ENTRY 41459 20231218 42164145900000001 SUBENT 41459001 20231218 42164145900100001 BIB 12 24 4145900100002 TITLE Two-quantum gamma cascades after thermal neutron 4145900100003 capture in 127I 4145900100004 AUTHOR (M.A.Ali,A.T.Boneva,E.B.Vasilieva,A.M.Sukhovoi, 4145900100005 V.A.Khitrov) 4145900100006 REFERENCE (J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Engl.translation of 4145900100007 J,IZV,61,2093,1997 4145900100008 (J,IZV,61,2093,1997) Issue 11. 4145900100009 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) Sukhovoi,Khitrov,Vasilieva 4145900100010 (3EGYCAI) Ali 4145900100011 (3BULBLA) Boneva 4145900100012 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) IBR-30 reactor. 4145900100013 METHOD (COINC) Gamma-gamma coincidence. 4145900100014 DETECTOR (HPGE) Relative efficiency 15% 4145900100015 (GELI) Relative efficiency 10% 4145900100016 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Thermal neutrons 4145900100017 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons of reactor 4145900100018 COMMENT This work was done under support of RFBR #95-02-03848 4145900100019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified 4145900100020 HISTORY (20060116C) Compiled at CJD (M.M.) 4145900100021 (20130708A) Reactions were corrected I-128 -> I-127, 4145900100022 according to the comments N.Otsuka (NDS ,IAEA)4145900100023 (20141020U) Engl.translation was added. 4145900100024 (20231218U) Issue 11 was moved in REFERENCE free text. 4145900100025 STATUS was corrected for new rules of coding. 4145900100026 ENDBIB 24 0 4145900100027 COMMON 1 3 4145900100028 EN-DUMMY 4145900100029 EV 4145900100030 0.0253 4145900100031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 4145900199999 SUBENT 41459002 20231218 42164145900200001 BIB 3 5 4145900200002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA) Intensity of 4145900200003 cascades for I-128 compound nucleus (including 4145900200004 unresolved) 4145900200005 EN-SEC (E,G) Sum of two gamma energies E1+E2 4145900200006 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 2 4145900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 4145900200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 4145900200009 DATA 3 12 4145900200010 E DATA DATA-ERR 4145900200011 KEV PC/REAC PC/REAC 4145900200012 6826. 0.9 0.3 4145900200013 6799. 1.6 0.4 4145900200014 6741. 1.3 0.4 4145900200015 6693. 8.6 1.2 4145900200016 6681. 8.8 1.0 4145900200017 6646. 0.7 0.2 4145900200018 6590. 1.3 0.3 4145900200019 6531. 3.1 0.3 4145900200020 6484. 0.9 0.6 4145900200021 6452. 1.8 0.2 4145900200022 6439. 1.1 0.4 4145900200023 6394. 3.3 0.7 4145900200024 ENDDATA 14 0 4145900200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4145900299999 SUBENT 41459003 20231218 42164145900300001 BIB 4 11 4145900300002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145900300003 intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145900300004 nucleus, 4145900300005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145900300006 fixed summarized energy E=6825.6 keV, in per-cents. 4145900300007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145900300008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145900300009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145900300010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145900300011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 27.5% 4145900300012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145900300013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145900300014 COMMON 1 3 4145900300015 E 4145900300016 KEV 4145900300017 6825.6 4145900300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900300019 DATA 7 16 4145900300020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145900300021 LVL-ERR 4145900300022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145900300023 KEV 4145900300024 3031.7 3794.0 0.9 5.52 1.87 3794.0 4145900300025 0.5 4145900300026 3749.5 3076.2 1.1 3.89 1.57 3075.7 4145900300027 1.6 4145900300028 3868.3 2957.4 0.6 9.11 2.24 4145900300029 4145900300030 3926.8 2898.8 0.8 5.52 1.78 2899.7 4145900300031 2.0 4145900300032 4009.4 2816.3 0.9 4.89 1.72 4145900300033 4145900300034 4681.6 2144.1 1.1 3.24 1.39 4145900300035 4145900300036 4842.4 1983.3 0.8 4.47 1.67 4145900300037 4145900300038 4937.6 1887.9 0.9 3.82 1.51 1887.0 4145900300039 2.9 4145900300040 5235.2 1590.5 1.1 3.85 1.59 4145900300041 4145900300042 5557.0 1268.5 0.9 3.58 1.41 1266.2 4145900300043 1.2 4145900300044 5659.9 1165.6 0.8 4.15 1.54 1164.2 4145900300045 1.3 4145900300046 5986.7 838.8 0.7 4.43 1.51 839.0 4145900300047 0.5 4145900300048 6110.4 715.1 0.8 3.90 1.63 715.3 4145900300049 0.7 4145900300050 6123.0 702.7 0.8 3.02 1.14 4145900300051 4145900300052 6190.2 635.5 0.7 3.41 1.18 4145900300053 4145900300054 6440.7 385.0 0.5 5.70 1.74 4145900300055 4145900300056 ENDDATA 36 0 4145900300057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 4145900399999 SUBENT 41459004 20231218 42164145900400001 BIB 4 11 4145900400002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145900400003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145900400004 nucleus, 4145900400005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145900400006 fixed summarized energy E=6798.3 keV, in per-cents. 