  Institute code corrected             41254001   27 
           (20000125U)  . .  Corrected at CJD                     41254001   28 
           (20000125U) Last checking has been done.               41254001   29 
           (20050827U) Correction according to Memo CP-E/70       41254001   30 
           (20070420U) References year was corrected. M.M.        41254001   31 
           (20241212U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction.       41254001   32 
            STATUS information was updated.                       41254001   33 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 41254001   34 
COMMON               1          3                                 41254001   35 
EN                                                                41254001   36 
EV                                                                41254001   37 
    1.4E+07                                                       41254001   38 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 41254001   39 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 4125400199999 
SUBENT        41254002   20241212                             422141254002    1 
BIB                  9         21                                 41254002    2 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,F),PR,NU)                                  41254002    3 
MONITOR    (82-PB-0(N,2N),,SIG)                                   41254002    4 
MONIT-REF  (40425001,N.N.Flerov+,J,AE,5,657,195811)               41254002    5 
ANALYSIS    See formula (6) in the article.                       41254002    6 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,82-PB-0(N,INL)82-PB-0,,SIG)                    41254002    7 
           (ASSUM2,92-U-238(N,F),,SIG)                            41254002    8 
           (ASSUM3,92-U-238(N,INL)92-U-238,,SIG)                  41254002    9 
            SIG(n,2n) = SIGinl - SIGfis was assumed.              41254002   10 
CORRECTION  For effect from inelastic interactions.               41254002   11 
            For binomial distribution of NU  - 3.5 - 5 %.         41254002   12 
REL-REF    (R,,N.N.Flerov+,J,AE,4,155,1956)                       41254002   13 
           (R,,N.N.Flerov+,J,AE,5,657,1958)                       41254002   14 
           (R,41254003,N.N.Flerov+,J,AE,5,654,1958)               41254002   15 
           (A,40806005,N.N.Flerov+,J,AE,5,653,1958)               41254002   16 
            Previous measurement by different                     41254002   17 
            method at 1954 year - 4.50+-0.32 n/fis.               41254002   18 
           (A,,S.Blaize+,S,TID-7547,1957) =C,57COLUMBIA,,,1957    41254002   19 
STATUS     (TABLE,,N.N.Flerov+,J,SJA,5,1596,1959) Text page 1599  41254002   20 
HISTORY    (19970620T)  * *  Converted from Subent 80390002       41254002   21 
           (20000125U)  . .  Correlation established              41254002   22 
           (20000125U) Last checking has been done.               41254002   23 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 41254002   24 
COMMON               6          3                                 41254002   25 
ASSUM1     ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR ASSUM3     ASSUM3-ERR 41254002   26 
B          B          B          B          B          B          41254002   27 
       2.54       0.05       1.13       0.05       2.85  0.10     41254002   28 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 41254002   29 
DATA                 4          1                                 41254002   30 
DATA       DATA-ERR   MONIT      MONIT-ERR                        41254002   31 
PRT/FIS    PRT/FIS    B          B                                41254002   32 
       4.45    0.35           2.3       0.19                      41254002   33 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 41254002   34 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 4125400299999 
SUBENT        41254003   20241212                             422141254003    1 
BIB                  4          5                                 41254003    2 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,INL)92-U-238,,SIG,,,DERIV)                 41254003    3 
ANALYSIS    Extrapolation of data from AE, vol.1,n.4, p.155,1956  41254003    4 
STATUS     (TABLE,,N.N.Flerov+,J,SJA,5,1596,1959) Text page 1599  41254003    5 
HISTORY    (20000125C)   Compiled at CJD                          41254003    6 
           (20241212A) EVAL -> DERIV                              41254003    7 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 41254003    8 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 41254003    9 
DATA                 2          1                                 41254003   10 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               41254003   11 
B          B                                                      41254003   12 
       2.85       0.10                                            41254003   13 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 41254003   14 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 4125400399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 4125499999999