ENTRY            41377   20200901                             41894137700000001 
SUBENT        41377001   20200901                             41894137700100001 
BIB                 12         36                                 4137700100002 
TITLE       Study of delayed neutrons decay curves for 235U and   4137700100003 
            239Pu fission due to thermal neutrons   .             4137700100004 
AUTHOR     (S.B.Borzakov, Yu.S.Zamyatnin, Ts.Panteleev,           4137700100005 
            S.S.Pavlov, I.Ruskov)                                 4137700100006 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB)                                              4137700100007 
REFERENCE  (J,YK,,(2),5,1999)      Main Reference                 4137700100008 
           (R,INDC(CCP)-426,7,2001)                               4137700100009 
           Engl.transl. of J,YK,1999,(2),5,1999 .                 4137700100010 
           (J,PNE,41,125,2002)                                    4137700100011 
FACILITY   (REAC,4ZZZDUB)  Pulse fast reactor IBR-2 at average    4137700100012 
               power 2 MWt, pulse frequency 5 Hz, pulse power     4137700100013 
                   1350 MWt                                       4137700100014 
INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Curved mirror neutron guide being part of      4137700100015 
            'Isomer' device including thermal neutron's           4137700100016 
             cutter and detectors placed in a moderator           4137700100017 
INC-SPECT   Thermal spectrum of moderated neutrons                4137700100018 
DETECTOR   (TELES,PROPC,PROPC)  Battery of 12 He-3 counters       4137700100019 
METHOD     Periodic irradiation of the sample with an irradiation 4137700100020 
           frequency of 1.25 Hz, which was achieved by reducing   4137700100021 
           the rotation frequency of the chopper.                 4137700100022 
           The data were accumulated over 40 hours for 235U and   4137700100023 
           86 hours for 239Pu.                                    4137700100024 
CORRECTION Background was determined by measurements with a Cd    4137700100025 
           filter in the beam, amounted to no more than 1% of the 4137700100026 
           total neutron count.                                   4137700100027 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,0.3,0.4)      Statistical error                 4137700100028 
HISTORY    (20000629C)  + + Compiled at the Centre - CJD + +      4137700100029 
           (20000629U) Last checking has been done.               4137700100030 
           (20131115A) Ref. R,INDC(CCP)-426,7,2001 .              4137700100031 
           BIB information was updated.                           4137700100032 
           PART/FIS -> PRT/FIS                                    4137700100033 
            GRP code was deleted from REACTION SF5 in Subents     4137700100034 
            002-003.                                              4137700100035 
           (20190325A) Subents 002,003 were corrected.            4137700100036 
            Minor correction in STATUS.                           4137700100037 
           (20200901A) Ref. J,PNE,41,125,2002 was added.          4137700100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 4137700100039 
COMMON               1          3                                 4137700100040 
EN-DUMMY                                                          4137700100041 
EV                                                                4137700100042 
   2.53E-02                                                       4137700100043 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4137700100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 4137700199999 
SUBENT        41377002   20200901                             41894137700200001 
BIB                  5         40                                 4137700200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,DL/CUM,NU,,MXW)                4137700200003 
SAMPLE      Metallic sample of 7 gram weight.                     4137700200004 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-85,2.02SEC)                                 4137700200005 
           ((2.)33-AS-86,0.95SEC)                                 4137700200006 
           ((3.)33-AS-87,0.49SEC)                                 4137700200007 
           ((4.)34-SE-89,0.41SEC)                                 4137700200008 
           ((5.)35-BR-87,55.6SEC)                                 4137700200009 
           ((6.)35-BR-88,16.23SEC)                                4137700200010 
           ((7.)35-BR-89,4.37SEC)                                 4137700200011 
           ((8.)35-BR-90,1.91SEC)                                 4137700200012 
           ((9.)35-BR-91,0.542SEC)                                4137700200013 
           ((10.)35-BR-92,0.31SEC)                                4137700200014 
           ((11.)36-KR-93,1.29SEC)                                4137700200015 
           ((12.)36-KR-94,0.22SEC)                                4137700200016 
           ((13.)37-RB-93,5.91SEC)                                4137700200017 
           ((14.)37-RB-94,2.73SEC)                                4137700200018 
           ((15.)37-RB-95,0.379SEC)                               4137700200019 
           ((16.)37-RB-96,0.199SEC)                               4137700200020 
           ((17.)37-RB-97,0.169SEC)                               4137700200021 
           ((18.)39-Y-98-G,0.549SEC)                              4137700200022 
           ((19.)39-Y-98-M,2.05SEC)                               4137700200023 
           ((20.)39-Y-99,1.48SEC)                                 4137700200024 
           ((21.)39-Y-100,0.73SEC)                                4137700200025 
           ((22.)39-Y-101,0.38SEC)                                4137700200026 
           ((23.)39-Y-102,0.3SEC)                                 4137700200027 
           ((24.)51-SB-135,1.7SEC)                                4137700200028 
           ((25.)52-TE-136,17.7SEC)                               4137700200029 
           ((26.)52-TE-137,2.5SEC)                                4137700200030 
           ((27.)53-I-137,24.5SEC)                                4137700200031 
           ((28.)53-I-138,6.27SEC)                                4137700200032 
           ((29.)53-I-139,2.29SEC)                                4137700200033 
