ENTRY 41561 20250128 422141561000 1 SUBENT 41561001 20250128 422141561001 1 BIB 7 21 41561001 2 TITLE (N,ALPHA) reaction studies using a gridded ionization41561001 3 chamber 41561001 4 AUTHOR (A.A.Goverdovskiy,V.A.Khryachkov,V.V.Ketlerov, 41561001 5 V.F.Mitrofanov,H.Vonach,R.C.Haight,Yu.B.Ostapenko) 41561001 6 REFERENCE (C,94GATLIN,1,117,1994) 41561001 7 (S,ISINN-3,351,1995) The same figure as in 94GATLIN. 41561001 8 (J,YK,,(1),121,1996) Data table - Subent 003. 41561001 9 (R,INDC(CCP)-409,135,1997) 41561001 10 English translation of J,YK,,(1),121,1996 . 41561001 11 First author V.V.Ketlerov. 41561001 12 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 41561001 13 FACILITY (VDG,4RUSFEI) Electrostatic accelerators KG-2.5, EG-1. 41561001 14 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) For neutron flux monitoring 41561001 15 HISTORY (20110406C) M.M. 41561001 16 (20120216A) COMMON in Subent 001 was deleted . 41561001 17 (20140919A) Subent 003 is superseded. 41561001 18 (20200219A) Subent 003 was re-compiled. 41561001 19 Some BIB information was moved in data Subents 41561001 20 002, 004-006. 41561001 21 (20250128U) Free text in Subent 002 was corrected. 41561001 22 STATUS information was updated for new rules. 41561001 23 ENDBIB 21 0 41561001 24 NOCOMMON 0 0 41561001 25 ENDSUBENT 24 0 4156100199999 SUBENT 41561002 20200219 41864156100200001 BIB 7 24 4156100200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,A)26-FE-55,PAR,SIG) Cross-section for 4156100200003 ground and first states of Fe-55 residual nucleus. 4156100200004 SAMPLE Ni-58 sample of 250 microg/cm**2 thickness. 4156100200005 U-238 (99.99%) sample of 0.250 mg/cm**2 thickness 4156100200006 in "back-to-back" geometry - for flux monitoring. 4156100200007 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Solid D-Ti target of 0.65 mg/cm**2 thickness on 4156100200008 water-cooled copper backing. 4156100200009 INC-SPECT 0.6E+6 n/cm**2/sec at sample position. 4156100200010 DETECTOR (IOCH) Frisch-gridded parallel-plane-electrodes 4156100200011 ionization chamber filled by Xe + 3% CO2 or 5% CH4 at 4156100200012 2.5 Atm pressure. Intrinsic energy resolution of 70 keV4156100200013 was defined by alpha-particle spectrum of Cf-252 4156100200014 spontaneous decay. 4156100200015 COMMENT .Of compiler. E-LVL energy values are not given in the 4156100200016 articles, supposed by compiler as 0. MeV for ground, 4156100200017 0.84 MeV for first Fe-55 level. 4156100200018 Scale on Fig.3 is not linear, not logarithmic: 4156100200019 For the same worth distances the values are given as 4156100200020 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11,13, 14, 16. 4156100200021 This figure is considered as impossible for digitizing.4156100200022 .Of author V.Khryachkov. 4156100200023 There are misprints in Y scale values on this figure. 4156100200024 Will try to find this data in archives. 