ENTRY 41397 20221130 42114139700000001 SUBENT 41397001 20221130 42114139700100001 BIB 9 35 4139700100002 TITLE Neutron emission from U233, U235 and Pu239 fission 4139700100003 fragments 4139700100004 AUTHOR (V.F.Apalin, Yu.N.Gritsyuk, I.E.Kutikov, V.I.Lebedev, 4139700100005 L.A.Mikaelian) 4139700100006 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) 4139700100007 REFERENCE (J,NP,71,553,1965) Issue 3. Main reference, graphs 4139700100008 are given 4139700100009 (J,YF,1,639,1965) Issue 4. 4139700100010 The same data on figures as in J,NP,71,553,1965. 4139700100011 (J,SNP,1,457,1965) Engl.translation of J,YF,1,639,1965 4139700100012 (J,ZET,46,1197,1964) Experimental details . 4139700100013 Figures for U-235 data. 4139700100014 (J,JET,19,810,1964) Engl.translation of J,ZET,46,1197 4139700100015 (J,NP,55,249,1964) U-235 prelim.results (Subent .005) 4139700100016 on Fig.2 4139700100017 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSKUR) 4139700100018 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Thermal column of IRT-1000 reactor 4139700100019 ( as mentioned in SNP,1,457,1965 ). 4139700100020 INC-SPECT .Thermal neutrons 4139700100021 DETECTOR (FISCH) Double ionization chamber for fission fragments4139700100022 masses registration. 4139700100023 (STANK) Liquid organic scintillator for neutrons 4139700100024 HISTORY (20020116C) + + Compiled at the centre - CJD + + 4139700100025 (20020117U) Last checking has been done. 4139700100026 (20131124A) M.M. Ref. J,JET,19,810,1964 . 4139700100027 COMMENT were added in Subent 003. 4139700100028 Subent 003 REACTION was corrected. 4139700100029 BIB information was updated. 4139700100030 Subents 004-010 were added. 4139700100031 (20191221U) Code COREL was added in STATUS in Subents 4139700100032 003,006,007-010. 4139700100033 Minor correction of free text. 4139700100034 (20210701A) Ref. NP,55,249,1964 was added. 4139700100035 (20221130A) Refs. J,YF,1,639,1965, J,SNP,1,457,1965 4139700100036 were added. 4139700100037 ENDBIB 35 0 4139700100038 COMMON 1 3 4139700100039 EN-DUMMY 4139700100040 EV 4139700100041 2.53E-02 4139700100042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4139700100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 4139700199999 SUBENT 41397002 20221130 42114139700200001 BIB 4 10 4139700200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR/FRG,NU,,MXW) Number of 4139700200003 neutrons emitted by a fragment with definite mass 4139700200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical 4139700200005 STATUS (TABLE) e-mail by C.Tsuchiya, 2001-07-30. 4139700200006 Data are presented on figures of Nucl.Phys.,71,553,19654139700200007 and J,SNP,1,457,1965 4139700200008 - Fig.3, black circles, with errors; 4139700200009 - Fig.4, right, black points, errors are absent. 4139700200010 HISTORY (20131124A) FRG code is added in SF5 4139700200011 Source of data is not clear, probably from digitizing.4139700200012 ENDBIB 10 0 4139700200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 4139700200014 DATA 3 52 4139700200015 MASS DATA ERR-S 4139700200016 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4139700200017 85. 0.675 0.1 4139700200018 86.25 0.6 0.075 4139700200019 87.5 0.9 0.075 4139700200020 88.75 0.85 0.075 4139700200021 90. 0.825 0.075 4139700200022 91.25 1.25 0.06 4139700200023 92.5 1.125 4139700200024 93.75 1.25 4139700200025 95. 1.3 4139700200026 96.25 1.25 4139700200027 97.5 1.325 4139700200028 98.75 1.4 4139700200029 100. 1.45 4139700200030 101.25 1.425 4139700200031 102.5 1.475 4139700200032 103.75 1.475 4139700200033 106.25 1.625 4139700200034 107.5 1.65 4139700200035 108.75 1.875 4139700200036 110. 2.225 0.075 4139700200037 111.25 2.3 0.075 4139700200038 112.5 2.525 0.1 4139700200039 113.75 3.15 0.15 4139700200040 115. 