ENTRY 41581 20230131 42114158100000001 SUBENT 41581001 20230131 42114158100100001 BIB 12 58 4158100100002 TITLE Time-of-flight spectrometer CORSET for measuring the 4158100100003 binary products of nuclear reactions. 4158100100004 AUTHOR (E.M.Kozulin, A.A.Bogachev, M.G.Itkis, Yu.M.Itkis, 4158100100005 G.N.Knyazheva, N.A.Kondrat'ev, L.Krupa, I.V.Pokrovskiy,4158100100006 E.V.Prokhorova) 4158100100007 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) 4158100100008 REFERENCE (J,IET,51,44,2008) Eng.translation of PTE,,(1),51,2008.4158100100009 (J,PTE,,(1),51,2008) 4158100100010 FACILITY (SPECC,4ZZZDUB) TOF spectrometer CORSET (Correlation 4158100100011 Setup) consists of two identical TOF arms to measure 4158100100012 velocity of both reaction fragments and several 4158100100013 telescopes. 4158100100014 DETECTOR (TELES,MCPLT,MCPLT,SOLST) V-E telescopes to measure 4158100100015 mass and energy of one of binary reaction products. 4158100100016 Consists of "start" and "stop" micro-channel plate 4158100100017 detectors with electrostatic mirror and semiconductor 4158100100018 detector of 2cm*2xcm size. 4158100100019 (MCPLT) Each arm contains two detectors-compact "start"4158100100020 and position sensitive detector "stop". 4158100100021 (SIBAR) Four surface barrier semiconductor detectors - 4158100100022 for beam monitoring. 4158100100023 Parameters of CORSET setup : 4158100100024 Two-arms spectrometer V-E telescope 4158100100025 Time resolution- 150 picosec 180 picosec 4158100100026 for each arm 4158100100027 Angular resolution- about 0.3 deg +- 1.5 deg 4158100100028 Geometry efficiency- about 3% about 0.15 % 4158100100029 Registration 4158100100030 efficiency- about 67% about 67 %. 4158100100031 Mass resolution- 3 (FWHM) 4(FWHM) 4158100100032 METHOD (TOF) Flight path - 18cm from start to stop detector of4158100100033 each arms. 4158100100034 From sample to start detector - 3-5 cm. 4158100100035 Flight path 10cm from "start" to "stop" detectors of 4158100100036 V-E telescopes. 4158100100037 2V method, V-E method, 2V-E method. 4158100100038 Time resolution 150 ps, mass resolution 3 a.m., 4158100100039 angular resolution 0.3 deg. 4158100100040 ANALYSIS Mass and energy of fragment was defined by iterative 4158100100041 method using lows of conservation of impulse and 4158100100042 number of nucleons. 4158100100043 CORRECTION For events of reaction fragment interference with 4158100100044 electrostatic mirror guide - about 5%. 4158100100045 For size of "stop" MCPLT detectors. 4158100100046 For dead time of "start" detectors - less 10%. 4158100100047 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 4158100100048 Data of Fig.11a of J,PTE,1,51,2008 - 4158100100049 yield of FF vs. their mass and TKE - 4158100100050 3D-figure data are not possible to digitize. 4158100100051 Request for data was sent 11.04.2008 4158100100052 to E.M.Kozulin - no reply. 4158100100053 STATUS CORREL, Data for Ca-48 + Cm-248 reaction from this 4158100100054 reference. 4158100100055 Request for data was sent 11.04.2008 to E.M.Kozulin. 4158100100056 HISTORY (20080416C) M.M. 4158100100057 (20150225U) Engl.translation was added. 4158100100058 (20230131A) UNOBT was deleted. 4158100100059 Subent 002 was deleted - see comment of compiler. 4158100100060 ENDBIB 58 0 4158100100061 NOCOMMON 0 0 4158100100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 4158100199999 NOSUBENT 41581002 20230131 42114158100200001 SUBENT 41581003 20230131 42114158100300001 BIB 5 11 4158100300002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,PRE,FY) 4158100300003 REL-REF (A,22780002,F.