ENTRY 41385 20221025 42094138500000001 SUBENT 41385001 20221025 42094138500100001 BIB 14 51 4138500100002 TITLE Inelastic scattering of neutrons on 56Fe nuclei 4138500100003 AUTHOR (Yu.A.Nemilov, L.A.Pobedonostsev, E.L.Teterin) 4138500100004 REFERENCE (J,AE,53,194,1982) Issue 3. 4138500100005 Main reference. Data are given. 4138500100006 English translation not published in Sov.J.Atom.Energy.4138500100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSRI) 4138500100008 FACILITY (CCW,4RUSRI) Electrostatic accelerator EG-5 4138500100009 DETECTOR (GELI) Gamma- spectrometer with Ge(Li) detector of 4138500100010 volume 40 cm**3, resolution 4 keV on 60Co. 4138500100011 Placed at 125 deg angle relative to incident neutron 4138500100012 beam direction. 4138500100013 Calibrated in relative units from 1764 keV gamma-quanta4138500100014 by 226Ra standard source, which gamma yields 4138500100015 are known with uncertainty 1.%. 4138500100016 Absolute efficiency for 847 keV level was determined 4138500100017 by 836 keV gamma of Mn-54 standard source, calibrated 4138500100018 with uncertainty 0.8 %. 4138500100019 For Egamma > 2500 keV - relative calibration by 4138500100020 gamma-cascades from Al-27(p,gamma)Si-28 reaction at 4138500100021 proton energy 2046 keV. 4138500100022 (TRD) Mica layer and U-235 layer in Cd container 4138500100023 attached to sample - for U-235 fission fragments 4138500100024 registration to determine neutron flux. 4138500100025 METHOD (GSPEC) 4138500100026 SAMPLE . Iron cylinder 20 mm diameter, 30 mm height. 4138500100027 Placed at 100 mm distance from neutron source. 4138500100028 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) For neutron flux monitoring. 4138500100029 Values are not given in the article. 4138500100030 MONIT-REF (,,C,76ANL,,,1976) 4138500100031 Proc. Neande/Neacrp Specialists Meeting on Fast Neutron4138500100032 Fission Cross Sections of 233, 235, 238U and 239Pu 4138500100033 Supplement Material Presented for Consideration by the 4138500100034 Working Groups. Argonne national Lab., 28-30 June, 19764138500100035 CORRECTION - for background of neutrons scattering on iron in the 4138500100036 experimental hall ( 1.2 -2.%), 4138500100037 - for neutron multiple scattering in sample, 4138500100038 - for neutron and gamma self-absorption in sample. 4138500100039 ANALYSIS (4PI1A) 4138500100040 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error. Some of its constituents are 4138500100041 given below 4138500100042 (ERR-1,1.2,10.) Uncertainty of gamma detector 4138500100043 calibration: 4138500100044 for Egamma < 1764 keV - 1.2 %, 4138500100045 for Egamma > 2000 keV - 5-10 %. 4138500100046 (ERR-3,3.5,4.5) Uncertainty of the neutron flux 4138500100047 determination. 4138500100048 HISTORY (20010719C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 4138500100049 (20010719U) Last checking has been done. 4138500100050 (20221025U) Correction for current rules. 4138500100051 Monitor (25-MN-53(N,G)25-MN-54,,SIG) was deleted - 4138500100052 Mn standard source was used for calibration. 4138500100053 ENDBIB 51 0 4138500100054 COMMON 1 3 4138500100055 EN-RSL-HW 4138500100056 KEV 4138500100057 30. 4138500100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4138500100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 4138500199999 SUBENT 41385002 20221025 42094138500200001 BIB 4 4 4138500200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 4138500200003 INC-SOURCE (P-T) For neutrons in energy range 900 - 2100 keV 4138500200004 EN-SEC (E-LVL,26-FE-56) 4138500200005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J,AE,53,194,1982 4138500200006 ENDBIB 4 0 4138500200007 COMMON 1 3 4138500200008 E-LVL 4138500200009 KEV 4138500200010 847. 