ENTRY            41499   20070821                             41414149900000001 
SUBENT        41499001   20070821                             41414149900100001 
BIB                 12         36                                 4149900100002 
REFERENCE  (J,AE,102,(3),189,2007)                                4149900100003 
           (J,AE/T,102,(3),232,2007)Engl.translation of AE,102,1894149900100004 
TITLE       Determination of Pu-240 spontaneous fission products  4149900100005 
            yields.                                               4149900100006 
AUTHOR     (A.V.Bushuev, V.N.Zubarev, A.F.Kozhin, E.V.Petrova,    4149900100007 
           T.K.Ragimov, A.M.Petrov, G.N.Vlaskin, V.I.Timonin,     4149900100008 
           A.A.Samoylov)                                          4149900100009 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSMIF) - Bushuev, Zubarev, Kozhin, Petrova          4149900100010 
           (4RUSRUS)  Institute of nonorganic materials           4149900100011 
                     - Ragimov, Petrov, Vlaskin, Timonin, Samoylov4149900100012 
SAMPLE      Two samples of metallic plutonium as sphere covered   4149900100013 
            twice by stainless steel of 2mm thickness:            4149900100014 
             1. Mass - 82.93g, Radius - 1.05 cm.                  4149900100015 
             2. Mass - 41.46g, Radius - 0.83cm.                   4149900100016 
            Content: Pu-238 < 1.E-4%, Pu-239 - (7.86 +- 0.01)%,   4149900100017 
             Pu-240 - (91.07 +- 0.01)%, Pu-241 - (0.88 +- 0.01)%, 4149900100018 
             Pu-242 - (0.17 +- 0.01)%.                            4149900100019 
             Am-241 content - about 3% of plutonium mass.         4149900100020 
DETECTOR   (GE) Coaxial germanium detector, protected by borated  4149900100021 
                polyethylene (40mm), lead (4mm) and cadmium (2mm).4149900100022 
            Efficiency - 60%, resolution - 1.9 keV for            4149900100023 
            E-gamma=1332 keV.                                     4149900100024 
            Energy dependence of detector efficiency was defined  4149900100025 
            by Eu-152 and Ra-226 sources.                         4149900100026 
METHOD     (GSPEC)                                                4149900100027 
ANALYSIS    The spontaneous fission yields are calculated by      4149900100028 
            ratio of counts in gamma-peaks of fission products and4149900100029 
            counts in peak og 642. keV gamma-ray of Pu-240.       4149900100030 
CORRECTION  Corrections for:                                      4149900100031 
            - Self-Absorption of gamma-rays of Pu-240 and fission 4149900100032 
              products ,                                          4149900100033 
            - Initiated fission,                                  4149900100034 
            - Spontaneous fission of other isotopes - 0.995%.     4149900100035 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors are not specified.                   4149900100036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table of Reference.                            4149900100037 
HISTORY    (20070821C) Compiled at CJD.   M.M.                    4149900100038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 4149900100039 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4149900100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 4149900199999 
SUBENT        41499002   20070821                             41414149900200001 
BIB                  3         17                                 4149900200002 
REACTION   (94-PU-240(0,F)ELEM/MASS,IND,FY)                       4149900200003 
            Yields of Pu-240 Spontaneous fission                  4149900200004 
DECAY-DATA (94-PU-240,,DG,642.4)                                  4149900200005 
           (37-RB-94,,DG,1309.,0.871)                             4149900200006 
           (38-SR-92,,DG,1383.,0.90)                              4149900200007 
           (38-SR-94,,DG,1428.,0.942)                             4149900200008 
           (39-Y-96-M,,DG,1107.,0.481,DG,1751.,0.882)             4149900200009 
           (51-SB-132,,DG,973.9)                                  4149900200010 
           (51-SB-133,,DG,1096.,0.430,DG,1132.,0.226)             4149900200011 
           (53-I-134,,DG,847.1,,DG,1072.6)                        4149900200012 
           (53-I-135,,DG,1260.,0.287,DG,1796.,0.077)              4149900200013 
           (53-I-136,,DG,1321.,0.248)                             4149900200014 
           (54-XE-138,,DG,1768.,0.167)                            4149900200015 
           (55-CS-138-G,,DG,1436.,0.763)                          4149900200016 
           (55-CS-138-M,,DG,1436.,0.190)                          4149900200017 
           (57-LA-140,,DG,1596.,0.954)                            4149900200018 
FLAG       (1.) Yield for sum Cs-138-g + Cs-138-m                 4149900200019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 4149900200020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4149900200021 
DATA                 6         10                                 4149900200022 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG       4149900200023 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PC/FIS     PC/FIS     NO-DIM     4149900200024 
 37.        94.                   1.23       0.04                 4149900200025 
 38.        92.                   2.92       0.14                 4149900200026 
 38.        94.                   3.94       0.06                 4149900200027 
 39.        96.       1.          1.13       0.16                 4149900200028 
 51.       133.                   3.26       0.18                 4149900200029 
 53.       135.                   8.13       0.15                 4149900200030 
 53.       136.                   3.65       0.40                 4149900200031 
 54.       138.                   7.60       0.29                 4149900200032 
 55.       138.                   6.85       0.18        1.       4149900200033 
 57.       140.                   5.70       0.18                 4149900200034 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 4149900200035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 4149900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4149999999999