ENTRY            41270   20191215                             41854127000000001 
SUBENT        41270001   20191215                             41854127000100001 
BIB                 12         40                                 4127000100002 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              4127000100003 
REFERENCE  (J,AE,14,264,1963)  Data Table is given                4127000100004 
           (J,SJA,14,258,1964) English translation of AE 14 264   4127000100005 
AUTHOR     (L.S.Danelyan,B.V.Efimov)                              4127000100006 
TITLE       Radiative capture cross sections of tellurium isotopes4127000100007 
            as a function of neutron energies up to 1.5 keV       4127000100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,4RUSKUR) Kurchatov Institute Linear Electron    4127000100009 
           Accelerator                                            4127000100010 
INC-SOURCE .Neutrons produced from a uranium target of the linear 4127000100011 
            accelerator surrounded by a 4 cm water moderator.     4127000100012 
            Neutron pulse length was either 0.9 or 0.6 microsec.  4127000100013 
            Distance from neutron source to sample - 15.1 m.      4127000100014 
INC-SPECT   Neutron flux form for energies up to 400 eV on the    4127000100015 
           form F(E)dE ~ dE/(E**0.81) from measurements.          4127000100016 
MONITOR    .Absolute measurements                                 4127000100017 
METHOD     (TOF) Time of flight. Time channel width 0.05 microsec,4127000100018 
           half width of the resolution function 0.05 microsec/m. 4127000100019 
           At cross-section measurement a Cd filter of 0.5 mm     4127000100020 
           thickness was placed in the path of the beam.          4127000100021 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) 4 sodium-iodide scintillation crystal detectors4127000100022 
           of 70-80 mm diameter, 55-60 mm high, for gamma         4127000100023 
           registration.                                          4127000100024 
            Counting efficiency 6% for 1.2 MeV gammas(Co-60),     4127000100025 
            5.5% for 2.8 MeV gammas (Na-24).                      4127000100026 
           (BF3)   For neutron flux monitoring                    4127000100027 
CORRECTION .Corrections were made for Doppler broadening, multiple4127000100028 
            scattering, and self-shielding                        4127000100029 
           .Background                                            4127000100030 
           independent of time-of-flight - 3% of counts with a    4127000100031 
           black sample,                                          4127000100032 
           depending on time-of-flight - 75% of total background  4127000100033 
           at 337 eV energy.                                      4127000100034 
HISTORY    (19970810C)  + +  Compiled at the Center - CJD  + +    4127000100035 
           (19980128U)  Correction in Subents 41270009, 41270010  4127000100036 
           (20010322U)  Corrected at CJD                          4127000100037 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000100038 
           (20191215A) M.M. Reaction 3 in Subents 009,010 were    4127000100039 
           corrected. BIB information was updated.                4127000100040 
           ERR-ANALYS was corrected and moved from Subent 001 to  4127000100041 
           proper Subents.                                        4127000100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 4127000100043 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 4127000199999 
SUBENT        41270002   20191215                             41854127000200001 
BIB                  5         13                                 4127000200002 
REACTION   (52-TE-122(N,0),,EN)                                   4127000200003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127000200004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %.4127000200005 
           Total weight 1.437 gram, inverse thickness 1190 barn/  4127000200006 
           atom.                                                  4127000200007 
           Te-120 content is 0.07 % , Te-122 content is 83.57 % , 4127000200008 
           Te-123 content is 2.94 % , Te-124 content is 3.36 % ,  4127000200009 
           Te-125 content is 1.59 % , Te-126 content is 2.82 % ,  4127000200010 
           Te-128 content is 3.03 % , Te-130 content is 2.65 %    4127000200011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)   Total error                               4127000200012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000200013 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516002            4127000200014 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4127000200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000200017 
DATA                 2          9                                 4127000200018 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4127000200019 
EV         EV                                                     4127000200020 
    7.2E+01         1.                                            4127000200021 
    2.3E+02         7.                                            4127000200022 
   3.25E+02     1.E+01                                            4127000200023 
   4.45E+02     2.E+01                                            4127000200024 
     6.E+02     3.E+01                                            4127000200025 
   7.45E+02     4.E+01                                            4127000200026 
    9.2E+02     6.E+01                                            4127000200027 
    1.1E+03     7.E+01                                            4127000200028 
   1.77E+03    1.5E+02                                            4127000200029 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 4127000200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 4127000299999 
SUBENT        41270003   20191215                             41854127000300001 