4145900400007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145900400008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145900400009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145900400010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145900400011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 63.2% 4145900400012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145900400013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145900400014 COMMON 1 3 4145900400015 E 4145900400016 KEV 4145900400017 6798.3 4145900400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900400019 DATA 7 16 4145900400020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145900400021 LVL-ERR 4145900400022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145900400023 KEV 4145900400024 4141.5 2656.9 0.8 2.88 0.86 2684.6 4145900400025 0.7 4145900400026 4206.4 2591.9 1.0 2.58 0.89 4145900400027 4145900400028 4391.2 2407.1 1.2 1.87 0.81 2432.1 4145900400029 1.9 4145900400030 4620.7 2177.6 1.1 1.98 0.77 4145900400031 4145900400032 4903.0 1895.3 0.8 2.49 0.77 1921.1 4145900400033 1.8 4145900400034 5088.8 1709.5 0.9 1.94 0.66 1733.1 4145900400035 2.1 4145900400036 5198.6 1599.7 0.5 3.97 0.96 1626.6 4145900400037 1.5 4145900400038 5326.4 1471.9 0.8 2.23 0.78 1498.8 4145900400039 0.5 4145900400040 5371.0 1427.3 0.8 2.38 0.76 1455.7 4145900400041 1.4 4145900400042 5469.2 1329.1 0.9 1.89 0.69 1361.6 4145900400043 2.6 4145900400044 5608.7 1189.6 0.9 2.06 0.77 1219.3 4145900400045 2.0 4145900400046 5695.8 1102.4 0.8 2.09 0.75 1128.0 4145900400047 1.6 4145900400048 5865.6 932.8 0.8 2.31 0.87 4145900400049 4145900400050 5904.6 893.8 0.8 2.07 0.76 4145900400051 4145900400052 6296.2 502.1 0.9 1.90 0.71 4145900400053 4145900400054 6296.9 501.4 0.6 2.16 0.74 4145900400055 4145900400056 ENDDATA 36 0 4145900400057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 4145900499999 SUBENT 41459005 20231218 42164145900500001 BIB 4 11 4145900500002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145900500003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145900500004 nucleus, 4145900500005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145900500006 fixed summarized energy E=6740.2 keV, in per-cents. 4145900500007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145900500008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145900500009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145900500010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145900500011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 49.4% 4145900500012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145900500013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145900500014 COMMON 1 3 4145900500015 E 4145900500016 KEV 4145900500017 6740.2 4145900500018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900500019 DATA 7 17 4145900500020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145900500021 LVL-ERR 4145900500022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145900500023 KEV 4145900500024 3641.4 3098.8 0.9 3.21 1.11 3182.6 4145900500025 1.3 4145900500026 3873.2 2867.0 1.2 2.37 0.99 2951.1 4145900500027 1.0 4145900500028 4240.1 2500.1 1.0 2.87 1.19 2585.1 4145900500029 0.6 4145900500030 4263.2 2477.0 1.0 2.98 1.16 2565.5 4145900500031 2.1 4145900500032 4420.0 2320.2 0.7 3.99 1.24 4145900500033 4145900500034 4608.1 2132.1 1.1 2.55 1.07 4145900500035 4145900500036 4756.6 1983.5 1.0 2.62 1.04 2070.9 4145900500037 1.7 4145900500038 4998.3 1741.8 0.9 2.94 1.11 1826.2 4145900500039 1.9 4145900500040 5018.7 1721.4 0.6 4.21 1.20 1808.4 4145900500041 2.3 4145900500042 5093.6 1646.6 0.8 3.47 1.12 1733.1 4145900500043 2.1 4145900500044 5195.9 1544.2 1.1 2.30 1.00 1632.8 4145900500045 2.5 4145900500046 5368.2 1371.9 1.1 2.22 0.95 1455.7 4145900500047 1.4 4145900500048 5401.8 1338.4 1.0 2.34 1.01 4145900500049 4145900500050 5599.8 1140.3 0.7 3.73 1.27 1226.2 4145900500051 1.1 4145900500052 5763.7 976.5 0.8 3.20 1.19 4145900500053 4145900500054 6103.1 637.2 0.8 2.38 0.86 4145900500055 4145900500056 6355.1 385.1 0.8 3.17 1.09 4145900500057 4145900500058 ENDDATA 38 0 4145900500059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 4145900599999 SUBENT 41459006 20231218 42164145900600001 BIB 4 11 4145900600002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145900600003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145900600004 nucleus, 4145900600005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145900600006 fixed summarized energy E=6692.1 keV, in per-cents. 