ENTRY 41451 20230303 42124145100000001 SUBENT 41451001 20230303 42124145100100001 BIB 9 20 4145100100002 TITLE Spins and life-times of the Ge-74 levels from (n,n'g) 4145100100003 reaction 4145100100004 AUTHOR (Yu.G.Kosyak, L.V.Chekushina, A.S.Ermatov) 4145100100005 REFERENCE (J,BAS,67,151,2003) 4145100100006 Engl.translation of IZV,67,(1),140,2003 . 4145100100007 (J,IZV,67,140,2003) Main reference, data given. 4145100100008 Issue 1. 4145100100009 INSTITUTE (4KASKAZ) 4145100100010 FACILITY (REAC,4KASKAZ) WWR-K reactor of National Nuclear Center4145100100011 SAMPLE Metallic sample enriched by Ge-74 to 99.7% 4145100100012 (32-GE-74,ENR=0.997) 4145100100013 METHOD Inelastic scattering of fast reactor neutrons 4145100100014 described in : 4145100100015 REL-REF (M,,Yu.G.Kosyak+,B,KOSYAK,,4,1986) 4145100100016 Details of method. 4145100100017 HISTORY (20050902C) Compiled at the centre - CJD (M.M.) 4145100100018 (20141020A) Engl.translation ref. was added. 4145100100019 Articles were checked, BIB information was updated. 4145100100020 SPA was added in reaction. 4145100100021 (20230303A) Subent 002 was corrected 4145100100022 ENDBIB 20 0 4145100100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 4145100100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 4145100199999 SUBENT 41451002 20230303 42124145100200001 BIB 9 24 4145100200002 REACTION ((32-GE-74(N,INL)32-GE-74,,SPC,,SPA)// 4145100200003 (32-GE-74(N,INL)32-GE-74,,SPC,,SPA)) 4145100200004 COMMENT Of compiler. Intensities in Table 1 are given relative 4145100200005 595.9 keV gamma line taken as 100+-5. 4145100200006 To obtain NO-DIM units, intensities and their errors 4145100200007 were multiplied by 1.E-02 . 4145100200008 INC-SPECT Fast neutron spectrum of the thermal reactor 4145100200009 ANALYSIS Gamma-transition energies were defined from gamma 4145100200010 spectra measurement at 90 deg. 4145100200011 Intensities, populations of levels, their spins were 4145100200012 found at three angles 90, 124, 146 deg. 4145100200013 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of IZV,67,(1),140,2003 4145100200014 MISC-COL (MISC1) Spin of the initial level 4145100200015 (MISC2) Parity of the initial level 4145100200016 (MISC3) Spin of the final level 4145100200017 (MISC4) Parity of the final level 4145100200018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 4145100200019 (E-NM-ERR) Errors of E-gamma for numerator 4145100200020 (E-DN-ERR) Errors of E-gamma for denominator 4145100200021 FLAG (1.) Initial level spin and parity known uncertainly 4145100200022 (2.) New gamma transition 4145100200023 HISTORY (20131020A) COMMENT was added, intensities recalculated4145100200024 (20230303A) E-ERR -> E-NM-ERR in Data block, 4145100200025 E-ERR -> E-DN-ERR in Common block. 4145100200026 ENDBIB 24 0 4145100200027 COMMON 3 3 4145100200028 EN-DUMMY E-DN E-DN-ERR 4145100200029 MEV KEV KEV 4145100200030 1. 595.9 0.1 4145100200031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145100200032 DATA 11 83 4145100200033 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA DATA-ERR DATA-APRX LVL-INI 4145100200034 MISC1 MISC2 MISC3 MISC4 FLAG 4145100200035 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV 4145100200036 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 4145100200037 182.2 0.2 0.40 E-02 0.02 E-02 3117.8 4145100200038 4. -1. 4. -1. 2. 4145100200039 233.4 0.1 0.10 E-02 0.01 E-02 1697.2 4145100200040 3. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200041 468. 1. 0.2 E-02 1697.2 4145100200042 4. +1. 3. E-02+1. E-02 4145100200043 492.9 0.1 3.9 0.2 1697.2 4145100200044 3. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200045 498. 1. 