ENTRY 41669 20190520 41824166900000001 SUBENT 41669001 20190513 41824166900100001 BIB 12 21 4166900100002 REFERENCE (J,JNE/A,12,47,1960) Engl.translation of : 4166900100003 (J,AE,6,281,1959) 4166900100004 (J,SJA,6,170,1960) Engl. translation of J,AE,6,281,19594166900100005 AUTHOR (L.V.Groshev, B.I.Gavrilov, A.M.Demidov) 4166900100006 TITLE Thermal neutron capture gamma-rays 4166900100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSRUS) 4166900100008 FACILITY (REAC,4RUSRUS) WWR reactor of USSR Academy of Sciences 4166900100009 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 4166900100010 INC-SPECT Thermal neutrons 4166900100011 METHOD (COINC) 4166900100012 DETECTOR Magnetic Compton spectrometer, current 0.6 - 20 A ; 4166900100013 current stability ~ 0.01 % . 4166900100014 SAMPLE Sb sample as metal plate of 15 mm thickness, 4166900100015 1 kg weight, placed at 45 deg angle relative to 4166900100016 the neutron beam direction. 4166900100017 CORRECTION Background was measured without sample. 4166900100018 For random coincidence. 4166900100019 For electron pairs produced in the radiator. 4166900100020 For the gamma-spectral sensitivity of apparatus. 4166900100021 For gamma-ray absorption. 4166900100022 HISTORY (20190520C) M.M. 4166900100023 ENDBIB 21 0 4166900100024 COMMON 1 3 4166900100025 EN-DUMMY 4166900100026 EV 4166900100027 0.0253 4166900100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4166900100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 4166900199999 SUBENT 41669002 20190520 41824166900200001 BIB 7 12 4166900200002 REACTION (51-SB-0(N,G),,SPC,,SPA) 4166900200003 SAMPLE Sb sample as metal plate of 15 mm thickness, 4166900200004 1 kg weight, placed at 45 deg angle relative to 4166900200005 the neutron beam direction. 4166900200006 Natural isotopic mixture. 4166900200007 REL-REF (A,,G.A.Bartholomew+,J,CJP,31,1025,1953) 4166900200008 ANALYSIS Normalization to the neutron binding energy. 4166900200009 COMMENT Of authors. Line 1 belongs to 122Sb and corresponds to 4166900200010 a transition to the ground state. 4166900200011 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties for intensity are not given in the 4166900200012 article. 4166900200013 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.of Nucl.Energy,A,v.12,p.47,1960 4166900200014 ENDBIB 12 0 4166900200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 4166900200016 DATA 3 7 4166900200017 E E-ERR DATA 4166900200018 MEV MEV PC/REAC 4166900200019 6.78 0.02 1.3 4166900200020 6.52 0.02 1.9 4166900200021 6.35 0.03 1.7 4166900200022 6.07 0.05 0.6 4166900200023 5.86 0.03 1.1 4166900200024 5.65 0.03 1.3 4166900200025 5.45 0.04 0.5 4166900200026 ENDDATA 9 0 4166900200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 4166900299999 SUBENT 41669003 20190520 41824166900300001 BIB 8 17 4166900300002 REACTION (50-SN-0(N,G),,SPC,,SPA) 4166900300003 SAMPLE Sn sample as metal cylinder of 110 mm diameter, 4166900300004 80 mm length, 5 kg weight. 4166900300005 Isotopic content: 4166900300006 Sn-112 - 0.95 % , Sn-114 - 0.64 % , Sn-115 - 0.34 %, 4166900300007 Sn-116 - 14.24 % , Sn-117 - 7.57 % , Sn-118 - 24.01 %, 4166900300008 Sn-112 - 8.58 % , Sn-120 - 32.97 % , Sn-122 - 4.71 %, 4166900300009 Sn-124 - 5.98 % . 