ENTRY 41276 20230123 42114127600000001 SUBENT 41276001 20230123 42114127600100001 BIB 8 19 4127600100002 TITLE Improved parameters of some resonances of Sm 4127600100003 and Dy 4127600100004 AUTHOR (A.B.Popov,K.Tshetsyak,Hwan Cher Gou) 4127600100005 REFERENCE (J,SNP,32,310,1980) English translation of YF 32 603 4127600100006 (J,YF,32,603,1980) Issue 3 4127600100007 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 4127600100008 REL-REF (I,40537001,A.B.Popov+,J,YF,26,14,1977) Exp. details 4127600100009 (I,40491001,A.B.Popov+,J,YF,29,561,1979) 4127600100010 (I,41285001,A.B.Popov+,R,JINR-P3-11013,1977) 4127600100011 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) Fast pulse reactor IBR 4127600100012 METHOD (TOF) Flight paths of 250 m with resolution ~16 ns/m 4127600100013 and 500 m with resolution ~8 ns/m. Cobalt 4127600100014 absorber in beam at all runs. Background determined 4127600100015 using 132-eV resonance of cobalt and black resonances 4127600100016 of samples. 4127600100017 (TRN) 4127600100018 HISTORY (19980122C) + + Compiled at the center - CJD + + 4127600100019 (20230123A) Correction for current rules. 4127600100020 Ref. J,YF,26,14,1977 was moved in REL-REF. 4127600100021 ENDBIB 19 0 4127600100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 4127600100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 4127600199999 SUBENT 41276002 20230123 42114127600200001 BIB 8 15 4127600200002 REACTION 1(62-SM-147(N,0),,EN) 4127600200003 3(62-SM-147(N,G),,WID) 4127600200004 4(62-SM-147(N,EL),,WID,,G) 4127600200005 ASSUMED (ASSUM,62-SM-147(N,0),,J) 4127600200006 REL-REF (R,40098002,E.N.Karzhavina,R,JINR-P3-6237,1972) 4127600200007 ASSUM ( spin J ). 4127600200008 SAMPLE Natural samarium oxide samples of two thicknesses. 4127600200009 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) 4127600200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Extreme deviations for various conditions of4127600200011 calculations. 4127600200012 Systematical uncertainties due to background correction4127600200013 were analyzed and were found to be negligible. 4127600200014 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of J,SNP,32,310,1980 4127600200015 HISTORY (19980122T) Converted from SUBENT 87003002 4127600200016 (20230123A) DATA 2 were moved in ASSUM. 4127600200017 ENDBIB 15 0 4127600200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4127600200019 DATA 6 12 4127600200020 DATA 1DATA 3DATA-ERR 3DATA 4DATA-ERR 4ASSUM 4127600200021 EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM 4127600200022 18.34 93. 4. 36. 1. 4. 4127600200023 27.19 84. 7. 2.85 0.02 3. 4127600200024 29.75 104. 10. 6.7 0.3 3. 4127600200025 32.1 86. 10. 20.1 0.6 4. 4127600200026 39.7 76. 10. 38. 1. 4. 4127600200027 40.7 1.9 0.2 3. 4127600200028 49.4 116. 17. 8.60 0.5 4. 4127600200029 58.1 102. 12. 13.7 0.4 3. 4127600200030 65.1 4. 4127600200031 76.2 9.6 0.2 4. 4127600200032 79.9 1.9 0.2 4. 4127600200033 83.6 77. 28. 23. 1. 3. 4127600200034 ENDDATA 14 0 4127600200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4127600299999 SUBENT 41276003 20230123 42114127600300001 BIB 8 15 4127600300002 REACTION 1(62-SM-149(N,0),,EN) 4127600300003 3(62-SM-149(N,G),,WID) 4127600300004 4(62-SM-149(N,EL),,WID,,G) 4127600300005 ASSUMED (ASSUM,62-SM-149(N,0),,J) 4127600300006 REL-REF (R,40098003,E.N.Karzhavina,R,JINR-P3-6237,1972) 4127600300007 ASSUM ( spin J ). 4127600300008 SAMPLE Natural samarium oxide samples of two thicknesses. 4127600300009 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) 4127600300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Extreme deviations for various conditions of4127600300011 calculations. 