ENTRY 41316 20200312 41864131600000001 SUBENT 41316001 20200312 41864131600100001 BIB 12 41 4131600100002 INSTITUTE (4UKRKGU) 4131600100003 REFERENCE (J,YF,27,616,1978) Main reference, data are given 4131600100004 (J,SNP,27,329,1978) English translation 4131600100005 (J,UFZ,20,2061,1975) Experimental details. 4131600100006 Neutron energy spectrum (Fe) for 70deg. - fig.2a. 4131600100007 AUTHOR (Yu.E.Kozyr',G.A.Prokopets) 4131600100008 TITLE Radiative transitions from unbound states of 4131600100009 Fe and Co nuclei 4131600100010 MONITOR .No information given in Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,19784131600100011 FACILITY (VDG) 4131600100012 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 1 m , time resolution 4nsec. 4131600100013 Measurements for two gamma detection thresholds - 4131600100014 1.5 and 2 MeV. 4131600100015 DETECTOR (SOLST) Stilbene crystal for neutrons . 4131600100016 Neutron detector efficiency was calibrated by elastic 4131600100017 scattering on hydrogen. 4131600100018 (NAICR) 150*200 mm crystal for prompt gammas 4131600100019 (SIBAR) For alphas from T(d,n)He4 detection. 4131600100020 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 4131600100021 STATUS .Several data sets obtained 1978/4/10 and 1979/2/27, 4131600100022 from Kozyr'. 4131600100023 ADD-RES In J.Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,1978 text page 331 4131600100024 the ratio ( was in Subent 019) <GAMMAgamma/GAMMAn> 4131600100025 is given 0.51 ( given in the article) 4131600100026 value 0.57 ( was in Subent 019; probably from 4131600100027 authors or misprint; energy interval was 4131600100028 11456 keV - 14.E+06 MeV was also wrong - probably 4131600100029 keV, MeV -> eV ?). 4131600100030 It's compared in the article with value 0.07 - average4131600100031 over E* interval 11.2 - 14.4 MeV measured by 4131600100032 O.Sal'nikov (J.Yad.Fiz.,v.12,p.1132,1970; Engl.transl.4131600100033 Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.,12,620,1971) 4131600100034 HISTORY (19981121C) + + Compiled at the CJD + + 4131600100035 (20031010A) .SUBENTRIES moved from data set 40596. 4131600100036 (20040608A) .SUBENTRY added 4131600100037 (20200312A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction. 4131600100038 STATUS information was updated. 4131600100039 Subent 019 was deleted - see ADD-RES. 4131600100040 Subents 006,006,011,012,017,018 were deleted according 4131600100041 to a comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) - data are moved 4131600100042 in MISC1, MISC2 in Subents 002,004. 4131600100043 ENDBIB 41 0 4131600100044 COMMON 1 3 4131600100045 EN 4131600100046 MEV 4131600100047 14.6 4131600100048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131600100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4131600199999 SUBENT 41316002 20200312 41864131600200001 BIB 6 12 4131600200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,,DA,,4PI) 4131600200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 4131600200004 article 4131600200005 ANALYSIS (INTED) Integration of DE data at 78 degrees. 4131600200006 MISC-COL (MISC1) C-S for excitation energy < binding energy 4131600200007 (MISC2) C-S for excitation energy > binding energy 4131600200008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,1978 4131600200009 (DEP,41316006) CS for E-exc > and < Bn 4131600200010 HISTORY (19981121T) + + Converted from SUBENT 88016002 4131600200011 . . Corrected 4131600200012 (20200312A) "ERR-S systematic error of experiment" -> 4131600200013 DATA-ERR, ,SIG -> DA,,4PI 4131600200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4131600200015 COMMON 1 3 4131600200016 ANG 4131600200017 ADEG 4131600200018 78. 