4166900300010 REL-REF (A,,B.B.Kinsey+,J,CJP,31,1051,1953) 4166900300011 ANALYSIS Normalization to the neutron binding energy. 4166900300012 FLAG (1.) Belongs to Sn-116 4166900300013 (2.) Belongs to Sn-118 4166900300014 (3.) Belongs to Sn-120 4166900300015 COMMENT Of authors. 3.27 MeV line existence is uncertain. 4166900300016 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainties for intensity are not given in the 4166900300017 article. 4166900300018 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J.of Nucl.Energy,A,v.12,p.47,1960 4166900300019 ENDBIB 17 0 4166900300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 4166900300021 DATA 4 5 4166900300022 E E-ERR DATA FLAG 4166900300023 MEV MEV PC/REAC NO-DIM 4166900300024 9.43 0.05 0.5 1. 4166900300025 3.27 0.02 2. 4166900300026 1.29 0.01 15. 1. 4166900300027 1.22 0.01 18. 2. 4166900300028 1.17 0.01 18. 3. 4166900300029 ENDDATA 7 0 4166900300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 4166900399999 SUBENT 41669004 20190520 41824166900400001 BIB 6 29 4166900400002 REACTION (50-SN-115(N,G)50-SN-116,,SIG,,SPA) 4166900400003 SAMPLE Sn sample as metal cylinder of 110 mm diameter, 4166900400004 80 mm length, 5 kg weight. 4166900400005 Isotopic content: 4166900400006 Sn-112 - 0.95 % , Sn-114 - 0.64 % , Sn-115 - 0.34 %, 4166900400007 Sn-116 - 14.24 % , Sn-117 - 7.57 % , Sn-118 - 24.01 %, 4166900400008 Sn-112 - 8.58 % , Sn-120 - 32.97 % , Sn-122 - 4.71 %, 4166900400009 Sn-124 - 5.98 % . 4166900400010 ANALYSIS Derived from measured intensities and thermal neutron 4166900400011 capture cross-section of natural tin. 4166900400012 Some data (from literature) used in analysis: 4166900400013 Isotope Capture CS,b Contribution Neutron binding 4166900400014 Sn-nat CS,% energy,MeV 4166900400015 112 1.3+-0.3 2 8.4 +- 0.3 4166900400016 114 - - 7.9 +- 0.6 4166900400017 115 - - 9.9 +- 0.4 4166900400018 116 (6+-2)*10**-3 0.14 7.3 +- 0.2 4166900400019 117 - - 9.24+- 0.15 4166900400020 118 (10+-6)*10**-3 0.4 6.54+- 0.12 4166900400021 119 - - 9.1 +- 0.3 4166900400022 120 0.14+-0.03 8 6.14+- 0.07 4166900400023 122 0.16+-0.04 1 6.0 +- 0.4 4166900400024 124 0.2 +-0.1 2 5.75+- 0.07 4166900400025 ASSUMED (ASSUM,50-SN-0(N,G),,SIG,,SPA) 4166900400026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes contribution from a possible 4166900400027 scatter in the first excited level population. 4166900400028 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 52 of 4166900400029 J.of Nucl.Energy,A,v.12,p.47,1960 4166900400030 (DEP,41669003) Gamma intensities. 4166900400031 ENDBIB 29 0 4166900400032 NOCOMMON 0 0 4166900400033 DATA 4 1 4166900400034 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 4166900400035 B B B B 4166900400036 50. 20. 0.65 0.05 4166900400037 ENDDATA 3 0 4166900400038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 4166900499999 SUBENT 41669005 20190520 41824166900500001 BIB 6 29 4166900500002 REACTION (50-SN-117(N,G)50-SN-118,,SIG,,SPA) 4166900500003 SAMPLE Sn sample as metal cylinder of 110 mm diameter, 4166900500004 80 mm length, 5 kg weight. 4166900500005 Isotopic content: 4166900500006 Sn-112 - 0.95 % , Sn-114 - 0.64 % , Sn-115 - 0.34 %, 4166900500007 Sn-116 - 14.24 % , Sn-117 - 7.57 % , Sn-118 - 24.01 %, 4166900500008 Sn-112 - 8.58 % , Sn-120 - 32.97 % , Sn-122 - 4.71 %, 4166900500009 Sn-124 - 5.98 % . 