ENTRY            41569   20140902                             41654156900000001 
SUBENT        41569001   20140902                             41654156900100001 
BIB                 10         26                                 4156900100002 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSNIR)                                              4156900100003 
REFERENCE  (J,RAK,54,(4),352,2012)                                4156900100004 
           (J,RDC,54,(4),383,2012) Engl.translation of J,RAK,54   4156900100005 
           #doi:10.1134/S1066362212040121                         4156900100006 
AUTHOR     (R.A.Kuznetsov,P.S.Butkalyuk,V.A.Tarasov,A.Yu.Baranov, 4156900100007 
           I.L.Butkalyuk,E.G.Romanov,V.N.Kupriyanov,E.V.Kazakova) 4156900100008 
TITLE      Yields of activation products in Ra-226 irradiation in 4156900100009 
           the high-flux SM reactor.                              4156900100010 
FACILITY   (REAC,4RUSNIR) SM-reactor.                             4156900100011 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)                                                 4156900100012 
INC-SPECT  Thermal neutron flux 1.5E+15 1/cm**2/sec.              4156900100013 
           MCNP determined: thermal flux - 1.51E+15,              4156900100014 
           resonance neutrons 1.32E+14, fast neutrons - 1.34E+15. 4156900100015 
           Neutron gas temperature 493 K.                         4156900100016 
METHOD     (ACTIV) 25 effective days irradiation in the neutron   4156900100017 
           trap of SM-reactor, 17 days cooling.                   4156900100018 
           (CHSEP) Ra activation products were chemically         4156900100019 
           isolated.                                              4156900100020 
           (ASPEC) Alpha spectroscopy,                            4156900100021 
           (GSPEC) gamma spectroscopy,                            4156900100022 
           (MASSP) mass spectrometry                              4156900100023 
           for yields determination.                              4156900100024 
SAMPLE      3.16 mg of Ra-226CO(3) contain 2.5 mg of Ra-226.      4156900100025 
           Placed in quartz capsule.                              4156900100026 
HISTORY    (20130307C) M.M.                                       4156900100027 
           (20140901A) Ra-226 ->  Ra-227 in REACTION.             4156900100028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 4156900100029 
COMMON               1          3                                 4156900100030 
KT-K                                                              4156900100031 
K                                                                 4156900100032 
 493.                                                             4156900100033 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4156900100034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 4156900199999 
SUBENT        41569002   20140902                             41654156900200001 
BIB                  5         13                                 4156900200002 
REACTION   (88-RA-227(N,G)88-RA-228,,SIG,,SPA)                    4156900200003 
DECAY-DATA (88-RA-227,42.2MIN)                                    4156900200004 
           (88-RA-228,5.7YR)                                      4156900200005 
ADD-RES    Activities of major components in irradiated Ra target:4156900200006 
           Isotope    Yield,Bq              [mCi]                 4156900200007 
           Ac-227     (1.9+-0.2)*10**8      [5.1+-0.5]            4156900200008 
           Th-228     (3.8+-0.26)*10**9     [103+-7]              4156900200009 
           Th-229     (1.4+-0.2)*10**5      [0.0039+-0.0006]      4156900200010 
           Th-230     (2.8+-0.2)*10**-3     [(7.63+-0.58)*10**-5] 4156900200011 
           Ra-228     (6.7+-1.1)*10**7      [1.8+-0.3]            4156900200012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text of abstract in J,RAK,54,(4),352,2012      4156900200013 
           (PRELM) Preliminary data .                             4156900200014 
HISTORY    (20140901A) Ra-226 ->  Ra-227 in REACTION.             4156900200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 4156900200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4156900200017 
DATA                 1          1                                 4156900200018 
DATA-APRX                                                         4156900200019 
B                                                                 4156900200020 
     1.5E+3                                                       4156900200021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4156900200022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 4156900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 4156999999999