4131600200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131600200020 DATA 6 1 4131600200021 DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR MISC2 MISC2-ERR 4131600200022 MB MB MB MB MB MB 4131600200023 670. 70. 425. 40. 245. 30. 4131600200024 ENDDATA 3 0 4131600200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4131600299999 SUBENT 41316003 20200312 41864131600300001 BIB 5 12 4131600300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,2N)26-FE-55,,SIG,,,DERIV) 4131600300003 ANALYSIS Calculated as difference between theoretical cross 4131600300004 section for emission of 1st neutron and (n,n'gamma) 4131600300005 cross section. 4131600300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 4131600300007 article 4131600300008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,1978 4131600300009 (DEP,41316002) Inelastic CS 4131600300010 HISTORY (19981121T) + + Converted from SUBENT 88016003 4131600300011 (20040531U) . . BIB-info updated 4131600300012 (20200312A) "ERR-S systematic error of experiment" -> 4131600300013 DATA-ERR 4131600300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4131600300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4131600300016 DATA 2 1 4131600300017 DATA DATA-ERR 4131600300018 MB MB 4131600300019 480. 50. 4131600300020 ENDDATA 3 0 4131600300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4131600399999 SUBENT 41316004 20200312 41864131600400001 BIB 6 12 4131600400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,INL)27-CO-59,,DA,,4PI) 4131600400003 ANALYSIS (INTED) Integration of DE data at 60 degrees. 4131600400004 MISC-COL (MISC1) C-S for excitation energy < binding energy 4131600400005 (MISC2) C-S for excitation energy > binding energy 4131600400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 4131600400007 article 4131600400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,1978 4131600400009 (DEP,41316016) (n,gamma n') CS 4131600400010 HISTORY (19981121T) + + Converted from SUBENT 88016004 4131600400011 (20040531U) . . BIB-info Updated 4131600400012 (20200312A) "ERR-S systematic error of experiment" -> 4131600400013 DATA-ERR, ,SIG -> DA,,4PI 4131600400014 ENDBIB 12 0 4131600400015 COMMON 1 3 4131600400016 ANG 4131600400017 ADEG 4131600400018 60. 4131600400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131600400020 DATA 6 1 4131600400021 DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC1-ERR MISC2 MISC2-ERR 4131600400022 MB MB MB MB MB MB 4131600400023 400. 40. 300. 30. 100. 10. 4131600400024 ENDDATA 3 0 4131600400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4131600499999 SUBENT 41316005 20200312 41864131600500001 BIB 5 12 4131600500002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG,,,DERIV) 4131600500003 ANALYSIS Calculated as difference between theoretical cross 4131600500004 section for emission of 1st neutron and (n,n'gamma) 4131600500005 cross section. 4131600500006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 4131600500007 article 4131600500008 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,1978 4131600500009 (DEP,41316004) Inelastic CS 4131600500010 HISTORY (19981121T) + + Converted from SUBENT 88016005 4131600500011 (20040531U) . . BIB-info updated 4131600500012 (20200312A) "ERR-S systematic error of experiment" -> 4131600500013 DATA-ERR 4131600500014 ENDBIB 12 0 4131600500015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4131600500016 DATA 2 1 4131600500017 DATA DATA-ERR 4131600500018 MB MB 4131600500019 660. 