4156100200025 STATUS Data are on Fig.3 of Conf.Proc.94GATLIN,117,1994.4156100200026 ENDBIB 24 0 4156100200027 NOCOMMON 0 0 4156100200028 NODATA 0 0 4156100200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4156100299999 SUBENT 41561003 20250128 422141561003 1 BIB 10 69 41561003 2 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,A)26-FE-55,,SIG) 41561003 3 SAMPLE Two nickel samples with 95.9 % enrichment, 41561003 4 - 250 microg/cm2 (EG-1), 41561003 5 - 155 microg/cm2 (KG-2.5) . 41561003 6 Uranium sample consists of uranium oxide 41561003 7 260 microg/cm2 thickness; number of nuclei in the 41561003 8 sample was defined by alpha-activity of the sample; 41561003 9 99.99% enrichment in U-238. 41561003 10 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Solid deuterium target of about 1.4 mg/cm**2 41561003 11 thickness. 41561003 12 DETECTOR (IOCH) Mixture of 97% xenon and 3% CO(2) at 2.5 atm 41561003 13 pressure 41561003 14 PART-DET (A,FF) Alphas from Ni-58(n,a) reaction- energy < 9 MeV.41561003 15 U-238 fission fragments. 41561003 16 CORRECTION Corrections made at the analysis of 41561003 17 Ni58(n,a)/U-238(n,f) ratio are - 41561003 18 .On alpha-particles loss in the uranium target- 41561003 19 (1.1+-0.3) % . 41561003 20 .On alpha-particles spectrum tail and finite 41561003 21 thickness of the target - (0.5+-0.2) % 41561003 22 .On alpha counting dead-time - 0.2 % 41561003 23 .On fission-fragments loss in the target - (2.6+-1.3)%41561003 24 .On fission-fragments registration efficiency 41561003 25 (99.4+-0.3)%. 41561003 26 .On experimental hall and electronics background <0.1%41561003 27 .On U-238 fission by scattered neutrons - (2.5+-0.5) %41561003 28 .On U-235 admixture fission < 0.1 % . 41561003 29 .On neutron flux difference in nickel and uranium 41561003 30 samples -(2.1+-0.5)% 41561003 31 .On neutron background from accompanying reaction 41561003 32 D(D,N)3-He at En >5.5 MeV - (1.0+-0.5) % . 41561003 33 .On the kinematic of reaction D(D,N)3-He -(0.8+-0.4)%.41561003 34 .On alpha-particles loss in sample -(1.2+-0.7)%. 41561003 35 .On two-dimension matrix background -(1.0+-0.5)%. 41561003 36 .On the isotopic composition of nickel sample - 41561003 37 (4.3+-0.1) % . 41561003 38 .On alpha-particles registration efficiency (94+-3)%. 41561003 39 .On the registration geometric efficiency (99+-1) %. 41561003 40 .On kinematic effects of (N,A) reaction - (3+-1) % . 41561003 41 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error < 8.5 %. 41561003 42 (ERR-S,,5.) Statistical error for FF and alphas. 41561003 43 In most cases 1.5 - 2.5 %, maximally 5.%. 41561003 44 (ERR-1) Error of the corrections : 41561003 45 1.7% at En < 5.5 MeV, 2.3% at 5.5 < En < 6 MeV, 41561003 46 3.4% at En> 6 MeV. 41561003 47 (ERR-2) Error due to uncertainty of nickel and uranium41561003 48 number of nuclei in samples 41561003 49 (MONIT-ERR) U-238 monitor reaction cross section . 41561003 50 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 41561003 51 Author's data set EN-ERR values were factor 10. lower 41561003 52 than EN-ERR values from Table of YK,1996,(1),121,1996. 