ENTRY 41502 20250128 422141502000 1 SUBENT 41502001 20250128 422141502001 1 BIB 16 56 41502001 2 TITLE Prompt neutron emission in neutron-induced fission 41502001 3 of 239Pu and 235U 41502001 4 AUTHOR (O.A.Batenkov, G.A.Boykov, F.-J.Hambsch, J.H.Hamilton, 41502001 5 V.A.Jakovlev, V.A.Kalinin, A.B.Laptev, V.E.Sokolov, 41502001 6 A.S.Vorobyev) 41502001 7 REFERENCE (C,2004SANTA,1,1003,2004) 41502001 8 #doi:10.1063/1.1945175 41502001 9 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN) A.B.Laptev, V.E.Sokolov, A.S.Vorob'ev 41502001 10 (A.S.Vorobiev=A.S.Vorobyev)41502001 11 (4RUSRI) O.A.Batenkov, G.A.Boykov, V.A.Jakovlev, 41502001 12 V.A.Kalinin 41502001 13 (2ZZZGEL) F.-J.Hambsch 41502001 14 (1USAVBT) J.H.Hamilton 41502001 15 (2JPNJNC) A.B.Laptev 41502001 16 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSLIN) WWR-M reactor of PNPI (Gatchina). 41502001 17 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Thermal neutron beam of WWR-M reactor. 41502001 18 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight technique for neutron velocities 41502001 19 determination. Time resolution about 2 ns. 41502001 20 (PHD) Mass dependent pulse height defect in gas mixture41502001 21 (PSD) Pulse shape discrimination technique to separate 41502001 22 prompt neutrons from gamma-rays. 41502001 23 DETECTOR (SCIN)Twelve stilbene crystals (NCD) of 5*3 cm, placed 41502001 24 at distance of about 50cm from fission chamber at 41502001 25 angles relative to normal of fission chamber cathode 41502001 26 plane: 0, 22, 57, 79, 79, 87, 95, 101, 101, 106, 146, 41502001 27 180 degrees. 41502001 28 Resolution of COS of angle about 0.07. 41502001 29 For prompt neutrons accompanying fission detection. 41502001 30 Neutron registration threshold about 200 keV. 41502001 31 Neuron detection efficiency was determined in test 41502001 32 experiment with Cf-252 using the same set-up. 41502001 33 (IOCH) Ionization chamber for fission fragment kinetic 41502001 34 energy determination. 41502001 35 SAMPLE No information. 41502001 36 ANALYSIS For exp.data analysis the assumption that neutron 41502001 37 spectrum has Maxwell shape was used. 41502001 38 REL-REF (N,,G.Simon+,J,NIM/A,286,220,1990) -Method of fragment 41502001 39 angle determination. 41502001 40 (N,,O.Batenkov+,J,NIM/A,394,235,1997) -Pulse shape 41502001 41 discrimination technique. 41502001 42 (R,,W.Mannhart,R,IAEA-410,158,1987) -Reference standard41502001 43 spectrum, used in energy dependent detector efficiency41502001 44 determination. 41502001 45 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error 41502001 46 ADD-RES (ANGD) Fission fragment angular distributions measured 41502001 47 with IC. Neutron angular distributions 41502001 48 STATUS (PRELM) 41502001 49 (TABLE) Data received from A.Vorobyev 06.02.2008 41502001 50 COMMENT -The work was made in framework of ISTC-554(2) project.41502001 51 HISTORY (20070831C) Compiled At CJD. M.M. 41502001 52 (20080206R) 41502001 53 (20111212A) Reaction was corrected in Subents 002-004 41502001 54 according to memo CP-D/701 (PFNS). 41502001 55 (20141105A) Reaction was corrected in Subents 002-004: 41502001 56 (20201010A) Subents 008,009,010 were corrected. 41502001 57 (20250128U) Subent 002 was corrected. 41502001 58 ENDBIB 56 0 41502001 59 NOCOMMON 0 0 41502001 60 ENDSUBENT 59 0 4150200199999 SUBENT 41502002 20250128 422141502002 1 BIB 7 34 41502002 2 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,MSC)/ 41502002 3 (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MSC)) 41502002 4 Dependence from E -prompt neutron energy in lab.system.41502002 5 See COMMENT for explanation of MSC. 41502002 6 INC-SPECT Neutron flux at target position about 1.E+7 n/s/cm**2.41502002 7 EN-SEC (E,N) Prompt neutron energy. 