0.20 E-02 0.04 E-02 3034.1 4145100200046 3. 3. -1. 4145100200047 531.5 0.3 0.04 E-02 0.01 E-02 2697.0 4145100200048 5. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200049 544.8 0.2 0.06 E-02 0.02 E-02 3081.3 4145100200050 2. +1. 3. -1. 1. 4145100200051 595.9 0.1 100. 5. 595.9 4145100200052 2. +1. 0. +1. 4145100200053 604. 1. 0.25 E-02 0.05 E-02 3140.6 4145100200054 3. 3. -1. 1. 4145100200055 608.4 0.1 18.2 E-02 0.3 E-02 1204.2 4145100200056 2. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200057 638.9 0.1 0.24 E-02 0.03 E-02 3175.2 4145100200058 3. -1. 3. -1. 4145100200059 663.2 0.2 0.20 E-02 0.02 E-02 3199.5 4145100200060 4. +1. 3. -1. 2. 4145100200061 667.8 0.3 0.25 E-02 0.02 E-02 2833.2 4145100200062 2. +1. 3. +1. 4145100200063 701.5 0.2 1.4 E-02 0.2 E-02 1697.2 4145100200064 4. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200065 712.8 0.2 0.15 E-02 0.02 E-02 2878.1 4145100200066 5. -1. 4. +1. 2. 4145100200067 715.0 0.2 0.40 E-02 0.05 E-02 2198.0 4145100200068 2. +1. 0. +1. 4145100200069 734.2 0.2 0.15 E-02 0.02 E-02 2198.0 4145100200070 2. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200071 770. 1. 0.16 E-02 0.03 E-02 2935.4 4145100200072 4. -1. 4. +1. 4145100200073 784.0 0.2 0.20 E-02 0.02 E-02 2949.1 4145100200074 2. -1. 4. +1. 4145100200075 808. 1. 0.20 E-02 0.04 E-02 2973.5 4145100200076 2. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200077 840. 1. 0.1 E-02 2536.3 4145100200078 3. -1. 3. +1. 4145100200079 851. 1. 0.10 E-02 0.02 E-02 3048.8 4145100200080 4. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200081 867.8 0.1 8.9 E-02 0.3 E-02 1463.7 4145100200082 4. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200083 883. 1. 0.20 E-02 0.02 E-02 3048.8 4145100200084 4. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200085 886.8 0.1 4.6 E-02 0.1 E-02 1482.7 4145100200086 0. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200087 939.2 0.1 0.16 E-02 0.02 E-02 3104.5 4145100200088 5. -1. 4. +1. 4145100200089 942.5 0.2 0.07 E-02 0.01 E-02 3140.6 4145100200090 3. 2. +1. 1. 4145100200091 961.1 0.1 1.9 E-02 0.1 E-02 1697.2 4145100200092 4. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200093 972. 1. 0.30 E-02 0.05 E-02 2670.0 4145100200094 4. +1. 3. +1. 4145100200095 975. 1. 0.04 E-02 3140.6 4145100200096 3. 4. +1. 1. 4145100200097 993.7 0.1 1.8 E-02 0.2 E-02 2198.0 4145100200098 2. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200099 999.8 0.5 0.40 E-02 0.04 E-02 2697.0 4145100200100 5. +1. 3. +1. 4145100200101 1021.9 0.1 0.30 E-02 0.03 E-02 2227.8 4145100200102 0. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200103 1101.3 0.1 5.1 E-02 0.2 E-02 1697.2 4145100200104 3. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200105 1105.5 0.2 1.0 E-02 0.2 E-02 2569.2 4145100200106 4. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200107 1131.5 0.1 0.76 E-02 0.04 E-02 2828.7 4145100200108 4. +1. 3. +1. 4145100200109 1135.9 0.2 0.14 E-02 0.02 E-02 2833.2 4145100200110 2. +1. 3. +1. 4145100200111 1204.2 0.1 10. E-02 1. E-02 1204.2 4145100200112 2. +1. 0. +1. 4145100200113 1206. 1. 0.3 E-02 0.1 E-02 2670.0 4145100200114 4. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200115 1228.3 0.2 0.48 E-02 0.03 E-02 2925.2 4145100200116 4. +1. 3. +1. 4145100200117 1233. 1. 0.03 E-02 0.01 E-02 2697.0 4145100200118 5. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200119 1332.9 0.2 0.50 E-02 0.05 E-02 2536.3 4145100200120 3. -1. 2. +1. 4145100200121 1383.9 0.2 0.20 E-02 0.02 E-02 3081.3 4145100200122 2. +1. 3. +1. 1. 4145100200123 1414.4 0.2 0.10 E-02 0.02 E-02 2878.1 4145100200124 5. -1. 4. +1. 2. 4145100200125 1443.4 0.1 0.14 E-02 0.02 E-02 3140.6 4145100200126 3. 3. +1. 1. 