4127600300012 Systematical uncertainties due to background correction4127600300013 were analyzed and were found to be negligible. 4127600300014 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of J,SNP,32,310,1980 4127600300015 HISTORY (19980122T) Converted from SUBENT 87003003 4127600300016 (20230123A) DATA 2 were moved in ASSUM. 4127600300017 ENDBIB 15 0 4127600300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4127600300019 DATA 6 29 4127600300020 DATA 1DATA 3DATA-ERR 3DATA 4DATA-ERR 4ASSUM 4127600300021 EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM 4127600300022 14.89 78. 5. 3.06 0.05 4. 4127600300023 17.16 94. 5. 1.21 0.03 4. 4127600300024 23.24 72. 9. 0.50 0.02 4. 4127600300025 24.72 0.31 0.10 4. 4127600300026 25.28 88. 5. 6.80 0.08 3. 4127600300027 26.11 90. 5. 1.96 0.02 4. 4127600300028 28.03 0.27 0.10 3. 4127600300029 29.90 2.0 0.2 3. 4127600300030 30.8 77. 8. 5.27 0.05 4. 4127600300031 34.0 67. 12. 3.08 0.10 4. 4127600300032 40.2 110. 22. 10.4 0.6 3. 4127600300033 41.3 109. 9. 10.1 0.2 3. 4127600300034 44.3 115. 10. 32. 1. 4. 4127600300035 45.1 52. 11. 4.95 0.15 4. 4127600300036 49.7 2.8 0.3 3. 4127600300037 50.5 0.95 0.09 3. 4127600300038 51.7 77. 8. 24. 1. 4. 4127600300039 57.5 128. 12. 15.6 0.4 4. 4127600300040 59.7 123. 12. 27. 1. 4. 4127600300041 60.9 1.8 0.2 3. 4127600300042 62.2 111. 12. 18. 1. 4. 4127600300043 64.8 4. 4127600300044 68.6 8.4 0.2 4. 4127600300045 70.8 115. 10. 27. 1. 3. 4127600300046 72.2 3.2 0.2 3. 4127600300047 73.2 158. 20. 46. 1. 4. 4127600300048 74.7 8.8 0.2 4. 4127600300049 75.5 12.3 0.3 3. 4127600300050 76.9 2.2 0.2 4. 4127600300051 ENDDATA 31 0 4127600300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 4127600399999 SUBENT 41276004 20230123 42114127600400001 BIB 6 12 4127600400002 REACTION 1(62-SM-150(N,0),,EN) 4127600400003 2(62-SM-150(N,0),,J) 4127600400004 3(62-SM-150(N,G),,WID) 4127600400005 4(62-SM-150(N,EL),,WID,,G) 4127600400006 SAMPLE Natural samarium oxide samples of two thicknesses. 4127600400007 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) 4127600400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Extreme deviations for various conditions of4127600400009 calculations. 4127600400010 Systematical uncertainties due to background correction4127600400011 were analyzed and were found to be negligible. 4127600400012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II of J,SNP,32,310,1980 4127600400013 HISTORY (19980122T) Converted from SUBENT 87003004 4127600400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4127600400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4127600400016 DATA 6 2 4127600400017 DATA 1DATA 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 3DATA 4DATA-ERR 44127600400018 EV NO-DIM MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 4127600400019 20.59 0.5 62. 5. 48. 1. 4127600400020 48.00 0.5 115. 9. 18.2 0.3 4127600400021 ENDDATA 4 0 4127600400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 4127600499999 SUBENT 41276005 20230123 42114127600500001 BIB 8 15 4127600500002 REACTION 1(66-DY-161(N,0),,EN) 4127600500003 2(66-DY-161(N,G),,WID) 4127600500004 3(66-DY-161(N,EL),,WID,,G) 4127600500005 ASSUMED (ASSUM,66-DY-161(N,0),,J) 4127600500006 REL-REF (R,40410002,E.N.Karzhavina+,J,SNP,22,1,1975) 4127600500007 ASSUM ( spin J ) data. 4127600500008 SAMPLE Natural dysprosium fluoride samples of two thicknesses.4127600500009 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) 4127600500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Extreme deviations for various conditions of4127600500011 calculations. 