ENTRY 41358 20230328 42124135800000001 SUBENT 41358001 20230328 42124135800100001 BIB 10 37 4135800100002 TITLE Resonance Parameters and Fission Cross Section of 4135800100003 237-Np in Neutron Energy Interval Below 1000 eV 4135800100004 AUTHOR (S.B.Borzakov, E.Dermendzhiev, A.A.Goverdovskiy, 4135800100005 A.I.Kalinin, V.Yu.Konovalov, I.Ruskov, S.M.Solov'ev, 4135800100006 Yu.S.Zamyatnin) 4135800100007 REFERENCE (J,PAN,62,872,1999) Engl. translation of J,YF,62,933 4135800100008 (J,YF,62,933,1999) Issue 5. 4135800100009 (S,ISINN-3,307,1995) Multiplicity data. 4135800100010 (J,PAN,59,1125,1996) Prelim.data for Subent 004. 4135800100011 Engl.translation of 4135800100012 (J,YF,59,1175,1996) Issue 7. 4135800100013 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) Borzakov, Zamyatnin, Kalinin, Konovalov, 4135800100014 Ruskov, and Experimental Site 4135800100015 (4RUSFEI) Goverdovskiy 4135800100016 (3BULBLA) Dermendzhiev 4135800100017 (4RUSRI ) Solov'eV 4135800100018 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) Fast pulse reactor IBR-30 in booster 4135800100019 mode. Neutron pulse repetition rate 100 Hz 4135800100020 DETECTOR (FISCH) Multisectional fission chamber 4135800100021 with Np-237 of high purity, weight 1.508+-0.045 g and 4135800100022 one section containing U-235. 4135800100023 Filled with 90%Ar and 10% CH4 at pressure 600 Tor. 4135800100024 METHOD (TOF) 4135800100025 SAMPLE Neptunium oxide Np-O2 on two sides of aluminum foils 4135800100026 50 micrometer thick, average quantity on two-sided 4135800100027 sample is 100+-3 microgram 4135800100028 ANALYSIS (SHAPE) Shape method realized by code MINUIT 4135800100029 HISTORY (20000324C) + + Compiled at the Center - CJD + + 4135800100030 (20000324U) Last checking has been done. 4135800100031 (20061024U) 2nd Ref. was added. Several misprints were 4135800100032 corrected. M.M. 4135800100033 (20101130A) Reference S,ISINN-3 was added. 4135800100034 Subent 004 was added (MSC in REACTION according to 4135800100035 comment of N.Otsuka - NDS IAEA). 4135800100036 (20200831A) Two refs. PAN,59,1125,1996, YF,59,1175,19964135800100037 were added. 4135800100038 (20230328U) Subent 002 was corrected. 4135800100039 ENDBIB 37 0 4135800100040 NOCOMMON 0 0 4135800100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4135800199999 SUBENT 41358002 20230328 42124135800200001 BIB 3 8 4135800200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG) 4135800200003 STATUS (SPSDD) Authors refuse to give data 4135800200004 Data are on Fig.5 of J,YF,62,(5),933,1999. 4135800200005 Neutron energy 3.- 1000 eV. 4135800200006 Figures are not of good quality for digitizing - 4135800200007 many overlapping points. 4135800200008 HISTORY (20230328U) UNOBT -> SPSDD ( without Subent number). 4135800200009 EN-MIN/MAX = 0./1000. eV was deleted. 4135800200010 ENDBIB 8 0 4135800200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 4135800200012 NODATA 0 0 4135800200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 4135800299999 SUBENT 41358003 20101130 41514135800300001 BIB 2 4 4135800300002 REACTION 1(93-NP-237(N,0),,EN) 4135800300003 2(93-NP-237(N,F),,WID) 4135800300004 3(93-NP-237(N,F),,WID,,S0) 4135800300005 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 1, 2 of J,YF,62,(5),933,1999. 4135800300006 ENDBIB 4 0 4135800300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4135800300008 DATA 5 28 4135800300009 DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA 3DATA-ERR 3 4135800300010 EV MICRO-EV MICRO-EV MB*EV MB*EV 4135800300011 3.87 5.8 0.8 11.7 1.6 4135800300012 5.78 10.5 1.5 33. 5. 4135800300013 7.42 10. 2.5 4135800300014 8.31 3.6 1.7 1.4 0.7 4135800300015 8.97 22.7 3. 10.3 1.4 4135800300016 10.68 4.1 0.7 6.5 11. 4135800300017 10.84 1.3 0.6 3.1 1.4 4135800300018 21.1 3.5 0.7 3. 0.6 4135800300019 22.86 6.6 1.1 4.1 0.7 4135800300020 24.98 9.1 0.8 45. 4. 4135800300021 26.19 119. 36. 32. 10. 4135800300022 26.56 59. 6. 176. 17. 4135800300023 30.41 249. 22. 816. 72. 4135800300024 31.3 15. 6. 4.3 1.7 4135800300025 31.65 52. 6. 2.4 0.2 4135800300026 37.15 364. 46. 436. 56. 4135800300027 38.18 38. 8. 43. 9. 4135800300028 38.92 834. 92. 756. 83. 4135800300029 39.24 791. 106. 389. 52. 4135800300030 39.93 7015. 770. 3131. 344. 4135800300031 41.35 634. 58. 1049. 97. 4135800300032 42.81 1057. 117. 75. 8. 4135800300033 44.23 1095. 265. 13. 3. 4135800300034 46.04 790. 80. 351. 35. 4135800300035 46.36 19. 3. 34. 5. 4135800300036 48.45 140. 45. 9. 3. 4135800300037 49.82 8. 5. 23. 13. 4135800300038 50.41 66. 9. 321. 34. 4135800300039 ENDDATA 30 0 4135800300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4135800399999 SUBENT 41358004 20200831 41894135800400001 BIB 7 18 4135800400002 REACTION 1(93-NP-237(N,G+F),,MLT,,RES/AV/MSC) 4135800400003 Weighted average pre-fission gamma multiplicity. 4135800400004 2(93-NP-237(N,G+F),,MLT,,RES/AV/MSC) 4135800400005 Average pre-fission gamma multiplicity. 4135800400006 MONITOR U-235 was used for calibration purpose. 4135800400007 METHOD (COINC) Coincidences between gammas and fission. 4135800400008 Resonance filters of Mn,Co,Rh,Cd were used to determine4135800400009 background - for U-235. 4135800400010 ANALYSIS Fission gamma-ray yields were defined as ratio of the4135800400011 total number of coincidences and fissions taken from 4135800400012 coincidence and fission TOF spectra at corresponding 4135800400013 resonances. 4135800400014 COMMENT Of compiler. SEQ is not used in SF5 according to the 4135800400015 comment of N.Otsuka, NDS, IAEA. 4135800400016 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 313 of S,ISINN-3,307,1995 . 4135800400017 Text page 1128 of J,PAN,59,1125,1996 : 4135800400018 1.08+-0.02 and 1.12+-0.06 for DATA 1,2, respectively. 4135800400019 HISTORY (20200831U) STATUS information was updated. 4135800400020 ENDBIB 18 0 4135800400021 COMMON 1 3 4135800400022 EN-RES-MAX 4135800400023 EV 4135800400024 10. 4135800400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4135800400026 DATA 4 1 4135800400027 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 4135800400028 PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4135800400029 1.08 0.04 1.12 0.06 4135800400030 ENDDATA 3 0 4135800400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 4135800499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4135899999999