ENTRY 41564 20250110 422141564000 1 SUBENT 41564001 20250110 422141564001 1 BIB 12 57 41564001 2 TITLE Study of neutron-neutron scattering in nd breakup 41564001 3 reaction 41564001 4 AUTHOR (E.Konobeevski,S.V.Zuyev, M.V.Mordovskoy, S.I.Potashev,41564001 5 I.M.Sharapov) 41564001 6 REFERENCE (J,PAN,76,1398,2013) Engl.translation of J,YF,76 . 41564001 7 #doi:10.1134/S1063778813110100 41564001 8 (J,YF,76,1479,2013) Issue 11. 41564001 9 (J,JP/CS,340,012047,2012) 41564001 10 #doi:10.1088/1742-6596/340/1/012047 41564001 11 (J,YF,73,1343,2010) Issue 8. 41564001 12 (J,PAN,73,1302,2010) First publication. 41564001 13 #doi:10.1134/S106377881008003X 41564001 14 Engl. translation of YF,73,1343,2010 41564001 15 INSTITUTE (4RUSJIA) 41564001 16 REL-REF (I,,S.V.Zuyev+,J,IET,51,327,2008) 41564001 17 #doi:10.1134/S0020441208030019 41564001 18 Engl.trans.of PTE,,(3),5,2008 41564001 19 FACILITY Moscow Meson Factory of the Institute 41564001 20 for Nuclear Research. 41564001 21 (LINAC,4RUSJIA) Beam stop of 200 MeV protons of the 41564001 22 linear accelerator. 41564001 23 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Neutrons produced in the tungsten target (60mm 41564001 24 W) are collimated at zero angle at a length of 12 m in 41564001 25 order to form a beam with a diameter of about 60 mm at 41564001 26 the reaction CD2 target. 41564001 27 INC-SPECT Neutrons incident on the deuterium target have a 41564001 28 continuous energy spectrum, with an endpoint energy 41564001 29 equal to the proton beam energy. Detection of three 41564001 30 particles in coincidence makes it possible to 41564001 31 reconstruct the primary neutron energy in the 41564001 32 n+d -> p+n+n reaction and obtain data on the reaction 41564001 33 yield in a wide range of neutron energies, determined 41564001 34 only by the statistics of the experiment. 41564001 35 DETECTOR (TELES,SCIN) dE-E telescope consisting of two fast 41564001 36 plastic scintillation detectors. For proton detection. 41564001 37 The neutron time-of-flight hodoscope consists of 41564001 38 several (5-6 at the moment) detectors, located at 41564001 39 different angles with respect to the primary neutron 41564001 40 direction at a flight distance of 4-5 m from the CD2 41564001 41 target,on the left from the incident neutron beam axis.41564001 42 The time resolution of all detectors was about 0.6 ns. 41564001 43 The angular resolution was defined by the detector 41564001 44 cross section size and the time-of-flight distance; 41564001 45 it was about +-0.5deg. 41564001 46 SAMPLE CD2 of 100 mg/cm**2 thickness. 41564001 47 METHOD (TOF) 41564001 48 (EDE) 41564001 49 (COINC) Three particles in coincidence - proton and two41564001 50 neutrons. 41564001 51 HISTORY (20121003C) M.M. 41564001 52 (20140130A) Ref. J,YF,76,(11),1398,2013 and its English41564001 53 translation were added. 41564001 54 Data of Subent 002 were updated by last published. 41564001 55 (20250110A) Page in ref. YF was corrected: 1398 -> 147941564001 56 STATUS info was updated for new rules. 41564001 57 Ref. J,YF,73,1343,2010 and it's Engl.translation were 41564001 58 added. 41564001 59 ENDBIB 57 0 41564001 60 NOCOMMON 0 0 41564001 61 ENDSUBENT 60 0 4156400199999 SUBENT 41564002 20250110 422141564002 1 BIB 6 18 41564002 2 REACTION (0-NN-1(N,EL)0-NN-1,,AMP,,,DERIV) 41564002 3 Quasi-free scattering length 41564002 4 METHOD Experiments have been performed in the final state 41564002 5 interaction (FSI) geometry. The neutron-neutron FSI 41564002 6 manifests itself as a peak in the reaction yield 41564002 7 distribution versus the relative energy of two neutrons41564002 8 ANALYSIS The nn scattering length ann was determined by 41564002 9 comparing the experimentally measured yield of the 41564002 10 neutron-deuteron breakup reaction with the 41564002 11 ann-dependent results of a simulation in the 41564002 12 Migdal-Watson approximation for deltaANGLE = 6 deg and 41564002 13 En=40+-5 MeV. See also Fig.3 of J,JP/CS,340,012047,201241564002 14 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty . 41564002 15 STATUS (TABLE,,E.Konobeevski+,J,PAN,76,1398,2013) Text p.1401 41564002 16 Text page 1482 of J,YF,76,1479 . 41564002 17 Text page 5 of J,JP/CS,340,012047,2012 - 17.9+-0.9 Fm. 41564002 18 Text page 1348 of J,YF,73,1343,2010. 41564002 19 HISTORY (20250110A) ANALYSIS was updated. 41564002 20 ENDBIB 18 0 41564002 21 NOCOMMON 0 0 41564002 22 DATA 4 1 41564002 23 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-S 41564002 24 MEV MEV FERMI FERMI 41564002 25 40. 5. -17.9 1.0 41564002 26 ENDDATA 3 0 41564002 27 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4156400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 4156499999999