4127600500012 Systematical uncertainties due to background correction4127600500013 were analyzed and were found to be negligible. 4127600500014 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of J,SNP,32,310,1980 4127600500015 HISTORY (19980122T) Converted from SUBENT 87003005 4127600500016 (20230123A) DATA 2 were moved in ASSUM. 4127600500017 ENDBIB 15 0 4127600500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4127600500019 DATA 6 20 4127600500020 DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 3ASSUM 4127600500021 EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM 4127600500022 7.74 107. 4. 0.295 0.006 3. 4127600500023 14.30 128. 4. 3.61 0.04 2. 4127600500024 16.69 119. 3. 4.73 0.06 3. 4127600500025 18.48 114. 3. 4.39 0.02 2. 4127600500026 20.36 2. 4127600500027 25.04 102. 7. 0.63 0.02 2. 4127600500028 29.04 126. 8. 1.54 0.02 2. 4127600500029 29.91 116. 8. 0.54 0.01 3. 4127600500030 35.77 3. 4127600500031 37.70 118. 11. 6.64 0.1 3. 4127600500032 38.51 110. 6. 9.50 0.3 3. 4127600500033 43.27 119. 10. 8.05 0.2 3. 4127600500034 45.11 108. 8. 8.00 0.2 2. 4127600500035 50.82 93. 13. 2.43 0.1 3. 4127600500036 51.68 112. 13. 11.1 0.2 2. 4127600500037 52.24 0.80 0.1 2. 4127600500038 55.18 111. 12. 4.85 0.14 2. 4127600500039 59.58 2.90 0.6 2. 4127600500040 61.38 141. 20. 4.56 0.11 2. 4127600500041 63.62 105. 21. 2.72 0.12 3. 4127600500042 ENDDATA 22 0 4127600500043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 4127600599999 SUBENT 41276006 20230123 42114127600600001 BIB 8 15 4127600600002 REACTION 1(66-DY-163(N,0),,EN) 4127600600003 2(66-DY-163(N,G),,WID) 4127600600004 3(66-DY-163(N,EL),,WID,,G) 4127600600005 ASSUMED (ASSUM,66-DY-163(N,0),,J) 4127600600006 REL-REF (R,40410003,E.N.Karzhavina+,J,SNP,22,1,1975) 4127600600007 ASSUM ( spin J ) data. 4127600600008 SAMPLE Natural dysprosium fluoride samples of two thicknesses.4127600600009 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) 4127600600010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Extreme deviations for various conditions of4127600600011 calculations. 4127600600012 Systematical uncertainties due to background correction4127600600013 were analyzed and were found to be negligible. 4127600600014 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of J,SNP,32,310,1980 4127600600015 HISTORY (19980122T) Converted from SUBENT 87003006 4127600600016 (20230123A) DATA 2 (spin J) were moved in ASSUM. 4127600600017 ENDBIB 15 0 4127600600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 4127600600019 DATA 6 6 4127600600020 DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 3ASSUM 4127600600021 EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV NO-DIM 4127600600022 16.24 86. 4. 14.3 0.3 3. 4127600600023 19.67 109. 5. 0.51 0.01 3. 4127600600024 35.80 2. 4127600600025 50.22 73. 10. 1.71 0.1 3. 4127600600026 55.88 149. 10. 17.2 0.5 3. 4127600600027 59.02 72. 13. 51. 1. 2. 4127600600028 ENDDATA 8 0 4127600600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4127600699999 SUBENT 41276007 20230123 42114127600700001 BIB 4 5 4127600700002 REACTION 1(66-DY-160(N,0),,EN) 4127600700003 2(66-DY-160(N,0),,J) 4127600700004 SAMPLE Natural dysprosium fluoride samples of two thicknesses 4127600700005 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of J,SNP,32,310,1980 4127600700006 HISTORY (19980122T) Converted from SUBENT 87003007 4127600700007 ENDBIB 5 0 4127600700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4127600700009 DATA 2 1 4127600700010 DATA 1DATA 2 4127600700011 EV NO-DIM 4127600700012 20.43 0.5 4127600700013 ENDDATA 3 0 4127600700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4127600799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 4127699999999