ENTRY 41550 20230201 42114155000000001 SUBENT 41550001 20230201 42114155000100001 BIB 12 45 4155000100002 TITLE Study of the resonance structure of neutron 4155000100003 cross-section of Zr, Ta, Re, in the energy region 4155000100004 0.005 - 100 keV. 4155000100005 AUTHOR (Yu.V.Grigoriev, V.Ya.Kitaev, V.V.Sinitsa, 4155000100006 Zh.V.Mezentseva, H.Faikov-Stanczyk, N.B.Yaneva) 4155000100007 REFERENCE ((S,ISINN-12,59,2004)=(S,JINR-E3-2004-169,59,2004)) 4155000100008 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) Zh.V.Mezentseva 4155000100009 (4RUSFEI) Yu.V.Grigoriev, V.Ya.Kitaev, V.V.Sinitsa, 4155000100010 (3POLLOU) H.Faikov-Stanczyk 4155000100011 (3BULBLA) N.B.Yaneva 4155000100012 FACILITY (REAC,4ZZZDUB) Fast pulse reactor IBR-30 4155000100013 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight, flight base is 501m, 121m, 1006m.4155000100014 DETECTOR (NAICR) 16-sections scintillation detector with NaI(Tl)4155000100015 crystals (122*122*152 cm**3) of total volume 36 liter. 4155000100016 (SCIN) 16-sections liquid scintillation detector of 4155000100017 total volume 80 liter. 4155000100018 Registration efficiency of n,gamma detector about 30%,4155000100019 energy resolution about 30% for 662 keV gamma-quanta. 4155000100020 (BF3) Batteries of B-10 and 4155000100021 (HE3SP) He-3 counters. 4155000100022 SAMPLE Metal discs of natural Zr, Ta, Re as sample-filter. 4155000100023 Radiator-samples - metal plates : 4155000100024 Zr - 0.00435 at/b, Ta - 0.00116 at/b, Re - 0.00976at/b,4155000100025 U-238 - o.000437 at/b and 0.00121 at/b. 4155000100026 ANALYSIS Total transmission and partial capture cross-sections 4155000100027 were determined from measured TOF spectra of various 4155000100028 coincidence multiplicities of gamma-quanta after 4155000100029 background subtraction. 4155000100030 Doppler coefficients were determined by measurement 4155000100031 of Ta (0.0138 at/b) total transmission at nitrogen 4155000100032 temperature. 4155000100033 CORRECTION For resonance-self-shielding using ENDF/B-6.7 data. 4155000100034 COMMENT Of authors. Exp. group total c-s for Ta and Re differ 4155000100035 10-70 % in most of energy groups from calculated 4155000100036 (by ENDF/B-6.7, BROND) values. 4155000100037 Exp. and calculated capture c-s for Re coincide, 4155000100038 for Zr and Ta - different within the limits of exp. 4155000100039 errors. 4155000100040 Of compiler. 4155000100041 !!!! Figures of S,ISINN-12,59,2004 are not good 4155000100042 for digitizing, are given in LIN-LIN scale, 44155000100043 of little size. So quality of digitized data is low. 4155000100044 HISTORY (20101203C) 4155000100045 (20141220U) Page added in JINR-E3-2004-169. 4155000100046 (20230201A) UNOBT -> CURVE, digitized data were added. 4155000100047 ENDBIB 45 0 4155000100048 NOCOMMON 0 0 4155000100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 4155000199999 SUBENT 41550002 20230201 42114155000200001 BIB 4 10 4155000200002 REACTION (73-TA-0(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Group cross-section 4155000200003 averaged over energy interval. 4155000200004 METHOD (TRN) 4155000200005 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization errors ( 1/2 pixel): 4155000200006 scale X - 0.061 keV, scale Y - 0.25 b. 4155000200007 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4155000200008 article. 4155000200009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 left of S,ISINN-12,59,2004. 4155000200010 (SPSDD,41519005) For EN < 2.keV superseded by other 4155000200011 measurement data in Table. 4155000200012 ENDBIB 10 0 4155000200013 COMMON 2 3 4155000200014 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4155000200015 KEV B 4155000200016 0.14 0.42 4155000200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4155000200018 DATA 3 11 4155000200019 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4155000200020 KEV B B 4155000200021 0.01 147.31 9.74 4155000200022 0.07 113.21 10.22 4155000200023 0.26 69.37 5.36 4155000200024 0.35 48.91 4155000200025 0.63 40.16 4155000200026 1.51 34.86 4155000200027 3.38 26.71 4155000200028 7.32 16.75 4155000200029 15.64 11.96 4155000200030 34.07 10.79 4155000200031 73.12 9.10 4155000200032 ENDDATA 13 0 4155000200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4155000299999 SUBENT 41550003 20230201 42114155000300001 BIB 4 12 4155000300002 REACTION (73-TA-0(N,G),,SIG,,AV) Group cross-section 4155000300003 averaged over energy interval. 4155000300004 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIG) 4155000300005 U-238 c-s were used in capture c-s determination for 4155000300006 calibration. 4155000300007 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization errors ( 1/2 pixel): 4155000300008 scale X - 0.045 keV, scale Y - 0.195 b. 4155000300009 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4155000300010 article. 4155000300011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 right of S,ISINN-12,59,2004. 4155000300012 (SPSDD,41519006) For EN < 2.keV superseded by other 4155000300013 measurement data in Table. 