4166900500010 ANALYSIS Derived from measured intensities and thermal neutron 4166900500011 capture cross-section of natural tin. 4166900500012 Some data (from literature) used in analysis: 4166900500013 Isotope Capture CS,b Contribution Neutron binding 4166900500014 Sn-nat CS,% energy,MeV 4166900500015 112 1.3+-0.3 2 8.4 +- 0.3 4166900500016 114 - - 7.9 +- 0.6 4166900500017 115 - - 9.9 +- 0.4 4166900500018 116 (6+-2)*10**-3 0.14 7.3 +- 0.2 4166900500019 117 - - 9.24+- 0.15 4166900500020 118 (10+-6)*10**-3 0.4 6.54+- 0.12 4166900500021 119 - - 9.1 +- 0.3 4166900500022 120 0.14+-0.03 8 6.14+- 0.07 4166900500023 122 0.16+-0.04 1 6.0 +- 0.4 4166900500024 124 0.2 +-0.1 2 5.75+- 0.07 4166900500025 ASSUMED (ASSUM,50-SN-0(N,G),,SIG,,SPA) 4166900500026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes contribution from a possible 4166900500027 scatter in the first excited level population. 4166900500028 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 52 of 4166900500029 J.of Nucl.Energy,A,v.12,p.47,1960 4166900500030 (DEP,41669003) Gamma intensities. 4166900500031 ENDBIB 29 0 4166900500032 NOCOMMON 0 0 4166900500033 DATA 4 1 4166900500034 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 4166900500035 B B B B 4166900500036 2.6 1.0 0.65 0.05 4166900500037 ENDDATA 3 0 4166900500038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 4166900599999 SUBENT 41669006 20190520 41824166900600001 BIB 6 29 4166900600002 REACTION (50-SN-119(N,G)50-SN-120,,SIG,,SPA) 4166900600003 SAMPLE Sn sample as metal cylinder of 110 mm diameter, 4166900600004 80 mm length, 5 kg weight. 4166900600005 Isotopic content: 4166900600006 Sn-112 - 0.95 % , Sn-114 - 0.64 % , Sn-115 - 0.34 %, 4166900600007 Sn-116 - 14.24 % , Sn-117 - 7.57 % , Sn-118 - 24.01 %, 4166900600008 Sn-112 - 8.58 % , Sn-120 - 32.97 % , Sn-122 - 4.71 %, 4166900600009 Sn-124 - 5.98 % . 4166900600010 ANALYSIS Derived from measured intensities and thermal neutron 4166900600011 capture cross-section of natural tin. 4166900600012 Some data (from literature) used in analysis: 4166900600013 Isotope Capture CS,b Contribution Neutron binding 4166900600014 Sn-nat CS,% energy,MeV 4166900600015 112 1.3+-0.3 2 8.4 +- 0.3 4166900600016 114 - - 7.9 +- 0.6 4166900600017 115 - - 9.9 +- 0.4 4166900600018 116 (6+-2)*10**-3 0.14 7.3 +- 0.2 4166900600019 117 - - 9.24+- 0.15 4166900600020 118 (10+-6)*10**-3 0.4 6.54+- 0.12 4166900600021 119 - - 9.1 +- 0.3 4166900600022 120 0.14+-0.03 8 6.14+- 0.07 4166900600023 122 0.16+-0.04 1 6.0 +- 0.4 4166900600024 124 0.2 +-0.1 2 5.75+- 0.07 4166900600025 ASSUMED (ASSUM,50-SN-0(N,G),,SIG,,SPA) 4166900600026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes contribution from a possible 4166900600027 scatter in the first excited level population. 4166900600028 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 52 of 4166900600029 J.of Nucl.Energy,A,v.12,p.47,1960 4166900600030 (DEP,41669003) Gamma intensities. 4166900600031 ENDBIB 29 0 4166900600032 NOCOMMON 0 0 4166900600033 DATA 4 1 4166900600034 DATA DATA-ERR ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 4166900600035 B B B B 4166900600036 2.3 1.0 0.65 0.05 4166900600037 ENDDATA 3 0 4166900600038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 4166900699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 4166999999999