4145900600007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145900600008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145900600009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145900600010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145900600011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 60.1% 4145900600012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145900600013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145900600014 COMMON 1 3 4145900600015 E 4145900600016 KEV 4145900600017 6692.1 4145900600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900600019 DATA 7 43 4145900600020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145900600021 LVL-ERR 4145900600022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145900600023 KEV 4145900600024 2675.1 4017.0 0.8 0.88 0.29 4149.8 4145900600025 1.2 4145900600026 2839.0 3853.1 1.1 0.66 0.27 3990.4 4145900600027 2.9 4145900600028 3031.2 3660.9 1.0 0.92 0.34 3794.0 4145900600029 0.5 4145900600030 4091.7 2600.4 1.1 0.64 0.28 2736.3 4145900600031 1.7 4145900600032 4103.1 2589.0 0.7 1.26 0.34 2720.9 4145900600033 2.0 4145900600034 4150.0 2542.0 1.0 0.66 0.27 4145900600035 4145900600036 4241.2 2450.9 1.1 0.62 0.25 2585.1 4145900600037 0.6 4145900600038 4258.0 2434.0 0.8 0.87 0.29 2565.5 4145900600039 2.1 4145900600040 4345.7 2346.4 1.0 0.60 0.24 4145900600041 4145900600042 4399.8 2292.3 1.1 0.65 0.24 2425.3 4145900600043 0.8 4145900600044 4505.8 2186.3 0.8 0.89 0.32 2321.2 4145900600045 1.5 4145900600046 4536.1 2155.9 1.1 0.66 0.28 4145900600047 4145900600048 4943.3 1748.8 1.2 0.78 0.31 1887.0 4145900600049 2.9 4145900600050 4953.8 1738.3 1.0 1.08 0.37 1874.6 4145900600051 1.3 4145900600052 4960.3 1731.7 0.8 0.80 0.26 1867.2 4145900600053 1.4 4145900600054 5028.1 1663.9 1.0 0.66 0.26 4145900600055 4145900600056 5093.9 1598.1 0.4 2.50 0.40 1733.1 4145900600057 2.1 4145900600058 5198.0 1494.0 0.6 1.15 0.29 1626.6 4145900600059 1.5 4145900600060 5284.3 1407.8 0.8 0.61 0.21 1542.3 4145900600061 1.0 4145900600062 5293.7 1398.3 0.9 0.82 0.31 1532.3 4145900600063 0.7 4145900600064 5299.0 1393.1 0.7 1.63 0.40 1526.6 4145900600065 1.9 4145900600066 5313.5 1378.6 0.9 0.60 0.23 4145900600067 4145900600068 5466.2 1225.9 0.3 1.77 0.35 1361.6 4145900600069 2.6 4145900600070 5487.2 1204.9 1.0 0.53 0.22 1343.5 4145900600071 3.0 4145900600072 5496.1 1196.0 0.5 1.10 0.29 4145900600073 4145900600074 5524.1 1168.0 0.8 0.69 0.27 1301.2 4145900600075 1.3 4145900600076 5550.5 1141.6 0.6 1.03 0.24 1274.3 4145900600077 0.8 4145900600078 5559.6 1132.5 0.4 1.55 0.31 1266.2 4145900600079 1.2 4145900600080 5573.5 1118.6 1.1 0.69 0.27 1252.5 4145900600081 1.5 4145900600082 5578.7 1113.4 0.5 1.61 0.35 1247.5 4145900600083 1.5 4145900600084 5597.7 1094.4 0.8 0.71 0.22 1226.2 4145900600085 1.1 4145900600086 5603.9 1088.1 1.1 0.51 0.19 1219.3 4145900600087 2.0 4145900600088 5741.8 950.3 1.2 0.45 0.19 1084.1 4145900600089 0.5 4145900600090 5794.5 897.6 0.3 1.78 0.33 1030.8 4145900600091 1.6 4145900600092 5822.9 869.2 0.7 0.68 0.21 4145900600093 4145900600094 5849.4 842.6 1.1 0.43 0.18 4145900600095 4145900600096 5879.4 812.7 0.9 0.52 0.19 942.4 4145900600097 2.8 4145900600098 5909.1 783.0 0.5 1.01 0.24 4145900600099 4145900600100 5948.9 743.2 0.6 0.80 0.22 4145900600101 4145900600102 5984.2 707.9 0.8 0.85 0.25 840.3 4145900600103 2.0 4145900600104 6195.4 496.7 0.8 0.62 0.22 4145900600105 4145900600106 6312.1 380.0 0.8 0.59 0.20 516.9 4145900600107 1.8 4145900600108 6390.9 301.3 0.3 2.01 0.38 4145900600109 4145900600110 ENDDATA 90 0 4145900600111 ENDSUBENT 110 0 4145900699999 SUBENT 41459007 20231218 42164145900700001 BIB 4 11 4145900700002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145900700003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145900700004 nucleus, 4145900700005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145900700006 fixed summarized energy E=6681.7 keV, in per-cents. 4145900700007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145900700008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145900700009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145900700010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145900700011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 55.1% 4145900700012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145900700013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145900700014 COMMON 1 3 4145900700015 E 4145900700016 KEV 4145900700017 6681.7 4145900700018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900700019 DATA 7 58 4145900700020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145900700021 LVL-ERR 4145900700022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145900700023 KEV 4145900700024 2834.7 3847.0 1.1 0.57 0.20 3990.4 4145900700025 2.9 4145900700026 2962.7 3719.0 1.3 0.46 0.19 3862.5 4145900700027 2.0 4145900700028 2981.1 3700.6 0.9 0.67 0.21 3846.5 4145900700029 1.2 4145900700030 