ENTRY 41689 20200622 41884168900000001 SUBENT 41689001 20200622 41884168900100001 BIB 10 71 4168900100002 INSTITUTE (4RUSFEI) 4168900100003 REFERENCE (J,YF,25,723,1977) Issue 4. Figures only. 4168900100004 (J,SNP,25,385,1977) Engl.transl.of YF,25,723,1977 4168900100005 AUTHOR (V.M.Piksaykin,P.P.Dyachenko,L.S.Kutsaeva) 4168900100006 TITLE Number and spectra of neutrons for fixed fragments at 4168900100007 spontaneous fission of 252Cf 4168900100008 SAMPLE Layer of Cf-252,diameter 7.mm, activity 1.E+5 fis/sec,4168900100009 on Al backing of 30 mug/cm2 thickness. Weight 1.5 mug. 4168900100010 METHOD (COINC) Cyclic measurements with coincidence: 4168900100011 fission fragment-neutron (calibration) - 4168900100012 3.28E+5 coincidences at 1st series, 4168900100013 1.43E+5 coincidences at 2nd series, 4168900100014 fission fragment-fission fragment - 4168900100015 1.80E+5 coincidences at 1st series, 4168900100016 1.47E+5 coincidences at 2nd series, 4168900100017 fission fragment-fission fragment-neutron- 4168900100018 1.02E+6 coincidences at 1st series, 4168900100019 6.00E+5 coincidences at 2nd series. 4168900100020 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Two Si surface-barrier detectors of 2 cm 4168900100021 diameter - for FF registration. 4168900100022 (SCIN) Stilbene crystal with FEU-13 photomultiplier, 4168900100023 placed at 50 cm distance from sample - for neutrons. 4168900100024 Neutron detector was placed: 4168900100025 1st series - at 8.7 deg angle between neutron and 4168900100026 fission fragment motion, measurement time 200 hr; 4168900100027 2nd series - 90 deg angle between neutron and fission 4168900100028 fragment motion, measurement time 550 hr. 4168900100029 . Detection efficiency was measured by standard Cf-252 4168900100030 source (3.E+3 n/sec). 4168900100031 ASSUMED (ASSUM,98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU) 4168900100032 Nu=3.76 prt/fis and T=1.43 MeV 4168900100033 were used as parameters of Maxwellian spectrum 4168900100034 for calibration purpose. 4168900100035 ADD-RES Data of Fig.3 of Yad.Fiz.,v.25,p.723,1977 were 4168900100036 digitized: 4168900100037 TKE,MeV KEn,MeV Stat.err,MeV 4168900100038 156.25 1.302 0.119 4168900100039 160.15 1.329 0.123 4168900100040 164.32 1.418 4168900100041 168.23 1.467 4168900100042 172.23 1.432 4168900100043 176.41 1.499 4168900100044 180.41 1.491 4168900100045 184.23 1.514 0.092 4168900100046 188.32 1.427 4168900100047 192.33 1.366 4168900100048 196.51 1.354 4168900100049 200.42 1.324 4168900100050 204.51 1.333 4168900100051 208.53 1.044 0.101 4168900100052 212.53 1.027 0.127 4168900100053 These data were compared with data of 4168900100054 H.Bowman+,J,PR,126,2120,1962, EXFOR 14065001. 4168900100055 ------ 4168900100056 TKE,MeV KE isotropic component,MeV 4168900100057 156.14 1.451 +- 0.079 4168900100058 160.13 1.597 +- 0.070 4168900100059 164.13 1.673 +- 4168900100060 168.21 1.717 +- 4168900100061 172.30 1.744 +- 4168900100062 176.31 1.631 +- 4168900100063 180.31 1.658 +- 4168900100064 184.31 1.619 +- 0.088 4168900100065 188.31 1.572 +- 4168900100066 192.49 1.559 +- 4168900100067 196.41 1.490 +- 4168900100068 200.41 1.460 +- 4168900100069 204.51 1.368 +- 4168900100070 207.53 1.373 +- 0.092 4168900100071 212.60 1.247 +- 0.070 4168900100072 HISTORY (20200622C) M.M. 4168900100073 ENDBIB 71 0 4168900100074 COMMON 1 3 4168900100075 ASSUM 4168900100076 PRT/FIS 4168900100077 3.76 4168900100078 