BIB                  5         14                                 4127000300002 
REACTION   (52-TE-124(N,0),,EN)                                   4127000300003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127000300004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %.4127000300005 
           Total weight 3.226 gram,                               4127000300006 
           inverse thickness 535 barn/atom.                       4127000300007 
           Te-120 content is less than 0.08 % ,                   4127000300008 
           Te-122 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127000300009 
           Te-123 content is 0.42 % , Te-124 content is 83.7 % ,  4127000300010 
           Te-125 content is 7.39 % ,  Te-126 content is 5.37 % , 4127000300011 
           Te-128 content is 1.80 % ,  Te-130 content is 1.01 %   4127000300012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)   Total error                               4127000300013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000300014 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516003            4127000300015 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4127000300017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000300018 
DATA                 2          7                                 4127000300019 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4127000300020 
EV         EV                                                     4127000300021 
   1.98E+02         5.                                            4127000300022 
    5.3E+02    2.5E+01                                            4127000300023 
    6.7E+02    3.2E+01                                            4127000300024 
    7.9E+02    4.5E+01                                            4127000300025 
    9.8E+02     6.E+01                                            4127000300026 
   1.46E+03     1.E+02                                            4127000300027 
   1.89E+03    1.7E+02                                            4127000300028 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 4127000300029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 4127000399999 
SUBENT        41270004   20191215                             41854127000400001 
BIB                  4          5                                 4127000400002 
REACTION   (52-TE-126(N,0),,EN)                                   4127000400003 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516004            4127000400004 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000400005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)   Total error                               4127000400006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4127000400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000400009 
DATA                 2          1                                 4127000400010 
DATA       DATA-ERR                                               4127000400011 
EV         EV                                                     4127000400012 
   1.98E+02         5.                                            4127000400013 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4127000400014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 4127000499999 
SUBENT        41270005   20191215                             41854127000500001 
BIB                  4         12                                 4127000500002 
REACTION   (52-TE-122(N,0),,D)                                    4127000500003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127000500004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %.4127000500005 
           Total weight 1.437 gram, inverse thickness 1190 barn/  4127000500006 
           atom.                                                  4127000500007 
           Te-120 content is 0.07 % , Te-122 content is 83.57 % , 4127000500008 
           Te-123 content is 2.94 % , Te-124 content is 3.36 % ,  4127000500009 
           Te-125 content is 1.59 % , Te-126 content is 2.82 % ,  4127000500010 
           Te-128 content is 3.03 % , Te-130 content is 2.65 %    4127000500011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000500012 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516005            4127000500013 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000500014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4127000500015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000500016 
DATA                 3          1                                 4127000500017 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX DATA                                        4127000500018 
EV         EV         EV                                          4127000500019 
    7.2E+01   1.77E+03    1.4E+02                                 4127000500020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4127000500021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 4127000599999 
SUBENT        41270006   20191215                             41854127000600001 
BIB                  4         12                                 4127000600002 
REACTION   (52-TE-123(N,0),,D)                                    4127000600003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127000600004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %.4127000600005 
           Total weight 0.268 gram,                               4127000600006 
           inverse thickness 8850 barn/atom.                      4127000600007 
           Te-120 content is 0.3 % ,  Te-122 content is 1.2 % ,   4127000600008 
           Te-123 content is 60.9 % , Te-124 content is 20.2 % ,  4127000600009 
           Te-125 content is 4.7 % ,  Te-126 content is 6.1 % ,   4127000600010 
           Te-128 content is 3.4 % ,  Te-130 content is 3.1 %     4127000600011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000600012 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516006            4127000600013 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000600014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4127000600015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000600016 