70. 4131600500020 ENDDATA 3 0 4131600500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 4131600599999 NOSUBENT 41316006 20200312 41864131600600001 NOSUBENT 41316007 20200312 41864131600700001 SUBENT 41316008 20200312 41864131600800001 BIB 5 9 4131600800002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,,DA/DE,,4PI) 4131600800003 METHOD (COINC) From neutron-gamma coincidence 4131600800004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Standard deviation 4131600800005 STATUS (TABLE) Data from the author - Kozyr' 4131600800006 HISTORY (20040608C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4131600800007 (20200314A) Reaction was corrected ,DE) -> DA/DE,,4PI) 4131600800008 and angle was added in COMMON . 4131600800009 "ANALYSIS (4PI1A)" was deleted according to a comment 4131600800010 of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) 4131600800011 ENDBIB 9 0 4131600800012 COMMON 1 3 4131600800013 ANG 4131600800014 ADEG 4131600800015 70. 4131600800016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131600800017 DATA 3 29 4131600800018 E DATA ERR-S 4131600800019 MEV MB/MEV PER-CENT 4131600800020 11.8 17.5 86. 4131600800021 10.5 17.2 50. 4131600800022 9.36 29.9 24. 4131600800023 8.42 36.3 13. 4131600800024 7.61 39.8 5. 4131600800025 6.91 48.2 4. 4131600800026 6.31 50.8 4. 4131600800027 5.78 59.5 4. 4131600800028 5.32 71.1 3. 4131600800029 4.91 81. 3. 4131600800030 4.54 98.4 3. 4131600800031 4.07 116. 2. 4131600800032 3.54 155. 2. 4131600800033 3.11 161. 2. 4131600800034 2.76 162. 2. 4131600800035 2.46 150. 3. 4131600800036 2.21 131. 3. 4131600800037 1.99 115. 4. 4131600800038 1.8 102. 5. 4131600800039 1.65 91.4 5. 4131600800040 1.51 86.4 8. 4131600800041 1.38 65.7 9. 4131600800042 1.27 57.4 13. 4131600800043 1.13 54.9 13. 4131600800044 0.98 61.7 15. 4131600800045 0.856 77.9 16. 4131600800046 0.754 105. 22. 4131600800047 0.669 92. 54. 4131600800048 0.566 150. 22. 4131600800049 ENDDATA 31 0 4131600800050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 4131600899999 SUBENT 41316009 20200312 41864131600900001 BIB 4 8 4131600900002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,4PI) 4131600900003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Standard deviation 4131600900004 STATUS (TABLE) Data from the author - Kozyr' 4131600900005 HISTORY (20040608C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4131600900006 (20200314A) Reaction was corrected ,DE) -> DA/DE,,4PI) 4131600900007 and angle was added in COMMON . 4131600900008 "ANALYSIS (4PI1A)" was deleted according to a comment 4131600900009 of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) 4131600900010 ENDBIB 8 0 4131600900011 COMMON 1 3 4131600900012 ANG 4131600900013 ADEG 4131600900014 70. 4131600900015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131600900016 DATA 3 30 4131600900017 E DATA ERR-S 4131600900018 MEV MB/MEV PER-CENT 4131600900019 13.4 9.24 21. 4131600900020 11.8 21.6 11. 4131600900021 10.5 26.6 9. 4131600900022 9.36 32.6 8. 4131600900023 8.42 36.6 8. 4131600900024 7.61 40.3 5. 4131600900025 6.91 44. 5. 4131600900026 6.31 53.8 5. 4131600900027 5.78 61.4 5. 4131600900028 5.32 74.9 5. 4131600900029 4.91 85. 5. 4131600900030 4.54 98.3 5. 4131600900031 4.07 116. 5. 4131600900032 3.54 143. 5. 4131600900033 3.11 180. 4. 