ENTRY 41273 20241212 422141273000 1 SUBENT 41273001 20241212 422141273001 1 BIB 11 19 41273001 2 TITLE Investigation of gamma-rays from neutron capture 41273001 3 on Ba and Pr 41273001 4 AUTHOR (F.Becvar,J.Liptak,J.Urbanec,J.Vrzal) 41273001 5 REFERENCE (J,CZJ/B,19,899,1969) 41273001 6 (R,JINR-P-1972,1965) 41273001 7 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 41273001 8 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) IBR pulse reactor 41273001 9 METHOD (TOF) Resolutions of 0.4 and 0.12 microsec/m. 41273001 10 Flight path is 50 m. 41273001 11 SAMPLE Target are oxides partially surrounding the detector 41273001 12 DETECTOR (GELI) Germanium-lithium detector with 4.5 keV LOW 41273001 13 energy resolution and 8 keV neutron binding energy 41273001 14 region resolution 41273001 15 STATUS This ENTRY was combined from two: 80513 and 80517 41273001 16 ADD-RES (G-SPC) 41273001 17 HISTORY (19970827C) + + Compiled at the center - CJD + + 41273001 18 (20241212U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41273001 19 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41273001 20 STATUS information was updated. 41273001 21 ENDBIB 19 0 41273001 22 NOCOMMON 0 0 41273001 23 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4127300199999 SUBENT 41273002 20241212 422141273002 1 BIB 4 6 41273002 2 REACTION (56-BA-135(N,0),,L) 41273002 3 ANALYSIS Angular momentum assignment based on gamma-ray 41273002 4 intensities 41273002 5 STATUS (TABLE,,F.Becvar+,J,CZJ/B,19,899,1969) 41273002 6 Text page 903 - "s-wave resonance" 41273002 7 HISTORY (19970827T) Converted from SUBENT 80513002 41273002 8 ENDBIB 6 0 41273002 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 41273002 10 DATA 2 1 41273002 11 EN-RES DATA 41273002 12 EV NO-DIM 41273002 13 24.5 0. 41273002 14 ENDDATA 3 0 41273002 15 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4127300299999 SUBENT 41273003 20241212 422141273003 1 BIB 4 6 41273003 2 REACTION (59-PR-141(N,0),,L) 41273003 3 ANALYSIS Angular momentum assignment derived from gamma-ray 41273003 4 spectra 41273003 5 STATUS (TABLE,,F.Becvar+,J,CZJ/B,19,899,1969) 41273003 6 Text pages 908, 910 - "s-wave resonance" 41273003 7 HISTORY (19970827T) Converted from SUBENT 80513003 41273003 8 ENDBIB 6 0 41273003 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 41273003 10 DATA 2 2 41273003 11 EN-RES DATA 41273003 12 EV NO-DIM 41273003 13 85.1 0. 41273003 14 112. 0. 41273003 15 ENDDATA 4 0 41273003 16 ENDSUBENT 15 0 4127300399999 SUBENT 41273004 20241212 422141273004 1 BIB 5 8 41273004 2 REACTION 1(56-BA-135(N,G),,WID) 41273004 3 2(56-BA-135(N,0),,J) 41273004 4 3(56-BA-135(N,0),,PTY) 41273004 5 ANALYSIS Resonance parameters obtained from an analysis of two 41273004 6 almost equal gamma-ray decay schemes for the resonance.41273004 7 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 41273004 8 STATUS (TABLE,,,R,JINR-P-1972,1965) 41273004 9 HISTORY (19970827T) Converted from SUBENT 80517002 41273004 10 ENDBIB 8 0 41273004 11 NOCOMMON 0 0 41273004 12 DATA 6 1 41273004 13 EN-RES DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA 3MOMENTUM L 41273004 14 EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 41273004 15 24.5 115. 25. 1. 1. 0. 41273004 16 ENDDATA 3 0 41273004 17 ENDSUBENT 16 0 4127300499999 SUBENT 41273005 20241212 422141273005 1 BIB 5 6 41273005 2 REACTION (56-BA-135(N,0),,EN) 41273005 3 ANALYSIS .Resonance parameters obtained from an analysis of two 41273005 4 almost equal gamma-ray decay schemes for the resonance41273005 5 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 41273005 6 STATUS (TABLE,,,R,JINR-P-1972,1965) 41273005 7 HISTORY (19970827T) Converted from SUBENT 80517003 41273005 8 ENDBIB 6 0 41273005 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 41273005 10 DATA 2 7 41273005 11 DATA DATA-ERR 41273005 12 EV EV 41273005 13 24.5 0.2 41273005 14 81.9 0.3 41273005 15 88.2 0.3 41273005 16 106.3 0.5 41273005 17 228. 1. 41273005 18 290. 1. 41273005 19 324. 2. 41273005 20 ENDDATA 9 0 41273005 21 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4127300599999 SUBENT 41273006 20241212 422141273006 1 BIB 3 3 41273006 2 REACTION (59-PR-141(N,0),,EN) 41273006 3 STATUS (TABLE,,F.Becvar+,J,CZJ/B,19,899,1969) Table 6 41273006 4 HISTORY (19970827C) Compiled at the center - CJD 41273006 5 ENDBIB 3 0 41273006 6 NOCOMMON 0 0 41273006 7 DATA 1 7 41273006 8 DATA 41273006 9 EV 41273006 10 50.5 41273006 11 85.1 41273006 12 112. 41273006 13 217. 41273006 14 234. 41273006 15 515. 41273006 16 631. 41273006 17 ENDDATA 9 0 41273006 18 ENDSUBENT 17 0 4127300699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 4127399999999