ENTRY            41615   20210608                             41954161500000001 
SUBENT        41615001   20210608                             41954161500100001 
BIB                 11         40                                 4161500100002 
TITLE      Angular Distribution of 4.43-MeV gamma-Rays Produced   4161500100003 
           in Inelastic Scattering of 14.1-MeV Neutrons by 12C    4161500100004 
           Nuclei                                                 4161500100005 
AUTHOR     (V.M.Bystritsky,D.N.Grozdanov,A.O.Zontikov,Yu.N.Kopach,4161500100006 
           Yu.N.Rogov,I.N.Ruskov,A.B.Sadovsky,V.R.Skoy,           4161500100007 
           Yu.N.Barmakov,E.P.Bogolyubov,V.I.Ryzhkov,D.I.Yurkov)   4161500100008 
INSTITUTE  (4ZZZDUB) V.M.Bystritsky,D.N.Grozdanov,A.O.Zontikov,   4161500100009 
           (3BULBLA) D.N.Grozdanov,I.N.Ruskov                     4161500100011 
           (4RUSRUS) N.L.Dukhov All-Russian Research Institute of 4161500100012 
            Automatics (VNIIA), Moscow, 101000 Russia.            4161500100013 
            Yu.N.Barmakov,E.P.Bogolyubov,V.I.Ryzhkov,D.I.Yurkov   4161500100014 
REFERENCE  (J,PPN/L,13,504,2016) Issue 4 .                        4161500100015 
           #doi:10.1134/S154747711604004X                         4161500100016 
           Engl.translation of:                                   4161500100017 
           (J,FCY/L,13,793,2016) Issue 4.                         4161500100018 
FACILITY   (NGEN,4ZZZDUB) Portable ING-27 neutron generator       4161500100019 
            designed and fabricated at VNIIA, Moscow.             4161500100020 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  4161500100021 
SAMPLE      Pure carbon of 10 x 10 x 5 cm3                        4161500100022 
METHOD     (COINC) Inc.neutron-alpha, scat.neutron-gamma          4161500100023 
           coincidences.                                          4161500100024 
DETECTOR   (SI) Built-in-generator 64-pixel silicon alpha detector4161500100025 
           (NAICR) 22 NaI(Tl) detectors system for gamma detection4161500100026 
           calibrated by Cs137, Co60, Pu-Be standard gamma-sources4161500100027 
           Energy resolution ~sqrt(E) , was 8.5% for Cs137 gamma  4161500100028 
           line.  Angular resolution ~ Gaussian with av.deviation 4161500100029 
           ~ 4.4 deg .                                            4161500100030 
ANALYSIS    Exp.gamma distributions were fitted as:               4161500100031 
            F(E)=Peak(E)+Compton(E)+Background(E) ;               4161500100032 
            Peak(E)=(A/(SIG*sqrt(2*PI)))*exp( -(E-E0)**2/2*SIG**2)4161500100033 
            E0 - peak centroid,                                   4161500100034 
            SIG - standard deviation ( Gaussian),                 4161500100035 
            A - area under peak,                                  4161500100036 
            Compton(E) -  Compton scattering contribution,        4161500100037 
            Background(E) - background of random events.          4161500100038 
HISTORY    (20161020C) M.M.                                       4161500100039 
           (20190121A) Subent 004 was added.                      4161500100040 
            Data were added in Subents 002, 003 .                 4161500100041 
           (20210608A) Subent 002 was corrected.                  4161500100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 4161500100043 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 4161500100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 4161500199999 
SUBENT        41615002   20190121                             41814161500200001 
BIB                  8         20                                 4161500200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA,G,COS/RSD)                 4161500200003 
REL-REF    (A,11229001,J.D.Anderson+,J,PR,111,572,1958) Issue 2   4161500200004 
            1.75+-0.18 ; 1.20+-0.31                               4161500200005 
           (A,11283001,J.Benveniste+,J,NP,19,448,1960)            4161500200006 
            3.01+-0.35 ; 2.56+-0.38                               4161500200007 
           Agree in the frames of uncertainties.                  4161500200008 
EN-SEC     (E,G)                                                  4161500200009 
ANALYSIS    Anisotropy ( Number(Theta)/Number(90deg) ) was fitted 4161500200010 
            W(THETA)=1+a*cos(Theta)**2 - b*cos(THETA)**4          4161500200011 
CORRECTION2 For self-absorption in sample,                        4161500200012 
            for angular resolution of exp.setup .                 4161500200013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        4161500200014 
           Systematical uncertainties are under study.            4161500200015 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text, page 511, of Physics of Particles and    4161500200016 
                Nuclei Letters,13,(4),504,2016                    4161500200017 
             Received 2019-01-28 from author A.O.Zontikov:        4161500200018 
             2. - 3.07 , 4. - -2.74                               4161500200019 
           (DEP,41615003) Angular anisotropy.                     4161500200020 
HISTORY    (20190128R) Data 2( received from author A.O.Zontikov )4161500200021 
           were added in free text                                4161500200022 
ENDBIB              20          0                                 4161500200023 
COMMON               2          3                                 4161500200024 
EN         E                                                      4161500200025 
MEV        MEV                                                    4161500200026 
 14.1       4.43                                                  4161500200027 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4161500200028 
DATA                 3          2                                 4161500200029 
NUMBER     DATA       ERR-S                                       4161500200030 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4161500200031 
 2.         2.47       0.10                                       4161500200032 
