ENTRY            41411   20141020                             41654141100000001 
SUBENT        41411001   20141020                             41654141100100001 
BIB                  9         19                                 4141100100002 
TITLE       Decay scheme and life-times of the excited 80Se states4141100100003 
            from the (N,N'GAMMA) reaction .                       4141100100004 
AUTHOR     (Yu.G.Kosyak, L.V.Chekushina, Zh.I.Adymov, A.S.Ermatov,4141100100005 
            G.A.Urikbaeva)                                        4141100100006 
INSTITUTE  (4KASKAZ)  Kosyak, Chekushina, Alymov, Ermatov         4141100100007 
           (4KASAAT)  Urikbaeva                                   4141100100008 
REFERENCE  (J,IZV,63,(1),132,1999)  Main reference, data given    4141100100009 
           (J,BAS,63,110,1999)                                    4141100100010 
           Engl.translation of J,IZV,63,(1),132,1999 .            4141100100011 
FACILITY   (REAC,4KASKAZ) WWR-K Reactor                           4141100100012 
SAMPLE      .No information                                       4141100100013 
METHOD     (GSPEC) Measurement of gamma-spectra for 55 ( 30 hr ), 4141100100014 
           90,135 deg angles. relative to incident neutron beam.  4141100100015 
ADD-RES     Life-times for Se-80 levels - Table 1.                4141100100016 
HISTORY    (20021226C)  + + Compiled at the Centre - CJD + +      4141100100017 
           (20021226U) Last checking has been done.               4141100100018 
           (20141020A) Engl.translation was added.                4141100100019 
           Article was checked, BIB information was updated.      4141100100020 
           FIS -> SPA according to comment of N.Otsuka,NDS,IAEA.  4141100100021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 4141100100022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4141100100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 4141100199999 
SUBENT        41411002   20141020                             41654141100200001 
BIB                  7         16                                 4141100200002 
REACTION   ((34-SE-80(N,INL)34-SE-80,,SPC,,SPA)//                 4141100200003 
           (34-SE-80(N,INL)34-SE-80,,SPC,,SPA)) Relative to the   4141100200004 
             666.2 keV gamma line taken per 100 .                 4141100200005 
             DATA and DATA-ERR were divided by 100 by compiler.   4141100200006 
INC-SPECT   .Fast neutron spectrum of the thermal reactor,        4141100200007 
             near to the fission spectrum                         4141100200008 
EN-SEC     (E-DN,G)                                               4141100200009 
           (E-NM,G)                                               4141100200010 
STATUS     (TABLE)   Table 2 of J,IZV,63,(1),132,1999             4141100200011 
MISC-COL   (MISC1)   Spin of the initial level                    4141100200012 
           (MISC2)   Parity of the initial level                  4141100200013 
           (MISC3)   Spin of the final level                      4141100200014 
           (MISC4)   Parity of the final level                    4141100200015 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Errors are not specified                   4141100200016 
FLAG       (1.)   Initial level spin and parity not given         4141100200017 
           (2.)   Initial level spin and parity known uncertainly 4141100200018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 4141100200019 
COMMON               2          3                                 4141100200020 
EN-DUMMY   E-DN                                                   4141100200021 
MEV        KEV                                                    4141100200022 
         1.      666.2                                            4141100200023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4141100200024 
DATA                11         48                                 4141100200025 
E-NM       E-NM-ERR   DATA       DATA-ERR   DATA-MAX   LVL-INI    4141100200026 
MISC1      MISC2      MISC3      MISC4      FLAG                  4141100200027 
KEV        KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     KEV        4141100200028 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                4141100200029 
  405.1       0.3       0.10 E-02  0.03 E-02             2716.6   4141100200030 
       3.        -1.          2.         1.                       4141100200031 
  470.5       0.4       0.6  E-02  0.1  E-02             2344.1   4141100200032 
       1.         1.          0.         1.                       4141100200033 
  666.2       0.1       1.00       5.   E-02              666.2   4141100200034 
       2.         1.          0.         0.                       4141100200035 
  671.7       0.2       0.6  E-02  0.1  E-02             2121.1   4141100200036 
       3.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200037 
  783.1       0.1       6.8  E-02  0.1  E-02             1449.4   4141100200038 
       2.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200039 
  793.0       0.3       1.0  E-02  0.3  E-02             2494.7   4141100200040 
       4.         1.          4.         1.                       4141100200041 
  812.4       0.1       4.6  E-02  0.1  E-02             1478.6   4141100200042 
       0.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200043 
  826.4       0.2       0.15 E-02  0.05 E-02             2947.5   4141100200044 
       4.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200045 
  861.9       0.1       0.5  E-02  0.1  E-02             2311.2   4141100200046 
       2.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200047 
  894.8       0.1       1.1  E-02  0.1  E-02             2344.1   4141100200048 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200049 