-J.Hambsch+,J,NP/A,617,347,1997) 4158100300004 Peak/valley value P/V=48 is better, than that of 4158100300005 F.Hambsch. 4158100300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA. 4158100300007 COMMENT Of compiler. Quality of digitized data could be not 4158100300008 very good, because point are overlapped by other data 4158100300009 of F.Hambsch+ used for comparison. 4158100300010 STATUS Request for data was sent 11.04.2008 4158100300011 to E.M.Kozulin - no reply. 4158100300012 (CURVE)Data are presented on Fig.11b of J,PTE,1,51,20084158100300013 ENDBIB 11 0 4158100300014 COMMON 1 3 4158100300015 ERR-DIG 4158100300016 PER-CENT 4158100300017 0.12E-01 4158100300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4158100300019 DATA 2 93 4158100300020 MASS DATA 4158100300021 NO-DIM PC/FIS 4158100300022 79. 0.223E-02 4158100300023 80. 0.580E-02 4158100300024 81. 0.126E-01 4158100300025 82. 0.203E-01 4158100300026 83. 0.302E-01 4158100300027 84. 0.479E-01 4158100300028 85. 0.724E-01 4158100300029 86. 0.106 4158100300030 87. 0.136 4158100300031 88. 0.181 4158100300032 89. 0.261 4158100300033 90. 0.337 4158100300034 91. 0.421 4158100300035 92. 0.533 4158100300036 93. 0.655 4158100300037 94. 0.676 4158100300038 95. 0.831 4158100300039 96. 1.054 4158100300040 97. 1.275 4158100300041 98. 1.447 4158100300042 99. 1.695 4158100300043 100. 2.115 4158100300044 101. 2.558 4158100300045 102. 3.245 4158100300046 103. 3.801 4158100300047 104. 4.452 4158100300048 105. 4.816 4158100300049 106. 5.465 4158100300050 107. 5.911 4158100300051 108. 5.906 4158100300052 109. 5.808 4158100300053 110. 5.623 4158100300054 111. 5.442 4158100300055 112. 4.864 4158100300056 113. 4.561 4158100300057 115. 4.207 4158100300058 116. 3.701 4158100300059 117. 3.362 4158100300060 118. 2.819 4158100300061 119. 2.254 4158100300062 120. 1.719 4158100300063 121. 1.290 4158100300064 122. 0.839 4158100300065 123. 0.520 4158100300066 124. 0.322 4158100300067 125. 0.181 4158100300068 126. 0.147 4158100300069 127. 0.184 4158100300070 128. 0.297 4158100300071 129. 0.478 4158100300072 130. 0.846 4158100300073 131. 1.239 4158100300074 132. 1.757 4158100300075 133. 2.229 4158100300076 134. 2.737 4158100300077 135. 3.258 4158100300078 136. 3.876 4158100300079 137. 4.469 4158100300080 138. 4.758 4158100300081 139. 5.231 4158100300082 140. 5.227 4158100300083 141. 5.930 4158100300084 142. 5.741 4158100300085 143. 5.737 4158100300086 144. 6.011 4158100300087 145. 5.634 4158100300088 146. 5.037 4158100300089 147. 4.432 4158100300090 148. 3.899 4158100300091 149. 3.270 4158100300092 150. 2.743 4158100300093 152. 2.158 4158100300094 153. 1.753 4158100300095 154. 1.518 4158100300096 155. 1.253 4158100300097 156. 1.035 4158100300098 157. 0.882 4158100300099 158. 0.694 4158100300100 159. 0.601 4158100300101 160. 0.488 4158100300102 161. 0.390 4158100300103 162. 0.302 4158100300104 163. 0.227 4158100300105 164. 0.176 4158100300106 165. 0.136 4158100300107 166. 0.103 4158100300108 167. 0.743E-01 4158100300109 168. 0.499E-01 4158100300110 169. 0.300E-01 4158100300111 170. 0.208E-01 4158100300112 171. 0.126E-01 4158100300113 172. 0.610E-02 4158100300114 173. 