ENTRY            41583   20120228                             41564158300000001 
SUBENT        41583001   20120228                             41564158300100001 
BIB                 12         28                                 4158300100002 
TITLE       Radiative capture of He-3 neutrons in the energy      4158300100003 
           interval 1-70 keV.                                     4158300100004 
AUTHOR     (V.P.Alfimenkov, S.B.Borzakov, J.Wierzbicki,           4158300100005 
           O.N.Ovchinnikov, L.B.Pikel'ner, E.I.Sharapov)          4158300100006 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB)                                              4158300100007 
REFERENCE  (J,ZEP,29,(1),100,197901)                              4158300100008 
           (J,JEL,29,(1),91,1970) Engl.translation of ZEP,29,100 .4158300100009 
REL-REF    (N,11169001,R.W.Zurmuehle+,J,PR,132,751,1963)          4158300100010 
            Detector efficiency calculation.                      4158300100011 
MONITOR    Neutron beam intensity was measured by calibrated boron4158300100012 
           and helium counters.                                   4158300100013 
METHOD     (TOF) Flight base is 33.2 m .                          4158300100014 
FACILITY   (REAC) Fast pulse reactor IBR-30 in booster regime     4158300100015 
           concurrently with LUE-40 linear electron accelerator.  4158300100016 
SAMPLE      Liquid He-3 in container. Target area 30 cm**2,       4158300100017 
            thickness 3E+22 nuclei/cm**2 .                        4158300100018 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Na-I(Tl) crystal of 10 cm diameter, 10 cm      4158300100019 
           thickness, placed at 90 and 45 degrees angles relative 4158300100020 
           to beam. Screen of 10 cm paraffin, 4 cm boron carbide, 4158300100021 
           1 cm lead was placed between target and detector.      4158300100022 
           Detector efficiency was calculated, correctness was    4158300100023 
           checked (see REL-REF of R.W.Zurmuhle+) and was         4158300100024 
           reconfirmed in calibrated measurements of the known    4158300100025 
           partial width of direct transition ( 9.0 MeV ) for     4158300100026 
           neutron capture in nickel.                             4158300100027 
CORRECTION  For attenuation of gamma-rays by the screen.          4158300100028 
            For contribution of faster neutrons.                  4158300100029 
HISTORY    (20120228C)                                            4158300100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 4158300100031 
COMMON               1          3                                 4158300100032 
ERR-S                                                             4158300100033 
PER-CENT                                                          4158300100034 
 15.                                                              4158300100035 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4158300100036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 4158300199999 
SUBENT        41583002   20120228                             41564158300200001 
BIB                  5         15                                 4158300200002 
REACTION   (2-HE-3(N,G)2-HE-4,,SIG,,FCT) See ANALYSIS             4158300200003 
ANALYSIS    Radiative capture cross section was determined as:    4158300200004 
            (8/3)*PI*SIG(90deg), which is suitable for the case of4158300200005 
           angular distribution corresponding to the function     4158300200006 
            SIN**2 .This dependence was indicated by measured     4158300200007 
           relationship of gamma-ray intensities at 90 and 45 deg.4158300200008 
           angles equal to 1.8+-0.20.                             4158300200009 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Average energy in energy interval, digitized.   4158300200010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Digitized error bars of DATA.               4158300200011 
            Calibration uncertainty of detector efficiency        4158300200012 
           constitutes the basic error in determining the cross   4158300200013 
           section.                                               4158300200014 
           (EN-ERR) Digitized error bars of EN                    4158300200015 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of ZEP,29,(1),100,1979.                  4158300200016 
           (DEP,41583003) Ratio of gamma-ray intensities.         4158300200017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 4158300200018 
COMMON               2          3                                 4158300200019 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                4158300200020 
PER-CENT   MICRO-B                                                4158300200021 
  0.791E-02   0.63E-01                                            4158300200022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4158300200023 
DATA                 5          5                                 4158300200024 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC                  4158300200025 
KEV        KEV        MICRO-B    MICRO-B    KEV                   4158300200026 
 1.02       2.38       7.98      7.09        1.70                 4158300200027 
 2.38       9.15      10.14      3.80        5.75                 4158300200028 
 9.15       19.98     15.72      4.68        14.60                4158300200029 
 19.98      33.82     14.21      3.67        26.75                4158300200030 
 33.82      68.89     18.26      4.30        50.62                4158300200031 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 4158300200032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 4158300299999 
SUBENT        41583003   20120228                             41564158300300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 4158300300002 
REACTION   (2-HE-3(N,G)2-HE-4,,DA,,RSD/AV)                        4158300300003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified.                              4158300300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text of ZEP,29,(1),100,1979.                   4158300300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 4158300300006 
COMMON               1          3                                 4158300300007 
ANG                                                               4158300300008 
ADEG                                                              4158300300009 
 45.                                                              4158300300010 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4158300300011 
DATA                 4          1                                 4158300300012 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       DATA-ERR                         4158300300013 
KEV        KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           4158300300014 
1.0         69.        1.8        0.20                            4158300300015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 4158300300016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 4158300399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 4158399999999