4131600900034 2.76 218. 4. 4131600900035 2.46 242. 4. 4131600900036 2.21 315. 4. 4131600900037 1.99 322. 4. 4131600900038 1.8 371. 4. 4131600900039 1.65 441. 4. 4131600900040 1.51 459. 5. 4131600900041 1.38 477. 4. 4131600900042 1.27 570. 6. 4131600900043 1.13 538. 4. 4131600900044 0.98 589. 5. 4131600900045 0.856 570. 6. 4131600900046 0.754 601. 8. 4131600900047 0.669 473. 12. 4131600900048 0.566 352. 21. 4131600900049 ENDDATA 32 0 4131600900050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 4131600999999 SUBENT 41316010 20200312 41864131601000001 BIB 4 6 4131601000002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,G+N)26-FE-56,SEQ,SIG) 4131601000003 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainty. 4131601000004 STATUS (TABLE) Data from the author - Kozyr' 4131601000005 In J.Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,1978 of page 331 4131601000006 the CS for Fe (n,gamma n') >= 30 mb 4131601000007 HISTORY (20040608C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4131601000008 ENDBIB 6 0 4131601000009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4131601000010 DATA 1 1 4131601000011 DATA 4131601000012 MB 4131601000013 60. 4131601000014 ENDDATA 3 0 4131601000015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4131601099999 NOSUBENT 41316011 20200312 41864131601100001 NOSUBENT 41316012 20200312 41864131601200001 SUBENT 41316013 20200312 41864131601300001 BIB 5 6 4131601300002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE) 4131601300003 SAMPLE Hollow cylinder, height 70. mm, outer and inner 4131601300004 diameters 70. and 37. mm 4131601300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Standard Deviation 4131601300006 STATUS (TABLE) Data sent from the author - Kozyr' 4131601300007 HISTORY (20040608C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4131601300008 ENDBIB 6 0 4131601300009 COMMON 2 3 4131601300010 EN-RSL ANG-RSL 4131601300011 NSEC/M ADEG 4131601300012 1.7 2.5 4131601300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131601300014 DATA 4 204 4131601300015 E ANG DATA ERR-S 4131601300016 MEV ADEG MB/SR/MEV PER-CENT 4131601300017 1.698 3.E+01 4.42E+01 6. 4131601300018 1.698 5.E+01 4.12E+01 5. 4131601300019 1.698 7.E+01 3.44E+01 3. 4131601300020 1.698 9.E+01 4.16E+01 4. 4131601300021 1.815 3.E+01 3.64E+01 6. 4131601300022 1.815 5.E+01 3.65E+01 5. 4131601300023 1.815 7.E+01 3.51E+01 3. 4131601300024 1.815 9.E+01 3.39E+01 5. 4131601300025 1.933 3.E+01 3.06E+01 6. 4131601300026 1.933 5.E+01 3.54E+01 5. 4131601300027 1.933 7.E+01 3.13E+01 3. 4131601300028 1.933 9.E+01 3.65E+01 4. 4131601300029 2.082 3.E+01 3.19E+01 6. 4131601300030 2.082 5.E+01 3.33E+01 5. 4131601300031 2.082 7.E+01 3.25E+01 3. 4131601300032 2.082 9.E+01 3.50E+01 4. 4131601300033 2.243 3.E+01 2.17E+01 6. 4131601300034 2.243 5.E+01 3.06E+01 5. 4131601300035 2.243 7.E+01 2.59E+01 3. 4131601300036 2.243 9.E+01 3.03E+01 4. 4131601300037 2.377 3.E+01 2.98E+01 7. 4131601300038 2.377 5.E+01 2.91E+01 6. 4131601300039 2.377 7.E+01 2.80E+01 4. 4131601300040 2.377 9.E+01 2.94E+01 5. 4131601300041 2.473 3.E+01 2.81E+01 7. 4131601300042 2.473 5.E+01 2.87E+01 6. 4131601300043 2.473 7.E+01 2.58E+01 4. 4131601300044 2.473 9.E+01 2.87E+01 5. 4131601300045 2.575 3.E+01 2.44E+01 7. 4131601300046 2.575 5.E+01 2.38E+01 6. 4131601300047 2.575 7.E+01 2.47E+01 4. 4131601300048 2.575 9.E+01 2.57E+01 5. 4131601300049 2.685 3.E+01 2.27E+01 7. 4131601300050 2.685 5.E+01 2.43E+01 6. 4131601300051 2.685 7.E+01 2.22E+01 4. 4131601300052 2.685 9.E+01 2.34E+01 5. 