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4168900100079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 4168900199999 SUBENT 41689002 20200622 41884168900200001 BIB 5 24 4168900200002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/DE,,RRE/REL) 4168900200003 N(E)/sqrt(E) 4168900200004 REL-REF (A,40472003,G.V.Kotel'nikova+,R,FEI-575,1975) 4168900200005 (A,,G.C.Hanna+,J,REA,74,3,1969) 4168900200006 ADD-RES E,MeV Isotropic component (digitized): 4168900200007 0.710 8.50E+04 4168900200008 0.921 7.97E+04 4168900200009 1.167 7.00E+04 4168900200010 1.379 5.49E+04 4168900200011 1.556 4.17E+04 4168900200012 1.767 3.38E+04 4168900200013 1.944 2.65E+04 4168900200014 2.121 2.02E+04 4168900200015 2.333 1.53E+04 4168900200016 2.544 1.26E+04 4168900200017 2.720 1.09E+04 4168900200018 2.932 8.56E+03 4168900200019 3.143 6.94E+03 4168900200020 3.320 5.02E+03 4168900200021 3.497 3.88E+03 4168900200022 3.709 2.80E+03 4168900200023 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel): 4168900200024 scale X - 0.018 MeV, scale Y - 0.35 %. 4168900200025 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 of Yad.Fiz.,v.25,p.723,1977 4168900200026 ENDBIB 24 0 4168900200027 COMMON 2 3 4168900200028 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4168900200029 MEV PER-CENT 4168900200030 0.013 0.80 4168900200031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4168900200032 DATA 2 55 4168900200033 E DATA 4168900200034 MEV ARB-UNITS 4168900200035 0.705 2.55E+05 4168900200036 0.916 2.36E+05 4168900200037 1.127 2.07E+05 4168900200038 1.338 1.82E+05 4168900200039 1.550 1.55E+05 4168900200040 1.726 1.32E+05 4168900200041 1.937 1.14E+05 4168900200042 2.113 9.69E+04 4168900200043 2.289 8.24E+04 4168900200044 2.536 7.01E+04 4168900200045 2.712 6.06E+04 4168900200046 2.888 5.08E+04 4168900200047 3.135 4.32E+04 4168900200048 3.311 3.73E+04 4168900200049 3.522 3.13E+04 4168900200050 3.768 2.75E+04 4168900200051 3.909 2.34E+04 4168900200052 4.121 2.02E+04 4168900200053 4.332 1.72E+04 4168900200054 4.508 1.49E+04 4168900200055 4.719 1.29E+04 4168900200056 4.895 1.13E+04 4168900200057 5.107 9.45E+03 4168900200058 5.318 8.04E+03 4168900200059 5.494 7.07E+03 4168900200060 5.670 6.11E+03 4168900200061 5.917 5.28E+03 4168900200062 6.093 4.50E+03 4168900200063 6.269 3.89E+03 4168900200064 6.480 3.36E+03 4168900200065 6.691 3.00E+03 4168900200066 6.867 2.60E+03 4168900200067 7.079 2.17E+03 4168900200068 7.255 1.88E+03 4168900200069 7.466 1.65E+03 4168900200070 7.642 1.47E+03 4168900200071 7.853 1.25E+03 4168900200072 8.065 1.09E+03 4168900200073 8.276 9.38E+02 4168900200074 8.452 8.24E+02 4168900200075 8.663 7.24E+02 4168900200076 8.839 6.16E+02 4168900200077 9.050 5.50E+02 4168900200078 9.226 4.84E+02 4168900200079 9.438 4.18E+02 4168900200080 9.649 3.73E+02 4168900200081 9.860 3.28E+02 4168900200082 10.036 2.84E+02 4168900200083 10.247 2.49E+02 4168900200084 10.388 2.16E+02 4168900200085 10.599 1.89E+02 4168900200086 10.880 1.69E+02 4168900200087 11.092 1.46E+02 4168900200088 11.303 1.27E+02 4168900200089 11.479 1.11E+02 4168900200090 ENDDATA 57 0 4168900200091 ENDSUBENT 90 0 4168900299999 SUBENT 41689003 20200622 41884168900300001 BIB 3 6 4168900300002 REACTION 1(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU) 4168900300003 2(98-CF-252(0,F),PR,KEM) 4168900300004 ADD-RES Isotropic component is fitted by Maxwellian 4168900300005 distribution by =0.78 n/fis, T=1.01 MeV. 4168900300006 STATUS (TABLE) Text page 726 of Yad.Fiz.,v.25,p.723,1977 4168900300007 (DEP,41689002) Measured spectrum 4168900300008 ENDBIB 6 0 4168900300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 4168900300010 DATA 2 1 4168900300011 DATA 1DATA 2 4168900300012 PRT/FIS MEV 4168900300013 3.92 1.35 4168900300014 ENDDATA 3 0 4168900300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 4168900399999 SUBENT 41689004 20200622 41884168900400001 BIB 5 28 4168900400002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,PRE/PR,NU) 4168900400003 REL-REF (N,14065001,H.R.Bowman+,J,PR,126,2120,1962) 4168900400004 Data used for comparison 4168900400005 (N,,H.Nifenecker+,C,73ROCH,2,117,1973) STI/PUB/347 4168900400006 Data used for comparison 4168900400007 ADD-RES MASS,a.m.u. NU isotropic component (digitized),n/fis4168900400008 92. 0.276 +- 0.073 4168900400009 96. 0.261 +- 0.052 4168900400010 100. 0.226 4168900400011 104. 0.212 4168900400012 108. 0.207 +- 0.052 4168900400013 112. 0.182 4168900400014 116. 0.126 4168900400015 120. 0.174 4168900400016 124. 0.201 4168900400017 128. 0.207 +- 0.073 4168900400018 132. 0.172 +- 0.042 4168900400019 136. 0.136 4168900400020 140. 0.215 4168900400021 144. 0.253 +- 0.052 4168900400022 148. 0.248 4168900400023 152. 0.255 4168900400024 156. 0.292 +- 0.062 4168900400025 160. 0.308 +- 0.083 4168900400026 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel): 4168900400027 scale X - 0.053 a.m.u., scale Y - 0.0050 n/fis. 4168900400028 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4168900400029 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 upper of Yad.Fiz.,v.25,p.723,1977 4168900400030 ENDBIB 28 0 4168900400031 COMMON 2 3 4168900400032 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4168900400033 NO-DIM PRT/FIS 4168900400034 0.091 0.0054 4168900400035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4168900400036 DATA 3 18 4168900400037 MASS DATA ERR-S 4168900400038 NO-DIM PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4168900400039 92. 1.241 0.104 4168900400040 96. 1.392 0.062 4168900400041 100. 1.502 4168900400042 104. 1.643 4168900400043 108. 2.095 0.062 4168900400044 112. 2.506 0.062 4168900400045 116. 3.093 4168900400046 120. 3.234 4168900400047 124. 2.317 0.125 4168900400048 128. 0.923 0.093 4168900400049 132. 0.805 0.083 4168900400050 136. 1.495 4168900400051 140. 1.688 4168900400052 144. 1.798 0.062 4168900400053 148. 1.908 4168900400054 152. 2.091 4168900400055 156. 2.180 0.093 4168900400056 160. 2.145 0.104 4168900400057 ENDDATA 20 0 4168900400058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 4168900499999 SUBENT 41689005 20200622 41884168900500001 BIB 5 28 4168900500002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F)MASS,PRE/PR,KE,N) 4168900500003 REL-REF (N,14065001,H.R.Bowman+,J,PR,126,2120,1962) 4168900500004 Data used for comparison 4168900500005 (N,,H.Nifenecker+,C,73ROCH,2,117,1973) STI/PUB/347 4168900500006 Data used for comparison 4168900500007 ADD-RES MASS,a.m.u. KE isotropic component (digitized),MeV 4168900500008 92. 1.423 +- 0.062 4168900500009 96. 1.526 +- 0.078 4168900500010 100. 1.571 +- 4168900500011 104. 1.627 +- 4168900500012 108. 1.635 +- 0.099 4168900500013 112. 1.644 +- 0.088 4168900500014 116. 1.617 +- 4168900500015 120. 1.667 +- 4168900500016 124. 1.536 +- 0.057 4168900500017 128. 1.534 +- 0.068 4168900500018 132. 1.673 +- 0.078 4168900500019 136. 1.635 +- 4168900500020 140. 1.654 +- 4168900500021 144. 1.658 +- 0.099 4168900500022 148. 1.656 +- 4168900500023 152. 1.613 +- 4168900500024 156. 