4138500200011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4138500200012 DATA 3 25 4138500200013 EN DATA ERR-T 4138500200014 KEV MB MB 4138500200015 893. 33. 1.5 4138500200016 945. 105. 5. 4138500200017 997. 202. 7. 4138500200018 1048. 267. 10. 4138500200019 1100. 318. 11. 4138500200020 1150. 320. 12. 4138500200021 1200. 356. 13. 4138500200022 1254. 396. 14. 4138500200023 1305. 377. 14. 4138500200024 1355. 379. 14. 4138500200025 1400. 374. 15. 4138500200026 1457. 468. 18. 4138500200027 1508. 510. 18. 4138500200028 1553. 500. 18. 4138500200029 1610. 561. 21. 4138500200030 1660. 580. 20. 4138500200031 1711. 671. 24. 4138500200032 1762. 674. 25. 4138500200033 1812. 488. 18. 4138500200034 1863. 462. 16. 4138500200035 1913. 651. 23. 4138500200036 1964. 720. 28. 4138500200037 2015. 836. 32. 4138500200038 2065. 849. 31. 4138500200039 2115. 805. 30. 4138500200040 ENDDATA 27 0 4138500200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4138500299999 SUBENT 41385003 20221025 42094138500300001 BIB 4 4 4138500300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 4138500300003 INC-SOURCE (D-D) For neutrons in energy range 4000 - 5000 keV 4138500300004 EN-SEC (E-LVL,26-FE-56) 4138500300005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J,AE,53,194,1982 4138500300006 ENDBIB 4 0 4138500300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 4138500300008 DATA 5 63 4138500300009 E-LVL E-LVL EN DATA ERR-T 4138500300010 KEV KEV KEV MB MB 4138500300011 847. 4130. 426. 21. 4138500300012 847. 4360. 413. 20. 4138500300013 847. 4480. 420. 21. 4138500300014 847. 4590. 420. 20. 4138500300015 847. 4700. 415. 20. 4138500300016 847. 4920. 390. 20. 4138500300017 847. 5000. 410. 20. 4138500300018 2085. 4130. 127. 7. 4138500300019 2085. 4360. 125. 6. 4138500300020 2085. 4480. 135. 7. 4138500300021 2085. 4590. 125. 7. 4138500300022 2085. 4700. 129. 8. 4138500300023 2085. 4920. 126. 7. 4138500300024 2085. 5000. 115. 6. 4138500300025 2658. 4130. 160. 11. 4138500300026 2658. 4360. 154. 10. 4138500300027 2658. 4480. 123. 9. 4138500300028 2658. 4590. 128. 9. 4138500300029 2658. 4700. 129. 9. 4138500300030 2658. 4920. 137. 10. 4138500300031 2658. 5000. 122. 9. 4138500300032 2941. 4130. 50. 4. 4138500300033 2941. 4360. 45. 4. 4138500300034 2941. 4480. 35. 4. 4138500300035 2941. 4590. 34. 4. 4138500300036 2941. 4700. 28. 3. 4138500300037 2941. 4920. 29. 3. 4138500300038 2941. 5000. 30. 3. 4138500300039 3120. 3123. 4130. 110. 8. 4138500300040 3120. 3123. 4360. 110. 8. 4138500300041 3120. 3123. 4480. 109. 8. 4138500300042 3120. 3123. 4590. 111. 8. 4138500300043 3120. 3123. 4700. 104. 8. 4138500300044 3120. 3123. 4920. 117. 8. 4138500300045 3120. 3123. 5000. 95. 8. 4138500300046 3370. 4130. 53. 5. 4138500300047 3370. 4360. 47. 5. 4138500300048 3370. 4480. 48. 5. 4138500300049 3370. 4590. 61. 6. 4138500300050 3370. 4700. 47. 5. 4138500300051 3370. 4920. 65. 6. 4138500300052 3370. 5000. 62. 6. 4138500300053 3445. 4130. 55. 5. 4138500300054 3445. 4360. 56. 5. 4138500300055 3445. 4480. 57. 6. 4138500300056 3445. 4590. 58. 6. 4138500300057 3445. 4700. 60. 6. 4138500300058 3445. 4920. 60. 6. 4138500300059 3445. 5000. 58. 6. 4138500300060 3601. 4130. 43. 6. 4138500300061 3601. 4360. 48. 7. 4138500300062 3601. 4480. 45. 6. 4138500300063 3601. 4590. 48. 6. 4138500300064 3601. 4700. 42. 5. 4138500300065 3601. 4920. 44. 6. 4138500300066 3601. 5000. 45. 6. 4138500300067 3832. 4130. 10. 2. 4138500300068 3832. 4360. 15. 3. 4138500300069 3832. 4480. 18. 3. 4138500300070 3832. 4590. 21. 3. 4138500300071 3832. 4700. 20. 3. 4138500300072 3832. 4920. 19. 3. 4138500300073 3832. 5000. 17. 3. 4138500300074 ENDDATA 65 0 4138500300075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 4138500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 4138599999999