41502002 8 ADD-RES Formula (1) in the article 41502002 9 R(E)=((Tcf/Tu5)**1.5)*exp(-(Tcf-Tu5)/(TCf*Tu5)), 41502002 10 was used in fitting, 41502002 11 where Tcf, Tu5 -spectrum temperature for Cf and U-235.41502002 12 Tcf=1.42 MeV was used, 41502002 13 Tu5 was defined to be 1.31 MeV ( preliminary value). 41502002 14 COMMENT Of Roberto Capote (2014-10-23): 41502002 15 The temperature quoted in the article (1.31 MeV for 41502002 16 235U) does not reproduce the calculated ratio in Fig.5 41502002 17 (top) well. 41502002 18 Better agreement is seen by changing it to 1.29 MeV. 41502002 19 Best fitting was obtained by formula: 41502002 20 -E/1.2876+E/1.42+0.70598 , 41502002 21 using DATA of energy range 0.5-5 MeV. 41502002 22 - Of author A.S.Vorobyev 06.11.2014 41502002 23 Subents 002-004: plots were prepared in RI institute, 41502002 24 probably log (or ln) was implemented for scale Y. 41502002 25 Further analysis could be applied. 41502002 26 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.5 - top. 41502002 27 HISTORY (20111212A) 41502002 28 (92-U-235(N,F),PR,DE,N)/(98-CF-252(N,F),PR,DE,N) -> 41502002 29 (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU/DE)/(98-CF-252(N,0),PR,NU/DE) 41502002 30 (20141105A) PR,NU/DE -> PR/NU/DE,,MSC according to the 41502002 31 request of NDS,IAEA - see explanation in COMMENT of 41502002 32 Roberto Capote in Subent 002. 41502002 33 NO-DIM -> ARB-UNITS. 41502002 34 Comment of author was added . 41502002 35 (20250128U) Free text in COMMENT was correted. 41502002 36 ENDBIB 34 0 41502002 37 COMMON 1 3 41502002 38 EN-DUMMY 41502002 39 EV 41502002 40 0.0253 41502002 41 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41502002 42 DATA 3 63 41502002 43 E DATA ERR-S 41502002 44 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 41502002 45 0.12 0.22659 0.27651 41502002 46 0.145 0.70621 0.23425 41502002 47 0.175 0.78953 0.19025 41502002 48 0.205 0.65208 0.11105 41502002 49 0.235 0.75599 0.09332 41502002 50 0.275 0.72271 0.05455 41502002 51 0.325 0.80807 0.05087 41502002 52 0.375 0.73923 0.04212 41502002 53 0.425 0.77347 0.04179 41502002 54 0.475 0.69772 0.03697 41502002 55 0.525 0.73789 0.03914 41502002 56 0.575 0.68646 0.03545 41502002 57 0.625 0.68406 0.03497 41502002 58 0.675 0.68658 0.03466 41502002 59 0.725 0.67254 0.03427 41502002 60 0.775 0.70867 0.03589 41502002 61 0.825 0.65016 0.03339 41502002 62 0.875 0.67006 0.03533 41502002 63 0.925 0.625 0.03341 41502002 64 0.975 0.67542 0.03575 41502002 65 1.05 0.61426 0.02343 41502002 66 1.15 0.6204 0.0245 41502002 67 1.25 0.62843 0.02557 41502002 68 1.35 0.59291 0.02442 41502002 69 1.45 0.58923 0.02576 41502002 70 1.55 0.57261 0.02551 41502002 71 1.65 0.53966 0.02412 41502002 72 1.75 0.54748 0.02595 41502002 73 1.85 0.553 0.02682 41502002 74 2.0 0.52997 0.01934 41502002 75 2.2 0.55431 0.02105 41502002 76 2.4 0.55377 0.02239 41502002 77 2.6 0.51703 0.02265 41502002 78 2.8 0.51599 0.02444 41502002 79 3.05 0.48412 0.02098 41502002 80 3.35 0.45833 0.02228 41502002 81 3.65 0.43269 0.0236 41502002 82 3.95 0.42013 0.02648 41502002 83 4.25 0.37632 0.02631 41502002 84 4.55 0.43535 0.03383 41502002 85 4.85 0.41345 0.03718 41502002 86 5.25 0.40914 0.03343 41502002 87 5.75 0.3592 0.03645 41502002 88 6.25 0.37677 0.04639 41502002 89 6.75 0.35742 0.05611 41502002 90 7.25 0.3422 0.06621 41502002 91 7.75 0.34735 0.0826 41502002 92 8.25 0.42339 0.12198 41502002 93 