ENTRY 41281 20241212 422141281000 1 SUBENT 41281001 20241212 422141281001 1 BIB 10 17 41281001 2 TITLE Detection of (n,alpha) reaction in resonances of zinc 41281001 3 and hafnium isotopes 41281001 4 AUTHOR (Yu.P.Popov,V.G.Semenov,M.Florek) 41281001 5 REFERENCE (R,JINR-P3-5875,1971) 41281001 6 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 41281001 7 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) 41281001 8 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 41281001 9 MONITOR Nd-143 was used for calibration. 41281001 10 COMMENT .Resonance energies and assumed spins taken from 41281001 11 BNL-325 (1966). 41281001 12 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Normalization uncertainty ( about 60 %) was 41281001 13 not included. 41281001 14 HISTORY (19980213C) + + Compiled at the center - CJD + + 41281001 15 (20241212U) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 41281001 16 Dates were corrected for 4-digits year. 41281001 17 STATUS information was updated. 41281001 18 Title was corrected. BIB information was added. 41281001 19 ENDBIB 17 0 41281001 20 NOCOMMON 0 0 41281001 21 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4128100199999 SUBENT 41281002 20241212 422141281002 1 BIB 9 15 41281002 2 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,A),,WID) 41281002 3 SAMPLE (30-ZN-64,NAT=0.489) 41281002 4 ZnO layer of 4.15 mg/cm2 thickness on Al backing of 41281002 5 0.5 mm thickness. Weight 26 g. 41281002 6 DETECTOR (SCIN) Gas scintillation counter 41281002 7 METHOD (TOF) Time resolution 0.04 microsec/m 41281002 8 ASSUMED (ASSUM,30-ZN-64(N,A),,J) Taken from BNL-325 41281002 9 PART-DET (A) 3.7 MeV for Zn sample, 9.42 MeV for Nd sample 41281002 10 ADD-RES Thermal (n,a) C-S was estimated using alpha widthes 41281002 11 to be > 23 microbarn. 41281002 12 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.P.Popov+,R,JINR-P3-5875,1971) Table 2. 41281002 13 (COREL,40598002) Measurement with better statistical 41281002 14 accuracy and time resolution. 41281002 15 HISTORY (19980213C) Converted from SUBENT 87007002 41281002 16 (20241212A) DATA-ERR was corrected: 5.E-01 -> 5.E-05 41281002 17 ENDBIB 15 0 41281002 18 NOCOMMON 0 0 41281002 19 DATA 4 2 41281002 20 EN-RES DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM 41281002 21 EV EV EV NO-DIM 41281002 22 281. 5.2E-05 2.E-05 0.5 41281002 23 2637. 1.2E-04 5.E-05 0.5 41281002 24 ENDDATA 4 0 41281002 25 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4128100299999 SUBENT 41281003 20241212 422141281003 1 BIB 9 15 41281003 2 REACTION 1(30-ZN-67(N,A),,WID) 41281003 3 2(30-ZN-67(N,0),,J) 41281003 4 SAMPLE (30-ZN-67,NAT=0.041) 41281003 5 ZnO layer of 4.15 mg/cm2 thickness on Al backing of 41281003 6 0.5 mm thickness. Weight 26 g. 41281003 7 DETECTOR (SCIN) Gas scintillation counter 41281003 8 METHOD (TOF) Time resolution 0.04 microsec/m 41281003 9 ASSUMED (ASSUM,30-ZN-67(N,A),,J) Taken from BNL-325 41281003 10 PART-DET (A) 4.6 MeV for Zn sample, 9.42 MeV for Nd sample 41281003 11 ADD-RES Thermal (n,a) C-S was estimated using alpha widthes 41281003 12 to be > 40 microbarn. 41281003 13 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.P.Popov+,R,JINR-P3-5875,1971) Table 2. 41281003 14 (COREL,40598003) Measurement with better statistical 41281003 15 accuracy and time resolution. 41281003 16 HISTORY (19980213C) Converted from SUBENT 87007003 41281003 17 ENDBIB 15 0 41281003 18 NOCOMMON 0 0 41281003 19 DATA 6 4 41281003 20 EN-RES DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA-MAX 1DATA 2ASSUM 41281003 21 EV EV EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 41281003 22 223. 8.E-05 2. 41281003 23 448. 3.E-05 3. 41281003 24 1548. 7.5E-04 4.E-04 3. 41281003 25 2246. 1.11E-03 41281003 26 ENDDATA 6 0 41281003 27 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4128100399999 SUBENT 41281004 20241212 422141281004 1 BIB 9 14 41281004 2 REACTION (72-HF-177(N,A),,WID) 41281004 3 SAMPLE HfO(2) layer of 3.45 mg/cm2 thickness on Al backing of41281004 4 0.5 mm thickness. Weight 8.35 g. 41281004 5 (72-HF-177,ENR=0.846) 41281004 6 DETECTOR (PROPC) Multi-sectional proportional chamber. 41281004 7 METHOD (TOF) Time resolution 0.7 microsec/m 41281004 8 ASSUMED (ASSUM,72-HF-177(N,A),,J) TAKEN FROM BNL-325 41281004 9 PART-DET (A) 9.7 MeV for Hf sample, 9.42 MeV for Nd sample 41281004 10 ADD-RES Thermal (n,a) C-S was estimated using alpha widthes 41281004 11 to be > 6 microbarn. 41281004 12 STATUS (TABLE,,Yu.P.Popov+,R,JINR-P3-5875,1971) Table 2. 41281004 13 (COREL,40598010) Measurement with better statistical 41281004 14 accuracy and time resolution. 41281004 15 HISTORY (19980213C) Converted from SUBENT 87007004 41281004 16 ENDBIB 14 0 41281004 17 NOCOMMON 0 0 41281004 18 DATA 4 5 41281004 19 EN-RES DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM 41281004 20 EV EV EV NO-DIM 41281004 21 1.098 3.7E-09 4.E-10 3. 41281004 22 2.38 1.1E-09 3.E-10 4. 41281004 23 5.89 4.2E-09 1.6E-09 3. 41281004 24 6.57 1.5E-09 9.E-10 4. 41281004 25 8.87 4.2E-09 2.E-09 4. 41281004 26 ENDDATA 7 0 41281004 27 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4128100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4128199999999