ENTRY            41468   20141020                             41654146800000001 
SUBENT        41468001   20141020                             41654146800100001 
BIB                 12         30                                 4146800100002 
TITLE      Cascade gamma-decay of the Te-124 compound-state       4146800100003 
           exited by the thermal neutron capture                  4146800100004 
AUTHOR     (E.V.Vasilieva, A.V.Voinov, O.D.Kestratova, Yu.P.Popov,4146800100005 
           A.M.Sukhovoi, V.A.Khitrov, Yu.V.Kholnov)               4146800100006 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB)                                              4146800100007 
REFERENCE  (J,BAS,58,(11),1896,1994)                              4146800100008 
            Engl.translation of:                                  4146800100009 
           (J,IZV,58,(11),160,1994) Main Ref.                     4146800100010 
           (J,IZV,69,(5),641,2005) Analysis of exp.data           4146800100011 
            First author A.M.Sukhovoi .                           4146800100012 
           (J,BAS,69,(5),727,2005)  First author A.M.Sukhovoi.    4146800100013 
            Engl.translation of IZV,69,(5),641,2005 .             4146800100014 
REL-REF    (M,,S.T.Boneva+,J,FCY,22,(2),479,1991)                 4146800100015 
           Algorithm of decay scheme construction                 4146800100016 
           (M,41466001,S.T.Boneva+,J,SJPN,22,(2),232,1991)        4146800100017 
            Engl.translation of FCY,22,(2),479,1991.              4146800100018 
           (M,41475001,S.T.Boneva+,J,FCY,22,(6),1433,1991)        4146800100019 
           Main principles of analysis                            4146800100020 
           (M,41475001,S.T.Boneva+,J,SJPN,22,(6),1431,1991)       4146800100021 
            Engl.translation of FCY,22,(6),1433,1991.             4146800100022 
FACILITY   (REAC,4ZZZDUB) Exposition time 400 hr                  4146800100023 
METHOD     (COINC) G-G coincidence.                               4146800100024 
DETECTOR   (SPEC,GELI) Registration probability of 2505.keV Co-60 4146800100025 
            cascade was 5.E-05 .                                  4146800100026 
INC-SOURCE (REAC) Thermal neutrons                                4146800100027 
INC-SPECT  Thermal neutrons of reactor                            4146800100028 
SAMPLE      No information.                                       4146800100029 
HISTORY    (20060608C)  Compiled at CJD  (M.M.)                   4146800100030 
           (20141020U) Articles were checked, BIB information was 4146800100031 
           updated. Engl.translation refs. were added.            4146800100032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 4146800100033 
COMMON               1          3                                 4146800100034 
EN-DUMMY                                                          4146800100035 
EV                                                                4146800100036 
 0.0253                                                           4146800100037 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4146800100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 4146800199999 
SUBENT        41468002   20141020                             41654146800200001 
BIB                  4          5                                 4146800200002 
REACTION   (52-TE-123(N,2G)52-TE-124,,SPC,,SPA) Intensity of      4146800200003 
             Cascades for Te-124 compound nucleus.                4146800200004 
EN-SEC     (E,G) Sum of two gamma energies E1+E2                  4146800200005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified                    4146800200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of J,BAS,58,(11),1896,1994             4146800200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 4146800200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4146800200009 
DATA                 3          2                                 4146800200010 
E          DATA       DATA-ERR                                    4146800200011 
KEV        PC/REAC    PC/REAC                                     4146800200012 
9423.7     4.1        0.1                                         4146800200013 
8820.9     6.9        0.2                                         4146800200014 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 4146800200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 4146800299999 
SUBENT        41468003   20141020                             41654146800300001 
BIB                  5         16                                 4146800300002 
REACTION   (52-TE-123(N,2G)52-TE-124,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative      4146800300003 
            Intensity of two-gamma Cascade for Te-124 compound    4146800300004 
            nucleus,                                              4146800300005 
            relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4146800300006 
            fixed energy E=9423.7 keV, in per-cents.              4146800300007 
            Absolute intensity = 1.E-2*(DATA of subent 003)*(DATA 4146800300008 
            of SUBENT 002) (per-cent per decay).                  4146800300009 
EN-SEC     (E1,G) First gamma Energy                              4146800300010 
           (E2,G) Second gamma Energy                             4146800300011 
            (LVL,52-TE-124) Energy of cascade intermediate level  4146800300012 
           (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies                    4146800300013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified                    4146800300014 
           (E2-ERR) Error of energy E2                            4146800300015 
           (LVL-ERR) Error of LVL energy                          4146800300016 
COMMENT    Unresolved cascades - 58.9%                            4146800300017 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J,BAS,58,(11),1896,1994             4146800300018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 4146800300019 