8.75 0.5378 0.18393 41502002 94 9.25 0.37213 0.17265 41502002 95 9.75 0.40626 0.18817 41502002 96 10.25 0.65052 0.42306 41502002 97 10.75 0.51242 0.4273 41502002 98 11.25 0.23117 0.22445 41502002 99 11.75 0.27242 0.33048 41502002 100 12.25 0.26826 0.51296 41502002 101 12.75 0.67622 2.29316 41502002 102 13.25 1.52247 3.79709 41502002 103 13.75 1.00824 3.92296 41502002 104 14.75 0.53555 1.2514 41502002 105 15.5 1.4328 5.1731 41502002 106 16.5 0.12391 0.86042 41502002 107 17.5 0.96083 5.06185 41502002 108 ENDDATA 65 0 41502002 109 ENDSUBENT 108 0 4150200299999 SUBENT 41502003 20141105 41654150200300001 BIB 7 25 4150200300002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,MSC)/ 4150200300003 (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MSC)) 4150200300004 Dependence from E -prompt neutron energy in lab.system.4150200300005 See COMMENT for explanation of MSC. 4150200300006 INC-SPECT Neutron flux at target position about 1.E+7 n/s/cm**2.4150200300007 EN-SEC (E,N) Prompt neutron energy. 4150200300008 ADD-RES Formula (1) in the article 4150200300009 R(E)=((Tcf/Tpu)**1.5)*exp(-(Tcf-Tpu5/(TCf*Tpu)), 4150200300010 was used in fitting, 4150200300011 where Tcf, Tpu -spectrum temperature for Cf and Pu-2394150200300012 Tcf=1.42 MeV was used, 4150200300013 Tpu was defined to be 1.36 MeV ( preliminary value). 4150200300014 COMMENT - Of author A.S.Vorobyev 06.11.2014 4150200300015 Subents 002-004: plots were prepared in RI institute, 4150200300016 probably log (or ln) was implemented for scale Y. 4150200300017 Futher analysis could be applied. 4150200300018 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.5 - middle. 4150200300019 HISTORY (20111212A) 4150200300020 (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,DE,N)/(98-CF-252(N,F),PR,DE,N) -> 4150200300021 (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/DE)/(98-CF-252(N,0),PR,NU/DE) 4150200300022 (20141105A) PR,NU/DE -> PR/NU/DE,,MSC according to the 4150200300023 request of NDS,IAEA - see explanation in COMMENT of 4150200300024 Roberto Capote in Subent 002. 4150200300025 NO-DIM -> ARB-UNITS. 4150200300026 Comment of author was added . 4150200300027 ENDBIB 25 0 4150200300028 COMMON 1 3 4150200300029 EN-DUMMY 4150200300030 EV 4150200300031 0.0253 4150200300032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150200300033 DATA 3 63 4150200300034 E DATA ERR-S 4150200300035 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4150200300036 0.12 0.5821 0.44882 4150200300037 0.145 0.79541 0.27945 4150200300038 0.175 0.93906 0.21079 4150200300039 0.205 0.86294 0.12647 4150200300040 0.235 0.81531 0.09708 4150200300041 0.275 0.83907 0.06129 4150200300042 0.325 0.78206 0.04755 4150200300043 0.375 0.74575 0.04174 4150200300044 0.425 0.71814 0.03872 4150200300045 0.475 0.74834 0.03819 4150200300046 0.525 0.74751 0.03831 4150200300047 0.575 0.66794 0.03377 4150200300048 0.625 0.70282 0.03469 4150200300049 0.675 0.70483 0.0344 4150200300050 0.725 0.71694 0.03542 4150200300051 0.775 0.69669 0.03422 4150200300052 0.825 0.6959 0.03465 4150200300053 0.875 0.71669 0.03585 4150200300054 0.925 0.6751 0.03413 4150200300055 0.975 0.71554 0.03613 4150200300056 1.05 0.6741 0.02444 4150200300057 1.15 0.69082 0.02599 4150200300058 1.25 0.68661 0.02638 4150200300059 1.35 0.67286 0.02618 4150200300060 1.45 0.67969 0.0275 4150200300061 1.55 0.6755 0.02788 4150200300062 1.65 0.62196 0.02621 4150200300063 1.75 0.68162 0.02963 4150200300064 1.85 0.6266 0.02844 4150200300065 2.0 0.63455 0.02144 4150200300066 2.2 0.66458 0.02337 4150200300067 2.4 0.64202 0.02425 4150200300068 2.6 