DATA                 3          1                                 4127000600017 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX DATA                                        4127000600018 
EV         EV         EV                                          4127000600019 
      2.334   3.65E+02    2.3E+01                                 4127000600020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4127000600021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 4127000699999 
SUBENT        41270007   20191215                             41854127000700001 
BIB                  4         13                                 4127000700002 
REACTION   (52-TE-124(N,0),,D)                                    4127000700003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127000700004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %.4127000700005 
           Total weight 3.226 gram,                               4127000700006 
           inverse thickness 535 barn/atom.                       4127000700007 
           Te-120 content is less than 0.08 % ,                   4127000700008 
           Te-122 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127000700009 
           Te-123 content is 0.42 % , Te-124 content is 83.7 % ,  4127000700010 
           Te-125 content is 7.39 % ,  Te-126 content is 5.37 % , 4127000700011 
           Te-128 content is 1.80 % ,  Te-130 content is 1.01 %   4127000700012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000700013 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516007            4127000700014 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000700015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4127000700016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000700017 
DATA                 3          1                                 4127000700018 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX DATA                                        4127000700019 
EV         EV         EV                                          4127000700020 
   1.98E+02   1.89E+03    2.2E+02                                 4127000700021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4127000700022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 4127000799999 
SUBENT        41270008   20191215                             41854127000800001 
BIB                  4         14                                 4127000800002 
REACTION   (52-TE-125(N,0),,D)                                    4127000800003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127000800004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.0 % .4127000800005 
           Total weight 0.940 gram,                               4127000800006 
           inverse thickness 1800 barn/atom.                      4127000800007 
           Te-120 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127000800008 
           Te-122 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127000800009 
           Te-123 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127000800010 
           Te-124 content is 1.26 % ,                             4127000800011 
           Te-125 content is 86.87 % , Te-126 content is 9.48 % , 4127000800012 
           Te-128 content is 1.53 % ,  Te-130 content is 0.86 %   4127000800013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 3 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000800014 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516008            4127000800015 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000800016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4127000800017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127000800018 
DATA                 3          1                                 4127000800019 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX DATA                                        4127000800020 
EV         EV         EV                                          4127000800021 
   2.59E+01   7.68E+02     5.E+01                                 4127000800022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4127000800023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 4127000899999 
SUBENT        41270009   20191215                             41854127000900001 
BIB                  7         52                                 4127000900002 
REACTION  1(52-TE-123(N,0),,EN)                                   4127000900003 
          2(52-TE-123(N,TOT),,WID,,S0)                            4127000900004 
          3(52-TE-123(N,G),,WID,,S0)                              4127000900005 
          4(52-TE-123(N,0),,J)                                    4127000900006 
          5(52-TE-123(N,EL),,WID)                                 4127000900007 
          6(52-TE-123(N,TOT),,WID)                                4127000900008 
          7(52-TE-123(N,EL),,WID/RED)                             4127000900009 
          8(52-TE-123(N,EL),,WID/RED,,2G)                         4127000900010 
SAMPLE      Metallic powder in aluminum container of 30 and 50 mm 4127000900011 
            diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %4127000900012 
            Total weight 0.268 gram,                              4127000900013 
            inverse thickness 8850 barn/atom.                     4127000900014 
            Te-120 content is 0.3 % ,  Te-122 content is 1.2 % ,  4127000900015 
            Te-123 content is 60.9 % , Te-124 content is 20.2 % , 4127000900016 
            Te-125 content is 4.7 % ,  Te-126 content is 6.1 % ,  4127000900017 
            Te-128 content is 3.4 % ,  Te-130 content is 3.1 %    4127000900018 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,52-TE-123(N,0),,EN)                            4127000900019 
           (ASSUM2,52-TE-123(N,EL),,WID)                          4127000900020 
           (ASSUM3,52-TE-123(N,EL),,WID,,2G)                      4127000900021 
           (ASSUM4,52-TE-123(N,G),,WID)                           4127000900022 
COMMENT    .Several values of (52-TE-123(N,EL),,WID,,2G) and      4127000900023 