41561003 53 On Fig.1 of YK,,(1),121,1996 - several data points 41561003 54 are plotted with error bars for EN - in agreement with 41561003 55 data from Table of YK,,(1),121,1996 - 41561003 56 En errors are about 50-60 keV in En range 4.8-5.2 MeV, 41561003 57 but not 5-6 keV (as in authors' data set). 41561003 58 So, authors' data were superseded by data of Table in 41561003 59 YK,1996,(1),121,1996. 41561003 60 Values of EN-ERR were confirmed by author V.Khryachkov-41561003 61 right values are in 41239.002. 41561003 62 STATUS (TABLE,,V.V.Ketlerov+,R,INDC(CCP)-409,135,1997) 41561003 63 Data from Table of Yad.Konst.,is.1,p.121,1996 41561003 64 Data are on Fig.4 of Conf.Proc.94GATLIN,117,1994. 41561003 65 HISTORY (20110408R) Data were received 08-04-2011 from 41561003 66 K.Zolotarev 41561003 67 (20140919A) Subent is superseded-see COMMENT. 41561003 68 COMMENT is added. DATA block was deleted. 41561003 69 (20200218A) Data and BIB information were inserted 41561003 70 from Subent 41239.002. 41561003 71 ENDBIB 69 0 41561003 72 COMMON 1 3 41561003 73 ERR-2 41561003 74 PER-CENT 41561003 75 5. 41561003 76 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41561003 77 DATA 7 29 41561003 78 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 41561003 79 ERR-1 41561003 80 MEV MEV MB MB MB PER-CENT 41561003 81 PER-CENT 41561003 82 3.55 0.11 5.51 0.40 533. 2.4 41561003 83 1.7 41561003 84 3.75 0.09 7.68 0.61 544. 2.4 41561003 85 1.7 41561003 86 3.95 0.08 10.2 0.7 545. 2.4 41561003 87 1.7 41561003 88 4.14 0.08 13.4 1.0 547. 2.4 41561003 89 1.7 41561003 90 4.26 0.07 17.0 1.4 548. 2.4 41561003 91 1.7 41561003 92 4.36 0.07 19.6 1.5 548. 2.4 41561003 93 1.7 41561003 94 4.47 0.07 21.9 1.7 549. 2.4 41561003 95 1.7 41561003 96 4.59 0.06 24.9 2.1 549. 2.4 41561003 97 1.7 41561003 98 4.69 0.06 25.3 2.1 531. 2.4 41561003 99 1.7 41561003 100 4.81 0.06 27.8 1.8 534. 2.4 41561003 101 1.7 41561003 102 4.92 0.06 25.5 1.6 533. 2.4 41561003 103 1.7 41561003 104 4.95 0.06 26.4 1.9 534. 2.4 41561003 105 1.7 41561003 106 5.04 0.05 26.9 1.7 533. 3.3 41561003 107 1.7 41561003 108 5.05 0.05 27.0 1.7 533. 3.3 41561003 109 1.7 41561003 110 5.13 0.05 29.6 2.1 536. 3.3 41561003 111 1.7 41561003 112 5.18 0.05 32.7 2.2 536. 3.3 41561003 113 1.7 41561003 114 5.32 0.05 38.3 2.6 538. 3.3 41561003 115 1.7 41561003 116 5.44 0.05 44.5 3.0 544. 3.3 41561003 117 1.7 41561003 118 5.56 0.05 47.6 3.3 548. 3.3 41561003 119 2.3 41561003 120 5.69 0.05 52.9 3.6 572. 3.3 41561003 121 2.3 41561003 122 5.82 0.05 54.8 3.6 588. 3.3 41561003 123 2.3 41561003 124 5.94 0.04 55.3 3.7 610. 3.3 41561003 125 2.3 41561003 126 6.08 0.04 59.7 4.5 642. 3.9 41561003 127 3.4 41561003 128 6.21 0.04 55.3 4.1 686. 3.9 41561003 129 3.4 41561003 130 6.35 0.04 63.3 5.2 752. 3.9 41561003 131 3.4 41561003 132 6.47 0.04 70.7 5.3 799. 3.9 41561003 133 3.4 41561003 134 6.60 0.04 72.4 5.5 840. 3.9 41561003 135 3.4 41561003 136 6.72 0.04 78.0 5.9 872. 3.9 41561003 137 3.4 41561003 138 6.83 0.04 68.0 5.3 897. 