2.8 0.225 4139700200041 117.5 2.75 0.325 4139700200042 118.75 2.55 0.375 4139700200043 121.25 1.575 0.325 4139700200044 123.75 1.5 0.275 4139700200045 125. 1.175 0.175 4139700200046 126.25 0.725 0.1 4139700200047 127.5 0.625 0.075 4139700200048 128.75 0.475 0.075 4139700200049 130. 0.425 4139700200050 131.25 0.65 4139700200051 132.5 0.675 4139700200052 133.75 0.825 4139700200053 135. 1.05 4139700200054 137.5 1.325 4139700200055 138.75 1.45 4139700200056 140. 1.55 4139700200057 141.25 1.625 4139700200058 142.5 1.8 4139700200059 143.75 1.95 4139700200060 145. 2.1 4139700200061 146.25 2.3 0.075 4139700200062 147.5 2.375 0.075 4139700200063 148.75 2.65 0.1 4139700200064 150. 2.5 0.1 4139700200065 151.25 2.95 0.125 4139700200066 152.5 2.75 0.15 4139700200067 153.75 3.25 0.2 4139700200068 155. 3.575 0.25 4139700200069 ENDDATA 54 0 4139700200070 ENDSUBENT 69 0 4139700299999 SUBENT 41397003 20221130 42114139700300001 BIB 4 18 4139700300002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR,NU,,MXW) Number of neutrons 4139700300003 emitted by two fragments as dependence from initial 4139700300004 mass of heavy fragment. 4139700300005 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4139700300006 Data (which were given in DATA block, received from 4139700300007 C.Tsuchiya) do not correspond to data for U-235 4139700300008 presented on Fig.5 of J.Nucl.Phys.,71,553,1965 4139700300009 and J,SNP,1,457,1965 4139700300010 but correspond to the data for Pu-239 presented on the 4139700300011 same figure. 4139700300012 U235 data are in Subent 00. 4139700300013 STATUS (TABLE) e-mail by C.Tsuchiya, 2001-07-30 4139700300014 (COREL,41674002) Data from previous measurement 4139700300015 HISTORY (20131124A) M.M. SF1 in REACTION was corrected: 4139700300016 92-U-235 -> 94-PU-239 - see explanation in COMMENT. 4139700300017 Source of data is not clear, probably from digitizing.4139700300018 HF was deleted from SF7 according to comment of 4139700300019 N.Otsuka (NDS, IAEA). 4139700300020 ENDBIB 18 0 4139700300021 NOCOMMON 0 0 4139700300022 DATA 2 26 4139700300023 MASS DATA 4139700300024 NO-DIM PRT/FIS 4139700300025 121.25 4.125 4139700300026 123.75 4.25 4139700300027 125. 3.975 4139700300028 126.25 3.875 4139700300029 127.5 3.15 4139700300030 128.75 2.775 4139700300031 130. 2.65 4139700300032 131.25 2.525 4139700300033 132.5 2.325 4139700300034 133.75 2.45 4139700300035 135. 2.525 4139700300036 137.5 2.8 4139700300037 138.75 2.875 4139700300038 140. 3. 4139700300039 141.25 3.025 4139700300040 142.5 3.125 4139700300041 143.75 3.2 4139700300042 145. 3.4 4139700300043 146.25 3.55 4139700300044 147.5 3.5 4139700300045 148.75 3.9 4139700300046 150. 3.325 4139700300047 151.25 3.8 4139700300048 152.5 3.65 4139700300049 153.75 3.85 4139700300050 155. 4.25 4139700300051 ENDDATA 28 0 4139700300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 4139700399999 SUBENT 41397004 20221130 42114139700400001 BIB 4 14 4139700400002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F)MASS,PR/FRG,NU,,MXW) Number of 4139700400003 neutrons emitted by a fragment with definite mass 4139700400004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA. 4139700400005 Quantization errors (one pixel) : 4139700400006 for axes X - 0.0591 a.m.u. ; 4139700400007 for axes Y - 0.0061 prt/fis. 4139700400008 (MASS-ERR-D) Digitizing error of mass. 4139700400009 (ERR-S) Statistical 4139700400010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3, black circles, with errors of 4139700400011 J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,is.3,p.553,1965. 4139700400012 And J,SNP,1,457,1965. 4139700400013 Data are presented also on Fig.4, left, black points, 4139700400014 without errors, of J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,p.553,1965. 