ENTRY            41530   20091208                             41484153000000001 
SUBENT        41530001   20091208                             41484153000100001 
BIB                 11         92                                 4153000100002 
TITLE      The ratio of the quasi-elastic nd->p(nn) to the elastic4153000100003 
            np -> pn charge-exchange-process yields at the proton 4153000100004 
            emitting angle Thetap,lab=0 deg over 0.55-2.0-GeV     4153000100005 
            neutron beam energy region. Experimental results.     4153000100006 
AUTHOR     (V.I.Sharov,A.A.Morozov,R.A.Shindin,V.G.Antonenko,     4153000100007 
           S.B.Borzakov, Yu.T.Borzunov, E.V.Chernykh,V.F.Chumakov,4153000100008 
           S.A.Dolgii,M.Finger,M.Finger Jr,L.B.Golovanov,         4153000100009 
           D.K.Guriev, A.Janata,A.D.Kirillov,A.D.Kovalenko,       4153000100010 
           V.A.Krasnov,N.A.Kuzmin,A.K.Kurilkin,PP.K.Kurilkin,     4153000100011 
           I.L.Pisarev,Yu.P.Polunin,A.N.Prokofiev,V.Yu.Prytkov,   4153000100014 
           P.A.Rukoyatkin,M.Slunecka,V.Sluneckova,A.Yu.Starikov,  4153000100015 
           L.N.Strunov,T.A.Vasiliev,E.I.Vorobiev,I.P.Yudin,       4153000100016 
           I.V.Zaitsev,A.A.Zhdanov,V.N.Zhmyrov)                   4153000100017 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB) Veksler and Baldin Lab. of High Energies:    4153000100018 
           V.I.Sharov,A.A.Morozov,R.A.Shindin,Yu.T.Borzunov,      4153000100019 
           E.V.Chernykh,V.F.Chumakov,S.A.Dolgii,L.B.Golovanov,    4153000100020 
           D.K.Guriev,A.D.Kirillov,A.D.Kovalenko,V.A.Krasnov,     4153000100021 
           A.K.Kurilkin,PP.K.Kurilkin,A.N.Livanov,P.K.Maniakov,   4153000100022 
           E.A.Matyushevsky,G.P.Nikolaevsky,A.A.Nomofilov,        4153000100023 
           S.M.Piyadin,V.Yu.Prytkov,P.A.Rukoyatkin,A.Yu.Starikov, 4153000100024 
           L.N.Strunov,T.A.Vasiliev,E.I.Vorobiev,I.V.Zaitsev.     4153000100025 
             Frank Lab. of Neutron Physics:                       4153000100026 
           S.B.Borzakov,Tz.Panteleev.                             4153000100027 
             Dzelepov Lab. of Nuclear Problems:                   4153000100028 
           M.Finger,M.Finger Jr,A.Janata,I.L.Pisarev,M.Slunecka,  4153000100029 
           V.Sluneckova,V.N.Zhmyrov.                              4153000100030 
             Lab. of Particle Physics:                            4153000100031 
            N.A.Kuzmin,V.M.Lutsenko,I.P.Yudin.                    4153000100032 
           (4RUSKUR) V.G.Antonenko,Yu.P.Polunin .                 4153000100033 
           (3CZRCHU) M.Finger,M.Slunecka.                         4153000100034 
           (3BULBLA) Tz.Panteleev.                                4153000100035 
           (4RUSLIN) A.N.Prokofiev,A.A.Zhdanov.                   4153000100036 
REFERENCE  (J,YF,72,(6),1051,200906) Main Reference.              4153000100037 
           (J,YF,72,(6),1065,200906)                              4153000100038 
            Graph of data and model calculations.                 4153000100039 
           (J,EPJ/A,39,267,2009)                                  4153000100040 
           #doi:10.1140/epja/i2008-10719-x                        4153000100041 
           (J,PAN,72,(6),1007,200906)                             4153000100042 
           #doi:10.1134/S1063778809060131                         4153000100043 
            English translation of J,YF,72,1051.                  4153000100044 
           (J,PAN,72,(6),1021,200906)                             4153000100045 
           #doi:10.1134/S1063778809060143                         4153000100046 
            English translation of J,YF,72,1065.                  4153000100047 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,4ZZZDUB) Nuclotron of Veksler and Baldin Lab.   4153000100048 
INC-SOURCE (D-BE) IV beam line.Average intensity of primary       4153000100049 
            deutron beam 2E+10 d/cycle. Cycle duration 2 sec.     4153000100050 
            Deutron beam was monitored by two calibratd ionization4153000100051 
            chambers. Four collimators determined neutron beam    4153000100052 
            profile size. Be target of 20 cm long, 8x8 cm**2.     4153000100053 
INC-SPECT   Qasi-monochromatic neutrons.                          4153000100054 
            Loses due to beam-transport line are                  4153000100055 
            - for deutron beam - about 20 MeV,                    4153000100056 
            - for neutron beam - about 10 MeV.                    4153000100057 
            Neutron energies in DATA block are given without      4153000100058 
            taking into account these losses.                     4153000100059 
            Neutron beam intensity varied from 8.E+5 n/cycle at   4153000100060 
            Tn=0.8 GeV to 4.E+6 n/cycle at Tn=2.0 GeV.            4153000100061 
DETECTOR   (SCIN)  Two independent neutron-beam monitors as :     4153000100062 
            CH2 converter 60 mm thick behind a large veto         4153000100063 
            scintillation counter and two scintillation counters  4153000100064 
            in coincidence; counters and converter of 30 mm       4153000100065 
            diameter. Efficiency about 2 % .                      4153000100066 
           (SPEC,MWPC,SCIN) One analyzing dipole SP-94,           4153000100067 
            set of multiwire proportional chambers (PC).          4153000100068 
            DTS contained the internal set of 4 scintillators     4153000100069 