3.9 41561003 139 3.4 41561003 140 ENDDATA 62 0 41561003 141 ENDSUBENT 140 0 4156100399999 SUBENT 41561004 20250128 422141561004 1 BIB 8 20 41561004 2 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,A)26-FE-55,PAR,DA,,RAW) Number of events 41561004 3 Alphas angular distribution. 41561004 4 SAMPLE Ni-58 sample of 250 microg/cm**2 thickness. 41561004 5 U-238 (99.99%) sample of 0.250 mg/cm**2 thickness 41561004 6 in "back-to-back" geometry - for flux monitoring. 41561004 7 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Solid D-Ti target of 0.65 mg/cm**2 thickness on 41561004 8 water-cooled copper backing. 41561004 9 INC-SPECT 0.6E+6 n/cm**2/sec at sample position. 41561004 10 DETECTOR (IOCH) Frisch-gridded parallel-plane-electrodes 41561004 11 ionization chamber filled by Xe + 3% CO2 or 5% CH4 at 41561004 12 2.5 Atm pressure. Intrinsic energy resolution of 70 keV41561004 13 was defined by alpha-particle spectrum of Cf-252 41561004 14 spontaneous decay. 41561004 15 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 41561004 16 article. 41561004 17 COMMENT Of authors. Spectra in direct and backward experiments 41561004 18 were done separately. 41561004 19 Of compiler. E-LVL energy values are not given in the 41561004 20 articles, supposed by compiler as 0. MeV for ground. 41561004 21 STATUS (CURVE,,A.A.Goverdovskiy,C,94GATLIN,1,117,1994) Fig.5 .41561004 22 ENDBIB 20 0 41561004 23 COMMON 4 3 41561004 24 EN E-LVL ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG 41561004 25 MEV MEV ADEG ARB-UNITS 41561004 26 5.05 0. 0.200 0.315 41561004 27 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41561004 28 DATA 3 58 41561004 29 ANG DATA DATA-ERR 41561004 30 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 41561004 31 17.7 239.0 14.6 41561004 32 21.7 263.2 15.5 41561004 33 25.2 275.5 16.0 41561004 34 28.4 240.2 15.1 41561004 35 31.1 248.3 15.1 41561004 36 33.6 259.3 16.0 41561004 37 35.3 255.1 15.1 41561004 38 38.1 253.2 15.5 41561004 39 40.4 252.4 15.5 41561004 40 42.3 253.4 15.5 41561004 41 44.3 250.1 15.1 41561004 42 46.4 237.9 15.1 41561004 43 48.2 260.6 15.0 41561004 44 49.9 230.0 15.1 41561004 45 51.5 237.6 15.1 41561004 46 53.2 233.4 14.6 41561004 47 55.0 224.9 14.1 41561004 48 56.8 247.1 15.5 41561004 49 58.1 229.7 15.1 41561004 50 59.9 243.0 15.1 41561004 51 61.5 228.4 14.6 41561004 52 62.9 194.0 13.2 41561004 53 64.8 206.3 14.1 41561004 54 66.4 212.9 14.6 41561004 55 67.6 201.2 13.2 41561004 56 70.4 181.4 13.2 41561004 57 71.9 194.7 14.6 41561004 58 73.3 166.9 12.7 41561004 59 74.8 162.7 12.2 41561004 60 76.1 144.3 11.3 41561004 61 77.8 138.2 11.3 41561004 62 102.4 163.9 12.7 41561004 63 103.7 166.8 12.7 41561004 64 106.1 151.7 12.2 41561004 65 108.0 166.4 12.7 41561004 66 110.4 173.1 12.7 41561004 67 111.7 190.6 13.6 41561004 68 114.5 220.9 14.6 41561004 69 115.8 225.2 15.1 41561004 70 117.2 204.0 13.6 41561004 71 118.7 223.4 15.5 41561004 72 119.8 223.4 15.1 41561004 73 121.6 241.9 15.5 41561004 74 122.6 223.5 14.1 41561004 75 124.3 218.8 14.6 41561004 76 125.8 210.3 14.1 41561004 77 127.0 231.2 14.6 41561004 78 130.6 236.0 14.6 41561004 79 