COMMON               1          3                                 4146800300020 
E                                                                 4146800300021 
KEV                                                               4146800300022 
9423.7                                                            4146800300023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4146800300024 
DATA                 7         40                                 4146800300025 
E1         E2         E2-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR   LVL        4146800300026 
LVL-ERR                                                           4146800300027 
KEV        KEV        KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  KEV        4146800300028 
KEV                                                               4146800300029 
4779.6     4643.9     1.4        0.7        0.2                   4146800300030 
4845.1     4578.5     1.4        0.7        0.2                   4146800300032 
4874.7     4548.8     1.3        0.7        0.2                   4146800300034 
4888.7     4534.9     0.9        1.2        0.2                   4146800300036 
5035.8     4388.7     1.6        0.6        0.2                   4146800300038 
5046.2     4377.4     2.1        0.5        0.2         4376.9    4146800300040 
  1.1                                                             4146800300041 
5075.6     4348.1     1.4        0.7        0.2                   4146800300042 
5095.8     4327.8     1.0        0.9        0.2                   4146800300044 
5130.2     4293.4     1.5        0.7        0.2                   4146800300046 
5151.8     4271.7     1.7        0.5        0.2                   4146800300048 
5192.5     4231.1     1.0        1.9        0.5         4231.8    4146800300050 
  1.5                                                             4146800300051 
5200.4     4223.1     1.0        1.8        0.5                   4146800300052 
5288.2     4135.0     1.9        0.4        0.2                   4146800300054 
5412.9     4011.7     1.4        0.6        0.2                   4146800300056 
5427.7     3996.3     1.2        0.8        0.2                   4146800300058 
5456.0     3966.9     0.8        1.2        0.2                   4146800300060 
5540.2     3883.4     1.5        0.5        0.2                   4146800300062 
5586.7     3837.8     2.1        0.4        0.2                   4146800300064 
5727.9     3695.7     1.7        0.4        0.1         3695.7    4146800300066 
  1.3                                                             4146800300067 
5767.4     3655.3     1.9        0.6        0.2                   4146800300068 
5879.7     3543.8     0.3        7.2        0.5         3543.2    4146800300070 
  0.9                                                             4146800300071 
5889.3     3534.3     0.9        2.1        0.4         3532.8    4146800300072 
  1.6                                                             4146800300073 
5979.8     3443.8     1.1        0.8        0.2         3446.6    4146800300074 
  2.6                                                             4146800300075 
6080.6     3345.4     1.7        0.4        0.1                   4146800300076 
6185.6     3237.9     0.5        1.5        0.2         3239.7    4146800300078 
  1.6                                                             4146800300079 
6203.8     3219.8     0.9        0.8        0.2         3217.1    4146800300080 
  2.8                                                             4146800300081 
6295.9     3127.6     1.8        0.3        0.1                   4146800300082 
6321.7     3101.9     1.6        0.6        0.1         3102.8    4146800300084 
  2.4                                                             4146800300085 
6330.8     3092.8     0.9        0.8        0.1         3095.3    4146800300086 
  2.4                                                             4146800300087 
6352.0     3071.5     1.6        0.3        0.1                   4146800300088 
6431.3     2992.3     2.1        0.2        0.1         2990.8    4146800300090 
  1.7                                                             4146800300091 
6447.9     2976.1     1.5        0.3        0.1                   4146800300092 
6616.7     2806.9     0.6        1.0        0.2         2808.1    4146800300094 
  1.4                                                             4146800300095 
6674.5     2749.1     0.7        0.9        0.2         2747.3    4146800300096 
  2.5                                                             4146800300097 
6828.5     2595.0     1.2        0.3        0.1         2595.5    4146800300098 
  1.2                                                             4146800300099 
7328.0     2095.6     1.0        0.5        0.1         2093.8    4146800300100 
  1.9                                                             4146800300101 
7337.1     2086.6     1.4        0.3        0.1                   4146800300102 
7386.8     2036.7     0.8        0.5        0.1         2038.7    4146800300104 
  1.9                                                             4146800300105 
8099.2     1324.4     0.2        1.4        0.1         1325.1    4146800300106 
  0.9                                                             4146800300107 
8820.8      602.8     0.1        4.3        0.1                   4146800300108 
ENDDATA             84          0                                 4146800300110 
ENDSUBENT          109          0                                 4146800399999 
SUBENT        41468004   20141020                             41654146800400001 
BIB                  5         13                                 4146800400002 
REACTION   (52-TE-123(N,2G)52-TE-124,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative      4146800400003 
            Intensity of two-gamma Cascade for Te-124 compound    4146800400004 
            nucleus,                                              4146800400005 
            relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4146800400006 