4139700400015 HISTORY (20131124C) M.M. 4139700400016 ENDBIB 14 0 4139700400017 COMMON 2 3 4139700400018 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4139700400019 NO-DIM PRT/FIS 4139700400020 0.16 0.0071 4139700400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4139700400022 DATA 3 52 4139700400023 MASS DATA ERR-S 4139700400024 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4139700400025 82.43 0.4321 0.0671 4139700400026 83.49 0.5053 0.0671 4139700400027 84.38 0.6212 0.0549 4139700400028 85.92 0.7554 4139700400029 87.16 0.8347 4139700400030 88.28 0.8714 4139700400031 89.58 0.9873 4139700400032 90.82 1.1093 4139700400033 92.06 1.1459 4139700400034 93.36 1.2191 4139700400035 94.66 1.2740 4139700400036 95.78 1.3411 4139700400037 97.25 1.3655 4139700400038 98.49 1.4082 4139700400039 99.85 1.3960 4139700400040 101.15 1.4265 4139700400041 102.39 1.5059 4139700400042 103.81 1.6706 4139700400043 105.17 1.8109 4139700400044 106.41 2.1465 4139700400045 107.41 2.4027 0.0610 4139700400046 108.83 2.4637 0.0732 4139700400047 110.72 2.4393 0.0976 4139700400048 112.55 2.6712 0.1708 4139700400049 114.38 2.4515 0.2319 4139700400050 116.15 1.3960 0.2319 4139700400051 117.81 1.8963 0.2807 4139700400052 119.58 1.4814 0.2013 4139700400053 121.35 1.1154 0.1708 4139700400054 123.18 1.1154 0.1281 4139700400055 125.01 0.6334 0.0976 4139700400056 126.43 0.3954 0.0549 4139700400057 127.67 0.3283 0.0549 4139700400058 129.03 0.3832 0.0427 4139700400059 130.21 0.3771 4139700400060 131.33 0.4564 4139700400061 132.57 0.5601 4139700400062 133.99 0.6883 4139700400063 135.29 0.8591 4139700400064 136.64 1.0726 4139700400065 137.82 1.2130 4139700400066 139.24 1.3045 4139700400067 140.54 1.3899 4139700400068 141.96 1.4997 4139700400069 143.02 1.7072 4139700400070 144.26 1.8231 4139700400071 145.62 1.8719 4139700400072 146.74 2.0793 0.0610 4139700400073 147.92 2.3539 0.0671 4139700400074 148.99 2.4820 0.0976 4139700400075 150.11 2.6589 0.1281 4139700400076 151.47 2.8481 0.1891 4139700400077 ENDDATA 54 0 4139700400078 ENDSUBENT 77 0 4139700499999 SUBENT 41397005 20221130 42114139700500001 BIB 4 14 4139700500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PR/FRG,NU,,MXW) Number of 4139700500003 neutrons emitted by a fragment with definite mass 4139700500004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA. 4139700500005 Quantization errors (one pixel) : 4139700500006 for axes X - 0.0591 a.m.u. ; 4139700500007 for axes Y - 0.0061 prt/fis. 4139700500008 (MASS-ERR-D) Digitizing error of mass. 4139700500009 (ERR-S) Statistical 4139700500010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3, triangles, with errors, of 4139700500011 J,NP,71,(3),553,1965. 4139700500012 And J,SNP,1,457,1965. 4139700500013 Data are presented also on Fig.4, middle, black points,4139700500014 without errors, of J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,p.553,1965. 4139700500015 HISTORY (20131124C) M.M. 4139700500016 ENDBIB 14 0 4139700500017 COMMON 2 3 4139700500018 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4139700500019 NO-DIM PRT/FIS 4139700500020 0.16 0.0071 4139700500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4139700500022 DATA 3 63 4139700500023 MASS DATA ERR-S 4139700500024 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4139700500025 76.23 0.4693 0.1403 4139700500026 77.71 0.4388 0.1037 4139700500027 79.01 0.5852 0.1037 4139700500028 80.60 0.3412 0.0549 4139700500029 82.20 0.4815 0.0488 4139700500030 82.90 0.4571 4139700500031 83.67 0.5364 4139700500032 84.14 0.5669 4139700500033 85.27 0.5791 4139700500034 86.62 0.6523 4139700500035 87.57 0.7560 4139700500036 88.93 0.8353 4139700500037 90.17 0.9696 4139700500038 91.41 1.0367 4139700500039 92.77 1.1648 4139700500040 93.89 1.2197 4139700500041 95.18 1.3051 4139700500042 96.37 1.3234 4139700500043 97.79 1.3661 4139700500044 99.14 1.3966 4139700500045 100.50 1.3905 4139700500046 102.10 1.4088 4139700500047 103.51 1.5248 