            (52-TE-123(N,G),,WID) obtained from BNL-325 Suppl.No.14127000900024 
            (1958)                                                4127000900025 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)   Total error                                  4127000900026 
           .For the condition where all errors are independent,   4127000900027 
            the mean square relative error is about 10 %          4127000900028 
            (for weak resonances 15-25 %)                         4127000900029 
           .Discussion was given for the background contribution  4127000900030 
            and errors of the cross sections.  The basic          4127000900031 
            uncertainties which contribute to the error in the    4127000900032 
            value of ((52-TE-A(N,G),,SIG)*(52-TE-A(N,TOT),,WID))  4127000900033 
           (ERR-S,2.,10.) Statistical Error in the Sum of the     4127000900034 
            counting rates amounting to 2 to 5 % , up to 10 % at  4127000900035 
            weak resonances                                       4127000900036 
           (ERR-1,2.,3.) Error in the sample thickness 2-3 %,     4127000900037 
            mainly from oxidation of tellurium                    4127000900038 
           (ERR-2) Change in counting efficiency among resonances 4127000900039 
           (ERR-3,,4.) Max. error in the correction factor for    4127000900040 
             counted scattered neutrons                           4127000900041 
           (ERR-4,,3.) Max. error due to multiple scattering      4127000900042 
           (ERR-5) Error in the counting rate of the black sample 4127000900043 
              at resonance .                                      4127000900044 
           (ERR-6) Error of determination of the neutron spectrum 4127000900045 
           (ERR-7,3.,5.) Error of determination of Sig-G-Res times4127000900046 
              Wid-0-gamma by extrapolation - 2 to 5 %             4127000900047 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 4 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127000900048 
HISTORY    (19970810C)  Compiled at the Center                    4127000900049 
           (19980128U)  Pointers 4 in Line 38 and Pointer 7       4127000900050 
                      in line 39 restored                         4127000900051 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127000900052 
           (20191215A) M.M. Reaction 3 was corrected.             4127000900053 
            "(COREL,40661002)" was deleted.                       4127000900054 
ENDBIB              52          0                                 4127000900055 
COMMON               7          6                                 4127000900056 
ASSUM1     ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR ERR-2      ERR-5      4127000900057 
ERR-6                                                             4127000900058 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   4127000900059 
PER-CENT                                                          4127000900060 
      2.334       0.01       10.4        0.6         5.         2.4127000900061 
         2.                                                       4127000900062 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 4127000900063 
DATA                18         11                                 4127000900064 
DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2DATA      3ERR-T     3DATA      44127000900065 
DATA      5ERR-T     5DATA      6ERR-T     6DATA      7ERR-T     74127000900066 
DATA      8ERR-T     8ASSUM3     ASSUM3-ERR ASSUM4     ASSUM4-ERR 4127000900067 
EV         EV         B*EV       B*EV       B*EV       NO-DIM     4127000900068 
   2.39E+01     2.E-01      2500.      1350.       100.         0.4127000900071 
        92.         8.       114.         4.        6.8        0.44127000900072 
                              46.         4.       104.         3.4127000900073 
   3.55E+01     4.E-01       480.       380.        30.         0.4127000900074 
       26.4        1.8       200.        20.        19.        1.64127000900075 
                             13.2        0.9       108.        18.4127000900076 
    9.6E+01         2.                  220.        45.           4127000900077 
                             125.        40.        4.4        0.34127000900078 
        1.7        0.4        17.         4.       100.        42.4127000900079 
   1.09E+02         2.                   70.        16.           4127000900080 
        0.6        0.1         6.        1.2                      4127000900082 
   1.18E+02         2.                  200.        40.           4127000900083 
       1.85       0.36        20.         4.                      4127000900085 
   1.32E+02         3.       625.       500.        50.         1.4127000900086 
        42.         7.       220.       120.                   3.74127000900087 
        0.6                   63.        10.       180.       120.4127000900088 
   1.57E+02         4.      2200.       610.        60.         1.4127000900089 
       180.        20.       250.        20.                  14.54127000900090 
        1.6                  270.        30.        70.        10.4127000900091 
   2.35E+02         7.                                            4127000900092 
   2.76E+02     1.E+01                                            4127000900095 
    3.1E+02    1.1E+01                                            4127000900098 
   3.65E+02    1.5E+01                                            4127000900101 
ENDDATA             39          0                                 4127000900104 
ENDSUBENT          103          0                                 4127000999999 
SUBENT        41270010   20191215                             41854127001000001 
BIB                  7         53                                 4127001000002 
REACTION  1(52-TE-125(N,0),,EN)                                   4127001000003 
          2(52-TE-125(N,TOT),,WID,,S0)                            4127001000004 