            fixed energy E=9070.0 keV, in per-cents.              4146800400007 
EN-SEC     (E1,G) First gamma Energy                              4146800400008 
           (E2,G) Second gamma Energy                             4146800400009 
            (LVL,52-TE-124) Energy of cascade intermediate level  4146800400010 
           (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies                    4146800400011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified                    4146800400012 
           (LVL-ERR) Error of LVL energy                          4146800400013 
COMMENT    Unresolved cascades - 98.6%                            4146800400014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J,BAS,58,(11),1896,1994             4146800400015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4146800400016 
COMMON               1          3                                 4146800400017 
E                                                                 4146800400018 
KEV                                                               4146800400019 
9070.0                                                            4146800400020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4146800400021 
DATA                 6          1                                 4146800400022 
E1         E2         DATA       DATA-ERR   LVL        LVL-ERR    4146800400023 
KEV        KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  KEV        KEV        4146800400024 
8099.2     1324.4     1.4        0.1        1325.1     0.9        4146800400025 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4146800400026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 4146800499999 
SUBENT        41468005   20141020                             41654146800500001 
BIB                  5         16                                 4146800500002 
REACTION   (52-TE-123(N,2G)52-TE-124,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative      4146800500003 
            Intensity of two-gamma Cascade for Te-124 compound    4146800500004 
            nucleus,                                              4146800500005 
            relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4146800500006 
            fixed energy E=8820.9 keV, in per-cents.              4146800500007 
            Absolute intensity = 1.E-2*(DATA of subent 005)*(DATA 4146800500008 
            of SUBENT 002) (per-cent per decay).                  4146800500009 
EN-SEC     (E1,G) First gamma Energy                              4146800500010 
           (E2,G) Second gamma Energy                             4146800500011 
            (LVL,52-TE-124) Energy of cascade intermediate level  4146800500012 
           (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies                    4146800500013 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified                    4146800500014 
           (E2-ERR) Error of energy E2                            4146800500015 
           (LVL-ERR) Error of LVL energy                          4146800500016 
COMMENT    Unresolved cascades - 37.5%                            4146800500017 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J,BAS,58,(11),1896,1994             4146800500018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 4146800500019 
COMMON               1          3                                 4146800500020 
E                                                                 4146800500021 
KEV                                                               4146800500022 
8820.9                                                            4146800500023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4146800500024 
DATA                 7         52                                 4146800500025 
E1         E2         E2-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR   LVL        4146800500026 
LVL-ERR                                                           4146800500027 
KEV        KEV        KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  KEV        4146800500028 
KEV                                                               4146800500029 
4433.4     4387.5     1.2        1.1        0.3                   4146800500030 
4492.8     4328.1     1.5        0.9        0.3                   4146800500032 
4527.1     4293.8     0.9        1.6        0.3                   4146800500034 
4547.0     4273.8     2.0        0.6        0.3                   4146800500036 
4652.1     4168.9     2.3        0.6        0.3                   4146800500038 
4664.2     4156.7     1.8        0.8        0.3                   4146800500040 
4692.6     4128.3     1.8        0.6        0.3                   4146800500042 
4734.4     4086.5     1.5        0.8        0.3                   4146800500044 
4958.3     3862.7     1.8        0.6        0.3                   4146800500046 
5046.9     3774.0     1.1        1.2        0.3        4376.9     4146800500048 
 1.1                                                              4146800500049 
5189.8     3631.0     2.2        0.8        0.3        4231.8     4146800500050 
 1.5                                                              4146800500051 
5276.3     3544.5     0.8        1.8        0.4                   4146800500052 
5334.6     3486.3     1.4        0.7        0.3                   4146800500054 
5367.6     3453.3     1.6        0.8        0.3                   4146800500056 
5378.0     3442.9     1.4        1.0        0.3                   4146800500058 
5439.0     3381.9     1.4        0.9        0.3                   4146800500060 
5614.2     3206.9     2.3        0.5        0.2                   4146800500062 
5667.8     3153.1     0.6        4.2        0.6                   4146800500064 
5678.0     3143.2     2.0        0.7        0.3                   4146800500066 
5712.5     3108.6     1.1        1.1        0.3                   4146800500068 
5728.0     3092.9     1.5        0.8        0.3        3695.7     4146800500070 