0.62622 0.02547 4150200300069 2.8 0.60292 0.02684 4150200300070 3.05 0.61402 0.0245 4150200300071 3.35 0.59018 0.02632 4150200300072 3.65 0.55808 0.02826 4150200300073 3.95 0.57856 0.03321 4150200300074 4.25 0.50898 0.03315 4150200300075 4.55 0.50868 0.03817 4150200300076 4.85 0.52555 0.04355 4150200300077 5.25 0.51118 0.0387 4150200300078 5.75 0.48099 0.04484 4150200300079 6.25 0.44522 0.05255 4150200300080 6.75 0.43487 0.06368 4150200300081 7.25 0.51571 0.08653 4150200300082 7.75 0.46346 0.10063 4150200300083 8.25 0.48566 0.13339 4150200300084 8.75 0.44076 0.16579 4150200300085 9.25 0.41915 0.16801 4150200300086 9.75 0.31019 0.16145 4150200300087 10.25 0.66601 0.39136 4150200300088 10.75 0.43798 0.38458 4150200300089 11.25 0.07002 0.19368 4150200300090 12.75 0.59291 1.15625 4150200300091 13.25 0.30574 1.32401 4150200300092 13.75 0.31997 1.36943 4150200300093 14.25 0.52298 1.66117 4150200300094 14.75 0.16647 0.68041 4150200300095 15.5 0.14575 1.41717 4150200300096 16.5 0.22083 0.97276 4150200300097 18.5 0.06368 5.49468 4150200300098 19.5 0.28172 2.19021 4150200300099 ENDDATA 65 0 4150200300100 ENDSUBENT 99 0 4150200399999 SUBENT 41502004 20141105 41654150200400001 BIB 7 27 4150200400002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/DE,,MSC)/ 4150200400003 (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,MSC)) 4150200400004 Dependence from E -prompt neutron energy in lab.system.4150200400005 See COMMENT for explanation of MSC. 4150200400006 INC-SPECT Strong resonance at 0.296 eV was selected by Sm filter.4150200400007 Admixture of thermal neutrons - less 5%, 4150200400008 of neutrons of higher energy - less 10%. 4150200400009 EN-SEC (E,N) Prompt neutron energy. 4150200400010 ADD-RES Formula (1) in the article 4150200400011 R(E)=((Tcf/Tpu)**1.5)*exp(-(Tcf-Tpu)/(TCf*Tpu)), 4150200400012 was used in fitting, 4150200400013 where Tcf, Tpu -spectrum temperature for Cf and Pu-2394150200400014 Tcf=1.42 MeV was used, 4150200400015 Tpu was defined to be 1.37 MeV ( preliminary value). 4150200400016 COMMENT - Of author A.S.Vorobyev 06.11.2014 4150200400017 Subents 002-004: plots were prepared in RI institute, 4150200400018 probably log (or ln) was implemented for scale Y. 4150200400019 Futher analysis could be applied. 4150200400020 STATUS Data are presented on Fig.5 - bottom. 4150200400021 HISTORY (20111212A) 4150200400022 (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,DE,N)/(98-CF-252(N,F),PR,DE,N) -> 4150200400023 (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU/DE)/(98-CF-252(N,0),PR,NU/DE) 4150200400024 (20141105A) PR,NU/DE -> PR/NU/DE,,MSC according to the 4150200400025 request of NDS,IAEA - see explanation in COMMENT of 4150200400026 Roberto Capote in Subent 002. 4150200400027 NO-DIM -> ARB-UNITS. 4150200400028 Comment of author was added . 4150200400029 ENDBIB 27 0 4150200400030 COMMON 1 3 4150200400031 EN 4150200400032 EV 4150200400033 0.296 4150200400034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150200400035 DATA 3 58 4150200400036 E DATA ERR-S 4150200400037 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 4150200400038 0.12 0.24305 0.34906 4150200400039 0.145 0.74497 0.21466 4150200400040 0.175 0.98019 0.16779 4150200400041 0.205 0.73588 0.12427 4150200400042 0.235 0.68027 0.10406 4150200400043 0.275 0.5985 0.06545 4150200400044 0.325 0.70419 0.06159 4150200400045 0.375 0.77985 0.05942 4150200400046 0.425 0.73962 0.05596 4150200400047 0.475 0.72013 0.05356 4150200400048 0.525 0.68093 0.05142 4150200400049 0.575 0.70947 0.05173 4150200400050 0.625 0.70956 0.05135 4150200400051 