ENTRY 41265 20241212 422141265000 1 SUBENT 41265001 20241212 422141265001 1 BIB 12 18 41265001 2 TITLE On the spin dependence of the total radiation width of 41265001 3 levels in arsenic-75 41265001 4 AUTHOR (S.M.Kalebin) 41265001 5 REFERENCE (R,JINR-1845,51,1964) 41265001 6 INSTITUTE (4RUSITE) 41265001 7 FACILITY (CHOPF) Chopper facility 41265001 8 SAMPLE Three samples of metallic arsenic with thicknesses of 41265001 9 2.14E21, 1.19E22, and 2.0E22 atoms/cm-sq were used 41265001 10 METHOD (TOF) 0.05 microsec/m resolution 41265001 11 ANALYSIS (AREA) Area analysis of transmission measurements 41265001 12 CORRECTION Corrections made for the potential scattering cross 41265001 13 section of the sample 41265001 14 ERR-ANALYS No information 41265001 15 ADD-RES (TRCS) 41265001 16 HISTORY (19971230C) + + Compiled at the center - CJD + + 41265001 17 (20241212U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41265001 18 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41265001 19 STATUS information was updated. 41265001 20 ENDBIB 18 0 41265001 21 COMMON 1 3 41265001 22 EN-RSL 41265001 23 MICROSEC/M 41265001 24 0.05 41265001 25 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41265001 26 ENDSUBENT 25 0 4126500199999 SUBENT 41265002 20241212 422141265002 1 BIB 5 11 41265002 2 REACTION 1(33-AS-75(N,0),,EN) 41265002 3 2(33-AS-75(N,TOT),,WID) 41265002 4 3(33-AS-75(N,EL),,WID,,G) 41265002 5 4(33-AS-75(N,0),,J) 41265002 6 5(33-AS-75(N,G),,WID) 41265002 7 ANALYSIS Spins deduced by assuming a constant radiation width 41265002 8 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 41265002 9 article. 41265002 10 STATUS (TABLE,,S.M.Kalebin,R,JINR-1845,51,1964) 41265002 11 Table 1, Table 2 (spin) 41265002 12 HISTORY (19971230T) Converted from SUBENT 80508002 41265002 13 ENDBIB 11 0 41265002 14 NOCOMMON 0 0 41265002 15 DATA 9 4 41265002 16 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 341265002 17 DATA 4DATA 5DATA-ERR 5 41265002 18 EV EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 41265002 19 NO-DIM MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 41265002 20 48. 0.3 264. 30. 27.4 2. 41265002 21 2. 220. 30. 41265002 22 93.5 0.5 266. 40. 8.85 0.8 41265002 23 2. 252. 40. 41265002 24 253. 2. 420. 120. 26.7 3. 41265002 25 1. 330. 120. 41265002 26 528. 5. 3360. 360. 1900. 200. 41265002 27 2. 300. 41265002 28 ENDDATA 12 0 41265002 29 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4126500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4126599999999