            (450x160x20 mm) for detecting charge recoils, set of  4153000100070 
            lead converters for gamma interactions,external set of4153000100071 
            20 scintillators (400x50x20 mm) for detecting the     4153000100072 
            converted electrons.Efficiency to detect the inelastic4153000100073 
            np interactions was estimated to be about 80%.        4153000100074 
           (IOCH) Ionization chambers for primary-deutron-beam    4153000100075 
            monitoring.                                           4153000100076 
SAMPLE     -Liquid H2 ( or D2) cryogenic targets into thin-wall   4153000100077 
           mylar container 340 mm long,70 mm diameter, cooled by  4153000100078 
           liquid helium. Surrounded by device DTS to detect      4153000100079 
           charge recoil particles and gammas.                    4153000100080 
           Filled and emplty targets were interchanged after 3-4  4153000100081 
           hours. H2 target - 14.496E+23 at/cm**2,                4153000100082 
            D2 target - 16.892E+23 at/cm**2 .                     4153000100083 
           -At neutron-beam energies of 0.55, 0.80, 1.40 GeV -    4153000100084 
           polyethylene CH2, deuterated-polyethylene CD2, carbon  4153000100085 
           targets:                                               4153000100086 
                                CH2       CD2        C            4153000100087 
           Length,mm            150       150        75           4153000100088 
           Width,mm             50         50        50           4153000100089 
           Height,mm            40         40        40           4153000100090 
           Number of atoms,    H:12.1495  D:12.490   C:6.342      4153000100091 
           10**23/cm**2        C:6.348    C:6.245                 4153000100092 
METHOD     (TOF) TOF base 10.9 m. For particle identification.    4153000100093 
HISTORY    (20091208C)  M.M.                                      4153000100094 
ENDBIB              92          0                                 4153000100095 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4153000100096 
ENDSUBENT           95          0                                 4153000199999 
SUBENT        41530002   20091208                             41484153000200001 
BIB                  3         20                                 4153000200002 
REACTION   ((1-H-2(N,2N)1-H-1,,DA)/(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA))        4153000200003 
            Ratio of quasi-elastic nd->p(nn) charge-exchange yield4153000200004 
            to the free elastic np->pn yield .                    4153000200005 
            MOM - incident neutron beam linear momentum.          4153000200006 
            ANG - polar angle of outgoing proton.                 4153000200007 
            EN - neutron beam kinetic energy .                    4153000200008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Toal error is square root of sum of            4153000200009 
           (ERR-S) statistical uncertainty and                    4153000200010 
           (ERR-SYS) systematical uncertainty                     4153000200011 
                     squared.                                     4153000200012 
            Partial systematical uncertainties                    4153000200013 
            (error for Tn=1.4 GeV, absolute value) :              4153000200014 
            - Total PC efficiencies - 0.0027;                     4153000200015 
            - Trigger PC efficiency - 0.0026;                     4153000200016 
            - Efficiency of DTS - 0.0179;                         4153000200017 
            - Efficiency of TOF system - 0.0034;                  4153000200018 
            - Error im shift determination of H2 and D2 elastic   4153000200019 
              peak center position - 0.0177;                      4153000200020 
            - Number of H/D nuclei in targets - 0.0014 .          4153000200021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 5 of J,YF,72,(6),1051,2009.              4153000200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 4153000200023 
COMMON               1          3                                 4153000200024 
ANG                                                               4153000200025 
ADEG                                                              4153000200026 
 0.                                                               4153000200027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4153000200028 
DATA                 6          7                                 4153000200029 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-S      ERR-SYS    MOM        4153000200030 
GEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     GEV/C      4153000200031 
 0.55       0.589      0.046      0.024      0.039      1.156     4153000200032 
 0.80       0.554      0.023      0.017      0.016      1.464     4153000200033 
 1.00       0.553      0.026      0.011      0.023      1.697     4153000200034 
 1.20       0.551      0.022      0.011      0.019      1.922     4153000200035 
 1.40       0.576      0.038      0.028      0.026      2.143     4153000200036 
 1.80       0.568      0.033      0.016      0.029      2.573     4153000200037 
 2.00       0.564      0.045      0.014      0.042      2.785     4153000200038 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 4153000200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 4153000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4153099999999