          3(52-TE-125(N,G),,WID,,S0)                              4127001000005 
          4(52-TE-125(N,0),,J)                                    4127001000006 
          5(52-TE-125(N,EL),,WID)                                 4127001000007 
          6(52-TE-125(N,TOT),,WID)                                4127001000008 
          7(52-TE-125(N,EL),,WID/RED)                             4127001000009 
          8(52-TE-125(N,EL),,WID/RED,,2G)                         4127001000010 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127001000011 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %.4127001000012 
           Total weight 0.940 gram,                               4127001000013 
           inverse thickness 1800 barn/atom.                      4127001000014 
           Te-120 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127001000015 
           Te-122 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127001000016 
           Te-123 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127001000017 
           Te-124 content is 1.26 % ,                             4127001000018 
           Te-125 content is 86.87 % , Te-126 content is 9.48 % , 4127001000019 
           Te-128 content is 1.53 % ,  Te-130 content is 0.86 %   4127001000020 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,52-TE-125(N,EL),,WID,,2G)                      4127001000021 
           (ASSUM2,52-TE-125(N,G),,WID)                           4127001000022 
COMMENT    .Several values of (52-TE-125(N,EL),,WID,,2G) and      4127001000023 
            (52-TE-125(N,G),,WID) obtained from BNL-325,          4127001000024 
             Suppl.No.1, 1958                                     4127001000025 
                Value of (52-TE-125(N,EL),,WID,,2G) was taken as  4127001000026 
                19.+-3. meV to avoid contradictory results        4127001000027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 4 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964     4127001000028 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)   Total error                                  4127001000029 
           .For the condition where all errors are independent,   4127001000030 
            the mean square relative error is about 10 %          4127001000031 
            (for weak resonances 15-25 %)                         4127001000032 
           .Discussion was given for the background contribution  4127001000033 
            and errors of the cross sections.  The basic          4127001000034 
            uncertainties which contribute to the error in the    4127001000035 
            value of ((52-TE-A(N,G),,SIG)*(52-TE-A(N,TOT),,WID))  4127001000036 
           (ERR-S,2.,10.) Statistical Error in the Sum of the     4127001000037 
            counting rates amounting to 2 to 5 % , up to 10 % at  4127001000038 
            weak resonances                                       4127001000039 
           (ERR-1,2.,3.) Error in the sample thickness 2-3 %,     4127001000040 
            mainly from oxidation of tellurium                    4127001000041 
           (ERR-2) Change in counting efficiency among resonances 4127001000042 
           (ERR-3,,4.) Max. error in the correction factor for    4127001000043 
             counted scattered neutrons                           4127001000044 
           (ERR-4,,3.) Max. error due to multiple scattering      4127001000045 
           (ERR-5) Error in the counting rate of the black sample 4127001000046 
              at resonance .                                      4127001000047 
           (ERR-6) Error of determination of the neutron spectrum 4127001000048 
           (ERR-7,3.,5.) Error of determination of Sig-G-Res times4127001000049 
              Wid-0-gamma by extrapolation - 2 to 5 %             4127001000050 
HISTORY    (19970810C)  Compiled at the center                    4127001000051 
           (19980128U)  Pointer 7 in line 38 restored             4127001000052 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127001000053 
           (20191215A) M.M. Reaction 3 was corrected              4127001000054 
           "(COREL,40661003),(COREL,40661004)" was deleted.       4127001000055 
ENDBIB              53          0                                 4127001000056 
COMMON               3          3                                 4127001000057 
ERR-2      ERR-5      ERR-6                                       4127001000058 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    4127001000059 
         5.         2.         2.                                 4127001000060 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4127001000061 
DATA                18         17                                 4127001000062 
DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2DATA      3ERR-T     3DATA      44127001000063 
DATA      5ERR-T     5DATA      6ERR-T     6DATA      7ERR-T     74127001000064 
DATA      8ERR-T     8ASSUM1     ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2     ASSUM2-ERR 4127001000065 
EV         EV         B*EV       B*EV       B*EV       NO-DIM     4127001000066 
   2.59E+01     2.E-01        48.    4.5E+01        2.5         0.4127001000069 
       1.82                  107.                                 4127001000070 
      0.187      0.014       0.96       0.07       105.           4127001000071 
   2.59E+01     2.E-01        48.    4.5E+01        2.5         1.4127001000072 
       0.64                  103.                                 4127001000073 
      0.187      0.014       0.96       0.07       102.           4127001000074 
  1.335E+02         3.               1.7E+02     2.E+01         0.4127001000075 
        38.         6.       480.                   1.1       0.164127001000076 
                              19.         3.       440.           4127001000077 
  1.335E+02         3.               1.7E+02     2.E+01         1.4127001000078 
       12.7         2.       146.                   1.1       0.164127001000079 
                              19.         3.       133.           4127001000080 