 1.3                                                              4146800500071 
5774.0     3046.9     1.2        0.8        0.2                   4146800500072 
5799.0     3022.0     0.9        1.2        0.3                   4146800500074 
5881.3     2939.6     0.4        3.6        0.4        3543.2     4146800500076 
 0.9                                                              4146800500077 
5892.4     2928.4     0.7        1.9        0.3        3532.8     4146800500078 
 1.6                                                              4146800500079 
5974.5     2846.3     0.9        1.4        0.3        3446.6     4146800500080 
 2.6                                                              4146800500081 
5984.9     2836.1     1.2        1.0        0.3                   4146800500082 
6023.0     2798.0     1.0        1.2        0.3                   4146800500084 
6032.0     2788.9     1.4        0.9        0.3                   4146800500086 
6182.4     2638.5     1.1        1.0        0.3        3239.7     4146800500088 
 1.6                                                              4146800500089 
6193.0     2627.9     1.4        0.8        0.3                   4146800500090 
6209.4     2611.4     0.6        4.3        0.7        3217.1     4146800500092 
 2.8                                                              4146800500093 
6216.8     2604.3     1.1        2.2        0.6                   4146800500094 
6316.9     2504.0     1.0        1.9        0.4        3102.8     4146800500096 
 2.4                                                              4146800500097 
6326.0     2494.8     0.6        3.2        0.5        3095.3     4146800500098 
 2.4                                                              4146800500099 
6434.6     2386.3     2.0        0.4        0.2        2990.8     4146800500100 
 1.7                                                              4146800500101 
6563.2     2257.2     1.7        0.3        0.1                   4146800500102 
6575.0     2345.7     1.5        0.3        0.1                   4146800500104 
6606.2     2214.9     1.4        0.6        0.2                   4146800500106 
6614.0     2206.8     1.3        0.8        0.2        2808.1     4146800500108 
 1.4                                                              4146800500109 
6623.5     2197.1     1.4        0.4        0.1                   4146800500110 
6679.4     2141.5     1.6        0.3        0.1        2747.3     4146800500112 
 2.5                                                              4146800500113 
6742.2     2078.9     1.0        0.7        0.2                   4146800500114 
6782.9     2037.9     1.0        0.5        0.2                   4146800500116 
6827.2     1993.7     2.2        0.3        0.1        2595.5     4146800500118 
 1.2                                                              4146800500119 
6894.4     1926.7     2.5        0.2        0.1                   4146800500120 
6906.1     1915.9     1.9        0.3        0.1                   4146800500122 
7100.4     1720.6     0.3        2.1        0.2                   4146800500124 
7331.8     1489.0     0.2        4.4        0.3        2093.8     4146800500126 
 1.9                                                              4146800500127 
7383.1     1437.8     1.2        0.4        0.1        2038.7     4146800500128 
 1.9                                                              4146800500129 
8097.9      722.9     0.1        2.7        0.1        1325.1     4146800500130 
 0.9                                                              4146800500131 
8119.2      701.8                0.2        0.1                   4146800500132 
ENDDATA            108          0                                 4146800500134 
ENDSUBENT          133          0                                 4146800599999 
SUBENT        41468006   20141020                             41654146800600001 
BIB                  5         13                                 4146800600002 
REACTION   (52-TE-123(N,2G)52-TE-124,,SPC,,SPA/REL) Relative      4146800600003 
            Intensity of two-gamma Cascade for Te-124 compound    4146800600004 
            nucleus,                                              4146800600005 
            relative to total intensity of two-gamma cascades with4146800600006 
            fixed energy E=6676.8 keV, in per-cents.              4146800600007 
EN-SEC     (E1,G) First gamma Energy                              4146800600008 
           (E2,G) Second gamma Energy                             4146800600009 
            (LVL,52-TE-124) Energy of cascade intermediate level  4146800600010 
           (E,G) E1+E2 sum of cascade energies                    4146800600011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified                    4146800600012 
           (LVL-ERR) Error of LVL energy                          4146800600013 
COMMENT    Unresolved cascades - 97.3%                            4146800600014 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J,BAS,58,(11),1896,1994             4146800600015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4146800600016 
COMMON               1          3                                 4146800600017 
E                                                                 4146800600018 
KEV                                                               4146800600019 
6676.8                                                            4146800600020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4146800600021 
DATA                 6          1                                 4146800600022 
E1         E2         DATA       DATA-ERR   LVL        LVL-ERR    4146800600023 
KEV        KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  KEV        KEV        4146800600024 
8097.9      722.9     2.7        0.1        1325.1     0.9        4146800600025 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4146800600026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 4146800699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 4146899999999