0.675 0.7024 0.05127 4150200400052 0.725 0.65869 0.04967 4150200400053 0.775 0.65853 0.04982 4150200400054 0.825 0.7154 0.05208 4150200400055 0.875 0.67872 0.0512 4150200400056 0.925 0.60225 0.04871 4150200400057 0.975 0.67661 0.05215 4150200400058 1.05 0.70628 0.0382 4150200400059 1.15 0.61741 0.03641 4150200400060 1.25 0.60539 0.03689 4150200400061 1.35 0.66594 0.03952 4150200400062 1.45 0.66186 0.04037 4150200400063 1.55 0.70882 0.04313 4150200400064 1.65 0.70257 0.04421 4150200400065 1.75 0.65106 0.0437 4150200400066 1.85 0.6677 0.04572 4150200400067 2.0 0.62688 0.03285 4150200400068 2.2 0.66291 0.03589 4150200400069 2.4 0.62775 0.03743 4150200400070 2.6 0.64672 0.04077 4150200400071 2.8 0.62044 0.04318 4150200400072 3.05 0.59802 0.03779 4150200400073 3.35 0.5374 0.04017 4150200400074 3.65 0.53107 0.04483 4150200400075 3.95 0.60899 0.05426 4150200400076 4.25 0.46442 0.05354 4150200400077 4.55 0.52403 0.0644 4150200400078 4.85 0.60084 0.0775 4150200400079 5.25 0.51124 0.06502 4150200400080 5.75 0.61991 0.08829 4150200400081 6.25 0.53838 0.10185 4150200400082 6.75 0.42017 0.11393 4150200400083 7.25 0.43768 0.14495 4150200400084 7.75 0.42531 0.17907 4150200400085 8.25 0.22486 0.19121 4150200400086 8.75 0.56477 0.30648 4150200400087 9.25 0.65131 0.40786 4150200400088 9.75 0.35312 0.45963 4150200400089 10.25 0.08092 0.50235 4150200400090 10.75 0.55073 0.79387 4150200400091 11.25 0.30203 0.89713 4150200400092 11.75 0.50335 1.11709 4150200400093 12.25 2.16639 2.01679 4150200400094 12.75 1.14149 2.15739 4150200400095 14.75 0.72386 4.89568 4150200400096 ENDDATA 60 0 4150200400097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 4150200499999 SUBENT 41502005 20070831 41424150200500001 BIB 2 4 4150200500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PR,NU) 4150200500003 Average neutron multiplicity as dependence from 4150200500004 preneutron fragment mass 4150200500005 STATUS Fig.6 - top. 4150200500006 ENDBIB 4 0 4150200500007 COMMON 1 3 4150200500008 EN-DUMMY 4150200500009 EV 4150200500010 0.0253 4150200500011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150200500012 DATA 3 21 4150200500013 MASS DATA ERR-S 4150200500014 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4150200500015 81. 0.101 0.08 4150200500016 85. 0.38461 0.06226 4150200500017 89. 0.86921 0.07967 4150200500018 93. 1.08352 0.05528 4150200500019 97. 1.47253 0.05353 4150200500020 101. 1.72239 0.0537 4150200500021 105. 1.89325 0.0625 4150200500022 109. 2.10817 0.08915 4150200500023 113. 2.9817 0.21802 4150200500024 117. 3.05699 0.55837 4150200500025 121. 0.35537 0.0948 4150200500026 125. 0.16124 0.02606 4150200500027 129. 0.61656 0.04687 4150200500028 133. 0.77552 0.0409 4150200500029 137. 0.92802 0.03875 4150200500030 141. 1.18468 0.04419 4150200500031 145. 1.3347 0.05932 4150200500032 149. 1.52529 0.09784 4150200500033 153. 2.21477 0.25219 4150200500034 157. 1.82127 0.42385 4150200500035 161. 1.488 0.824 4150200500036 ENDDATA 23 0 4150200500037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4150200599999 SUBENT 41502006 20070831 41424150200600001 BIB 2 4 4150200600002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR,NU) 4150200600003 Average neutron multiplicity as dependence from 4150200600004 preneutron fragment mass 4150200600005 STATUS Fig.6 - bottom. 4150200600006 ENDBIB 4 0 4150200600007 COMMON 1 3 4150200600008 EN-DUMMY 4150200600009 EV 4150200600010 0.0253 4150200600011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150200600012 DATA 3 21 4150200600013 MASS DATA ERR-S 4150200600014 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4150200600015 85. 