ENTRY 41525 20230203 42114152500000001 SUBENT 41525001 20230203 42114152500100001 BIB 13 62 4152500100002 TITLE Investigations of the neutron-fission processes on the4152500100003 lead neutron slowing-down spectrometer of INR RAS. 4152500100004 AUTHOR (A.A.Alekseev, A.A.Bergman, O.N.Goncharenko, A.P.Jukov,4152500100005 A.D.Perekrestenko,N.M.Sobolevsky,A.N.Volkov,B.I.Fursov,4152500100006 A.A.Goverdovsky, B.F.Samylin, A.M.Trufanov) 4152500100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSJIA) A.A.Alekseev, A.A.Bergman, O.N.Goncharenko, 4152500100008 A.P.Jukov,A.D.Perekrestenko,N.M.Sobolevsky,A.N.Volkov.4152500100009 Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of 4152500100010 Science - INR RAS. 4152500100011 (4RUSFEI) B.I.Fursov,A.A.Goverdovsky, B.F.Samylin, 4152500100012 A.M.Trufanov. 4152500100013 REFERENCE ((S,ISINN-12,237,2004)=(S,JINR-E3-2004-169,237,2004)) 4152500100014 (J,ZEP,78,799,2003) Iss.6 4152500100015 (J,JEL,78,347,2003) Engl.translation of ZEP,78,799 4152500100016 Figs. of U235, Th232 fis. CS ( Subents 002, 007) of 4152500100017 low size,overlapping,not for digitization. 4152500100018 REL-REF (N,,A.A.Bergman+,P,JIA-1089,2002) 4152500100019 Monte-Carlo modeling of spectrometer. 4152500100020 (N,,Bergman+,P,JIA-1099,2002) 4152500100021 Neutron flux intensity Monte-Carlo calculation. 4152500100022 (I,,A.A.Alekseev+,J,YF,62,851,1999) Issue 5. 4152500100023 Facility details. 4152500100024 (I,,A.A.Alekseev+,J,PAN,62,793,1999) 4152500100025 English translation of YF,62,851,1999. 4152500100026 METHOD (SLODT) 100-ton moderator of ultra-pure (99.99%) lead. 4152500100027 Slowing down constant 171 keV/microsec**2, 4152500100028 energy resolution in 1 eV- 1 keV region -28%, 4152500100029 initial pulse width (FWHM) 0.5-2. microsec. 4152500100030 Spectrometer LSD-100 (=SVZ-100, =S-100). 4152500100031 Measured characteristics of spectrometer are close to 4152500100032 theoretical predictions and Monte-Carlo calculations. 4152500100033 (ASPEC) To define thickness and mass of sample. 4152500100034 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSJIA) 4152500100035 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Proton beam of 209 MeV energy,average current 4152500100036 1-1.5 microA. Proton target at 70 cm from center of 4152500100037 moderator. 4152500100038 INC-SPECT Neutron source intensity > 1.E+13 n/sec, neutron flux 4152500100039 density about 1.E+9 n/(sec*cm**2) on the surface of 4152500100040 sample. Flux of time decreasing parameter 1.3 (Fig.4 4152500100041 of S,ISINN-12,237). 4152500100042 DETECTOR (FISCH) Two fission chambers. 4152500100043 - Distance between electrodes 3mm, total gas pressure4152500100044 2.5 atm. Fast amplifiers and time-coders to eliminate 4152500100045 the background of overlapping pulses driven by 4152500100046 alpha-particles. 4152500100047 - Contains four layers of Th-232, Np-237,Cm-245,Pu-239.4152500100048 Distance between electrodes 1 mm, total gas pressure 4152500100049 1.5 atm. 4152500100050 Both chambers were place in one channel at 90 cm from 4152500100051 proton target. 4152500100052 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) as flux monitor in all runs. 4152500100053 (94-PU-239(N,F),,SIG) as second flux monitor. 4152500100054 STATUS Request for data was sent 04.08.2009 to 4152500100055 A.Trufanov - no reply, he's retired. 4152500100056 (PRELM) Analysis of data has not finished, data are not4152500100057 ready for EXFOR (some authors left their institutes). 4152500100058 HISTORY (20090805C) M.M. 4152500100059 (20100202U) PRELM (and comment) was added in STATUS. 4152500100060 (20181001U) Refs. ZEP and JEL were added. 4152500100061 (20230203A) SPA -> SDT, UNOBT -> SPSDD. 4152500100062 Subents 002-007 were deleted according to a comment of4152500100063 N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 4152500100064 ENDBIB 62 0 4152500100065 NOCOMMON 0 0 4152500100066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 4152500199999 NOSUBENT 41525002 20230203 42114152500200001 NOSUBENT 41525003 20230203 42114152500300001 NOSUBENT 41525004 20230203 42114152500400001 NOSUBENT 41525005 20230203 42114152500500001 NOSUBENT 41525006 20230203 42114152500600001 NOSUBENT 41525007 20230203 42114152500700001 ENDENTRY 7 0 4152599999999