           ((30.)53-I-140,0.61SEC)                                4137700200034 
           ((31.)53-I-141,0.47SEC)                                4137700200035 
           ((32.)55-CS-143,1.79SEC)                               4137700200036 
           ((33.)55-CS-144,0.99SEC)                               4137700200037 
           ((34.)55-CS-145,0.586SEC)                              4137700200038 
STATUS     (TABLE)  From Table 1 of J.Yad.Konst.,is.2,5,1999      4137700200039 
           Table 1 of J.Progress in Nuclear Energy,v.41,p.125,20024137700200040 
HISTORY    (20190325A) CUM was added in SF5.                      4137700200041 
            DECAY-FLAG, ISOMER were introduced instead of HL      4137700200042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 4137700200043 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4137700200044 
DATA                 5         34                                 4137700200045 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DECAY-FLAG            4137700200046 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PRT/FIS    NO-DIM                4137700200047 
        33.        85.             0.103E-02   1.                 4137700200048 
        33.        86.             0.013E-02   2.                 4137700200049 
        33.        87.             0.007E-02   3.                 4137700200050 
        34.        89.             0.007E-02   4.                 4137700200051 
        35.        87.             0.054E-02   5.                 4137700200052 
        35.        88.             0.119E-02   6.                 4137700200053 
        35.        89.             0.176E-02   7.                 4137700200054 
        35.        90.             0.131E-02   8.                 4137700200055 
        35.        91.             0.034E-02   9.                 4137700200056 
        35.        92.             0.008E-02  10.                 4137700200057 
        36.        93.              0.01E-02  11.                 4137700200058 
        36.        94.             0.006E-02  12.                 4137700200059 
        37.        93.             0.046E-02  13.                 4137700200060 
        37.        94.             0.162E-02  14.                 4137700200061 
        37.        95.              0.06E-02  15.                 4137700200062 
        37.        96.              0.02E-02  16.                 4137700200063 
        37.        97.             0.009E-02  17.                 4137700200064 
        39.        98. 0.           0.01E-02  18.                 4137700200065 
        39.        98. 1.          0.105E-02  19.                 4137700200066 
        39.        99.             0.041E-02  20.                 4137700200067 
        39.       100.             0.005E-02  21.                 4137700200068 
        39.       101.             0.007E-02  22.                 4137700200069 
        39.       102.             0.008E-02  23.                 4137700200070 
        51.       135.             0.025E-02  24.                 4137700200071 
        52.       136.             0.015E-02  25.                 4137700200072 
        52.       137.             0.014E-02  26.                 4137700200073 
        53.       137.             0.233E-02  27.                 4137700200074 
        53.       138.             0.087E-02  28.                 4137700200075 
        53.       139.             0.059E-02  29.                 4137700200076 
        53.       140.             0.015E-02  30.                 4137700200077 
        53.       141.             0.008E-02  31.                 4137700200078 
        55.       143.             0.024E-02  32.                 4137700200079 
        55.       144.             0.014E-02  33.                 4137700200080 
        55.       145.             0.013E-02  34.                 4137700200081 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 4137700200082 
ENDSUBENT           81          0                                 4137700299999 
SUBENT        41377003   20200901                             41894137700300001 
BIB                  5         34                                 4137700300002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,DL/CUM,NU,,MXW)               4137700300003 
SAMPLE      Metallic sample 10 gram weight                        4137700300004 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-85,2.02SEC)                                 4137700300005 
           ((2.)35-BR-89,4.37SEC)                                 4137700300006 
           ((3.)35-BR-87,55.6SEC)                                 4137700300007 
           ((4.)35-BR-88,16.23SEC)                                4137700300008 
           ((5.)35-BR-90,1.91SEC)                                 4137700300009 
           ((6.)35-BR-91,0.542SEC)                                4137700300010 
           ((7.)37-RB-93,5.91SEC)                                 4137700300011 
           ((8.)37-RB-94,2.73SEC)                                 4137700300012 
           ((9.)37-RB-95,0.379SEC)                                4137700300013 
           ((10.)37-RB-96,0.199SEC)                               4137700300014 
           ((11.)37-RB-97,0.169SEC)                               4137700300015 
           ((12.)39-Y-98-G,0.549SEC)                              4137700300016 
           ((13.)39-Y-98-M,2.05SEC)                               4137700300017 
           ((14.)39-Y-99,1.48SEC)                                 4137700300018 
           ((15.)39-Y-100,0.73SEC)                                4137700300019 
           ((16.)39-Y-101,0.38SEC)                                4137700300020 
           ((17.)41-NB-105,2.95SEC)                               4137700300021 
           ((18.)51-SB-135,1.7SEC)                                4137700300022 
           ((19.)52-TE-136,17.7SEC)                               4137700300023 
           ((20.)53-I-137,24.5SEC)                                4137700300024 
           ((21.)53-I-138,6.27SEC)                                4137700300025 
           ((22.)53-I-139,2.29SEC)                                4137700300026 
           ((23.)53-I-140,0.61SEC)                                4137700300027 
           ((24.)55-CS-143,1.79SEC)                               4137700300028 
           ((25.)55-CS-144,0.99SEC)                               4137700300029 
           ((26.)55-CS-145,0.586SEC)                              4137700300030 