4131601300053 2.802 3.E+01 2.04E+01 7. 4131601300054 2.802 5.E+01 2.12E+01 6. 4131601300055 2.802 7.E+01 2.33E+01 3. 4131601300056 2.802 9.E+01 2.24E+01 5. 4131601300057 2.925 3.E+01 2.18E+01 7. 4131601300058 2.925 5.E+01 2.19E+01 6. 4131601300059 2.925 7.E+01 1.90E+01 4. 4131601300060 2.925 9.E+01 2.19E+01 5. 4131601300061 3.057 3.E+01 1.87E+01 7. 4131601300062 3.057 5.E+01 1.95E+01 6. 4131601300063 3.057 7.E+01 1.88E+01 3. 4131601300064 3.057 9.E+01 1.84E+01 5. 4131601300065 3.199 3.E+01 1.84E+01 7. 4131601300066 3.199 5.E+01 1.80E+01 6. 4131601300067 3.199 7.E+01 1.73E+01 3. 4131601300068 3.199 9.E+01 1.80E+01 5. 4131601300069 3.352 3.E+01 1.62E+01 7. 4131601300070 3.352 5.E+01 1.74E+01 6. 4131601300071 3.352 7.E+01 1.68E+01 3. 4131601300072 3.352 9.E+01 1.53E+01 5. 4131601300073 3.515 3.E+01 1.49E+01 7. 4131601300074 3.515 5.E+01 1.64E+01 6. 4131601300075 3.515 7.E+01 1.43E+01 4. 4131601300076 3.515 9.E+01 1.48E+01 5. 4131601300077 3.69 3.E+01 1.43E+01 7. 4131601300078 3.69 5.E+01 1.48E+01 6. 4131601300079 3.69 7.E+01 1.20E+01 4. 4131601300080 3.69 9.E+01 1.38E+01 5. 4131601300081 3.878 3.E+01 1.13E+01 7. 4131601300082 3.878 5.E+01 1.28E+01 6. 4131601300083 3.878 7.E+01 1.03E+01 4. 4131601300084 3.878 9.E+01 1.14E+01 5. 4131601300085 4.08 3.E+01 1.00E+01 7. 4131601300086 4.08 5.E+01 9.95 6. 4131601300087 4.08 7.E+01 9.11 4. 4131601300088 4.08 9.E+01 9.15 6. 4131601300089 4.303 3.E+01 9.82 7. 4131601300090 4.303 5.E+01 8.65 6. 4131601300091 4.303 7.E+01 8.06 4. 4131601300092 4.303 9.E+01 7.27 6. 4131601300093 4.542 3.E+01 1.03E+01 6. 4131601300094 4.542 5.E+01 8.68 6. 4131601300095 4.542 7.E+01 7.12 5. 4131601300096 4.542 9.E+01 7.7 6. 4131601300097 4.799 3.E+01 7.22 8. 4131601300098 4.799 5.E+01 7.32 6. 4131601300099 4.799 7.E+01 5.83 5. 4131601300100 4.799 9.E+01 6.72 6. 4131601300101 5.006 3.E+01 7.13 1.1E+01 4131601300102 5.006 5.E+01 7.26 9. 4131601300103 5.006 7.E+01 6.88 5. 4131601300104 5.006 9.E+01 6.56 9. 4131601300105 5.152 3.E+01 6.63 1.3E+01 4131601300106 5.152 5.E+01 6.27 9. 4131601300107 5.152 7.E+01 5.95 6. 4131601300108 5.152 9.E+01 6.41 9. 4131601300109 5.305 3.E+01 4.19 1.2E+01 4131601300110 5.305 5.E+01 6.05 9. 4131601300111 5.305 7.E+01 5.04 7. 4131601300112 5.305 9.E+01 5.73 9. 4131601300113 5.465 3.E+01 5.89 1.2E+01 4131601300114 5.465 5.E+01 5.96 9. 4131601300115 5.465 7.E+01 4.27 8. 4131601300116 5.465 9.E+01 5.65 9. 4131601300117 5.636 3.E+01 5.46 1.5E+01 4131601300118 5.636 5.E+01 5.87 9. 4131601300119 5.636 7.E+01 4.23 7. 4131601300120 5.636 9.E+01 5.07 9. 4131601300121 5.815 3.E+01 4.32 1.5E+01 4131601300122 5.815 5.E+01 5.5 9. 4131601300123 5.815 7.E+01 3.87 8. 4131601300124 5.815 9.E+01 4.06 1.1E+01 4131601300125 5.998 3.E+01 4.08 1.5E+01 4131601300126 5.998 5.E+01 4.74 8. 4131601300127 5.998 7.E+01 3.88 8. 4131601300128 5.998 9.E+01 4.7 9. 4131601300129 6.191 3.E+01 4.39 1.4E+01 4131601300130 6.191 5.E+01 5.3 8. 4131601300131 6.191 7.E+01 3.46 8. 4131601300132 6.191 9.E+01 3.3 1.2E+01 4131601300133 6.393 3.E+01 2.96 1.5E+01 4131601300134 6.393 5.E+01 3.8 1.0E+01 4131601300135 6.393 7.E+01 2.95 9. 4131601300136 6.393 9.E+01 3.81 1.1E+01 4131601300137 6.605 3.E+01 5.27 1.2E+01 4131601300138 6.605 5.E+01 3.52 9. 4131601300139 6.605 7.E+01 3.34 8. 4131601300140 6.605 9.E+01 3.57 1.1E+01 4131601300141 6.827 3.E+01 5.50 1.1E+01 4131601300142 6.827 5.E+01 4.33 1.1E+01 4131601300143 6.827 7.E+01 3.18 8. 4131601300144 6.827 9.E+01 3.28 1.1E+01 4131601300145 7.061 3.E+01 5.14 1.2E+01 4131601300146 7.061 5.E+01 3.74 9. 