4145100200127 1471.7 0.1 0.40 E-02 0.04 E-02 2935.4 4145100200128 4. -1. 4. +1. 4145100200129 1478.0 0.2 0.09 E-02 0.02 E-02 3175.2 4145100200130 3. -1. 3. +1. 4145100200131 1489.6 0.1 1.1 E-02 0.1 E-02 2693.8 4145100200132 2. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200133 1509.8 0.1 0.38 E-02 0.03 E-02 2973.5 4145100200134 2. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200135 1546.4 0.3 0.20 E-02 0.03 E-02 2750.6 4145100200136 0. +1. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200137 1570.1 0.1 0.15 E-02 0.02 E-02 3034.1 4145100200138 3. 4. +1. 4145100200139 1596. 1. 0.10 E-02 0.02 E-02 3060. 4145100200140 6. +1. 4. +1. 2. 4145100200141 1602.2 0.2 0.40 E-02 0.04 E-02 2198.0 4145100200142 2. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200143 1617.6 0.2 0.45 E-02 0.04 E-02 3081.3 4145100200144 2. +1. 4. +1. 1. 4145100200145 1631.9 0.1 0.8 E-02 1.0 E-02 2227.8 4145100200146 0. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200147 1640.9 0.2 0.08 E-02 0.02 E-02 3104.5 4145100200148 5. -1. 4. +1. 4145100200149 1651.8 0.3 0.15 E-02 0.03 E-02 2856.0 4145100200150 0. +1. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200151 1654.1 0.2 0.05 E-02 0.01 E-02 3117.8 4145100200152 4. -1. 4. +1. 2. 4145100200153 1675.6 0.2 0.07 E-02 0.01 E-02 3139.3 4145100200154 6. +1. 4. +1. 4145100200155 1676.7 0.2 0.09 E-02 0.01 E-02 3140.6 4145100200156 3. 4. +1. 1. 4145100200157 1721.3 0.2 0.10 E-02 0.02 E-02 2925.2 4145100200158 4. +1. 3. +1. 4145100200159 1744.7 0.2 0.10 E-02 0.02 E-02 2949.1 4145100200160 2. -1. 2. +1. 4145100200161 1756.7 0.2 0.25 E-02 0.02 E-02 2961.0 4145100200162 0. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200163 1794.3 0.1 0.12 E-02 0.02 E-02 2998.6 4145100200164 1. +1. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200165 1829.8 0.1 0.30 E-02 0.02 E-02 3034.1 4145100200166 3. 2. +1. 4145100200167 1844.6 0.2 0.20 E-02 0.02 E-02 3048.8 4145100200168 4. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200169 1940.4 0.2 1.8 E-02 0.2 E-02 2536.3 4145100200170 3. -1. 2. +1. 4145100200171 1971.0 0.2 0.05 E-02 0.01 E-02 3175.2 4145100200172 3. -1. 2. +1. 4145100200173 2004.7 0.1 1.3 E-02 0.1 E-02 2600.6 4145100200174 1. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200175 2074.1 0.1 0.40 E-02 0.04 E-02 2670.0 4145100200176 4. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200177 2097.9 0.1 0.30 E-02 0.04 E-02 2693.8 4145100200178 2. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200179 2154.6 0.3 0.20 E-02 0.03 E-02 2750.6 4145100200180 0. +1. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200181 2198.2 0.2 0.9 E-02 0.1 E-02 2198.0 4145100200182 2. +1. 0. +1. 4145100200183 2237.9 0.2 0.71 E-02 0.03 E-02 2833.2 4145100200184 2. +1. 2. +1. 4145100200185 2260.0 0.4 0.15 E-02 0.03 E-02 2856.0 4145100200186 0. +1. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200187 2342.8 0.2 0.60 E-02 0.05 E-02 2938.7 4145100200188 1. +1. 2. +1. 1. 4145100200189 2353.2 0.1 0.46 E-02 0.04 E-02 2949.1 4145100200190 2. -1. 2. +1. 4145100200191 2402.7 0.1 0.40 E-02 0.03 E-02 2998.6 4145100200192 1. +1. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200193 2435.2 0.2 0.05 E-02 0.01 E-02 3034.1 4145100200194 3. 2. +1. 4145100200195 2579.4 0.1 0.20 E-02 0.03 E-02 3175.2 4145100200196 3. -1. 2. +1. 4145100200197 2603.6 0.2 0.20 E-02 0.02 E-02 3199.5 4145100200198 4. +1. 2. +1. 2. 4145100200199 2973.5 0.3 0.25 E-02 0.05 E-02 2973.5 4145100200200 2. +1. 0. +1. 4145100200201 2999. 1. 0.10 E-02 0.02 E-02 2998.6 4145100200202 1. +1. 0. +1. 2. 4145100200203 ENDDATA 170 0 4145100200204 ENDSUBENT 203 0 4145100299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4145199999999