STATUS     (TABLE)  From Table 2 of J.Yad.Konst.,is.2,5,1999      4137700300031 
           Table 2 of J.Progress in Nuclear Energy,v.41,p.125,20024137700300032 
HISTORY    (20190325A) CUM was added in SF5.                      4137700300033 
            DECAY-FLAG, ISOMER were introduced instead of HL      4137700300034 
            Br-82 -> Br-89 in data block ( misprint in YK Table 2,4137700300035 
            see half-life and Table 1, group 4).                  4137700300036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 4137700300037 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4137700300038 
DATA                 5         26                                 4137700300039 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DECAY-FLAG            4137700300040 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PRT/FIS    NO-DIM                4137700300041 
        33.        85.            0.0165E-02   1.                 4137700300042 
        35.        87.             0.017E-02   3.                 4137700300043 
        35.        88.             0.034E-02   4.                 4137700300044 
        35.        89.             0.043E-02   2.                 4137700300045 
        35.        90.            0.0333E-02   5.                 4137700300046 
        35.        91.            0.0046E-02   6.                 4137700300047 
        37.        93.             0.019E-02   7.                 4137700300048 
        37.        94.            0.0635E-02   8.                 4137700300049 
        37.        95.             0.031E-02   9.                 4137700300050 
        37.        96.             0.007E-02  10.                 4137700300051 
        37.        97.            0.0215E-03  11.                 4137700300052 
        39.        98. 0.         0.0085E-02  12.                 4137700300053 
        39.        98. 1.          0.044E-02  13.                 4137700300054 
        39.        99.             0.027E-02  14.                 4137700300055 
        39.       100.            0.0034E-02  15.                 4137700300056 
        39.       101.            0.0027E-02  16.                 4137700300057 
        41.       105.            0.0117E-02  17.                 4137700300058 
        51.       135.            0.0117E-02  18.                 4137700300059 
        52.       136.             0.009E-02  19.                 4137700300060 
        53.       137.             0.157E-02  20.                 4137700300061 
        53.       138.             0.061E-02  21.                 4137700300062 
        53.       139.            0.0297E-02  22.                 4137700300063 
        53.       140.            0.0031E-02  23.                 4137700300064 
        55.       143.            0.0103E-02  24.                 4137700300065 
        55.       144.            0.0044E-02  25.                 4137700300066 
        55.       145.            0.0032E-02  26.                 4137700300067 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 4137700300068 
ENDSUBENT           67          0                                 4137700399999 
SUBENT        41377004   20200901                             41894137700400001 
BIB                  3          5                                 4137700400002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F),DL/GRP,NU,,MXW)                         4137700400003 
SAMPLE      Metallic U, weight 7 gram                             4137700400004 
STATUS     (TABLE)  From Table 1 of J.Yad.Konst.,is.2,5,1999      4137700400005 
           Table 1 of J.Progress in Nuclear Energy,v.41,p.125,20024137700400006 
           (DEP,41377002) Yields from prcursors                   4137700400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4137700400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4137700400009 
DATA                 2          7                                 4137700400010 
HL         DATA                                                   4137700400011 
SEC        PRT/FIS                                                4137700400012 
       55.6   0.055-02                                            4137700400013 
       24.5   0.233-02                                            4137700400014 
       16.4   0.134-02                                            4137700400015 
        4.9   0.309-02                                            4137700400016 
       2.07   0.664-02                                            4137700400017 
      0.494   0.159-02                                            4137700400018 
      0.218   0.045-02                                            4137700400019 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 4137700400020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 4137700499999 
SUBENT        41377005   20200901                             41894137700500001 
BIB                  3          5                                 4137700500002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,F),DL/GRP,NU,,MXW)                        4137700500003 
SAMPLE      Metallic Pu, weight 10 gram                           4137700500004 
STATUS     (TABLE)  From Table 2 of J.Yad.Konst.,is.2,5,1999      4137700500005 
           Table 2 of J.Progress in Nuclear Energy,v.41,p.125,20024137700500006 
           (DEP,41377003) Yields from prcursors                   4137700500007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4137700500008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4137700500009 
DATA                 2          7                                 4137700500010 
HL         DATA                                                   4137700500011 
SEC        PRT/FIS                                                4137700500012 
       55.6   0.017-02                                            4137700500013 
       24.5   0.157-02                                            4137700500014 
       16.5   0.043-02                                            4137700500015 
        5.4   0.123-02                                            4137700500016 
      2.097   0.248-02                                            4137700500017 
       0.46   0.061-02                                            4137700500018 
      0.191   0.915-04                                            4137700500019 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 4137700500020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 4137700599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 4137799999999