4131601300147 7.061 7.E+01 2.80 9. 4131601300148 7.061 9.E+01 3.14 1.2E+01 4131601300149 7.308 3.E+01 3.66 1.2E+01 4131601300150 7.308 5.E+01 3.46 1.0E+01 4131601300151 7.308 7.E+01 2.65 9. 4131601300152 7.308 9.E+01 2.32 1.3E+01 4131601300153 7.573 3.E+01 5.37 9. 4131601300154 7.573 5.E+01 3.19 1.0E+01 4131601300155 7.573 7.E+01 2.84 8. 4131601300156 7.573 9.E+01 3.13 1.1E+01 4131601300157 7.853 3.E+01 6.31 7. 4131601300158 7.853 5.E+01 4.02 1.0E+01 4131601300159 7.853 7.E+01 2.04 1.1E+01 4131601300160 7.853 9.E+01 2.59 1.2E+01 4131601300161 8.149 3.E+01 5.40 9. 4131601300162 8.149 5.E+01 3.67 8. 4131601300163 8.149 7.E+01 2.08 1.1E+01 4131601300164 8.149 9.E+01 3.01 1.1E+01 4131601300165 8.455 3.E+01 5.97 8. 4131601300166 8.455 5.E+01 3.49 9. 4131601300167 8.455 7.E+01 2.07 1.0E+01 4131601300168 8.455 9.E+01 1.92 1.5E+01 4131601300169 8.779 3.E+01 6.51 7. 4131601300170 8.779 5.E+01 3.28 9. 4131601300171 8.779 7.E+01 2.71 8. 4131601300172 8.779 9.E+01 2.58 1.2E+01 4131601300173 9.124 3.E+01 5.79 7. 4131601300174 9.124 5.E+01 3.33 9. 4131601300175 9.124 7.E+01 1.57 1.2E+01 4131601300176 9.124 9.E+01 2.01 1.4E+01 4131601300177 9.486 3.E+01 5.52 8. 4131601300178 9.486 5.E+01 3.64 9. 4131601300179 9.486 7.E+01 1.93 1.0E+01 4131601300180 9.486 9.E+01 1.61 1.6E+01 4131601300181 9.872 3.E+01 6.04 7. 4131601300182 9.872 5.E+01 3.26 8. 4131601300183 9.872 7.E+01 1.80 1.0E+01 4131601300184 9.872 9.E+01 2.28 1.2E+01 4131601300185 1.028E+01 3.E+01 7.69 5. 4131601300186 1.028E+01 5.E+01 3.16 8. 4131601300187 1.028E+01 7.E+01 1.79 9. 4131601300188 1.028E+01 9.E+01 1.41 1.6E+01 4131601300189 1.072E+01 3.E+01 7.58 6. 4131601300190 1.072E+01 5.E+01 3.93 6. 4131601300191 1.072E+01 7.E+01 1.76 9. 4131601300192 1.072E+01 9.E+01 2.03 1.2E+01 4131601300193 1.119E+01 3.E+01 9.12 4. 4131601300194 1.119E+01 5.E+01 4.24 6. 4131601300195 1.119E+01 7.E+01 1.8 8. 4131601300196 1.119E+01 9.E+01 2.13 1.0E+01 4131601300197 1.169E+01 3.E+01 1.42E+01 4. 4131601300198 1.169E+01 5.E+01 5.06 4. 4131601300199 1.169E+01 7.E+01 2.21 7. 4131601300200 1.169E+01 9.E+01 2.64 8. 4131601300201 1.223E+01 3.E+01 1.75E+01 3. 4131601300202 1.223E+01 5.E+01 4.89 4. 4131601300203 1.223E+01 7.E+01 2.36 6. 4131601300204 1.223E+01 9.E+01 2.85 7. 4131601300205 1.280E+01 3.E+01 2.6 E+01 2. 4131601300206 1.280E+01 5.E+01 6.04 3. 4131601300207 1.280E+01 7.E+01 2.88 5. 4131601300208 1.280E+01 9.E+01 3.9 6. 4131601300209 1.341E+01 3.E+01 2.92E+01 2. 4131601300210 1.341E+01 5.E+01 6.67 3. 4131601300211 1.341E+01 7.E+01 2.43 5. 4131601300212 1.341E+01 9.E+01 3.49 6. 4131601300213 1.406E+01 3.E+01 2.99E+01 2. 4131601300214 1.406E+01 5.E+01 7.03 3. 4131601300215 1.406E+01 7.E+01 2.73 5. 4131601300216 1.406E+01 9.E+01 4.73 5. 4131601300217 1.477E+01 3.E+01 2.86E+01 2. 4131601300218 1.477E+01 5.E+01 6.13 3. 4131601300219 1.477E+01 7.E+01 2. 6. 4131601300220 1.477E+01 9.E+01 4.04 5. 4131601300221 ENDDATA 206 0 4131601300222 ENDSUBENT 221 0 4131601399999 SUBENT 41316014 20200312 41864131601400001 BIB 4 8 4131601400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,X)0-NN-1,,DA/DE,,4PI) 4131601400003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Standard deviation 4131601400004 STATUS (TABLE) Data sent from the author - Kozyr' 4131601400005 HISTORY (20040608C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4131601400006 (20200314A) Reaction was corrected ,DE) -> DA/DE,,4PI) 4131601400007 and angle was added in COMMON . 