2992.4 3689.3 1.1 0.47 0.20 3834.4 4145900700031 1.1 4145900700032 3600.5 3081.3 1.0 0.60 0.22 4145900700033 4145900700034 3620.8 3060.9 1.1 0.50 0.20 4145900700035 4145900700036 3643.9 3037.9 0.6 0.90 0.24 3182.6 4145900700037 1.3 4145900700038 3749.6 2932.1 1.1 0.55 0.21 3075.7 4145900700039 1.6 4145900700040 3923.2 2758.5 0.9 0.62 0.23 2899.7 4145900700041 2.0 4145900700042 4071.6 2610.1 0.8 0.76 0.26 4145900700043 4145900700044 4159.8 2522.0 1.0 0.59 0.24 4145900700045 4145900700046 4260.4 2421.3 1.3 0.53 0.22 2565.5 4145900700047 2.1 4145900700048 4358.2 2323.5 1.0 0.55 0.22 4145900700049 4145900700050 4370.2 2311.6 0.9 0.61 0.23 2456.3 4145900700051 3.6 4145900700052 4393.2 2288.5 0.7 1.03 0.26 2432.1 4145900700053 1.9 4145900700054 4401.1 2280.7 1.2 0.53 0.22 2425.3 4145900700055 0.8 4145900700056 4408.6 2273.2 1.3 0.42 0.19 4145900700057 4145900700058 4428.5 2253.2 1.0 0.56 0.20 4145900700059 4145900700060 4922.5 1759.3 1.3 0.40 0.17 1904.3 4145900700061 0.9 4145900700062 4951.9 1729.8 0.6 1.31 0.30 1874.6 4145900700063 1.3 4145900700064 4996.9 1684.8 1.0 0.48 0.20 1826.2 4145900700065 1.9 4145900700066 5005.2 1676.5 0.9 0.63 0.23 4145900700067 4145900700068 5086.2 1595.6 0.6 1.18 0.30 1738.7 4145900700069 1.3 4145900700070 5092.6 1589.2 0.4 2.41 0.38 1733.1 4145900700071 2.1 4145900700072 5101.3 1580.5 0.8 0.61 0.19 1723.7 4145900700073 0.8 4145900700074 5109.9 1571.9 0.4 1.15 0.25 1715.8 4145900700075 2.2 4145900700076 5122.8 1559.0 1.2 0.39 0.16 1703.6 4145900700077 0.7 4145900700078 5144.5 1537.2 0.8 0.51 0.18 4145900700079 4145900700080 5206.4 1475.4 0.9 0.56 0.19 1618.4 4145900700081 1.1 4145900700082 5263.5 1418.3 1.2 0.40 0.18 1560.1 4145900700083 1.6 4145900700084 5271.9 1409.8 0.7 0.72 0.21 4145900700085 4145900700086 5288.3 1393.4 0.4 1.67 0.29 1536.6 4145900700087 1.1 4145900700088 5339.7 1342.1 1.0 0.42 0.18 1486.8 4145900700089 0.5 4145900700090 5383.5 1298.2 0.6 0.95 0.24 1442.1 4145900700091 0.4 4145900700092 5422.4 1259.3 1.1 0.41 0.18 4145900700093 4145900700094 5460.5 1221.3 0.4 1.68 0.30 1361.6 4145900700095 2.6 4145900700096 5477.6 1205.2 0.8 0.58 0.20 1343.5 4145900700097 3.0 4145900700098 5516.4 1165.3 0.6 0.76 0.21 4145900700099 4145900700100 5524.3 1157.5 0.9 0.47 0.17 1301.2 4145900700101 1.3 4145900700102 5559.5 1122.2 0.4 2.22 0.41 1266.2 4145900700103 1.2 4145900700104 5564.8 1117.0 1.1 0.96 0.32 1258.4 4145900700105 2.0 4145900700106 5570.9 1110.9 0.7 1.09 0.27 1252.5 4145900700107 1.5 4145900700108 5579.7 1102.1 0.5 1.02 0.25 1247.5 4145900700109 1.5 4145900700110 5699.1 982.7 0.7 0.56 0.17 1128.0 4145900700111 1.6 4145900700112 5726.4 955.3 0.8 0.58 0.18 1100.0 4145900700113 1.2 4145900700114 5741.4 940.4 1.1 0.41 0.18 1084.1 4145900700115 0.5 4145900700116 5782.6 899.1 0.8 0.52 0.16 4145900700117 4145900700118 5793.5 888.3 0.5 1.01 0.21 1030.8 4145900700119 1.6 4145900700120 5799.9 881.9 0.9 0.50 0.16 1024.2 4145900700121 1.3 4145900700122 5813.1 868.7 0.4 1.10 0.22 1013.3 4145900700123 1.3 4145900700124 5886.0 795.8 0.9 0.43 0.15 942.4 4145900700125 2.8 4145900700126 5893.0 788.8 0.4 1.11 0.23 933.1 4145900700127 0.9 4145900700128 5939.6 742.1 1.1 0.34 0.14 4145900700129 4145900700130 5972.3 709.4 0.7 0.60 0.17 4145900700131 4145900700132 5986.6 695.2 0.8 0.46 0.17 839.0 4145900700133 0.5 4145900700134 6110.3 571.5 1.1 0.34 0.14 715.3 4145900700135 0.7 4145900700136 6218.7 463.1 0.6 0.61 0.15 4145900700137 4145900700138 6307.8 374.9 0.2 2.43 0.30 516.9 4145900700139 1.8 4145900700140 ENDDATA 120 0 4145900700141 ENDSUBENT 140 0 4145900799999 SUBENT 41459008 20231218 42164145900800001 BIB 4 11 4145900800002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145900800003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145900800004 nucleus, 4145900800005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145900800006 fixed summarized energy E=6645.3 keV, in per-cents. 4145900800007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145900800008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145900800009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145900800010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145900800011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 41.9% 4145900800012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145900800013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145900800014 COMMON 1 3 4145900800015 E 4145900800016 KEV 4145900800017 6645.3 4145900800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900800019 DATA 7 19 4145900800020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145900800021 LVL-ERR 4145900800022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145900800023 KEV 4145900800024 2677.4 3967.9 1.0 3.20 1.18 4149.8 4145900800025 1.2 4145900800026 2990.1 3655.2 1.2 2.67 1.14 3834.4 4145900800027 1.1 4145900800028 3021.9 3623.4 1.2 2.48 1.04 3802.7 4145900800029 0.8 4145900800030 3374.8 3270.5 1.0 3.01 1.23 4145900800031 