4155000300014 ENDBIB 12 0 4155000300015 COMMON 2 3 4155000300016 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4155000300017 KEV B 4155000300018 0.0677 0.166 4155000300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4155000300020 DATA 3 12 4155000300021 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4155000300022 KEV B B 4155000300023 0.001 166.94 9.37 4155000300024 0.036 134.55 7.03 4155000300025 0.185 37.77 4155000300026 0.313 49.88 4155000300027 0.443 19.84 4155000300028 0.832 13.24 4155000300029 1.493 6.27 4155000300030 3.491 2.53 4155000300031 7.455 2.85 4155000300032 15.479 1.94 4155000300033 33.955 1.48 4155000300034 72.975 1.53 4155000300035 ENDDATA 14 0 4155000300036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 4155000399999 SUBENT 41550004 20230201 42114155000400001 BIB 4 10 4155000400002 REACTION (40-ZR-0(N,G),,SIG,,AV) Group cross-section 4155000400003 averaged over energy interval. 4155000400004 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIG) 4155000400005 U-238 c-s were used in capture c-s determination for 4155000400006 calibration. 4155000400007 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization errors ( 1/2 pixel): 4155000400008 scale X - 0.070 keV, scale Y - 0.00090 b. 4155000400009 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4155000400010 article. 4155000400011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.5 of S,ISINN-12,59,2004. 4155000400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4155000400013 COMMON 2 3 4155000400014 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4155000400015 KEV B 4155000400016 0.126 0.00087 4155000400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4155000400018 DATA 3 8 4155000400019 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4155000400020 KEV B B 4155000400021 0.755 0.62509 0.05437 4155000400022 0.887 0.25341 0.03626 4155000400023 1.532 0.13564 0.01811 4155000400024 3.364 0.11592 4155000400025 7.318 0.06382 4155000400026 15.715 0.05397 4155000400027 33.906 0.03807 4155000400028 73.212 0.02295 4155000400029 ENDDATA 10 0 4155000400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4155000499999 SUBENT 41550005 20230201 42114155000500001 BIB 4 8 4155000500002 REACTION (75-RE-0(N,TOT),,SIG,,AV) Group cross-section 4155000500003 averaged over energy interval. 4155000500004 METHOD (TRN) 4155000500005 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization errors ( 1/2 pixel): 4155000500006 scale X - 0.060 keV, scale Y - 0.195 b. 4155000500007 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4155000500008 article. 4155000500009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.6 left of S,ISINN-12,59,2004. 4155000500010 ENDBIB 8 0 4155000500011 COMMON 2 3 4155000500012 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4155000500013 KEV B 4155000500014 0.031 0.048 4155000500015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4155000500016 DATA 3 13 4155000500017 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4155000500018 KEV B B 4155000500019 0.120 66.12 5.45 4155000500020 0.295 99.20 5.84 4155000500021 0.406 103.48 5.84 4155000500022 0.494 119.83 6.22 4155000500023 0.577 138.50 7.39 4155000500024 0.679 87.54 4.70 4155000500025 1.197 68.48 3.11 4155000500026 1.602 46.31 4155000500027 3.423 37.40 4155000500028 7.287 28.53 4155000500029 15.59 22.87 4155000500030 33.87 18.97 4155000500031 73.18 14.74 4155000500032 ENDDATA 15 0 4155000500033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 4155000599999 SUBENT 41550006 20230201 42114155000600001 BIB 4 10 4155000600002 REACTION (75-RE-0(N,G),,SIG,,AV) Group cross-section 4155000600003 averaged over energy interval. 4155000600004 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIG) 4155000600005 U-238 c-s were used in capture c-s determination for 4155000600006 calibration. 4155000600007 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization errors ( 1/2 pixel): 4155000600008 scale X - 0.059 keV, scale Y - 0.104 b. 4155000600009 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 4155000600010 article. 4155000600011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.6 right of S,ISINN-12,59,2004. 4155000600012 ENDBIB 10 0 4155000600013 COMMON 2 3 4155000600014 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4155000600015 KEV B 4155000600016 0.051 0.045 4155000600017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4155000600018 DATA 3 13 4155000600019 EN DATA DATA-ERR 4155000600020 KEV B B 4155000600021 0.207 48.614 3.318 4155000600022 0.288 21.852 4155000600023 0.319 50.690 1.868 4155000600024 0.403 61.686 4.771 4155000600025 0.420 56.085 3.112 4155000600026 0.636 24.345 4155000600027 0.892 18.123 4155000600028 1.627 9.832 4155000600029 3.301 4.246 4155000600030 7.448 2.625 4155000600031 15.614 2.287 4155000600032 33.961 1.214 4155000600033 73.252 0.754 4155000600034 ENDDATA 15 0 4155000600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 4155000699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 4155099999999