ENTRY            41398   20120914                             41584139800000001 
SUBENT        41398001   20120914                             41584139800100001 
BIB                 12         32                                 4139800100002 
TITLE       The Study of the 91Zr(N,ALPHA)89Sr Reaction at        4139800100003 
            Neutron Resonance Energies                            4139800100004 
AUTHOR     (Yu.M.Gledenov, M.P.Mitrikov, I.Chadraabal)            4139800100005 
REFERENCE  (R,JINR-P3-88-806,19881205)  Main reference, data      4139800100006 
                                        are given                 4139800100007 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB) Frank Neutron Physics Laboratory             4139800100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC)  Linear Electron Accelerator LUE-40,           4139800100009 
                    10 kW power                                   4139800100010 
           (REAC)   Pulse fast reactor IBR-30 acting in chain     4139800100011 
                    with Linear Accelerator                       4139800100012 
METHOD     (TOF)   Flight bases are 30 m and 85 m.                4139800100013 
                   Energy resolution 47. nsec/m.                  4139800100014 
MONITOR    (62-SM-147(N,A)60-ND-144,,SIG)                         4139800100015 
MONIT-REF  (,V.A.Vtyurin+,R,JINR-P3-8800,1975)                    4139800100016 
DETECTOR   (TELES,PROPC,PROPC)  Six double plane proportional     4139800100017 
              chambers filled with argon + 20%C-O2 at pressure    4139800100018 
              0.6 Atm placed in aluminium vacuum tank             4139800100019 
SAMPLE     -Oxide Zr-O2, enrichment 91.1%, thickness = 5.0 mg/cm2 4139800100020 
            = 2.23e+19 atoms/cm2                                  4139800100021 
           -Monitor sample oxide Si2-O3, enrichment 95.3%,        4139800100022 
            thickness 5.0 mg/cm2=1.68e+19 atoms/cm2               4139800100023 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,62-SM-147(N,A),,EN)                            4139800100024 
           (ASSUM2,62-SM-147(N,A),,EN)                            4139800100025 
           (ASSUM3,62-SM-147(N,A),,WID)                           4139800100026 
           (ASSUM4,62-SM-147(N,A),,WID)                           4139800100027 
HISTORY    (20020628C)  + + Compiled at the Centre - CJD + +      4139800100028 
           (20030108U)  . . Corrected at CJD                      4139800100029 
           (20120914A) M.M. Upper -> lower case correction.       4139800100030 
            SF3 in REACTION 1 was corrected A -> 0 in Subents     4139800100031 
            002,003.                                              4139800100032 
            R,JINR-P3-88-806,1988 is not available for checking.  4139800100033 
            EN-RSL was moved from COMMON into free text of METHOD.4139800100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 4139800100035 
COMMON               6          3                                 4139800100036 
ASSUM1     ASSUM2     ASSUM3     ASSUM3-ERR ASSUM4     ASSUM4-ERR 4139800100037 
EV         EV         MICRO-EV   MICRO-EV   MICRO-EV   MICRO-EV   4139800100038 
       3.42       83.7        1.8        0.2        2.5        0.34139800100039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4139800100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 4139800199999 
SUBENT        41398002   20120914                             41584139800200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 4139800200002 
REACTION  1(40-ZR-91(N,0),,EN)  Resonance energy                  4139800200003 
          2(40-ZR-91(N,A),,WID,,AV)   Full weighted alpha width   4139800200004 
ANALYSIS   .Data for flight path 85 m                             4139800200005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total error consists of statistical error     4139800200006 
                 and errors of corresponding resonance parameters.4139800200007 
                 Errors of calibration not included.              4139800200008 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data from Table 3 of R,JINR-P3-88-806,1988    4139800200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4139800200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4139800200011 
DATA                 7          6                                 4139800200012 
DATA      1DATA      2ERR-T     2DATA-MAX  2SPIN J     SPIN J     4139800200013 
PARITY                                                            4139800200014 
KEV        MICRO-EV   MICRO-EV   MICRO-EV   NO-DIM     NO-DIM     4139800200015 
NO-DIM                                                            4139800200016 
     2474.2       165.        46.                    2.           4139800200017 
         1.                                                       4139800200018 
     1531.4        12.         7.                    3.           4139800200019 
         1.                                                       4139800200020 
      892.7                              42.         3.           4139800200021 
        -1.                                                       4139800200022 
      449.4                              67.         1.         3.4139800200023 
        -1.                                                       4139800200024 
      292.6                              1.6         2.         3.4139800200025 
         1.                                                       4139800200026 
      181.1                              0.4         3.           4139800200027 
        -1.                                                       4139800200028 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 4139800200029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 4139800299999 
SUBENT        41398003   20120914                             41584139800300001 
BIB                  4          7                                 4139800300002 
REACTION  1(40-ZR-91(N,0),,EN)  Resonance energy                  4139800300003 
          2(40-ZR-91(N,A),,WID)       Full alpha width            4139800300004 
ANALYSIS   .Data for flight path 30 m                             4139800300005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total error consists of statistical error     4139800300006 
            and errors of corresponding resonance parameters.     4139800300007 
                     Errors of calibration not included           4139800300008 
STATUS     (TABLE)  Data from Table 3 of R,JINR-P3-88-806,1988    4139800300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 4139800300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4139800300011 
DATA                 8          3                                 4139800300012 
DATA      1DATA      2ERR-T     2DATA-MAX  2SPIN J     SPIN J     4139800300013 
PARITY     PARITY                                                 4139800300014 
KEV        MICRO-EV   MICRO-EV   MICRO-EV   NO-DIM     NO-DIM     4139800300015 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 4139800300016 
      449.4        31.        10.                    1.         3.4139800300017 
        -1.        -1.                                            4139800300018 
      292.6                             0.43         2.         3.4139800300019 
         1.         1.                                            4139800300020 
      181.1                             0.16         3.           4139800300021 
        -1.                                                       4139800300022 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 4139800300023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 4139800399999 
SUBENT        41398004   20120914                             41584139800400001 
BIB                  4         14                                 4139800400002 
REACTION  1(40-ZR-91(N,G),EP,STF,,,DERIV)   Full gamma strength   4139800400003 
                       function for dipole electric transition    4139800400004 
          2(40-ZR-91(N,G),MP,STF,,,DERIV)   Full gamma strength   4139800400005 
                       function for dipole magnetic transition    4139800400006 
                       function                                   4139800400007 
ANALYSIS  1.Data for electric dipole transition                   4139800400008 
          2.Data for magnetic dipole transition                   4139800400009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from Text of R,JINR-P3-88-806,1988        4139800400010 
           (DEP,41398002)                                         4139800400011 
           (DEP,41398003)                                         4139800400012 
HISTORY    (20030108A) New REACTION coding. EP and MP added to SF54139800400013 
                       EN- to EN-RES- changed                     4139800400014 
           (20120914A) POLAR=1 (dipole transition) was added      4139800400015 
           according to comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA).           4139800400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 4139800400017 
COMMON               2          3                                 4139800400018 
EN-RES-MIN EN-RES-MAX                                             4139800400019 
EV         EV                                                     4139800400020 
       181.      2500.                                            4139800400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4139800400022 
DATA                 3          1                                 4139800400023 
DATA-MAX  1DATA-MAX  2POLAR                                       4139800400024 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4139800400025 
    6.7E-07    2.8E-07   1.                                       4139800400026 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4139800400027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 4139800499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 4139899999999