133.9 246.0 16.0 41561004 80 135.8 224.8 13.6 41561004 81 137.5 248.9 15.1 41561004 82 139.7 233.9 15.1 41561004 83 141.6 270.3 16.0 41561004 84 143.6 235.9 14.6 41561004 85 145.6 236.9 15.5 41561004 86 150.4 261.6 15.5 41561004 87 155.5 254.1 14.6 41561004 88 158.8 265.6 16.0 41561004 89 ENDDATA 60 0 41561004 90 ENDSUBENT 89 0 4156100499999 SUBENT 41561005 20250128 422141561005 1 BIB 8 20 41561005 2 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,A)26-FE-55,PAR,DA,,RAW) 41561005 3 Alphas angular distribution. Number of events. 41561005 4 SAMPLE Ni-58 sample of 250 microg/cm**2 thickness. 41561005 5 U-238 (99.99%) sample of 0.250 mg/cm**2 thickness 41561005 6 in "back-to-back" geometry - for flux monitoring. 41561005 7 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Solid D-Ti target of 0.65 mg/cm**2 thickness on 41561005 8 water-cooled copper backing. 41561005 9 INC-SPECT 0.6E+6 n/cm**2/sec at sample position. 41561005 10 DETECTOR (IOCH) Frisch-gridded parallel-plane-electrodes 41561005 11 ionization chamber filled by Xe + 3% CO2 or 5% CH4 at 41561005 12 2.5 Atm pressure. Intrinsic energy resolution of 70 keV41561005 13 was defined by alpha-particle spectrum of Cf-252 41561005 14 spontaneous decay. 41561005 15 COMMENT Of authors. Spectra in direct and backward experiments 41561005 16 were measured separately. 41561005 17 Of compiler. E-LVL energy values are not given in the 41561005 18 articles. 41561005 19 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 41561005 20 article. 41561005 21 STATUS (CURVE,,A.A.Goverdovskiy,C,94GATLIN,1,117,1994) Fig.5 .41561005 22 ENDBIB 20 0 41561005 23 COMMON 4 3 41561005 24 EN LVL-NUMB ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG 41561005 25 MEV NO-DIM ADEG ARB-UNITS 41561005 26 5.05 1. 0.200 0.315 41561005 27 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41561005 28 DATA 3 52 41561005 29 ANG DATA DATA-ERR 41561005 30 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS 41561005 31 13.2 101.50 9.90 41561005 32 18.3 97.86 10.86 41561005 33 22.5 98.92 10.86 41561005 34 26.0 108.47 10.86 41561005 35 29.2 105.72 10.86 41561005 36 32.2 116.20 11.80 41561005 37 34.6 100.68 10.39 41561005 38 37.2 122.00 10.86 41561005 39 39.6 106.01 11.32 41561005 40 41.9 124.02 10.85 41561005 41 43.8 109.44 10.40 41561005 42 45.8 99.57 8.96 41561005 43 48.0 106.72 10.86 41561005 44 50.2 113.86 11.32 41561005 45 52.1 95.50 8.49 41561005 46 53.9 107.36 10.38 41561005 47 55.4 97.48 8.49 41561005 48 57.3 106.03 11.33 41561005 49 59.1 96.64 8.96 41561005 50 61.0 103.30 10.85 41561005 51 62.3 82.09 9.92 41561005 52 64.2 87.81 7.08 41561005 53 65.3 98.22 11.81 41561005 54 67.2 102.53 10.39 41561005 55 68.7 96.90 8.96 41561005 56 70.5 109.71 10.85 41561005 57 72.0 97.94 8.49 41561005 58 73.3 109.78 10.39 41561005 59 76.4 108.45 10.86 41561005 60 102.5 92.65 10.39 41561005 61 103.9 94.10 10.39 41561005 62 106.2 85.67 10.39 41561005 63 110.4 94.28 10.39 41561005 64 111.6 83.93 8.01 41561005 65 114.5 70.79 8.96 41561005 66 115.8 89.71 9.44 