0.234E-02 4158100300115 ENDDATA 95 0 4158100300116 ENDSUBENT 115 0 4158100399999 SUBENT 41581004 20230131 42114158100400001 BIB 5 10 4158100400002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,,KE) Average kinetic energy of 4158100400003 fission fragment as dependence from mass, in c.m.sys.4158100400004 REL-REF (A,22780003,F.-J.Hambsch+,J,NP/A,617,347,1997) 4158100400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of DATA. 4158100400006 COMMENT Of compiler. Quality of digitized data could be not 4158100400007 very good, because point are overlapped by other data 4158100400008 of F.Hambsch+ used for comparison. 4158100400009 STATUS Request for data was sent 11.04.2008 4158100400010 to E.M.Kozulin - no reply. 4158100400011 (CURVE)Data are presented on Fig.11c of J,PTE,1,51,20084158100400012 ENDBIB 10 0 4158100400013 COMMON 1 3 4158100400014 ERR-DIG 4158100400015 MEV 4158100400016 0.074 4158100400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4158100400018 DATA 2 95 4158100400019 MASS DATA 4158100400020 NO-DIM MEV 4158100400021 78. 149.57 4158100400022 79. 155.49 4158100400023 80. 157.03 4158100400024 81. 158.18 4158100400025 82. 158.69 4158100400026 83. 160.22 4158100400027 84. 161.76 4158100400028 85. 162.40 4158100400029 86. 164.46 4158100400030 87. 164.83 4158100400031 88. 165.98 4158100400032 89. 167.26 4158100400033 91. 168.28 4158100400034 92. 169.43 4158100400035 94. 170.32 4158100400036 95. 171.47 4158100400037 96. 172.49 4158100400038 97. 174.29 4158100400039 98. 175.31 4158100400040 99. 176.72 4158100400041 100. 177.87 4158100400042 101. 178.90 4158100400043 102. 180.56 4158100400044 103. 181.33 4158100400045 104. 181.83 4158100400046 105. 183.25 4158100400047 106. 184.53 4158100400048 107. 185.16 4158100400049 108. 185.67 4158100400050 109. 185.66 4158100400051 110. 186.04 4158100400052 111. 186.80 4158100400053 112. 187.57 4158100400054 113. 187.82 4158100400055 114. 188.58 4158100400056 115. 189.35 4158100400057 116. 190.63 4158100400058 117. 191.52 4158100400059 118. 192.16 4158100400060 119. 193.05 4158100400061 120. 192.40 4158100400062 121. 191.75 4158100400063 122. 190.58 4158100400064 123. 187.09 4158100400065 124. 181.67 4158100400066 125. 175.86 4158100400067 126. 173.92 4158100400068 127. 175.85 4158100400069 128. 181.64 4158100400070 129. 187.17 4158100400071 130. 190.52 4158100400072 131. 191.93 4158100400073 132. 192.82 4158100400074 133. 192.55 4158100400075 134. 192.28 4158100400076 135. 191.37 4158100400077 136. 190.59 4158100400078 137. 189.42 4158100400079 138. 188.77 4158100400080 139. 188.12 4158100400081 140. 187.59 4158100400082 141. 187.07 4158100400083 142. 186.29 4158100400084 143. 185.90 4158100400085 144. 185.76 4158100400086 145. 184.85 4158100400087 146. 184.33 4158100400088 147. 183.03 4158100400089 148. 181.99 4158100400090 149. 181.21 4158100400091 150. 180.56 4158100400092 151. 179.00 4158100400093 152. 177.58 4158100400094 153. 176.15 4158100400095 154. 174.98 4158100400096 155. 174.07 4158100400097 156. 173.42 4158100400098 157. 172.25 4158100400099 158. 170.57 4158100400100 159. 169.79 4158100400101 160. 169.26 4158100400102 161. 168.10 4158100400103 162. 167.32 4158100400104 163. 165.89 4158100400105 164. 165.36 4158100400106 165. 164.59 4158100400107 166. 164.32 4158100400108 167. 162.89 4158100400109 168. 161.34 4158100400110 169. 160.17 4158100400111 170. 158.87 4158100400112 171. 157.96 4158100400113 172. 157.18 4158100400114 173. 155.50 4158100400115 174. 149.31 4158100400116 ENDDATA 97 0 4158100400117 ENDSUBENT 116 0 4158100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 4158199999999