4131601400008 "ANALYSIS (4PI1A)" was deleted according to a comment 4131601400009 of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) 4131601400010 ENDBIB 8 0 4131601400011 COMMON 1 3 4131601400012 ANG 4131601400013 ADEG 4131601400014 70. 4131601400015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131601400016 DATA 3 21 4131601400017 E DATA ERR-S 4131601400018 MEV MB/MEV PER-CENT 4131601400019 11.6 29.4 12. 4131601400020 10.2 24.5 12. 4131601400021 9.07 32.8 9. 4131601400022 8.1 33.6 9. 4131601400023 7.28 28.1 10. 4131601400024 6.57 36. 9. 4131601400025 5.97 50.4 8. 4131601400026 5.44 56.2 8. 4131601400027 4.8 68.2 7. 4131601400028 4.06 100. 6. 4131601400029 3.5 145. 6. 4131601400030 3.1 219. 5. 4131601400031 2.67 239. 5. 4131601400032 2.36 293. 5. 4131601400033 2.11 367. 5. 4131601400034 1.89 426. 5. 4131601400035 1.62 460. 4. 4131601400036 1.35 577. 4. 4131601400037 1.13 640. 4. 4131601400038 0.96 747. 4. 4131601400039 0.78 858. 4. 4131601400040 ENDDATA 23 0 4131601400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4131601499999 SUBENT 41316015 20200312 41864131601500001 BIB 5 9 4131601500002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,INL)27-CO-59,,DA/DE,,4PI) 4131601500003 METHOD (COINC) Obtained from neutron-gamma coincidence 4131601500004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Standard deviation 4131601500005 STATUS (TABLE) Data from the author - Kozyr' 4131601500006 HISTORY (20040608C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4131601500007 (20200314A) Reaction was corrected ,DE) -> DA/DE,,4PI) 4131601500008 and angle was added in COMMON . 4131601500009 "ANALYSIS (4PI1A)" was deleted according to a comment 4131601500010 of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) 4131601500011 ENDBIB 9 0 4131601500012 COMMON 1 3 4131601500013 ANG 4131601500014 ADEG 4131601500015 70. 4131601500016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4131601500017 DATA 3 21 4131601500018 E DATA ERR-S 4131601500019 MEV MB/MEV PER-CENT 4131601500020 11.6 14.4 20. 4131601500021 10.2 22.2 11. 4131601500022 9.07 20.7 8. 4131601500023 8.1 28.4 6. 4131601500024 7.28 31.1 5. 4131601500025 6.57 39.3 4. 4131601500026 5.97 47.6 4. 4131601500027 5.44 56. 4. 4131601500028 4.8 64.8 2. 4131601500029 4.06 78.4 3. 4131601500030 3.5 60.7 3. 4131601500031 3.1 45.2 5. 4131601500032 2.67 27.9 8. 4131601500033 2.36 22.3 11. 4131601500034 2.11 19.1 15. 4131601500035 1.89 8.7 48. 4131601500036 1.62 9.8 44. 4131601500037 1.35 14.1 28. 4131601500038 1.13 33.8 19. 4131601500039 0.969 50.7 14. 4131601500040 0.785 140. 10. 4131601500041 ENDDATA 23 0 4131601500042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 4131601599999 SUBENT 41316016 20200312 41864131601600001 BIB 4 6 4131601600002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G+N)27-CO-59,SEQ,SIG) 4131601600003 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainty. 4131601600004 STATUS (TABLE) Data from the author - Kozyr' 4131601600005 In J.Sov.Nucl.Phys.,v.27,p.329,1978 of page 331 4131601600006 the CS for Co (n,gamma n') >= 40 mb 4131601600007 HISTORY (20040608C) Compiled at the center - CJD 4131601600008 ENDBIB 6 0 4131601600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4131601600010 DATA 1 1 4131601600011 DATA 4131601600012 MB 4131601600013 40. 4131601600014 ENDDATA 3 0 4131601600015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4131601699999 NOSUBENT 41316017 20200312 41864131601700001 NOSUBENT 41316018 20200312 41864131601800001 NOSUBENT 41316019 20200312 41864131601900001 ENDENTRY 19 0 4131699999999