41561005 67 117.0 80.77 8.01 41561005 68 118.5 96.40 9.92 41561005 69 120.0 85.58 8.03 41561005 70 121.4 87.98 8.96 41561005 71 122.9 74.33 7.56 41561005 72 124.1 97.50 10.86 41561005 73 125.8 99.90 9.44 41561005 74 127.5 99.01 10.38 41561005 75 131.1 107.61 10.84 41561005 76 139.6 97.46 10.38 41561005 77 141.5 103.18 10.38 41561005 78 143.3 94.25 9.92 41561005 79 145.8 96.21 9.90 41561005 80 150.4 89.26 9.91 41561005 81 155.9 102.63 11.35 41561005 82 159.3 97.53 10.37 41561005 83 ENDDATA 54 0 41561005 84 ENDSUBENT 83 0 4156100599999 SUBENT 41561006 20250128 422141561006 1 BIB 9 20 41561006 2 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,A)26-FE-55,,DA,,RSD) 41561006 3 SAMPLE Ni-58 sample of 250 microg/cm**2 thickness. 41561006 4 U-238 (99.99%) sample of 0.250 mg/cm**2 thickness 41561006 5 in "back-to-back" geometry - for flux monitoring. 41561006 6 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Solid D-Ti target of 0.65 mg/cm**2 thickness on 41561006 7 water-cooled copper backing. 41561006 8 INC-SPECT 0.6E+6 n/cm**2/sec at sample position. 41561006 9 DETECTOR (IOCH) Frisch-gridded parallel-plane-electrodes 41561006 10 ionization chamber filled by Xe + 3% CO2 or 5% CH4 at 41561006 11 2.5 Atm pressure. Intrinsic energy resolution of 70 keV41561006 12 was defined by alpha-particle spectrum of Cf-252 41561006 13 spontaneous decay. 41561006 14 ANALYSIS Angular distributions averaged over all 41561006 15 alpha-channels were LSM-fitted as 41561006 16 W(y)=a+b*cos(angle)+c*cos(angle). 41561006 17 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 41561006 18 article. 41561006 19 STATUS (CURVE,,A.A.Goverdovskiy,C,94GATLIN,1,117,1994) Fig.6 .41561006 20 = Fig.1 of Seminar Proc.ISINN-3,351,1995. 41561006 21 HISTORY (20200219A) Code A (alpha) was removed from SF7 41561006 22 ENDBIB 20 0 41561006 23 COMMON 3 3 41561006 24 ANG EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 41561006 25 ADEG MEV NO-DIM 41561006 26 0. 0.00942 0.0021 41561006 27 ENDCOMMON 3 0 41561006 28 DATA 3 27 41561006 29 EN DATA DATA-ERR 41561006 30 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM 41561006 31 3.55 0.979 0.120 41561006 32 3.75 1.814 0.124 41561006 33 3.95 1.401 0.116 41561006 34 4.14 1.735 0.112 41561006 35 4.26 1.541 0.118 41561006 36 4.37 0.988 0.120 41561006 37 4.47 1.580 0.118 41561006 38 4.50 1.500 0.128 41561006 39 4.59 1.430 0.118 41561006 40 4.69 1.377 0.118 41561006 41 4.81 1.566 0.118 41561006 42 4.92 0.926 0.120 41561006 43 5.06 1.802 41561006 44 5.14 1.138 0.137 41561006 45 5.18 1.560 0.114 41561006 46 5.32 1.600 0.056 41561006 47 5.44 1.520 0.098 41561006 48 5.57 1.147 0.088 41561006 49 5.69 1.386 0.098 41561006 50 5.82 1.648 0.078 41561006 51 5.94 1.318 0.096 41561006 52 6.08 1.638 0.088 41561006 53 6.21 1.219 0.088 41561006 54 6.35 1.180 0.076 41561006 55 6.47 1.500 0.106 41561006 56 6.60 1.138 0.078 41561006 57 6.83 1.238 0.080 41561006 58 ENDDATA 29 0 41561006 59 ENDSUBENT 58 0 4156100699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 4156199999999