4139700500048 104.87 1.6712 4139700500049 106.05 1.9580 4139700500050 107.23 2.3484 0.2685 4139700500051 109.72 3.3856 0.1586 4139700500052 111.37 3.0196 0.2135 4139700500053 113.26 2.7450 0.2868 4139700500054 115.15 2.0861 0.2990 4139700500055 116.98 2.3240 0.3173 4139700500056 118.99 1.9274 0.3173 4139700500057 120.76 1.5431 0.2563 4139700500058 122.77 1.8298 0.2319 4139700500059 124.60 0.5363 0.1342 4139700500060 126.19 0.4570 0.0854 4139700500061 127.67 0.3655 0.0610 4139700500062 128.73 0.2923 0.0488 4139700500063 130.03 0.2984 4139700500064 131.21 0.2862 4139700500065 132.57 0.4021 4139700500066 133.93 0.5363 4139700500067 135.52 0.7499 4139700500068 136.70 0.8841 4139700500069 138.06 1.0061 4139700500070 139.54 1.1648 4139700500071 140.66 1.3905 4139700500072 141.90 1.4088 4139700500073 143.20 1.5125 4139700500074 144.56 1.6712 4139700500075 145.74 1.8603 4139700500076 146.86 2.1043 4139700500077 148.10 2.3118 4139700500078 149.28 2.4826 4139700500079 150.29 2.7389 0.0671 4139700500080 151.58 2.9768 0.0793 4139700500081 152.00 3.0500 4139700500082 152.71 3.2270 4139700500083 152.77 3.3612 4139700500084 153.42 3.7273 0.1830 4139700500085 154.95 3.3978 0.2563 4139700500086 156.43 3.1171 0.3295 4139700500087 157.67 3.9408 0.5430 4139700500088 ENDDATA 65 0 4139700500089 ENDSUBENT 88 0 4139700599999 SUBENT 41397006 20221130 42114139700600001 BIB 4 14 4139700600002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F)MASS,PR,NU,,MXW) Number of 4139700600003 neutrons emitted by two fragments as a function of 4139700600004 initial mass of the heavy fragment. 4139700600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA. 4139700600006 Quantization errors (one pixel) : 4139700600007 for axes X - 0.0407 a.m.u. ; 4139700600008 for axes Y - 0.0080 prt/fis. 4139700600009 (MASS-ERR-D) Digitizing error of mass. 4139700600010 (ERR-S) Statistical 4139700600011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.5,black dots, of 4139700600012 J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,p.553,1965. 4139700600013 And J,SNP,1,457,1965. 4139700600014 (COREL,41674003) Data from previous measurement 4139700600015 HISTORY (20131124C) M.M. 4139700600016 ENDBIB 14 0 4139700600017 COMMON 2 3 4139700600018 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4139700600019 NO-DIM PRT/FIS 4139700600020 0.09 0.0072 4139700600021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4139700600022 DATA 3 26 4139700600023 MASS DATA ERR-S 4139700600024 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4139700600025 117.90 3.2718 0.4306 4139700600026 119.62 3.9406 0.4227 4139700600027 121.45 3.7561 0.3429 4139700600028 123.28 3.5477 0.2153 4139700600029 125.03 3.1001 0.1037 4139700600030 126.49 2.8122 0.0798 4139700600031 127.75 2.4446 4139700600032 129.05 2.1648 4139700600033 130.15 2.0764 4139700600034 131.37 1.9720 4139700600035 132.75 1.9871 4139700600036 134.10 2.0820 4139700600037 135.40 2.2727 4139700600038 136.83 2.4473 4139700600039 138.22 2.5661 4139700600040 139.32 2.6053 4139700600041 140.79 2.5885 4139700600042 142.13 2.6594 4139700600043 143.32 2.7704 4139700600044 144.46 2.8016 4139700600045 145.68 2.7610 4139700600046 147.03 2.8878 4139700600047 148.17 3.0785 0.0718 4139700600048 149.31 3.1257 0.0798 4139700600049 150.62 3.1568 0.1037 4139700600050 151.68 3.0844 0.1276 4139700600051 ENDDATA 28 0 4139700600052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 4139700699999 SUBENT 41397007 20221130 42114139700700001 BIB 4 14 4139700700002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PR,NU,,MXW) Number of 4139700700003 neutrons emitted by two fragments as a function of 4139700700004 initial mass of the heavy fragment. 