ENTRY 41608 20231110 42154160800000001 SUBENT 41608001 20231110 42154160800100001 BIB 12 38 4160800100002 REFERENCE (J,JEL,102,203,2015) Engl.translation of ZEP 4160800100003 (J,ZEP,102,(4),231,2015) In English. 4160800100004 (S,ISINN-23,73,2016) In English , published at 2016. 4160800100005 First author A.M.Gagarski. Held at May 2015. 4160800100006 (J,EPJ/CS,146,04011,2017) 4160800100007 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201714604011 4160800100008 Figures for U-233,-235,-238,Th-232,Bi-209 4160800100009 TITLE Anisotropy of the fission fragments from 4160800100010 neutron-induced fission in the intermediate energy 4160800100011 range 1 - 200 MeV. 4160800100012 AUTHOR (A.S.Vorobyev, A.M.Gagarski, O.A.Shcherbakov, 4160800100013 L.A.Vaishnene, A.L.Barabanov) 4160800100014 INSTITUTE (4RUSLIN) A.S.Vorobyev,A.M.Gagarski,O.A.Shcherbakov, 4160800100015 L.A.Vaishnene. 4160800100016 (4RUSKUR) A.L.Barabanov 4160800100017 (4RUSMFT) A.L.Barabanov 4160800100018 METHOD (TOF) 36 m flight path 4160800100019 FACILITY (SYNCY,4RUSLIN) Neutron spectrometer GNEIS (Gatchina) 4160800100020 based on 1 GeV proton synchrocyclotron. 4160800100021 INC-SOURCE (SPALL) Pulsed spallation neutron source. 4160800100022 SAMPLE Targets 120x120mm2 made by vacuum deposition of Th and4160800100023 U tetrafluoride on 2 micrometer Mylar foil. 4160800100024 Thickness 100-150 microg/cm2 4160800100025 DETECTOR (MWPC) Two coordinates sensitive multiwire 4160800100026 proportional counters of 140x140mm2 - for fission 4160800100027 fragments detection. The detectors arrangement enables 4160800100028 to cover the interval 0.3 < cos(THETA) < 1.0 . 4160800100029 STATUS (PRELM) Preliminary data. 4160800100030 (APRVD) Approved by authors. 4160800100031 COMMENT Of author. Data of angular distributions are not ready 4160800100032 for EXFOR, will be published later. 4160800100033 HISTORY (20151020C) M.M. 4160800100034 (20151023R) Data were received from authors. 4160800100035 (20170412A) S,ISINN-23,73,2015; J,EPJ/CS,146,04011,20174160800100036 were added . Information in STATUS was updated. 4160800100037 Subent 005 was added. 4160800100038 (20180416U) ISINN-23 ref. year was corrected 15 -> 16 4160800100039 (20231110U) Subent 004 was corrected. 4160800100040 ENDBIB 38 0 4160800100041 NOCOMMON 0 0 4160800100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 4160800199999 SUBENT 41608002 20180416 41794160800200001 BIB 5 18 4160800200002 REACTION (90-TH-232(N,F),,DA,FF,RSD) 4160800200003 Anisotropy parameter = W(0deg)/W(90deg) 4160800200004 ANALYSIS Anisotropy parameters in CM system were deduced from 4160800200005 measured angular distributions in lab. system by 4160800200006 fitting in the range 0.4