   2.13E+02         4.       240.   2.05E+02     2.E+01         0.4127001000081 
        80.        20.       530.                  1.83       0.454127001000082 
                              40.        10.       450.           4127001000083 
   2.13E+02         4.       240.   2.05E+02     2.E+01         1.4127001000084 
       26.7        6.7       178.                  1.83       0.454127001000085 
                              40.        10.       150.           4127001000086 
  2.285E+02         4.              1.15E+02    1.6E+01           4127001000087 
    2.6E+02         5.       550.   3.65E+02    3.5E+01         1.4127001000090 
       73.4        20.       200.        70.       4.55       1.254127001000091 
                             110.        30.       146.        80.4127001000092 
   2.89E+02         5.       900.    4.7E+02    4.5E+01         1.4127001000093 
       133.        27.       280.        35.        7.8        1.64127001000094 
                             200.        40.       145.        40.4127001000095 
   3.22E+02         6.              1.65E+02    2.2E+01           4127001000096 
   3.94E+02         8.                                            4127001000099 
   4.25E+02         9.               5.5E+02     9.E+01           4127001000102 
   5.06E+02    1.5E+01                                            4127001000105 
   5.68E+02     2.E+01                                            4127001000108 
   6.17E+02    2.3E+01                                            4127001000111 
   6.86E+02     3.E+01                                            4127001000114 
   7.68E+02    3.5E+01                                            4127001000117 
ENDDATA             57          0                                 4127001000120 
ENDSUBENT          119          0                                 4127001099999 
SUBENT        41270011   20191215                             41854127001100001 
BIB                  6         14                                 4127001100002 
REACTION   (52-TE-123(N,EL),,STF)                                 4127001100003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127001100004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01% .4127001100005 
           Total weight 0.268 gram,                               4127001100006 
           inverse thickness 8850 barn/atom.                      4127001100007 
           Te-120 content is 0.3 % ,  Te-122 content is 1.2 % ,   4127001100008 
           Te-123 content is 60.9 % , Te-124 content is 20.2 % ,  4127001100009 
           Te-125 content is 4.7 % ,  Te-126 content is 6.1 % ,   4127001100010 
           Te-128 content is 3.4 % ,  Te-130 content is 3.1 %     4127001100011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)   Total error                               4127001100012 
ANALYSIS   Strength function calculated using the best spin value 4127001100013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text p.266 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964  4127001100014 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516011            4127001100015 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127001100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4127001100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127001100018 
DATA                 5          1                                 4127001100019 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L DATA       DATA-ERR              4127001100020 
EV         EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                4127001100021 
      2.334   1.57E+02         0.    1.6E-04     7.E-05           4127001100022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4127001100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 4127001199999 
SUBENT        41270012   20191215                             41854127001200001 
BIB                  6         16                                 4127001200002 
REACTION   (52-TE-125(N,EL),,STF)                                 4127001200003 
SAMPLE     Metallic powder in aluminum  container of 30 and 50 mm 4127001200004 
           diameter. Fe(2)O(3) admixture is 0.05 %, Cu-O - 0.01 %.4127001200005 
           Total weight 0.940 gram,                               4127001200006 
           inverse thickness 1800 barn/atom.                      4127001200007 
           Te-120 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127001200008 
           Te-122 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127001200009 
           Te-123 content is less than 0.1 % ,                    4127001200010 
           Te-124 content is 1.26 % ,                             4127001200011 
           Te-125 content is 86.87 % , Te-126 content is 9.48 % , 4127001200012 
           Te-128 content is 1.53 % ,  Te-130 content is 0.86 %   4127001200013 
ANALYSIS   Strength function calculated using the best spin value 4127001200014 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)   Total error                               4127001200015 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text p.266 of J.Sov.At.Energy,v.14,p.258,1964  4127001200016 
HISTORY    (19970810T)  Converted from Subent 80516012            4127001200017 
           (20010322U) Last checking has been done.               4127001200018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 4127001200019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4127001200020 
DATA                 5          1                                 4127001200021 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX MOMENTUM L DATA       DATA-ERR              4127001200022 
EV         EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                4127001200023 
   2.59E+01   4.25E+02         0.    5.5E-05     4.E-05           4127001200024 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4127001200025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 4127001299999 
ENDENTRY            12          0                                 4127099999999