  989.3       0.4                              .02 E-02  3814.7   4141100200050 
       8.         1.          6.         1.        2.             4141100200051 
 1015.1       0.2       0.10 E-02  0.02 E-02             2716.6   4141100200052 
                              4.         1.        1.             4141100200053 
 1035.1       0.1       7.9  E-02  0.3  E-02             1701.3   4141100200054 
       4.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200055 
 1063.8       0.4       0.10 E-02  0.03 E-02             2513.5   4141100200056 
       2.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200057 
 1078.6       0.2       0.25 E-02  0.05 E-02             3038.8   4141100200058 
       1.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200059 
 1124.1       0.2       0.24 E-02  0.03 E-02             2825.4   4141100200060 
       6.         1.          4.         1.                       4141100200061 
 1178.2       0.2       0.4  E-02  0.1  E-02             2627.6   4141100200062 
       0.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200063 
 1207.1       0.1       2.7  E-02  0.2  E-02             1873.3   4141100200064 
       0.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200065 
 1293.6       0.1       3.8  E-02  0.2  E-02             1959.8   4141100200066 
       2.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200067 
 1449.4       0.1      10.2  E-02  0.3  E-02             1449.4   4141100200068 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200069 
 1454.9       0.2       3.9  E-02  0.3  E-02             2121.1   4141100200070 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200071 
 1498.1       0.2       0.3  E-02  0.1  E-02             2947.5   4141100200072 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200073 
 1522.8       0.2       0.23 E-02  0.03 E-02             3224.3   4141100200074 
                              4.         1.        1.             4141100200075 
 1558.7       0.2       0.20 E-02  0.05 E-02             3038.8   4141100200076 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200077 
 1577.6       0.3       0.10 E-02  0.03 E-02             3024.4   4141100200078 
       1.         1.          2.         1.        2.             4141100200079 
 1587.9       0.2       0.14 E-02  0.03 E-02             3038.8   4141100200080 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200081 
 1645.0       0.1       2.5  E-02  0.3  E-02             2311.2   4141100200082 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200083 
 1677.9       0.1       0.1  E-02  0.1  E-02             2344.1   4141100200084 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200085 
 1697.8       0.5        0.07E-02  0.020E-02              317.    4141100200086 
       2.         1.          0.         1.        2.             4141100200087 
 1745.5       0.3       0.10 E-02  0.05 E-02             3224.3   4141100200088 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200089 
 1828.8       0.3       0.53 E-02  0.05 E-02             2494.7   4141100200090 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200091 
 1847.3       0.1       2.2  E-02  0.2  E-02             2513.5   4141100200092 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200093 
 1941.8       0.3       0.05 E-02  0.02 E-02             4436.5   4141100200094 
       5.        -1.          4.         1.                       4141100200095 
 1959.9       0.1       2.1  E-02  0.2  E-02             1959.8   4141100200096 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200097 
 2050.4       0.1       1.3  E-02  0.1  E-02             2716.6   4141100200098 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200099 
 2112.2       0.3       0.08 E-02  0.03 E-02             3813.4   4141100200100 
       6.         1.          4.         1.                       4141100200101 
 2148.0       0.3       0.2  E-02  0.1  E-02             2814.6   4141100200102 
       1.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200103 
 2160.7       0.1       1.3  E-02  0.2  E-02             2826.9   4141100200104 
       2.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200105 
 2281.4       0.3       0.2  E-02  0.1  E-02             2947.5   4141100200106 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200107 
 2344.        1.        0.10 E-02  0.02 E-02             2344.1   4141100200108 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200109 
 2358.2       0.2       0.20 E-02  0.05 E-02             3024.4   4141100200110 
                              2.         1.        1.             4141100200111 
 2459.3       0.2       0.2  E-02                        3125.5   4141100200112 
       0.         1.          2.         1.        2.             4141100200113 
 2513.4       0.2       0.10 E-02  0.03 E-02             2513.5   4141100200114 
                              0.         1.                       4141100200115 
 2775.9       0.3       0.08 E-02  0.03 E-02             3441.5   4141100200116 
       0.         1.          2.         1.                       4141100200117 
 2814.6       0.2       0.7  E-02  0.1  E-02             2814.6   4141100200118 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200119 
 2826.9       0.3       0.10 E-02  0.03 E-02             2826.9   4141100200120 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200121 
 3024.8       0.3       0.10 E-02  0.02 E-02             3024.4   4141100200122 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200123 
 3176.9       0.2       0.10 E-02  0.02 E-02             3176.9   4141100200124 
                              0.         1.        1.             4141100200125 
ENDDATA            100          0                                 4141100200126 
ENDSUBENT          125          0                                 4141100299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4141199999999