4145900800032 3533.9 3111.4 0.9 3.36 1.05 4145900800033 4145900800034 3751.8 2893.5 0.8 3.94 1.21 3075.7 4145900800035 1.6 4145900800036 3825.7 2819.6 1.2 2.69 1.10 3001.7 4145900800037 1.5 4145900800038 4173.1 2472.2 1.0 2.95 1.06 4145900800039 4145900800040 4639.4 2005.8 0.9 2.82 0.97 2186.7 4145900800041 0.7 4145900800042 4812.5 1832.8 0.8 3.07 0.96 4145900800043 4145900800044 4976.0 1669.3 0.9 2.71 1.08 4145900800045 4145900800046 5162.3 1483.1 1.1 2.20 0.97 4145900800047 4145900800048 5190.0 1455.2 1.1 2.39 1.00 1632.8 4145900800049 2.5 4145900800050 5551.8 1093.4 1.0 2.45 0.97 1274.3 4145900800051 0.8 4145900800052 5573.3 1071.9 1.2 2.25 1.02 1252.5 4145900800053 1.5 4145900800054 5810.6 834.6 0.9 2.26 0.86 1013.3 4145900800055 1.3 4145900800056 5858.6 786.7 1.0 2.01 0.86 4145900800057 4145900800058 5983.0 662.2 0.7 2.83 0.90 840.3 4145900800059 2.0 4145900800060 5997.8 647.4 0.3 8.84 1.47 828.9 4145900800061 1.0 4145900800062 ENDDATA 42 0 4145900800063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 4145900899999 SUBENT 41459009 20231218 42164145900900001 BIB 4 11 4145900900002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145900900003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145900900004 nucleus, 4145900900005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145900900006 fixed summarized energy E=6592.2 keV, in per-cents. 4145900900007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145900900008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145900900009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145900900010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145900900011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 40.1% 4145900900012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145900900013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145900900014 COMMON 1 3 4145900900015 E 4145900900016 KEV 4145900900017 6592.2 4145900900018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145900900019 DATA 7 28 4145900900020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145900900021 LVL-ERR 4145900900022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145900900023 KEV 4145900900024 2831.9 3760.2 1.2 1.25 0.53 3990.4 4145900900025 2.9 4145900900026 2961.5 3630.7 0.8 1.96 0.55 3862.5 4145900900027 2.0 4145900900028 4107.8 2484.3 0.9 1.86 0.67 2720.9 4145900900029 2.0 4145900900030 4140.2 2451.9 1.1 1.46 0.60 2584.6 4145900900031 0.7 4145900900032 4240.5 2351.6 1.0 1.49 0.59 2585.1 4145900900033 0.6 4145900900034 4365.9 2226.2 1.1 1.36 0.56 2456.3 4145900900035 3.6 4145900900036 4897.4 1694.7 1.1 1.30 0.54 4145900900037 4145900900038 4940.4 1651.7 0.7 2.40 0.63 1887.0 4145900900039 2.9 4145900900040 4950.6 1641.6 0.8 1.74 0.56 1874.6 4145900900041 1.3 4145900900042 5017.3 1574.8 0.9 1.62 0.61 1808.4 4145900900043 2.3 4145900900044 5102.9 1489.3 1.0 1.46 0.62 1723.7 4145900900045 0.8 4145900900046 5293.0 1299.2 1.0 1.48 0.55 1532.3 4145900900047 0.7 4145900900048 5413.2 1178.9 0.9 1.32 0.54 4145900900049 4145900900050 5464.4 1127.8 0.3 7.35 1.06 1361.6 4145900900051 2.6 4145900900052 5483.4 1108.8 0.3 6.23 0.98 1343.5 4145900900053 3.0 4145900900054 5491.0 1101.1 0.7 2.03 0.60 4145900900055 4145900900056 5522.9 1069.3 0.7 1.83 0.59 1301.2 4145900900057 1.3 4145900900058 5577.4 1014.7 0.6 2.13 0.66 1247.5 4145900900059 1.5 4145900900060 5599.7 992.8 0.8 1.70 0.54 1226.2 4145900900061 1.1 4145900900062 5605.9 986.3 0.8 1.57 0.58 1219.3 4145900900063 2.0 4145900900064 5719.7 872.5 1.0 1.79 0.66 4145900900065 4145900900066 5724.5 867.7 0.5 3.72 0.87 1100.0 4145900900067 1.2 4145900900068 5793.4 798.7 0.9 1.17 0.45 1030.8 4145900900069 1.6 4145900900070 5802.3 789.8 0.8 1.60 0.47 1024.2 4145900900071 1.3 4145900900072 5883.6 708.5 0.6 1.55 0.48 942.4 4145900900073 1.8 4145900900074 5995.8 596.4 0.5 2.21 0.57 828.9 4145900900075 1.0 4145900900076 6029.8 562.4 0.6 1.54 0.46 4145900900077 4145900900078 6309.1 283.0 0.5 2.76 0.75 516.9 4145900900079 1.8 4145900900080 ENDDATA 60 0 4145900900081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 4145900999999 SUBENT 41459010 20231218 42164145901000001 BIB 4 11 4145901000002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145901000003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145901000004 nucleus, 4145901000005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145901000006 fixed summarized energy E=6530.6 keV, in per-cents. 