0.75967 0.27869 4150200600016 89. 0.62593 0.09438 4150200600017 93. 0.79335 0.07141 4150200600018 97. 1.21424 0.0572 4150200600019 101. 1.27896 0.05176 4150200600020 105. 1.53927 0.05727 4150200600021 109. 2.40176 0.09399 4150200600022 113. 2.97704 0.2109 4150200600023 117. 4.43992 0.67747 4150200600024 121. 1.84936 0.63145 4150200600025 125. 0.21571 0.08666 4150200600026 129. 0.47203 0.05106 4150200600027 133. 0.65661 0.0432 4150200600028 137. 1.1116 0.04859 4150200600029 141. 1.34473 0.0527 4150200600030 145. 1.53146 0.06469 4150200600031 149. 1.73093 0.10293 4150200600032 153. 1.6986 0.1632 4150200600033 157. 2.50675 0.39422 4150200600034 161. 4.06332 1.11584 4150200600035 165. 2.089 1.74 4150200600036 ENDDATA 23 0 4150200600037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 4150200699999 SUBENT 41502007 20070831 41424150200700001 BIB 3 9 4150200700002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR,NU) 4150200700003 Average neutron multiplicity as dependence from 4150200700004 preneutron fragment mass. 4150200700005 INC-SPECT For fragment-neutron correlation measurement on Pu 4150200700006 target the region of strong resonance at 0.296 eV was4150200700007 selected by Sm filter, arranged in the flux from 4150200700008 reactor. Admixture of thermal neutrons less 5% and 4150200700009 of neutrons of higher energies less 10%. 4150200700010 STATUS Fig.6 - bottom. 4150200700011 ENDBIB 9 0 4150200700012 COMMON 1 3 4150200700013 EN 4150200700014 EV 4150200700015 0.296 4150200700016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150200700017 DATA 3 19 4150200700018 MASS DATA ERR-S 4150200700019 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4150200700020 85. 1.86474 1.34608 4150200700021 89. 0.51374 0.21695 4150200700022 93. 0.60726 0.18685 4150200700023 97. 1.05605 0.14774 4150200700024 101. 1.65469 0.12398 4150200700025 105. 1.86641 0.18797 4150200700026 109. 2.48361 0.21635 4150200700027 113. 3.28512 0.42418 4150200700028 117. 4.66351 0.25167 4150200700029 121. 5.0789 3.03608 4150200700030 125. 1.04513 0.56919 4150200700031 129. 0.05563 0.02167 4150200700032 133. 1.07585 0.16385 4150200700033 137. 1.089 0.09515 4150200700034 141. 1.55121 0.1334 4150200700035 145. 1.48518 0.173 4150200700036 149. 1.43229 0.25597 4150200700037 153. 1.68363 0.64682 4150200700038 157. 4.95761 4.57351 4150200700039 ENDDATA 21 0 4150200700040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 4150200799999 SUBENT 41502008 20201010 41934150200800001 BIB 3 6 4150200800002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,PR,KE,N) 4150200800003 Average prompt neutron energy as dependence from 4150200800004 preneutron fragment mass in fragment center of mass 4150200800005 system. 4150200800006 STATUS Fig.7 - top. 4150200800007 HISTORY (20201010A) Reaction was corrected AKE -> KE 4150200800008 ENDBIB 6 0 4150200800009 COMMON 1 3 4150200800010 EN-DUMMY 4150200800011 EV 4150200800012 0.0253 4150200800013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150200800014 DATA 3 21 4150200800015 MASS DATA-CM ERR-S 4150200800016 NO-DIM MEV MEV 4150200800017 81. 0.49 0.51 4150200800018 85. 1.13571 0.28598 4150200800019 89. 1.07525 0.17492 4150200800020 93. 1.01893 0.09477 4150200800021 97. 1.28674 0.08069 4150200800022 101. 1.22174 0.06748 4150200800023 105. 1.32488 0.07809 4150200800024 109. 1.36565 0.10429 4150200800025 113. 1.34295 0.17541 4150200800026 117. 0.95928 0.27304 4150200800027 121. 0.90 0.37 4150200800028 125. 0.80572 0.20234 4150200800029 129. 1.71274 0.20447 4150200800030 133. 