 4.        -2.04       0.12                                       4161500200033 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 4161500200034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 4161500299999 
SUBENT        41615003   20190121                             41814161500300001 
BIB                  6         12                                 4161500300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA,G,RSD)                     4161500300003 
            Anisotropy = Number(Theta)/Number(90deg)              4161500300004 
REL-REF    (A,11229001,J.D.Anderson+,J,PR,111,572,1958) Issue 2   4161500300005 
           (A,11283001,J.Benveniste+,J,NP,19,448,1960)            4161500300006 
           Agree in the frames of uncertainties.                  4161500300007 
EN-SEC     (E,G)                                                  4161500300008 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              4161500300009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data from the authors 28-01-2019               4161500300010 
           Data are on Fig.9 of Physics of Particles and Nuclei   4161500300011 
                Letters,13,(4),504,2016                           4161500300012 
HISTORY    (20190128R) Data ( received from author A.O.Zontikov ) 4161500300013 
           were added                                             4161500300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 4161500300015 
COMMON               2          3                                 4161500300016 
EN         E                                                      4161500300017 
MEV        MEV                                                    4161500300018 
 14.1       4.43                                                  4161500300019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4161500300020 
DATA                 3         11                                 4161500300021 
COS        DATA       ERR-S                                       4161500300022 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4161500300023 
  0.966     1.471      0.046                                      4161500300024 
  0.866     1.662      0.051                                      4161500300025 
  0.707     1.693      0.052                                      4161500300026 
  0.500     1.479      0.046                                      4161500300027 
  0.259     1.158      0.038                                      4161500300028 
  0.000     1.007      0.034                                      4161500300029 
  -0.259    1.140      0.037                                      4161500300030 
  -0.500    1.515      0.047                                      4161500300031 
  -0.707    1.761      0.053                                      4161500300032 
  -0.866    1.747      0.053                                      4161500300033 
  -0.966    1.602      0.049                                      4161500300034 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 4161500300035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 4161500399999 
SUBENT        41615004   20210608                             41954161500400001 
BIB                  7         24                                 4161500400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA,G,LEG/RS)                  4161500400003 
REL-REF    (O,41660001,D.N.Grozdanov+,J,PAN,81,588,2018)          4161500400004 
           #doi:10.1134/S106377881805006X                         4161500400005 
           Engl.translation of:                                   4161500400006 
           (O,41660001,D.N.Grozdanov+,J,YF,81,548,2018) Issue 5.  4161500400007 
           #doi:10.1134/S0044002718050069                         4161500400008 
ADD-RES    .Legendre coefficients were obtained using formula 14.24161500400009 
             of ENDF-6 Formats Manual                             4161500400010 
             https://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/70393.pdf          4161500400011 
            2. - 6.495E-02, 4. - -4.722E-02 (received form author)4161500400012 
CORRECTION2 For self-absorption in sample,                        4161500400013 
            for angular resolution of exp.setup .                 4161500400014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        4161500400015 
STATUS     (DEP,41615003) Angular anisotropy.                     4161500400016 
           (TABLE) Table 1 of REL-REF .                           4161500400017 
                   From author                                    4161500400018 
HISTORY    (20190121C)                                            4161500400019 
           (20190128R) Data 2 (received from author A.O.Zontikov) 4161500400020 
           were added in free text                                4161500400021 
           (20210608A) SF8:LEG/RSD -> RSD.                        4161500400022 
            "EN-SEC (G)" was deleted.                             4161500400023 
           Formula used to derive Legendre coefficients           4161500400024 
            W(THETA)=1+a2*P2(cos(Theta))+ a4*P4(cos(THETA))       4161500400025 
           was deleted according to comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA)4161500400026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 4161500400027 
COMMON               2          3                                 4161500400028 
EN         E                                                      4161500400029 
MEV        MEV                                                    4161500400030 
 14.1       4.43                                                  4161500400031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 4161500400032 
DATA                 3          2                                 4161500400033 
NUMBER     DATA       ERR-S                                       4161500400034 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      4161500400035 
 2.          0.34      0.03                                       4161500400036 
 4.         -0.33      0.03                                       4161500400037 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 4161500400038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 4161500499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 4161599999999