4145901000007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145901000008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145901000009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145901000010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145901000011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 40.9% 4145901000012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145901000013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145901000014 COMMON 1 3 4145901000015 E 4145901000016 KEV 4145901000017 6530.6 4145901000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145901000019 DATA 7 33 4145901000020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145901000021 LVL-ERR 4145901000022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145901000023 KEV 4145901000024 3032.1 3498.6 0.8 1.71 0.51 3794.0 4145901000025 0.5 4145901000026 3386.7 3144.0 0.8 1.63 0.54 4145901000027 4145901000028 3777.2 2753.5 0.9 1.56 0.60 4145901000029 4145901000030 3910.9 2619.7 1.1 1.33 0.51 4145901000031 4145901000032 3939.9 2590.8 1.2 1.24 0.51 4145901000033 4145901000034 3980.0 2550.7 1.1 1.27 0.51 2847.5 4145901000035 1.3 4145901000036 4000.3 2530.3 1.1 1.36 0.55 4145901000037 4145901000038 4185.8 2344.8 1.0 1.44 0.55 2641.4 4145901000039 1.2 4145901000040 4192.9 2337.7 1.1 1.31 0.53 4145901000041 4145901000042 4247.6 2283.0 1.0 1.42 0.52 4145901000043 4145901000044 4364.1 2166.6 1.1 1.36 0.54 2456.3 4145901000045 3.6 4145901000046 4649.8 1880.8 1.0 1.24 0.53 4145901000047 4145901000048 4934.8 1595.8 0.7 2.23 0.62 1887.0 4145901000049 2.9 4145901000050 4957.5 1573.2 0.8 1.59 0.53 1867.2 4145901000051 1.4 4145901000052 5001.4 1529.2 0.7 1.87 0.62 1826.2 4145901000053 1.9 4145901000054 5019.5 1511.1 0.6 2.48 0.67 1808.4 4145901000055 2.3 4145901000056 5044.6 1486.0 0.8 1.51 0.57 4145901000057 4145901000058 5092.7 1437.9 0.7 1.72 0.58 1733.1 4145901000059 2.1 4145901000060 5121.8 1408.8 0.7 1.67 0.57 1703.6 4145901000061 0.7 4145901000062 5196.9 1333.7 0.8 2.23 0.73 1632.8 4145901000063 2.5 4145901000064 5201.8 1328.8 0.7 2.48 0.75 1626.6 4145901000065 1.5 4145901000066 5212.7 1318.0 0.9 1.29 0.49 4145901000067 4145901000068 5302.7 1227.9 0.8 1.59 0.55 1526.6 4145901000069 1.9 4145901000070 5327.6 1203.0 0.9 1.31 0.55 1498.8 4145901000071 0.5 4145901000072 5430.9 1099.7 0.7 1.84 0.62 4145901000073 4145901000074 5462.9 1067.7 0.8 1.52 0.57 1361.6 4145901000075 2.6 4145901000076 5482.5 1048.1 0.4 5.79 1.02 1343.5 4145901000077 3.0 4145901000078 5600.6 930.0 0.8 1.43 0.56 1226.2 4145901000079 1.1 4145901000080 5662.4 868.2 0.5 2.13 0.60 1164.2 4145901000081 1.3 4145901000082 5688.8 841.9 0.8 1.38 0.52 4145901000083 4145901000084 5727.3 803.3 0.8 1.45 0.53 1100.0 4145901000085 1.2 4145901000086 5987.5 543.1 0.5 1.91 0.56 840.3 4145901000087 2.0 4145901000088 6307.8 222.8 0.3 2.83 0.62 516.9 4145901000089 1.8 4145901000090 ENDDATA 70 0 4145901000091 ENDSUBENT 90 0 4145901099999 SUBENT 41459011 20231218 42164145901100001 BIB 4 11 4145901100002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145901100003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145901100004 nucleus, 4145901100005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145901100006 fixed summarized energy E=6481.1 keV, in per-cents. 4145901100007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145901100008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145901100009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145901100010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145901100011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 22.4% 4145901100012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145901100013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145901100014 COMMON 1 3 4145901100015 E 4145901100016 KEV 4145901100017 6481.1 4145901100018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145901100019 DATA 7 20 4145901100020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145901100021 LVL-ERR 4145901100022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145901100023 KEV 4145901100024 2978.5 3502.7 0.4 6.70 1.15 3846.5 4145901100025 1.2 4145901100026 3277.0 3204.2 1.3 1.59 0.69 4145901100027 4145901100028 3747.5 2733.6 1.2 1.72 0.73 3075.7 4145901100029 1.6 4145901100030 3977.7 2503.4 0.2 18.11 1.94 2847.5 4145901100031 1.3 4145901100032 4088.7 2392.4 0.6 3.45 0.81 2736.8 4145901100033 1.7 4145901100034 4129.2 2352.0 0.9 1.87 0.63 4145901100035 4145901100036 4438.3 2042.9 1.0 1.78 0.68 4145901100037 4145901100038 4521.4 1959.8 1.0 1.65 0.66 4145901100039 4145901100040 4638.5 1842.6 0.9 1.84 0.65 2186.7 4145901100041 0.7 4145901100042 4664.2 1816.9 0.8 2.11 0.69 2161.7 4145901100043 0.7 4145901100044 4753.3 1727.8 0.9 1.94 0.70 2070.9 4145901100045 1.7 4145901100046 5089.8 1391.3 0.8 2.36 0.75 1733.1 4145901100047 2.1 4145901100048 5112.9 1368.2 1.1 1.51 0.66 1715.8 4145901100049 2.2 4145901100050 5193.3 1287.8 0.5 3.20 0.80 1632.8 4145901100051 2.5 4145901100052 5319.4 1161.7 0.9 1.76 0.67 4145901100053 4145901100054 5360.2 1120.9 1.0 1.55 0.66 4145901100055 4145901100056 5453.2 1027.9 1.0 1.60 0.65 1370.3 4145901100057 1.7 4145901100058 5559.4 921.6 0.8 1.89 0.73 1266.2 4145901100059 1.2 4145901100060 5614.2 866.9 0.2 19.35 1.99 1212.2 4145901100061 0.8 4145901100062 5654.1 826.9 1.0 1.57 0.66 1171.0 4145901100063 0.5 4145901100064 ENDDATA 44 0 4145901100065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 4145901199999 SUBENT 41459012 20231218 42164145901200001 BIB 4 11 4145901200002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145901200003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145901200004 nucleus, 4145901200005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145901200006 fixed summarized energy E=6451.2 keV, in per-cents. 