1.29707 0.13246 4150200800031 137. 1.24797 0.09997 4150200800032 141. 1.18624 0.08269 4150200800033 145. 1.07938 0.09758 4150200800034 149. 1.11088 0.13315 4150200800035 153. 1.18896 0.23765 4150200800036 157. 0.44989 0.15074 4150200800037 161. 0.097 0.072 4150200800038 ENDDATA 23 0 4150200800039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4150200899999 SUBENT 41502009 20201010 41934150200900001 BIB 3 6 4150200900002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR,KE,N) 4150200900003 Average prompt neutron energy as dependence from 4150200900004 preneutron fragment mass in fragment center of mass 4150200900005 system. 4150200900006 STATUS Fig.7 - bottom. 4150200900007 HISTORY (20201010A) Reaction was corrected AKE -> KE 4150200900008 ENDBIB 6 0 4150200900009 COMMON 1 3 4150200900010 EN-DUMMY 4150200900011 EV 4150200900012 0.0253 4150200900013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150200900014 DATA 3 21 4150200900015 MASS DATA ERR-S 4150200900016 NO-DIM MEV MEV 4150200900017 85. 1.43849 0.7997 4150200900018 89. 0.97645 0.20883 4150200900019 93. 0.8938 0.1337 4150200900020 97. 1.37891 0.10095 4150200900021 101. 1.30836 0.09226 4150200900022 105. 1.23454 0.07897 4150200900023 109. 1.73512 0.10904 4150200900024 113. 1.50699 0.18594 4150200900025 117. 1.39831 0.35615 4150200900026 121. 1.68581 0.81265 4150200900027 125. 0.33347 0.15539 4150200900028 129. 1.6675 0.26586 4150200900029 133. 1.27264 0.15304 4150200900030 137. 1.67022 0.13099 4150200900031 141. 1.42163 0.09888 4150200900032 145. 1.32625 0.10359 4150200900033 149. 1.23117 0.12165 4150200900034 153. 1.02268 0.17991 4150200900035 157. 1.36975 0.34916 4150200900036 161. 1.13268 0.50767 4150200900037 165. 0.115 0.127 4150200900038 ENDDATA 23 0 4150200900039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 4150200999999 SUBENT 41502010 20201010 41934150201000001 BIB 4 11 4150201000002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F)MASS,PR,KE,N) 4150201000003 Average prompt neutron energy as dependence from 4150201000004 preneutron fragment mass in fragment center of mass 4150201000005 system. 4150201000006 INC-SPECT For fragment-neutron correlation measurement on Pu 4150201000007 target the region of strong resonance at 0.296 eV was4150201000008 selected by Sm filter, arranged in the flux from 4150201000009 reactor. Admixture of thermal neutrons less 5% and 4150201000010 of neutrons of higher energies less 10%. 4150201000011 STATUS Fig.7 - bottom. 4150201000012 HISTORY (20201010A) Reaction was corrected AKE -> KE 4150201000013 ENDBIB 11 0 4150201000014 COMMON 1 3 4150201000015 EN 4150201000016 EV 4150201000017 0.296 4150201000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4150201000019 DATA 3 18 4150201000020 MASS DATA ERR-S 4150201000021 NO-DIM MEV MEV 4150201000022 85. 0.55 0.55 4150201000023 89. 0.8 0.5 4150201000024 93. 1.07657 0.42756 4150201000025 97. 1.10125 0.20537 4150201000026 101. 1.09881 0.12764 4150201000027 105. 1.50682 0.31155 4150201000028 109. 1.37818 0.21562 4150201000029 113. 1.20342 0.23873 4150201000030 117. 1.28381 0.37138 4150201000031 121. 1.4 1.0 4150201000032 125. 1.5 1.2 4150201000033 129. 1.22934 0.52297 4150201000034 133. 1.92733 0.60566 4150201000035 137. 1.11177 0.16544 4150201000036 141. 1.2145 0.18483 4150201000037 145. 0.9098 0.1793 4150201000038 149. 0.64482 0.15937 4150201000039 153. 0.85589 0.44502 4150201000040 ENDDATA 20 0 4150201000041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 4150201099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 4150299999999