1.559 +- 0.052 4168900500025 160. 1.464 +- 0.062 4168900500026 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel): 4168900500027 scale X - 0.053 a.m.u., scale Y - 0.0030 MeV. 4168900500028 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4168900500029 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 lower of Yad.Fiz.,v.25,p.723,1977 4168900500030 ENDBIB 28 0 4168900500031 COMMON 2 3 4168900500032 MASS-ERR-D ERR-DIG 4168900500033 NO-DIM MEV 4168900500034 0.136 0.0028 4168900500035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4168900500036 DATA 3 18 4168900500037 MASS DATA ERR-S 4168900500038 NO-DIM MEV MEV 4168900500039 92. 1.075 0.099 4168900500040 96. 1.115 0.094 4168900500041 100. 1.212 4168900500042 104. 1.284 4168900500043 108. 1.438 0.083 4168900500044 112. 1.566 0.083 4168900500045 116. 1.736 4168900500046 120. 1.802 4168900500047 124. 1.442 0.109 4168900500048 128. 1.321 0.099 4168900500049 132. 1.429 0.104 4168900500050 136. 1.837 4168900500051 140. 1.425 4168900500052 144. 1.304 0.093 4168900500053 148. 1.277 4168900500054 152. 1.281 4168900500055 156. 1.258 0.109 4168900500056 160. 1.174 0.12 4168900500057 ENDDATA 20 0 4168900500058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 4168900599999 SUBENT 41689006 20200622 41884168900600001 BIB 5 26 4168900600002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU/TKE) 4168900600003 REL-REF (N,14065001,H.Bowman+,J,PR,126,2120,1962) 4168900600004 Data used for comparison 4168900600005 (N,,H.Nifenecker+,C,73ROCH,2,117,1973) STI/PUB/347 4168900600006 Data used for comparison 4168900600007 ADD-RES TKE,MeV NU isotropic component (digitized),n/fis 4168900600008 156.05 3.7548 +- 0.5856 4168900600009 160.12 3.1365 +- 0.5068 4168900600010 164.32 2.1917 4168900600011 168.39 1.6523 4168900600012 172.34 1.3268 4168900600013 176.41 0.9563 4168900600014 180.47 0.8336 4168900600015 184.41 0.6207 +- 0.0789 4168900600016 188.36 0.5767 4168900600017 192.41 0.5891 4168900600018 196.47 0.4663 4168900600019 200.41 0.4336 4168900600020 204.47 0.3897 4168900600021 208.52 0.5259 +- 0.1577 4168900600022 212.58 0.5045 +- 0.1464 4168900600023 ERR-ANALYS Quantization error ( 1/2 pixel): 4168900600024 scale X - 0.058 MeV, scale Y - 0.0060 n/fis. 4168900600025 (E-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error for TKE 4168900600026 (ERR-S) Statistical errors 4168900600027 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 of Yad.Fiz.,v.25,p.723,1977 4168900600028 ENDBIB 26 0 4168900600029 COMMON 2 3 4168900600030 E-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 4168900600031 EV PRT/FIS 4168900600032 0.037 0.0045 4168900600033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 4168900600034 DATA 3 16 4168900600035 TKE DATA ERR-S 4168900600036 MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 4168900600037 156.13 4.9034 0.1802 4168900600038 160.41 5.2424 0.1802 4168900600039 164.22 5.7165 4168900600040 168.51 5.5037 4168900600041 172.57 5.4822 4168900600042 174.66 5.2801 4168900600043 176.53 4.9315 4168900600044 180.48 4.5272 4168900600045 184.54 4.2243 0.1014 4168900600046 188.61 3.8312 4168900600047 192.68 3.3256 4168900600048 196.86 3.0677 4168900600049 200.92 2.6972 4168900600050 204.87 2.4618 4168900600051 208.83 1.8886 0.1126 4168900600052 213.01 1.5406 0.1126 4168900600053 ENDDATA 18 0 4168900600054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 4168900699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 4168999999999