4145901200007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145901200008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145901200009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145901200010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145901200011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 36.2% 4145901200012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145901200013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145901200014 COMMON 1 3 4145901200015 E 4145901200016 KEV 4145901200017 6451.2 4145901200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145901200019 DATA 7 25 4145901200020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145901200021 LVL-ERR 4145901200022 KEV KEV MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145901200023 KEV 4145901200024 2966.1 3485.1 1.0 2.31 0.80 3862.5 4145901200025 2.0 4145901200026 3547.7 2903.5 1.1 1.86 0.77 4145901200027 4145901200028 3792.6 2658.6 0.9 2.08 0.71 4145901200029 4145901200030 3857.7 2593.5 1.2 1.65 0.71 4145901200031 4145901200032 3898.5 2552.6 0.9 2.07 0.72 4145901200033 4145901200034 3927.7 2523.5 0.9 2.28 0.72 2899.7 4145901200035 2.0 4145901200036 4384.7 2066.5 1.1 1.91 0.78 4145901200037 4145901200038 4395.9 2055.3 0.9 2.31 0.84 2432.1 4145901200039 1.9 4145901200040 4502.8 1948.3 0.9 1.97 0.74 2321.2 4145901200041 1.5 4145901200042 4785.3 1665.9 0.7 2.96 0.80 4145901200043 4145901200044 4876.5 1574.7 0.7 2.75 0.85 4145901200045 4145901200046 4950.4 1500.8 0.5 3.82 0.92 1874.6 4145901200047 1.3 4145901200048 4957.1 1494.0 1.1 1.79 0.73 1867.2 4145901200049 1.4 4145901200050 5015.5 1435.7 1.0 1.78 0.69 1808.4 4145901200051 2.3 4145901200052 5090.4 1360.7 0.5 4.15 0.95 1733.1 4145901200053 2.1 4145901200054 5107.5 1343.7 1.1 1.90 0.81 1715.8 4145901200055 2.2 4145901200056 5183.8 1267.4 1.0 1.71 0.70 4145901200057 4145901200058 5194.0 1257.1 0.6 3.04 0.88 1632.8 4145901200059 2.5 4145901200060 5208.5 1242.6 1.1 1.63 0.71 1618.4 4145901200061 1.1 4145901200062 5289.9 1161.2 0.9 2.40 0.83 1536.6 4145901200063 1.1 4145901200064 5299.6 1151.6 0.3 7.78 1.51 1526.6 4145901200065 1.9 4145901200066 5559.8 891.4 0.6 3.71 1.01 1266.2 4145901200067 1.2 4145901200068 5854.4 596.8 0.7 1.80 0.66 4145901200069 4145901200070 5887.0 564.2 0.8 1.53 0.58 942.4 4145901200071 2.8 4145901200072 5893.5 557.6 0.5 2.62 0.71 933.1 4145901200073 0.9 4145901200074 ENDDATA 54 0 4145901200075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 4145901299999 SUBENT 41459013 20231218 42164145901300001 BIB 4 11 4145901300002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145901300003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145901300004 nucleus, 4145901300005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145901300006 fixed summarized energy E=6439.7 keV, in per-cents. 4145901300007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145901300008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145901300009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145901300010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145901300011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 46.4% 4145901300012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145901300013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145901300014 COMMON 1 3 4145901300015 E 4145901300016 KEV 4145901300017 6439.7 4145901300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145901300019 DATA 7 25 4145901300020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145901300021 LVL-ERR 4145901300022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145901300023 KEV 4145901300024 3669.3 2770.4 0.9 1.78 0.65 4145901300025 4145901300026 4372.6 2067.0 0.7 2.08 0.63 2456.3 4145901300027 3.6 4145901300028 4599.9 1839.8 1.0 1.47 0.54 4145901300029 4145901300030 4777.1 1662.6 0.7 2.07 0.60 4145901300031 4145901300032 4853.2 1586.5 0.7 1.87 0.56 4145901300033 4145901300034 4867.3 1572.3 0.6 2.11 0.59 4145901300035 4145901300036 4906.6 1533.0 0.9 1.48 0.54 1921.1 4145901300037 1.8 4145901300038 4950.9 1488.8 0.8 1.78 0.61 1874.6 4145901300039 1.3 4145901300040 5080.3 1359.4 0.9 1.51 0.58 4145901300041 4145901300042 5088.7 1350.9 0.9 1.93 0.61 1738.7 4145901300043 1.3 4145901300044 5095.7 1343.9 0.6 2.77 0.76 1733.1 4145901300045 2.1 4145901300046 5191.1 1248.5 1.0 1.46 0.59 1632.8 4145901300047 2.5 4145901300048 5242.8 1196.9 0.7 1.96 0.67 4145901300049 4145901300050 5276.5 1163.2 0.7 2.01 0.68 4145901300051 4145901300052 5290.7 1148.9 1.0 1.43 0.56 1536.6 4145901300053 1.1 4145901300054 5298.8 1140.9 0.7 