ENTRY            41464   20191221                             41854146400000001 
SUBENT        41464001   20191221                             41854146400100001 
BIB                  6         30                                 4146400100002 
TITLE      New data on the ternary fission of 252Cf from the      4146400100003 
           gammasphere facility                                   4146400100004 
REFERENCE  (J,YF,67,1885,2004) Main reference. Issue 10.          4146400100005 
           (J,PAN,67,1860,2004) English translation of main ref.  4146400100006 
           (C,2002SANIB,,535,2002) Experiment made in Dubna with  4146400100007 
                open 252-Cf source.                               4146400100008 
AUTHOR     (G.M.Ter-Akopian,A.V.Daniel,A.S.Fomichev,G.S.Popeko,   4146400100009 
           A.M.Rodin,Yu.Ts.Oganessian,J.H.Hamilton,A.V.Ramayya,   4146400100010 
           J.Kormicki,J.K.Hwang,D.Fong,P.Gore,J.D.Cole,M.Jandel,  4146400100011 
           J.Kliman,L.Krupa,J.O.Rasmussen,I.Y.Lee,                4146400100012 
           A.O.Macchiavelli,P.Fallon,M.A.Stoyer,R.Donangelo,      4146400100013 
           S.C.Wu,W.Greiner)                                      4146400100014 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB) Ter-Akopian,Daniel,Fomichev,Popeko,Rodin,    4146400100015 
                     Oganessian                                   4146400100016 
           (1USAVBT) Hamilton,Ramayya,Kormicki,Hwang,Fong,Gore    4146400100017 
           (1USAINL) Cole                                         4146400100018 
           (3SLKSLO) Jandel,Kliman,Krupa                          4146400100019 
           (1USABRK) Rasmussen,Lee,Macchiavelli,Fallon            4146400100020 
           (1USALRL) Stoyer                                       4146400100021 
           (3BZLUFR) Donangelo                                    4146400100022 
           (3CHFTHU) Wu                                           4146400100023 
           (2GERFRK) Greiner                                      4146400100024 
FACILITY    Gammasphere. Detection efficiency from 17% to 4.6%    4146400100025 
HISTORY    (20060208C) Compiled at CJD (M.M.)                     4146400100026 
           (20061204U) 3rd reference added.   M.M.                4146400100027 
           (20090414A) M.M. REACTIONs SF7 were corrected in       4146400100028 
            Subents 002, 004, 005, 006 .                          4146400100029 
           (20191221D) All data Subents were deleted according to 4146400100030 
           a comment of N.Otsuka(NDS,IAEA) - all data sets are    4146400100031 
           from a US Gammasphere facility experiment in 14331.    4146400100032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 4146400100033 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4146400100034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 4146400199999 
NOSUBENT      41464002   20191221                             41854146400200001 
NOSUBENT      41464003   20191221                             41854146400300001 
NOSUBENT      41464004   20191221                             41854146400400001 
NOSUBENT      41464005   20191221                             41854146400500001 
NOSUBENT      41464006   20191221                             41854146400600001 
NOSUBENT      41464007   20191221                             41854146400700001 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 4146499999999