4139700700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA. 4139700700006 Quantization errors (one pixel) : 4139700700007 for axes X - 0.0407 a.m.u. ; 4139700700008 for axes Y - 0.0079 prt/fis. 4139700700009 (MASS-ERR-D) Digitizing error of mass. 4139700700010 (ERR-S) Statistical 4139700700011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.5,black dots, of 4139700700012 J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,p.553,1965. 4139700700013 And J,SNP,1,457,1965. 4139700700014 (COREL,41673002) Data from previous measurement 4139700700015 HISTORY (20131124C) M.M. 4139700700016 ENDBIB 14 0 4139700700017 COMMON 2 3 4139700700018 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4139700700019 NO-DIM PRT/FIS 4139700700020 0.10 0.0106 4139700700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4139700700022 DATA 3 30 4139700700023 MASS DATA ERR-S 4139700700024 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4139700700025 119.24 4.2420 0.63040 4139700700026 120.90 3.6267 0.52006 4139700700027 123.07 4.5242 0.45704 4139700700028 124.73 3.5071 0.34673 4139700700029 126.41 3.8768 0.26005 4139700700030 127.78 2.8519 0.11819 4139700700031 128.88 2.6230 0.07094 4139700700032 130.10 2.2127 4139700700033 131.32 1.9286 4139700700034 132.62 1.9045 4139700700035 134.09 1.9118 4139700700036 135.48 2.1162 4139700700037 136.74 2.2733 4139700700038 138.21 2.3516 4139700700039 139.47 2.4614 4139700700040 140.86 2.6658 4139700700041 142.16 2.5865 4139700700042 143.35 2.6255 4139700700043 144.73 2.6486 4139700700044 145.91 2.7979 4139700700045 147.30 2.8210 4139700700046 148.57 3.0333 4139700700047 149.75 3.1038 0.07882 4139700700048 150.85 3.2768 0.11034 4139700700049 152.03 3.5049 0.11034 4139700700050 152.40 3.5599 0.14974 4139700700051 153.14 3.6542 0.22853 4139700700052 153.92 4.1976 0.28369 4139700700053 155.46 3.7006 0.47281 4139700700054 156.97 3.6764 0.56737 4139700700055 ENDDATA 32 0 4139700700056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 4139700799999 SUBENT 41397008 20221130 42114139700800001 BIB 3 5 4139700800002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW) 4139700800003 STATUS (TABLE) Text on Fig.5 of J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,p.553,1965, 4139700800004 and J,SNP,1,457,1965. 4139700800005 (COREL,41674004) Data from previous measurement 4139700800006 HISTORY (20131124C) M.M. 4139700800007 ENDBIB 5 0 4139700800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4139700800009 DATA 1 1 4139700800010 DATA 4139700800011 PRT/FIS 4139700800012 2.89 4139700800013 ENDDATA 3 0 4139700800014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4139700899999 SUBENT 41397009 20221130 42114139700900001 BIB 3 5 4139700900002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW) 4139700900003 STATUS (TABLE) Text on Fig.5 of J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,p.553,1965. 4139700900004 and J,SNP,1,457,1965. 4139700900005 (COREL,41674005) Data from previous measurement 4139700900006 HISTORY (20131124C) M.M. 4139700900007 ENDBIB 5 0 4139700900008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4139700900009 DATA 1 1 4139700900010 DATA 4139700900011 PRT/FIS 4139700900012 2.50 4139700900013 ENDDATA 3 0 4139700900014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4139700999999 SUBENT 41397010 20221130 42114139701000001 BIB 3 5 4139701000002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW) 4139701000003 STATUS (TABLE) Text on Fig.5 of J.Nucl.Phys.,v.71,p.553,1965. 4139701000004 and J,SNP,1,457,1965. 4139701000005 (COREL,41673003) Data from previous measurement 4139701000006 HISTORY (20131124C) M.M. 4139701000007 ENDBIB 5 0 4139701000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4139701000009 DATA 1 1 4139701000010 DATA 4139701000011 PRT/FIS 4139701000012 2.44 4139701000013 ENDDATA 3 0 4139701000014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 4139701099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 4139799999999