2.12 0.65 1526.6 4145901300055 1.9 4145901300056 5326.9 1112.7 0.8 1.63 0.56 1498.5 4145901300057 0.5 4145901300058 5334.0 1105.7 0.8 1.59 0.58 4145901300059 4145901300060 5387.8 1051.9 0.6 2.29 0.62 4145901300061 4145901300062 5464.2 975.4 0.4 3.89 0.77 1361.6 4145901300063 2.6 4145901300064 5479.7 960.0 0.7 1.66 0.59 1343.5 4145901300065 3.0 4145901300066 5561.5 878.2 0.8 2.38 0.85 1266.2 4145901300067 1.2 4145901300068 5575.9 863.8 0.3 4.42 0.86 1247.5 4145901300069 1.5 4145901300070 5654.9 784.7 0.5 1.94 0.50 1171.0 4145901300071 0.5 4145901300072 5741.6 698.0 0.3 4.02 0.71 1084.1 4145901300073 0.5 4145901300074 ENDDATA 54 0 4145901300075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 4145901399999 SUBENT 41459014 20231218 42164145901400001 BIB 4 11 4145901400002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,G)53-I-128,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative 4145901400003 Intensity of two-gamma cascades for I-128 compound 4145901400004 nucleus, 4145901400005 relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4145901400006 fixed summarized energy E=6390.1 keV, in per-cents. 4145901400007 EN-SEC (E1,G) First gamma energy 4145901400008 (E2,G) Second gamma energy 4145901400009 (LVL,53-I-128) Energy of cascade intermediate level 4145901400010 (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies 4145901400011 COMMENT Unresolved cascades - 9. % 4145901400012 STATUS (TABLE,,M.A.Ali+,J,BAS,61,1638,1997) Table 1 4145901400013 ENDBIB 11 0 4145901400014 COMMON 1 3 4145901400015 E 4145901400016 KEV 4145901400017 6390.1 4145901400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4145901400019 DATA 7 47 4145901400020 E1 E2 E2-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL 4145901400021 LVL-ERR 4145901400022 KEV KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV 4145901400023 KEV 4145901400024 2979.1 3411.1 0.7 1.71 0.41 3846.5 4145901400025 1.2 4145901400026 3023.3 3366.9 0.4 2.64 0.56 3802.7 4145901400027 0.8 4145901400028 3584.0 2806.2 0.3 3.87 0.63 4145901400029 4145901400030 3809.0 2581.2 1.1 0.80 0.33 4145901400031 4145901400032 3822.8 2567.3 1.0 0.90 0.33 3001.7 4145901400033 1.5 4145901400034 3874.9 2515.2 0.2 8.60 0.92 2951.1 4145901400035 1.0 4145901400036 3949.8 2440.4 1.0 0.92 0.32 4145901400037 4145901400038 4105.2 2284.9 1.1 1.01 0.38 2720.9 4145901400039 2.0 4145901400040 4183.4 2206.6 0.7 2.45 0.67 2641.4 4145901400041 1.2 4145901400042 4188.4 2201.8 1.1 1.61 0.60 4145901400043 4145901400044 4493.3 1896.9 1.1 1.03 0.42 4145901400045 4145901400046 4663.6 1726.5 1.1 0.95 0.38 2161.7 4145901400047 0.7 4145901400048 4802.9 1587.3 0.9 1.15 0.38 4145901400049 4145901400050 4882.9 1507.3 0.9 1.15 0.40 4145901400051 4145901400052 4920.8 1469.2 1.0 1.10 0.39 1904.3 4145901400053 0.9 4145901400054 4940.0 1450.0 0.7 1.41 0.41 1887.0 4145901400055 2.9 4145901400056 4949.7 1440.3 0.9 1.15 0.39 1874.6 4145901400057 1.3 4145901400058 5013.4 1376.6 0.7 2.01 0.58 1808.4 4145901400059 2.3 4145901400060 5092.8 1297.2 0.5 3.28 0.65 1733.1 4145901400061 2.1 4145901400062 5168.3 1221.9 0.7 1.48 0.40 4145901400063 4145901400064 5176.7 1213.5 1.0 1.04 0.40 4145901400065 4145901400066 5190.4 1199.6 0.5 2.32 0.47 1632.8 4145901400067 2.5 4145901400068 5198.5 1191.5 0.5 2.05 0.46 1626.6 4145901400069 1.5 4145901400070 5251.3 1138.9 0.6 1.59 0.36 4145901400071 4145901400072 5266.3 1123.6 0.7 1.22 0.35 1560.1 4145901400073 1.6 4145901400074 5282.4 1107.6 1.0 1.11 0.35 1542.3 4145901400075 1.0 4145901400076 5288.2 1101.7 1.0 0.96 0.36 1536.6 4145901400077 1.1 4145901400078 5297.1 1092.9 0.6 1.58 0.37 1526.6 4145901400079 1.9 4145901400080 5338.7 1051.3 0.5 1.78 0.39 1486.8 4145901400081 0.5 4145901400082 5383.7 1006.3 0.6 1.41 0.33 1442.1 4145901400083 0.4 4145901400084 5435.7 954.5 1.0 0.79 0.31 4145901400085 4145901400086 5446.8 943.4 0.7 1.19 0.32 4145901400087 4145901400088 5456.4 933.5 0.7 1.35 0.33 1370.3 4145901400089 1.7 4145901400090 5462.5 927.4 1.0 0.87 0.32 1361.6 4145901400091 2.6 4145901400092 5482.8 907.1 1.0 0.81 0.31 1343.5 4145901400093 3.0 4145901400094 5526.4 863.6 0.7 1.19 0.32 1301.2 4145901400095 1.3 4145901400096 5552.4 837.6 0.7 1.28 0.33 1274.3 4145901400097 0.8 4145901400098 5559.2 830.8 0.5 1.57 0.38 1266.2 4145901400099 1.2 4145901400100 5568.7 821.3 0.8 1.16 0.33 1258.4 4145901400101 2.0 4145901400102 5575.1 814.9 0.7 2.15 0.49 1252.5 4145901400103 1.5 4145901400104 5579.1 810.3 0.7 1.66 0.46 1247.5 4145901400105 1.5 4145901400106 5612.6 777.4 0.6 1.22 0.34 1212.2 4145901400107 0.8 4145901400108 5683.0 707.2 0.3 3.21 0.44 4145901400109 4145901400110 5778.3 611.9 0.8 1.14 0.36 4145901400111 4145901400112 5797.4 592.5 0.5 2.02 0.43 1030.8 4145901400113 1.6 4145901400114 5881.9 508.0 0.1 12.07 1.03 942.4 4145901400115 2.8 4145901400116 5891.3 498.6 0.3 3.07 0.51 933.1 4145901400117 0.9 4145901400118 ENDDATA 98 0 4145901400119 ENDSUBENT 118 0 4145901499999 ENDENTRY 14 0 4145999999999